tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 30, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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in hello and welcome to spot. israel is now seeking to expand the scope of its genocidal campaign against palestinians to the occupied west bank as well. it's as if not enough palestinian blood has been shed in the gaza strip where nearly 41,00 people have been killed in about 11 months. the regime was already setting new records in the occupied of territories with number of people killed, number of abductions, number of approved illegal settlements among many other crimes, but now enjoying the inaction of the international community. particularly many
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arab and muslim countries, the occupying regime seems to be setting its sight on all of the palestinian territory, especially the holy sites in al-quds, vicious campaign that this week saw dramatic escalation. that's what uh we'll be discussing in this edition of press tv spotlight with our guests. author and political activist eve angler joining us from montreal. and also we have journalist and political commentator boss joining us from the british capital, london. welcome to our guests, let's start off with mr. angler in montreal, uh, sir israel is carrying out a military operation in the west bank, which is the biggest in the occupied west bank over the past two decades. give us your perspective and assessment of this increased.
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israeli violence there is the genocide in gaza is still ongoing, why are the israelis carrying out these operations on such vast scale now? uh, well, i think it's mostly about if they can get away with the horrors and killings in gaza, why not see how far you can get away with it uh in the west bank? uh, we know that the uh zionist movement, certainly the current government, or certainly... important ministers in the current government want to expel all the palestinians from the west bank, they want to build more settlements, they've been doing that in recent years and and so i think that they want to, they're giving it a try to ramp things up, see what the reaction is from those countries like my government in canada that are and the us and others that are sponsored. so much of israel's crimes and and
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they're moving forward with it, obviously they make all kinds of claims of hamas, that you whatever, but but i think that the... uh the bigger aim is the people in charge of israeli government um see this as a potential opportunity and which they've been doing over the past 10 months of course this is just increasing it um to expand settlements terrorize palestinians more uh in the west bank sayid in london palestinian resistance group islamic jihadis called israel's extensive aggression against palestinians in the occupied west bank is an open and undeclared war is this part of the regime's plans to tighten control over uh occupied outs and especially the holy ala samask? i think obviously they had this kind of plan from day dot. the truth is that the war is on
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palestinians, it's not a war on hamas, there were no uh real huge hamas backings in the uh occupied, well in the occupied territories where... essentially the palestinian authority controls affairs along with the israeli their israeli masters, the truth is that they are taking uh the the opportunity to do what they've always really wanted is to ethnic cleans even the west bank, they want to trying to uh do exactly what they've done in gaza, they're starting with the same kind of language, i mean you can hear uh their foreign minister who said that uh you know we want to fight in the west bank based on uh having this kind of uh same strategy, basically he's saying that we want to go in and actually uh clear out those so-called uh you know people they regard as terrorists, but they're actually after the the civilians as well, they're doing the same tactics as they did in gaza, and that's something i
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think that they are doing uh absolutely with full knowledge and their idea is probably to gradually edge edging and they've been doing this in the in the the west bank since even october the 7th, they've increased the amount of... attacks on settlements on uh pushing the agenda for occupying those territories even further uh for for quite some time, so it's not something that's out of the blue and it's something which is sanctioned of course by their western backers backers, the americans uh know it's illegal, but they've not done anything to prevent or stop it, so i think that yes there is a there's a a complete tactical effort here to to expand the situation in into the west bank. right, and i'm going to stay with you, mr. abbus for the next question, if the israelis are attempting to forcibly displaced palestinians from both the gaza strip and the west bank, it potentially means driving palestinians into uh egypt and jordan, that's similar to
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what happened uh during the nakba, which apart from being a war crime, will have serious repercussions uh for the countries around palestine? well, you're absolutely wrong. i mean egypt has rejected the idea on paper of uh accepting uh palestinians, they've tightened up their borders and they weren't persuaded ultimately to go all the way, which was what israel wanted, i the expulsion of all palestinians from gaza, and their idea was to send them into the desert in egypt, that didn't happen uh, it's obviously clearly huge security issue even for the egyptians, the egyptians don't want the palestinian uh situation. spilling into their territory, they're happy to support and help israel in palestine, they're happy to support them in any way they can to subjugate the the palestinians, but they don't want them in their territory, the same goes for jordan, i mean both of these countries are are strong allies, they're basically zionist establishments, the jordanians and the
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egyptians, you you can tell that from uh the increase in egyptian support on every level, they've been doing all kinds of collaboration, cooperation, military, economically and otherwise to make sure that israel is is more than sustained and then and that it continues its strategy of of ethnic cleansing and expulsion and genocide, so i i think the egyptians and jordanians aren't buying into it because they know that they'll end up getting toppered, because their people are clearly not overwhelmingly happy with uh what's going on in palestine, they too have sympathies, so what happens is that the people... would become increasingly disturbed if they saw this situation spilling over into their own territories and they would regard israel as the as the cause of it, so i don't think the these uh these uh these puppet establishments in egypt or jordan really relish the idea of uh of having israel uh you
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know force more of these palestinians, which they of course did before, they've done this before in the nat and prior to that, we've seen the the the palestinians go into those lands and uh and have never been allowed to. essentially and i don't think that the jordanians and these these other public regimes can sell it to either their people, nor do they think they can handle it if it happens and they have to take charge of it, so i think they're doing everything. they can to avoid that option, and the right-wingers like smodrich and ben gavire who are actually in charge of the palestinian urritories, the pa territories, these two absolute raving uh racist uh fascist genocidal maniac are the ones in charge of that region, they're pushing for the the opposite policy which is to get rid of all palestinians. mr. angler, the west bank has seen significant human rights abuses in addition to the israeli military offenses since. october 2023, at least 650 palestinians have been killed, more
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than 10,000 detained by israeli forces, which has also uh carried out air strikes on densely populated areas such as refugee camps. how come these crimes keep getting swept under the rug by mainstream western media? the the it's the israel exception right and the canadian, government, they back israel and they white wash all its crimes, mean it's uh, i agree, it's hard to, the whole claim is we're doing all this because the hostages, they have israeli hostages in gaza and and because of hamas, the bad hamas and yet there are no israeli hostages in the west bank, there hamas is not in control of any serious territory in the west. bank and they continue their war against palestinians, it's um, it's remarkable, i mean the hostages
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issue is one that i find maybe the the the starkest with canadian politicians and media outlets, they'll talk about hostages endlessly uh, endlessly here, 11, 11 months later, they're still talking endlessly about hostages and yet they never mention all the palestinian hostages that israel has... has uh taken in the past uh 10 11 months um, which is now it's like hundred times more uh palestinian hostages that have been uh you know taken by by israel as occupying power it has no right to do any of this stuff, it's all this is the international court of justice only six weeks ago, just over a month ago said it's all illegal that israel needs to pay reparations, they had to get out immediately of the of the occupied west bank um and uh and things just continue on with uh almost no mention of that ruling in the
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dominant media here uh and and of course as you know almost very little mention of all the uh all the killings and and hostage taking by the occupation forces. sayid boss you earlier mentioned israely far right minister itamar ben gavir who recently outraged palestinians after he called for building a synagogue uh in the... ham compound hamas said israel is playing with fire and has warned to the israeli authorities against igniting a religious war. unpack those comments for us please. i think at the heart of the resistance now in in palestine is new factor, something which wasn't there i think in previous decades and that is the spiritual commitment of the the axis of resistance and the palestinian resistance whether it's islamic jihad or whether it's hamas at their heart they have this commit. commitment to liberating uh, you know, the occupied lands of the palestinians,
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they want to do it not only for the people in terms of their land, but there's also a strong commitment to protecting the holy sites, the sacred sites of islam, baitul muqaddas is very, very important, and the these people at benkavir who are of course very, very extreme fundamentalist jews, they literally uh want to blow up this this uh this holiest of holy sites of of of islam, they want to at one stage now they've been talking more practically of uh setting up a synagogue inside there, they've been deliberately organizing of course prayers and they've been uh invading the uh the actual compound and they're going against even the official israeli and global uh unanimity, mean even the israeli government is obliged to to not do anything to that. com compound and to protect it and to let the authorities were running it run it the way it's uh it's
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always been run now the truth is that all this incitement this provocation is designed to rile up palestinians and it's there to provoke and instigate more trouble because that's exactly what the racist right-wing fascist zionist extremists like ben gavir and small rich want they want the collisions that's why they will continue to aggravate on religious. that's why they continue to create an apartide system, that's why when they were given these ministerial posts by netanyahud, they went in to the west bank and imposed, they handed out. guns to the settlers, they collapsed the banking system, they stopped the money to the pa, they've destroyed the court system, the court systems can't operate properly, the nurses etc and the civil servants aren't being paid, so half of the time these people are operating just free of charge with no money, so they created a situation in the west bank of collapse and there creating a situation in of course the
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the the religious arena for also agitating the the the the palestinians that live. inside what is known illegally as israel, so everything about this establishment of israel is designed to provoke attack, and what's criminal, more criminal really is the americans have done nothing in the international community from their perspective, the anglosphere related international community also has done nothing, not just done nothing, but since october the 7th, the americans have have made 500 us cargo plane loads of deliveries of weapons and arms and those in the last month have have increased, they've done the largest consignment of arms to this rapid uh israeli genocidal regime, with with increase, mean with a greater the greatest amount of military hardware that that they've given to them since the very first uh initial start of this campaign, that was in way back in october october last year, so they're
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actually helping, aiding and abeting and increasing encouraging israel to continue. on this kind of violent justification of everything they do, and you know the the rapes are now clear, there was a 13-year-old palestinian who was raped and the americans knew about it and their own state department fellow uh whistle blew, but the americans had agreed with all that, they were perfectly fine with the raping of a palestinian child in the custody of the israelis, this is the situation we have, that there's complicity all the way down the line to support these fascist, racist, genocidal israeli uh leaders even since october of last year, over 600 incidents of settler violence has been reported in west bank, resulting in the force displacement of 35 palestinian communities, and estimated 1,0 villagers have also been driven from their homes due to the coordinated attacks by the settlers who've destroyed homes, agricultural land and vital infrastructure, and activists that we spoke
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to a while back here, said that the settler violence is a part of a greater plan to eradicate. palestinians and it has intensified on purpose. do you think that the settler violence has been coordinated all along? well, it's certainly coordinated with with uh elements of the israeli government and and uh uh the fanatic ministers in charge the west bank. yes, i think there's no doubt this is or and this preceeds the the uh even the current government. so yes, the the israeli. the settler supposed vigilanty kind of violence is is it's a bit of a game that uh the israeli government plays where they you know don't want to be taking complete responsibility but they provide the cover mean it is infinite number of images of of
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settlers attacking palestinians and israeli soldiers being and uh and just overseeing basically the attack so they make it so that the palestinians can't respond uh because if they do respond then the israelis will you know shoot and kill them uh but they won't stop the uh the vigilanty uh settlers so so yeah it's it's uh it's part of a sort of public relations dance uh that's been going on for you know decades literally uh and and with the current government in place uh it's being uh much more officialized uh but this is uh this isn't something new and uh and it's it's uh you know and then you see when like the canadian us government they'll like they'll like they've sanctioned a couple of the most extreme kind of figures the individuals like five or six 10 figures have
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been sananctioned um a couple groups of these most extreme uh settlers while providing all the weapons. and all the assistance to the military that is providing the aid to these uh to these vigilant vigilanty settlers, so it's on the flip side, it's also part of the pr dance of the us and canadian governments to pretend like they are objecting to the the most extreme uh of the zionist forces while basically subsidizing the the the bulk of the uh of the criminality. said about the us complicity in israel's crimes, us constantly claims it doesn't want a broader war or any dangerous escalations, but its words and its actions there. in contradiction, it's hard to even think that any israeli offensive, whether in lebanon, syria, yemen, the west bank or anywhere else could happen without a green light from the us, or it's all out
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support, describe for us the us's shameful hypocrisy regarding the gaza genocide and israel's regional crimes, well when they say they want to cease fire really that's just a way of trying to buy time, benjamin netanyahu plays with them to say, oh i, i want this new clause. new clause, but there's no intention for ceasefires, the mission when biden green lighted this with netanyahu uh, long before october the 7th, very likely in my opinion, was that they would go out and create the final solution, they're doing the nazi final solution on the palestinians and they wanted to do that uh from day dot, so they've set about very methodically trying to do that, of course they failed, of course the tunnels are still there, of course the hostages haven't been released, of course uh israel's economy is collapsing, of course israel is losing the actual war on the ground because they've not been able to dismantle hamas, of course israel has managed to unite the entire axis of resistance on five fronts and is getting hammered in yemen with with its uh with
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various ships uh merchant ships trying to get to them uh to support their genocidal war being destroyed daily this week more more of those ships have gone down a greek tanker went down this week as far as i know uh of course the iraqies the syrian uh resistance the lebanese resistance all of them are now lied and yet israel is still the instigator and the aggressor in lebanon for example, let's just take out of the 8,533 or so attacks that have been recorded, they have done uh, they've instigated 86% of them, israel attacked lebanon 8, 82% of in in the current clash, even in the current october 7th, 8th kind of scenario israel trying to pretend that it's the victim, yet in reality... the ones who are being the aggressor all the way down the line. of course hezball has just recently destroyed the the the unit 82 8200 hq etc. and has had
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lots of successes, but let's not forget who is the aggressor within this, and their own minister has said of of of the west bank and goes for the rest of palestine, and the americans are totally in support of this, don't forget is that forced evacuations of civilians in the territory are necessary, and he says we need to deal with the threat of... the palestinian resistance, exactly as we dealt with it uh in in gaza, by attacking the infrastructure and including including policies like uh, so he says temporary evacuation of palestinian civilians and any other step needed, this is israel kats who said this just very recently, and so you can see just from there that language, that political language, which is well known to the americans uh is something which they support, so they have no care for human rights and equality, they have no care for any of the the the things they talk about, democracy and freedom, what they actually are doing is weapanizing the entire issue of human rights as and when it suits them, and
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in the case of israel they don't want to talk about human rights, because in reality, it's the israelis who are violating the palestinian human rights on every level and and more, more than anyone, everything from sodomy to rape to murder, to torture, to killing, to to you know ethnic cleansing to... violating and and psychologically destroying those people, they have done everything and it's all absolutely with the complicity of the americans because they have around a couple of thousand american troops on the ground and are militarily involved in every way. well apologies, gentlemen, we're fresh out of time for tonight's show. thanks to uh author and political activist evengler joining us from montreal, journalist and political commentator said mosen app speaking to us from the british capital london and also special thanks to you our viewers for staying with us tonight spotlight. it's good night for now and see you next time,
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fighting to destroy. everything you know and love, and so i ended up cutting myself lot to physicalize the pain, to make it something that i could deal with. the war affected me personally by taking away, i guess what i thought our married life would be like, the way that our family would be and the things that we would would enjoy and the opportunities we would have, my... family was getting broken, so in order for me to keep it strong, i have to put aside career, leave left us letter, my mother found it.
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here is to all the ones i love. i'm sorry, i could not take it anymore, so it is time for me to go to go where the sun is always sunny and the grass is always green, and the flowers smell like honey. the happy son that i had known that loved life so much. and love children and animals, now we just seem like this shell of a person, i think he could still be here today had he been given the proper treatment.
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the headlines, israely forces conduct attacks across the occupied west bank for a third day a row killing of these three palestinians. more palestinian civilians are killed in gaza with total death toll from the... israely war surpasses 40,600, and also in our headlines, yemenese have held fresh nationwide rallies to show their undwavering support for the palestinian people.
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