tv [untitled] September 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST
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the terrorists that terrorize i testify my television televise i'm telling lies how many more resolutions have to be violated how many more children have to be annihilated this is not a war it is systematic genocide but whatever they try palestine will never die hello i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine classified, our
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twice-weekly program exposes the israel regime's global war against solidarity with illegally occupied people of palestine. in today's show, palestiny classified exposes how the zianist lobby uses british charities as device to funnel money into israel. one shut siinish charity based in britain has used its status to bring thousands of potentially dangerous extremists into the uk even after they participated in particularly ugly war crimes. in our first reportakra sets out the nefarious act. activities of these supposedly charitable bodies and namees of the characters involved. in every british high street there is a branch of river island. river island was created by two brothers, david and bernard lewis. born in london in the 1920s, their surname was pokrase. their parents were jewish immigrants from ukraine on their father's side and romania on their mothers. the family changed its name to lewis in 1933. they created the... lc girl chain of shops in 1965. when
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he died, david was referred to as pioneering champion of zionism by the daily express. today, river island has some 350 stores across britain and ireland and as a presence in many other countries. the lewis family also own the izrotel, hotel chain in israel via the parent company of the lewis trust group. some parts of the group are owned by various offshore tax. saving companies, company dividents are paid to l51n limited, whose immediate parent company is lfh international, registered in the kateman islands. the family are in the forb's list of billionaires with an estimated fortune of 1.5 billion pounds. almost all of the leading of positions in their intricate network of onshore and offshore companies are led by members of the extended family. the family also runs. two charitable trusts which
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regularly donate to zionist causes, these are bernard lewis family charitable trust and the david ruth lewis family charitable trust. among. the recipients of their larges are the genocidal zionist occupation forces. palestine declassified has identified three separate charities to which they have contributed, which are connected to the genocidal occupation forces. british ort trains young zionists in arms companies and on occupation forces bases. its world headquarters is in london. until recently it was in the same building as the community security truck. the british friends of israel war disabled, which works closely with an agency in the zionist entity, to care for injured members of the genocidal occupation forces involved in the current genocide. in fact, the charity says its primary intention is bringing groups of genocidal war criminals
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to the uk. it claims to have brought some 5,000 of them. the third group is the uk friends of the association for the well-being of israel's soldiers. in 2021, it opened a swimming pool an occupation forces base in the naqab desert, entirely funded from british donations. the base allows the genocidal military to rest and recuperate. it is less than an hour's drive from cd to mian camp maintained by the occupation to torture, rape and kill palestinians. we have previously reported on this group, following which its website and all social media were deleted. to end the genocide, all of these charities must be shut down, it will help if we boycott river island. joining me in the studio, as usual is our resident expert and eminent scholarly critic of israel, david miller. david is a senior research fellow at the center for islam and global affairs at
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istanbul's am university and is a co-director the lobby watch dog spinwatch. joining us as our guest contributor today is the author, filmmaker and professional research associate at the school of oriental and african studies. professor hiem rashith. his films include the widely shown state of danger, documentary about the first palestinian in tafada, and london is burning following the 2011 riots, and his books include the gulf war and the new world order, and holocaust for beginners. welcome to the show. david, as we just heard there, um, the lewis family became rich through their close retailing business, didn't they uh, in the 1940s. i mean, were they always zionists? well, family with a long history in in cionism, but they they they started off in uh um when david was very young started off selling uh fruit and vegetables from his uh his family stall and they only got laterally got into uh to the rack trade as as it's called they set up eventually a whole series of different shops
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boutiques uh they had a shop a boutique called girl in chelsea which they eventually named chelsea girl it became a chain and then of course they renamed them river island in the 1980s. they've always been zienis in the sense that they've always been involved in in the cianist movement uh and indeed were david was was was was uh key to the setting up of the jewish leadership council in in 2003 he started to argue for towards the end of the the last century and so they've been involved there for a long long time and it was their involvement also of course in in israel that led them to start to engage in uh giving support to the idf back back in uh i think... the 70s, well ham, i mean, as you know, there were originally four lewis brothers, but but of course it was david that developed their financial interest in the zionist entity, i mean, is it likely that this was in response to the zionist movement's exaltations to
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support this entity's economy? i don't think he needed exaltations, um, basically these people are very good business people and ' they are actually making a packet out of the israeli hotels um until 7th of october of course uh israel had many tourists um year in year out um they are those tourists don't care about israel's war crimes um they come for the sun and indeed even now that there are no tourists coming to israel um they are not suffering in those hotels but because the people from around gaza, the the people from the kibutim that many lost their homes um are now um in those hotels which were um you know normally frequented by people from abroad and i understand that they are not paying much
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tax because they are registered in the cayens they are not paying packs in israel for similar reasons so they are actually making a pack both in israel and in britain and giving very little back to the communities either here or there, right? yeah, well david, i mean, there's nothing new is he about the uh about... the lewis family supporting the israeli occupation forces, mean they've they've been doing it for decades haven't they? well they have, mean the the revelations in in the film we just saw there where they they've been supporting ort which of course as we know uh trains people on the elbit basis about factories and the factories of other arms firms in israel and of course also trains people on uh israel defense forces basis i mean that's that's kind of an that's a new thing which we've we've discovered and this thing about these real war disabled bringing around 5,000 people from the occupation forces to the uk to be
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looked after and of course we can draw the contrast there between how many uh xdf are brought to this country and how many palestinians are brought to this country after they've been attacked and and injured by uh by israel of course there's none of them yes it goes back a long long way mean they they they family have been especially since the since david uh um lewis uh opened all these hotels starting off in the south of the occupation entity, then then the they started to uh after 1967 i think it was to give money to the idf and that that's been a so that's a long long time that they've been using effectively their profits and tax-free gifts to the occupation forces right yeah well excuse me h i wonder what you make of the fact that the lewis families given financial support to ort uk, which which does training in arms factories like those run by
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albert, as david was just referring to, and indeed on occupation forces of bases too. what's your thoughts on ort's global hq being based in london? i mean, surely it should be closed down, shouldn't it? well, ort is um actually feeding um the idf system uh with uh many thousands, of workers every year and is connected to the intelligence operation and new technology, so there are think about the the bank of targets for example, that's a result of people like that, so i think we are talking about a direct connection to genocide, um, because um, the people going through the... ort systems in israel definitely uh are feeding into uh the
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genocidal army. mean david, you mentioned in your previous answer there about the uh the so-called israeli war disabled charity that's supported by the the lewis family. i wonder whether you might just sort of expand on that a little bit more say a bit more about it. so look, the the the family has two main charities in this country uh, one is uh... bernard lewis charitable trust and the others the david and ruth lewis charitable trust named after the two brothers who who effectively created um river island yeah and those are used to to channel funding which would otherwise you know have to be taxed they're given to charitable causes and of course amongst the charitable causes are the the idf the the israel defense forces the occupation forces and some of that money goes to israel war disabled trust which is all these f 500 it says um um veterans over to the uk to be looked after, and also of course
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there's the uk association for the well-being of israel soldiers, which we've covered in the show before, and and they've also funded and supported that organization, which of course once we reported it earlier this year, its website went down, its social media w were removed and and it's being investigated by the charity commission, so it looks like once you start to report on these kinds of things, it becomes much more difficult and less tenable for them to carry on with. indeed, well - do you think that there are grounds for closing down all these charities then that that are supporting the the zinanis military? well, these are not charities at all. mean, how could it be charitable to support a military abroad that commits genocide? um, and even before the genocide um, the support those charities like jnf give to uh stealing the... in palestine has started even before 1948, jnf is um the main
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body that deals with taking the land from the palestinians and always has been that, it's the body that supports um getting the land forum for settlers in the west bank and in the past also in gaza, well i mean i think what you've done today and hopefully this program is done. light actually on on on the this abuse really of the charitable status that they enjoy and and hopefully this will will prompt the charity commission to maybe uh get into uh some sort of inquiry into uh whether... or not the these these organizations should continue to enjoy charitable status, but we're going to move on now to our next report which reveals the larges of the lewis family towards raft of questionable zinus ventures. in addition to directly funding the genocide by sending cash to the occupation forces, the lewis family funds a myriad of other zionist projects,
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including four related activities, directly funding settlements in occupied palestine, funding uk organizations pushing the so-called new anti-semitism scam, funding uk normalization projects and funding islamophobia in the uk. here is how. firstly, they're engaged in directly funding ethnic cleansing and illegal settlements. they fund the jewish national fund, 135,000, the preeminent land theft agency of ethnic cleansing in palestine and the jerusalem foundation, 632. 2,131, engaged directly in ethnic cleansing in east jerusalem. they also fund friends of yatt sarah, uk, 13,911 pounds a uk based charity raising funds for yacht sarah based in israel, but also operating in almost 20 separate illegal settlements.
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secondly, they have supported the anti-semitism scam, including funding zinius regime assets like the... community security trust, 679,00 lb, or the anti-semitism policy trust, 50,00 lbs. in recent years, they funded the fraugulent campaign against antisemitism, 439, whose director, gideon falter, made headlines attempting to provoke pro-palestine demonstrators in london earlier this year. thirdly, the trust spends on dishonest front groups, claiming to faster understand. standing in peace: their real role is to normalize zionism, pretending it is not a fundamentally racist and genocidal ideology, groups such as the coexistence trust (30,00 lb) and the alliance for middle east peace (50,000). two groups that try to infiltrate british schools have also been supported, solutions not sides (130,00 lb)
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and one voice europe (313) pounds. fourthly, barely year goes by when the family does not contribute funds to islamophobic think tanks, including the center for social cohesion, which gave douglas murray his start in the islamophobia network, $50,000 in 2009 and 2011. the policy exchange 6500 between 2009 and 2012, and of course, the henry jackson society, 360. between 2012 and 2022. lastly, we can note that the lewis family also lavishly fund lobby groups engaged in some or all of the above, such as the united jewish israel appeal, 899, and the jewish leadership council, 49500. the luis family, ben,
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bernard, leonard, vanessa, clive, caroline, rachel. debora and the rest have enriched themselves in part by selling clothes to ordinary british citizens. they have then moved significant quantities of their profits offshore to the taxhaven in the cayen islands. they have also made significant so-called charitable donations that are used to organize for and help to enact genocide in palestine. how much longer will the british public tolerate this? well, i mean, before we... went to the the video there, you were beginning to uh touch on the uh jewish national fund, but the jnf and the jerusalem foundation are involved ethnic cleansing in in palestine, but the point i wanted to touch on now is some of their leaders have exposed themselves as as islamophobes as well, haven't they? well, i did talk about um
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samuel hayak um that um did um actually contribute to islamophobia um in 2020 1 and 22, he had to apologize to the charity commission and i don't know why they accepted it and why he was still continuing the work because um fostering hatred and and calling for islamic people not to enter britain and saying that jews cannot... live in britain as long as muslims are coming in um is actually against the law, there are many other organiz some which were mentioned like the cia, which we personally have suffered from, of course david has lost his position unjustifiably in
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a university, because um the university used the ihra definition, which is total poppy cock designed to silence palestinians and jews. and others who speak against zionism, as if speaking against zionism was some kind of illegal activity. um, so actually what we see here is that the companies that and and charities that are supported by the brothers and their family are actually helping genocide and that's charitable why while people who speak against genocide are actually. actually hunted by some of the companies and charities that the family supports, so supporting genocide is fine, speaking against genocide, um, you are losing
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your position, you lose, you're being sileced, you are not allowed to to teach, to publish, this is what this family is doing, so you can uh look at the amazing list of their investments in the whole system of hasbara in britain and understand the power that both israel and the people uh we are speaking about actually um command uh not just in the economy but in uh forming public opinion in britain should be stopped indeed indeed indeed and but david i mean what about the these innocent sounding charities that have uh these uh very kind of uh neutral um names in their titles like coexistence and solutions and and peace, what about that? just well, these are normalization charities all of them, these are these are zionist
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ventures, which pretend to be about coexistence between muslims and jews or peace between the palestinians and the israelis or solutions to the the problem of the israel palestine conflict, but all these of course are funded by zinus as we see in this case the the lewis family and many many others, but also the the... used to try and pretend that they are just about having an end to the problem of palestine, well of course what they're actually doing is is making sure that there cannot be an end by by pretending that zionism has some kind of positive role to play in the future, the one co-existence trust there is was run by woman who is now the mayor of newan, roxana fiaz, muslim woman uh of course was involved uh just few months ago in the the famous hissing gate where where some people were arrested for allegedly his... an anti-semitic passion, so these people have form, yes, we cover that on the show before, haven't we, but uh, hey, just say a word or two will you, um, about the so-called campaign against anti-semitism and
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the community security trust, well the campaign against anti-semitism and also the community security trust and not against anti-semitism, um, anti-seamites in the whole of europe, uh, you know, the some of the countries actually are led by anti-semitic leaders are the best friends and partners of israel, so real antisemitism is not a problem, it's it's a boon, they look at it as recruiting sergeant for zionism, but actually the um new antisemitism, which actually somebody else called bernard lewis was involved in developing as an islamophobic thinker and historian of the arab world, but actually um historian um providing um islamophobic uh connections, they are
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actually um trying to um hunt everyone in britain, especially young palestinians, artists, intellectuals, academics etc. anyone who supports the rights of the... opinions is now uh dubbed antisemitic by those organizations and they are actually in danger of losing the livelihood and actually having to leave the country in some cases, some some them have done so because they cannot make living. i think these people are really against freedom of speech and also against um the fact that... uh we are not going to shut up uh when we're faced with genocide, ethnic cleansing and settle colonialism in
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palestine, we are going to continue speak. and this is not acceptable to them and they are actually hunting, i know about cases because i spoke in support of four academics, muslim academics that spoke about palestine and lost their jobs, yeah i think mean despite their best endeavers, mean people are increasingly speaking out, which is obviously very encouraging, but very finally though david and because out of time and what steps do you think we can take to stop the funding of genocide by river island and the uh and the lewis family? well look the the cutting edge of antizionism in this country is palestine action who have been smashing up and closing down arms factories and we need to to move that kind of spirit towards the companies like river island they need to be boycotted they need to be protested outside river island and we also need to be going to the offices of these charities charities which are bringing idf soldiers into this country and demand that they stop doing what
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they're doing so... these these are obvious strategies we can take and which we should be doing forth with indeed and and maybe pressure the uh charity commission as well, but i'm afraid that's all we've got time for today, so thanks for watching and thank you to our guest professor haim brish and of course our resident expert professor david miller, remember you can follow the show on facebook, twitter and telegram where we post regular clips and updates and you can also help us to counteract the prozinis propaganda that's routinely featured in the corporate media by sharing today's program on your social media platform, so until next time when i hope you're join us again. on palestine declassified, this is chris williamson, saying bye for now, from bad to worse. israeli economy is a war economy, israel's economy keeps sinking.
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now the west bank has blown up, israel is calling for a gaza style invasion, if the war continues in gaza, if the genocide continues in gaza, there will be a massive impact on the israeli economy, even if they don't go into war with iran or his bullet, and that could only mean more business closures and losses. it's really our fed up, i don't win many awards in my own country so i'm a bit shocked. firstly like to
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thank the iranian people for uh welcoming welcoming me into your beautiful country, i want to tell you uh all people in this room storytellers, truth tellers, we cannot fake in emotion, we cannot fake the truth, this is for every child, mother and father who are lost by us. made weapons and uk made weapons and european made weapons in our palestine, the second sub international media festival.
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