tv [untitled] September 4, 2024 6:00am-6:30am IRST
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333 days of mass killings, destruction and all kinds of crimes against the palestinians and all that in broad daylight. the us has been directly involved in the ethnic cleansing of gazans by the israel regime, and acting as a partner and accomplice, still the occupation military has not been able to accomplish any of its stated goals. now there is one big accomplishment though, taking the lives of innocent civilians. just today, the iof killed a couple of teenagers in the west. and tends more across the gaza strip. welcome to the spotlight. i'm your host b. let's see who's joining us in this episode. sab shaf, author, commentator and west asia expert is with us from belfast. and ken stone with the executive committee member of the hamilton coalition to stop the war in hamilton ontario. welcome to the show. gentlemen, now
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sab, let's begin with you, as you know, tens of thousands of palestinans have lost their lives, so this is already genocidal war on the goza strip over the past 10 months, and you see the west did not show the reaction to all these killings, large numbers of palestinians, compared to the death of only six israeli captives, we had the news all over the you know wall to wall coverage and western media and social media exploding with this, so what does this indicate? how come palestinian lives don't matter to the west? there is a journalist was arrested a couple of days ago because she was repositing the articles and news about gaza, and in here she was interviewed by the media couple of days ago, and she mentions..." something the
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security forces when they arrested here, they ask in here like in a way, why you treating the palestinians are equal to us, which is shows... how uh racist the the system within west europe is the security apparatus, the government, the the the civil service, all of that, and in europe itself, they look at what they did in the second world war, when they b put millions of people, the imperialist germany at the time in ovens, and these not just... jewish innocent people on lives, they were romanians, there was russians, there were polish, there was so many nationalities, they don't talk about that, but they want only to focus at what happened to the jews and made the palestinians who took a lot of them refugees on their homeland to pay the
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price, so the in west europe all what you hear from the eu or from the governments or from any... apparatus is double standards, they look at the palestinians like they have not to exist in their since the the british occupation of palestine in november 1917, when belford declaration was issued on the 2nd of november before the occupation of palestine, they declared they're going to make a homeland for the jewish people in palestine, that's before the holocaust and the second world war, the whole design started within. the british mindset to cleanse europe, especially britain and germany from the the the jewish people and b them and palestine to use them. the idea of creating a jewish homeland at the time to install a people in top of people, which
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means what that means when you bring a whole armed people against defenseless people, the palestinian people weren't armed, weren't armed at all because... at the under the ottoman empire rule, the palestinian not allowed to to hold guns or one bullet even, so the british arrived after the defeating the the ottomans to palestine a defenseless population and they start erasing it, even they did their best to resist and still resisting, but installing an armed nation thugs they brought from all europe and they kept training them till 1970, 1947 when the british handed them, americans the control of these thugs and then that in its own in the belf declaration contain the term genosign how you going to put people top of people, one have to eliminate the other, the palestinian is the underdog there, the weaker, so the whole western elite within
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britain, within west europe and the united states of america help in creating the slow, easy going genocide, now the genocide going a... antic kind of move in gaza and the west bank, yeah, and that the slow genocide has now turned to pretty fast genocide, it seems. now can uh, 333 days, that means we've just entered the 11th month of this ethnic cleansing campaign by israel, now which one, name one stated goal that the tel aviv regime mentioned that they have achieved in the course of this 10 months of bloody and ruinous war. uh, well, i can't, because they haven't, the israeli government under benjamin netanyahu has not achieved a single one of its two stated goals, which was to eliminate hamas and the other one was to rescue the hostages, um, so they have
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accomplished neither, but we know that behind these two stated goals are long-term plans, long-term project of the israeli zionist regime. to ethnically cleanse the palestinians and drive them out of the of all of historic palestine, not just the areas that were cleansed, and as your former, your former guess referred to from the knockba 1947, 1948, but also from gaza and from the west bank, and that's the underlying project here uh, that the israelis are trying to accomplish, nakbah. 2.0 and um they are they are proceeding at the at the great speed at this and uh the unfortunate part is uh in my view that the uh the world uh community as you say as you said at the very beginning is
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not um not interven to stop this genocide but rather has allowed the us to have a monopoly. over the peace process, as you see, anthony blincon is shuttling from one arab capital to another, and as, but the united states is not a impartial mediator, it is belligent in the... conflict without the money and arms that are flowing in every day from the us and there was the 500 shipment of arms just arrived by a giant carrier plane in a few weeks a week ago, without those arms and that money uh israeli government would have had to stop at the genocide after the first two or three weeks, so what is really needed now, especially since the chinese government was so um was so careful and so beneficial. in bringing together 14 palestinian organizations to speak with one voice so they
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couldn't be used by one party against another is to see that the peace process is taken away from the us and handed over by the un security council to other countries other organizations that have the confidence of the the respect of the world community. and who can start a peace process that will result in a just, lasting and comprehensive peace. all right, okay, we'll come to the peace talks later in the show of course. now let me ask another question, uh, it's not only gaza, it's also the west bank, especially in the past week, it's been seventh day now, the end the seventh day, and there is this large scale offensive is really incursion there, i wonder if you noticed - the footage of bulldozers and all those big machines, what are they doing? around the land there, mean just today they killed a teenage boy, teenage girl there, they have killed tens of
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palestine the occupied in just one week, the ugliest scene you can see of an equibine territory run by the zinis entity which is supposed to adhere to the geneva fourth convention, which they don't and the whole world is watching that, when you see the cutter buller, i want to call them the carter. killer uh going in the straights of the west bank as they did in gaza from day one and they put their forks on the uh on the roads and uproats the road up to meter and a half deep which means they taking this suwage bipes the water pipes the electricity the communications everything and destroying at gen the very north city and the same thing going in tolkarim uh and in nablo. in in hebron now and all of that, it's it's the idea of making the cities and the refugee
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camps not livable anymore, so this is part of what the the uh smartrich, the zianist entity finance minister had designed a plan and mab to ethnically cleanse the northern part of the west bank according to the what they did in the this military... operations trying to achieve demographic shifting and people displacement exactly in the same scale they did in the north of gaza, shift them to the west and then shift them to the middle, i mean and then shift them to the south with the design and designated zones and then he play football with them exactly as happening in hannunis or in their balah or these areas, people being being displaced over 12. times in in a city like kun, so they see the zionist entity, the the the fight, the
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resistance groups are putting in the west bank is threatening that z project is the ethnically to finalize the cleansing of of palestine the and shift those people in the west bank toward the south toward gaza and maybe the future toward egypt and the rest toward the... the eastern bank of the of jordan river to jordan, and this is this is the whole idea, so they want to make the cities for the middle classes and the in in palestine bank is unlivable and ask them to move out bit by bit and send them to the eastern uh bank of the river, this is this is the design, but they are facing formidable resistance which is showed its face in this. bank in the west bank you can see the fat resistance from aqsa marter brigades and the
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new brigades called abu aliad marters brigades are both joining the the the the resistant in their struggle against this kind of military actions in the west bank we seeing even some people from the security apparatus of the palestinian authority is joining exactly in the same fashion happened in the second intifadah in in the year 2000 and we see disobedience to the palestinians authority since the now they talk in the west bank since the palestinian authority cannot take any steps to to save the the villages around the the settler settlements which these settless settlers, the fascist one attacking them, they now they talking of arming the resist the residence of these villages and towns, otherwise the palestinian authority have to interfere and we don't see any that, there is a talk among all the
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resistant group in the west bank inarming the sensitive areas or interface areas they call them which is adjacent to the settlements. now ken, let's now up talk about the what the us has been doing in the middle all of this. i mean, how can washington not heat the demands of the people, american people? i mean, they want an end to the genocidal, you've seen these large rallies, campus and other events. us officials, they have their, they they pretend they are pushing for peace talk, as you just said, uh, blinking, on diplomatic shuttles from... capital, if they want to stop this war, can they do it? stop giving the regime arms, stop giving them the money, why are you just talking about the and what is this? they could do it in a five minute phone call, it could have been done 11 months ago uh, but the us government has its own agenda, and in my view, the us
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government, the israeli government takes its queue from the us and not the other way - around the us is empire, it's uh, it's national interest according to its ruling class is to maintain hegemony over west asia, and they lost uh some of that hegemony uh in 1979 when uh iran had a popular islamic rising which established the islamlic republic and they lost one of their other main supports. or at least they partially lost it, saudi arabia, uh, a couple of years ago, when the after the us debacal in afghanistan, and uh, china was able to broker reconciliation between saudi arabia and iran, so the only really firm support left uh for the united states in the middle east is its
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unsinkable aircraft carrier known as israel, and that's why they are sticking with it and supporting it, unconditionally with all kinds of arms and money, so i would say that yes, the u.s. could listen to the majority of people, according to recent polls in the united states who don't want the us to continue with helping israel in its genocide the palestinians, but they're not doing it because they have their own national interest, which, according to the ruling elites, is to maintain its maximum power in the middle east, which means supporting the state of... israel and that's really sad state of affairs for uh for the entire world because uh the longer this goes on the more likely it is that the israelis will be able to provoke some kind of regional war taking in all of the all of west asia including iran
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and we could end up as a result of that in a world war so it's a very dangerous situation. "it's a reckless game the us is playing, but they cannot seem to stop themselves from uh being uh overbearing and trying to um have their manifest destiny of ruling the world, right? so so uh uh sah, president biden at times said like the other day he said that uh netanyahu is not doing enough, does it mean he's not killing enough? i mean cuz uh the us has made two arms deliveries a day. to the israel regime in the past 10 months, so it makes you wonder if it is the us war against palestinians or israels? no, you're right, it's united states of america, and i want to second your guess what he said, i agree with him totally, this is the united states of america's war, from this is why i mentioned in my talk in my discussion here 1947, the
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british handed over palestine to the americans and the americans who continued... this slow genocide project, the united states of america is arming and strengthening israel to project its power in the middle east which is control and west asia in general, the arab world and west asia to control the whole of resources in there and the transportation, it's the very important geopolitical position in there and it's won't uh the united states of america seen losing the arab world and west asia it means losing its number one status as superpower in the world uh then it will become a power like any other force like the like the chinese or less like iran like the russians this is why unite and the world see the united states of america as injured bull and the the the and this injured bull is racking havoc in the region and the united
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states of america more than netanyahu wants a regional war. trust me on this, it's not the united states doesn't want war, no, biden wants more before he leaves, he wants to engage because he want to sustain the united states of america control of the region, they don't want to be bleeded out bit by bit and... this war of attraction in the the which is happening in west age and in ukraine as well and the united states of america will start slowly losing power, they want to direct massive blows in the region right now, the americans want and that's why they bushing netanyahu to rick havick in in the region, but seeing saying that the resistance itself, the palestinian one is directing massive blows at the israeli army and same thing in lebanon and the the the the attack of all which is the response of hizballah against the zinted of killing his commander
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uh ali shukr uh which is head unit 8200 and it killed its own the leader of that unit now this news were saying a week ago the guy is missing the guys maybe gna resign but today there is neuse of he's been held assassinated in that. "this unit is the brain of the zinus entity that shows if hizballah can reach and hit the brain of the zinist entity, the united states of america in trouble in the region and the sign entity in trouble and i see the demise of it is slowly slowly and that's why they do want netanyahu and the united states of america to to play the game of negotiating with the resistant and accepting this, no united states" america is harder on the negotiation than netanyahu himself. i heard myself in 2000 from the late yasar arafat himself saying about the camp
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david negotiation to reach deal at the time that the proposal the former israeli prime minister barak yahuda barak was putting is easier to to digest than what clinton was trying to to impose and so from that. time the palestinian understood the americans are harder, even olmet himself in 2006 told the the palestinians, if you want to agree a deal with us, agree now before the american racket, so united states of america is after war in the after genociding the palestinian people okay, thanks for thor explanation, now can uh uh talked about hisbolla, so let me ask you about the resistance front in this, unlike some reaction. or arab states, the resistance front did not sit on the fence or suffice to lip service only or maximum maybe words of condemnation, they did take action
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and they retaliate the israeli crimes and they're doing it, so 2500 operations the past 10 months, your thoughts on that, we have two minutes, well i'd like echo the remarks of president assad of syria who's not among the uh little puppies that the us has as leaders in the very... arab countries in that region, he said that the resistance uh should inspire us uh to do more to help the palestinian people, what the hezballah has done, what the iraqi resistance has done, what the ansralla has done, are all are all really inspiring examples of international solidarity, and you know that's the kind of thing that ' "the international solidarity is the kind of thing that ordinary grassroots people in the west are doing too, they're out demonstrating in the street. in canada for example, we had victory a week or two ago a small level, but
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it's not so small when you think about it, the the canadian government after 40 years of pressure, including pressure from our organization uh ended the the charitable status of the jewish national fund and another group in canada who raives money tax-free from..." from wealthy zionists in this country and send it all to israel to be used to build settlements, to help the army, to recruit, etc., etc., so these kinds of victories are done by ordinary people, the boycott devestment and sanctions is another thing people can do, and you know, we can also put pressure on our governments in the face of the the united nations not doing its job properly. we can put pressure on governments such as canada and its free.
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into the same kind of paraya as the apartide south african regime was turned into a paraya in the 1980s, we can do all these things. okay, hopefully. okay, thank you so much, we're out of time. thank you my guests s shath and belfast, ken stone and hamilton. i thank you for watching this episode of the spotlight on press cv. i've been your host. i'll see you next time. mr. speaker, i want to thank you for giving me the profound honor of addressing this great citidal of democracy for the fourth time.
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he pretends to see clearly i could quote the bible but that's just for show it's occupation versus civilization as you know accusations by confession the truths we win they lose anymore this is too tight just not as it in the dead of the night we're criminals in truth but that's gentlemen in the headlight suddenly heaven turned into hell we race the homes gave to order the
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shell bob schools tells there's more to tell, thank president for his heart support for israel you madams and sirs for funding this hell, i not just that, hospitals fell as well, thank supporting me, even when his talk's not right they killed with rage air of women kids in the prime gods is an open air cage living off time on the way they swor the cr so we pingges encourage in this bloody got green than my lanting about, i'll take you a ride, no doubt, but can't lie about genocide, that's out, humanity's priceless, funds are what it's about, they call it occupation, a regime of hate, racist dream built a blood thirsty state, causing death, pain in every date, yet i stand here and you still wait and what i'm doing i stand skies playing the victim that's my but sky and i want to say thank you america i love you and your
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hamburgers that's no blood my soldiers loved you as campers just enough the one octobers but we had our stuff and we were the symbol of heroic grace not a racist to any place but it wouldn't melt in my mouth go train from north to south where they embrace face they call israel they call israel a colonialist state the white house they trying to lead but they need more training to follow my creed that iran is fun. and promoting anti-israel protests in america, they want to disrupt america. so prayers i need tous so my players can proceed, we ain to make guys unliveable, nobell prize, then find a new place to colonize, take the world back
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from the infidel guys, make this region. five star paradise, thank you, my lies have reached the demise, israel does not seek to resettle gaza, your pressed headlines: israel's air strikes and artillery fire claim more civilian lives across the gaza strip, the genocidal war's death tool exceeding 40,800. hamas says the us is a partner in israel's crime and its new cease power proposal seeks to give regime time to commit more.
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