tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. well, the paradoxes of this 11 months of genocide against palestinians are many. on the one hand, the zinis regime and it supporters continue to say how israel has the right to defend itself as the regime commits ethnic cleansing a daily basis and now there's supposed to be pause in the
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holocaust, as israel say they will allow for palestinian kids in gaza to get poliova vaccination, a disease that had basically been wiped out there prior to this. massacre as the regime prepares for a temporary pause for tomorrow, well today, the iof bombs another hospital, killing more palestinians, young and no, trying to get medical treatment. i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. out of london, we have fahima mahumat, broadcaster and commentator, and out of ramala, we have sadn, the professor of political science out of beers. university, thank you both for being with me, i'd like to start it off in london, i mean how would you sum up the role of the so-called international community since the start of this genocide in gaza up until now? well, there has been um sort of worldly
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condemnation and outcry from normal people around the globe for no intervention that has been there where there is hypocrisy and double standard. as we know that the west generally champion humanitarian rights as well as well as upholding law, but this has not been seen when it comes to the actual crisis in gaza, and again we see continuous policy and action contradictions, when people call force fire wanting to alleviate some of the crisis that is happening, by allowing um sort of you know medical aid to go in there, but then we see even the convoys for humanitarian aid being sort of obstructed, being targeted, and also it's it's holding back more and more of the necessary humanitarian aid and support that any other
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country and international law and everyone would sort of agree in any kind of western or middle eastern sort of country that this would should be allowed, but it's not in this. base for gaza, so it's a continuous kind of like lip service and a continuous destrought for the people that are going through this and living through this where people that have the actual authority are not actually condemning what is happening, but still allowing it, even the allies are continuously um basically giving um billions of dollars in order to you know uh help israel with their military aid and and at the same time calling for ceasefire. doesn't make any sense, right? well sad, now the palestinians in gaza have to deal with polio, which hadn't been seen there in 25 years, who is starting, what it causes an aggressive vaccination campaign to curtail its spread. i mean, what are your thoughts that all of this is man-made, and would have never happened
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uh, first of all, if the regime had not destroyed the infrastructure and not done so many other things, but the whole world, the so-called international community... just set back, let it happen, and now we're dealing with this, your thoughts, yeah, first of all, good evening for you, mrs. hashimi, and for your guest from london and all your viewers, i don't need and think that the icj would need more evidence after that, this is a genocide case, clearly, because the one who causes the polio to come back into gaza after 25 years and c operating that there is no pole at all and the records internationally known as in gas that it was 99% clear of of of polio and now it returns back because of the atrocities of the this entity regime bombarding the water wells as well as the
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sewage system which became mixed together and definitely all these are a good formula for the return of of many diseases not only the pole. but now the international community is is saying you to israel because they allowed thank to them we read really really really to thank them because they allowed us to have something like one million shot of of vaccination they cause the problem in the first place and now we thank them because they allow one one million okay people are asking now and the international community for sease fire at least for three days to one week in or... order for the the teams, the medical teams to start doing this kind of you know vaccination, but the problem is that they keep moving people from one area to another till today and they keep going on with these you know genocide war and killing
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killing the children and the women and bombarding areas, including this afternoon it was bombarding again the the ahli hospital the in gaza. this is very very hard for for the people even to do that, including the health, the world health organization, and they they said that they need at least for three days of fire a humanitarian sefire netanyahu refused and he said well instead we might you know make it less of of moving people from one one area to another, but even even that it won't work because of that we need really a real intervention by the international community to force israel for this truth or for this you know humanitarian sease fire for three days for one week at least to get this job done the problem also with other issues related to the medical situation in gaza that israel now is the only
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only way for these medical supplies to come is only through israel, because now rafah is closed and the only one is open is karm abu salim which is an israeli crossing and they to determine what to get into gaza and what not to get there okay well back to uh london i mean "if the international community has enough power to make the israeli regime allow vaccines to come into gaza, i mean why couldn't it flex its muscles with the regime to uh force it to allow more supplies in food and water um into gaza instead of having these people being slowly starved to death? well there's continuous excuses that uh wherever even a lot of the um sort of aid humanitarian workers are. in certain areas that those places are still a target, so they
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are using any sort of infrastructure, any school, any refugee camps are still a place where hamas so-called is also there, so um, at the end of the day we know that we have no international investigators to come in and actually verify anything that israel states and whatever they say seems to be deemed as truth regardless of the continuing. misinformation and misrepresentation from the 7th of october of everything that has been said, so i feel that even when people are trying to help in those regions, they need days to set up, they need days even put supplies in certain areas, but people are so displaced, they keep moving, and as soon as they even place certain aid or certain um centers, then they have to up and leave again, and it doesn't, it's not that easy to set up, i have listened to aid workers. even stating this that it it doesn't make sense even help in those positions when straight
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away they're either targets or they are asked to be displaced and people have been displaced now for literally probably in weeks probably about you know three four you know five times and and there's no facilities even set up and once it's set up it continuously sort of changes and and the thing is when when it's also done only by israel there have been even certain investigation to show that just because there was maybe for example pair of scissors that was there probably for you know cutting the bandages, but that was deemed as something that was dangerous and then they stopped the actual convoy from entering, so any excuse, any kind of disruption to make it really really difficult for even the basic needs to go in there. again, nobody internationally, nobody outside investigators, nobody there has any rights to kind of counter challenge any of these kind of... statements, all the actions that are happening even permit basic needs, basic you
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know kind of um, anything that is there for the actual people to survive, and that's why it's continuously difficult, because everyone is only taking the outside community is only taking israel's words and what they say seems to be fine, and they are still up till today defending themselves against children, women, vulnerable and the elderly, that's who are the they are. sort of indefense of right, well what about it sad? i mean, on the one hand we have the regime targeting kids every day, um, and now this side of things, it's saying, humanitarian pause, um, so the kids can can get vaccinated, i mean it is all so mindboggling, how do you see this in general, because as our guest, fima said, in um, london, uh, it's so difficult for these uh, aid work. or whatever to be able to, we we know what the situation with the roads are, we know the lack of safety in general, and
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then it's supposed to be few hour pause, your take, i mean, how are they going to pull this off? it's going to be very, very difficult in this situation, they stated that they would need at least nine days, three days for each area north, center and south of of gaza, but the problem exactly as we've been saying and as your guest. from london has said that they keep moving people from one area to another and they can't set even you know a stations to start this kind of operation in vaccination because of the... the israel keep moving the people around and telling them there is safe area and go there and once they go there they bombarded them there and they said then move again and it's it's you know the israel are are running the show in their own way and which is by the end of the day will give nothing i'll give you one example the other day doctors in in in gaza north of
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gaza we're talking about their desperate forum you know some equipment. and and things to to do like bandages and agozies and you know to deal with the injuries and israel thank god they are you know so humanitarian they said we allowed a track of medical supplies to go to gaza you know what they get they get masks masks for the for you know corona masks they need bandages and agos and they send them masks and israel is just you know saying we send them one truck full of medical. supplies, this is a big lie, it's just in front of of the international community to say we are doing our you know best or we are doing our part, but in reality they are not only causing the problem, but also they are causing the continuation of this problem and they don't want anyone to get out from there even if the war stops to to be you know life to be able to continue as
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a as normal or usual, it it it will be disastrous in all in all you know accounts. right, well faima, the the whole situation is so dystopian, i mean so the mass vaccinations are supposed to start on sunday, but today saturday uh the regime bombed another hospital, bombed arab or baptist hospital again killing more palestinians, young and old, i mean, what does it really mean? it's it's just really hard to, i mean even imagine first of all that they even care about palest. kids and to try to um uh so call facilitate them giving vaccinations, but again that starts tomorrow, but today they're still killing more kids. well, i think there's a deliberate delay in action anyways, because um, i i believe lot of people a lot of critics even listening and watching to israeli tv as well as their newspapers, there
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is a different agenda that israel has and they do have their allies support and the fact that they have such a strong support for them to continue to close to year to commit these atrocities without any pressure, without any sanctions that would be applied to any other country even lesser situations, shows that they have the confidence. netanyahu himself has his own people writing on the streets, he has more supporters outside in the west than he has in his own country, but yet because he has those backings that continues. to allow him and his very far right-wing government to um complicitly be part of this continuation and it's going to continue unfortunately and now it's not just continuing it's spreading to other countries and other parts of the region like the west bank so there is fear that this is just to say we have done our due diligence we have done what you know we would normally
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do regardless if it actually makes a difference or not just to cover themselves in the international eyes and the international criminal courts, but it doesn't actually resolve and solve any issues, because if that was there to actually think of the palestinians as every other human around the world that they would see in the same light, then they would act and be so different, not just today, but also from before. the whole point of even cease fire and all of this idea of um of it being also not applied and also hamas not agreeing to it, are not showing the outlines off those agreements where they're not causing calling for a permanent cease fire for example, they're not calling for for the for the you know taking away their military if there was a ceasefire, so they actually changing lot, not giving all the details and their own people and their own you know families of those hostages are complaining against the netanyahu government, but again he has not, he doesn't have to
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worry about his own people that are writing, unfortunately we he has powerful ally, he's got powerful... full amounts of you know around him internationally that is going to continue to give him the support, that's why he's continuing to go, his own economy in that country is suffering, certain areas in the region are sort of you know not even um sort of like it's derilic, businesses have dropped, economics has dropped, all of this is there to say this is not for even their own benefit, but it continues because their agenda is much more what you and i can speak, see and say right now. was that parents in gaza have seen kids being targeted, uses human shields, burned alive, blown apart and killed with white flags in their hands over the last 10-11 months. i mean, do you think that they may be also concerned about these kids safety even reaching a vaccination center, um, even trying to, because uh, who
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knows, i mean, probably they would think that this is another ploy by the israelis to kill more kids, i mean, your your take on that side of things, well, yes, this is, this is absolutely right, mr. hashimi, when we are talk about israeli, you know, uh, conduct against the palestinians generally, i'm not. talking about after the 7th of october, even before the 7th of october, we've been through the first intefada and the second intefada, the the israel were taking you know children hostages and they did many things against against children, even this is kind of a policy in their in their mind as as a country or as a state, mean you know fascist state, so this is something you know we know now after the 7th of october everything intensify and it became really really very horrible because we know that... 2% of the population in gaza are children under 18 years old, so wherever you target, you are going to target the children, and then you come and say that we are going to allow vaccination, but at the
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same time they make it impossible for the medical teams and aid helpers to to to do anything in reality because of of their measures which is taking place in in gaza, it's not just to allow the the vaccine to... to come in to gaza, but it's you know the other measures on the ground to allow this process to go easily, and but they are the continuing to you know to kill people, till today we are till now before we start this program, it was 61 people were killed in in gaza just from this morning, this morning till to till now, 61%, it's absolutely around 50% of them are. and women, so how how that they you know could could be you know something that the israel are doing, and about the international community, the international community, they can do something if they want
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to, but they are not going to do anything, because there is huge amount of hypocrisy and double standard, you know, when they when are able to have sanctions against iran and sanctions against russia because of what happened in ukraine, and now they can't do anything when it comes. to israel, though put things into comparison, the israeli are violating each and every letter in any book of human rights or international law or geneva convention articles, so it's quite clear that these countries or what we are calling them international community, ie united states and few other european countries, that's what what usually called the international community, definitely are thinking in the same colonial way like israel, so they are not going to... to condemn israel because they have the same thing and the same interest right? well the fah the last time we saw pause in the genocide was back in november of last year,
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just over a month and a half into this uh genocide, um and what does it mean now again to talk about pause and genocide then go back to it? mean doesn't it show that if the regime really wanted to end this onslot it could do so today and if that is the case? i mean, how responsible are the so-called the supporters of the regime for allowing this to go on day after day after day, now almost a year. there is no accountability and responsibility, there is no international community that is actually standing for what they would normally sort of stand for when it comes to the human humanitarian aid or the rebuilding or the fact that you know they are going against every single international. or targeting infrastructures, targeting civilian um sort of civilians generally as well as you know the israeli - sort of like military are
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known to be moral, they're known to have their precision kind of targeting, so it in a way it just shows that their ideology is not there to actually um comply with anything to do with humanitarian causes, with the international laws, they kind of ... have cant on blank where it's you know they can do what they like, they already have an existence for decades in the apartide state, so for them they have their own agenda. palestinians have always been treated separately and differently to uh the israelis themselves, even ministers themselves have said that when you have a particular passport, you walk in a certain street, you are restricted to enter certain areas, you need even as being a born palestinian or for decades... living there will need like some sort of like you know passport or some sort of like you know way of entering certain places, people that have even left and displaced they cannot enter back in again,
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yet someone from you the... sort of the us can go in there and build you know illegal kind of settlements and have more rights than someone who has been born there and has ownership uh for decades, so this kind of aparthite, this kind of illegal occupation is backed again by um the international community, whether it's from the east or the west, it is not just one entity, unfortunately, and we can see that even being surrounded by the country that... is in there is no support for them, there is um only and even when we have um iran um trying to defend themselves in in the in the targets and also being attacked themselves, they haven't targeted um sort of civilian areas, they've targeted military bases, they've actually act in accordance to what normal war situations would be like, but as we seen from the israeli side is completely different and it's now unfortunately it's become sensitize that
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we are seeing daily beheadings and bombings on our screens, which is real and not the application that was said to be false on the 7th of october. okay, well, unfortunately we're out of time. i appreciate both of you being with me, fahimad, broadcaster and commentator out of london snim, professor of political science bears at university ramal, and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight. i'm marzia. shim me signing out for myself and other crew right here in tehran, hope to see you right here next time, goodbye. the us said it was going to reconstruct afghanistan and restore security to the
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