tv [untitled] September 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST
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the headlines is really. occupation forces kill more than 40 palestinians in the gaza strip in the past 24 hours. the situation remains tense in the occupied west bank on the eighth day of the israeli large-scale military offensive there. and in the uk inquiry blames dishonesty, incompetence and greed for the greenfall tower fire.
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more palestinians fall victim to the israeli air and artillery strikes pounding civilian areas across the beside gaza strip in central gaza, israel's artillery shelling hit nasuriya refugee camp killing and wounding several palestinians in the north, the air strikes targeted the vicinity of a school where refugees had taken shelter in bet lahia, resulting in a number of casualties. at least six people were also killed. an israeli shelling of the sheikh azad towers area, local sources say the palestinians had gathered there to get internet signal when in the attack hit them. according to the palestinian health ministry, 42 civilians have been killed across gaza in the past 24 hours, the total palestinian death doll has surpassed 40,860, some 94,400 others have been injured. our correspondent muti abu
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musabi joined us earlier from central gaza, the city of dar albala, to tell us more about the ongoing israeli massacre in the wasiich territory. it's actually pernicious israels of and attacks are still underway against multiple areas of gaza strip unabitated. gaza city is still the focal area of those ongoing of attacks. whereas the israeli fighted, just carried out several opponing air strikes against the palestinian people, the last one took a place in a darage neighborhood when the israeli fighter j destroyed a residential building there uh killing a palestinan civilian and leaving multiple palestinian injuries, in the meantime another turkey play, another another air strike, another air strike took place in a zitoon neighborhood against the resistential building as well, multiple palestinian casualties were left behind the attack as... neighborhood in
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addition to absabra and talal hawa neighborhoods are still uh the main targets of the israel artillery shielling these moments as we speak right now the israel artillery shelling is is maintained heavily against those areas need thistimation that the israeli fighter uh the israeli tubers and the israeli helicopters actually open their of gunfire towards the wisten boards of gaz city the kind of situation is still precarious and gaza city whereas the israel incubation forces are still in intensifying and concentrating the attacks against the city, yesterday incubation forces committed several opponing massacres against the palestinian people by targeting multiple evacuation centers basically in nama college which is located in the northern part of gaz city killing at least seven palestinian civilians while other nine palestinians were killed after the israeli fighter just destroyed the resistential building in the vicinity of gaz park in the central area of the city uh and here in the middle area of gaz strip the in current situation is still tragic as well,
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security. dozens of students with many of them covering their faces with palestinian kafia scarves gathered outside the university gates and chanted slogans against the ongo. israeli genocide in gaza. the campus has beefed up security and also introduced new laws, which authorities say will ensure a safe learning environment. however, pro- palestine activists say that they will not be intimidated and they will keep up their activities until the university divests from israel linked companies. last semester, protests and encampments by students against the us backed israeli genocide in gaza was met with police crackdown and arrests, but the columbia university protest spilled into other campuses in the us and elsewhere in the world. earlier, fahima mohammed, a broadcaster and tv presenter joined us from london to share her thoughts on the renewed
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pro-palestine protests in the us. yes, we uh saw this happening and it started um in the easter of this year. where they sort of semester kind of ended, and now we've seen at the start of the new term that the universities are increasingly becoming a central battleground over the debates uh for israel and palestine conflicts, particularly through the action of student groups. now this is because the implication is that the many universities have endowments invested in companies like you mentioned which are complicit in the israeli policies towards palestine such as military contractors, surveillance technology firms and um and others, so these student and faculty activists often pressure universities to diverse from these companies as part of the boycot diversemence sanctions vds movement,
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and um we have seen in history, whether it was from the vietnam war right up to the south african apathide where students have protested and have had and made significant differences to the change in these kind of um institutions where government were pressured to do that, however it's even though in history it showed that there were some changes um and it played a huge part, we do find that the governments are clamping down on uh making sure that these students have less freedom to have free speech, the families of the israeli captives have held a new wave of protests in tel aviv to demand prime minister benjamin netanyahu secure the release of their loved ones held in gaza. the protesters blamed netanyahu for the death of the captives and urged him to sign deal with
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the palestinian resistance group to bring the others back alive. on tuesday night, tens of thousands of israelies also gathered in several cities, including rahovot and hod hashron. and tel aviv. they demanded the resignation of netanyahu and his far right cabinet. the protesters accused the prime minister for a systematically obstructing the gaza sea's fire for his personal and political gains. they refer to new demands by netanyahu's negotiations with hamas that have provoked public anger. israelis, including the families of the captives have held rallies on almost a daily basis since the regime launched its war on gaza. mean. in tel aviv scuffles broke out between protesters and israeli police on tuesday night.
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the protest followed a general strike called by the israeli labor union against netanyahu's handling of the gaza war. workers shut down transport services, banks and schools and what was major blow to the israeli economy. netanyahu stands accused of blocking the gaza truth's deal with his insistance on the continued control over israeli created philadelphia and netserim corridors in gaza. this is while the hamas resistance movement has demanded a full israeli withdrawal from the entirety of gaza as per any kind of deal. meanwhile, the israeli war cabinet member benny gant said israel should focus on bringing the... remaining capitals back home from gaza safely
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and we discussed the growing public anger against the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in our news review program joining us on this edition uh of press tv's news review we have academic broadcaster and investigative journalist and researcher mr. david miller joining us from bristol also we have spokesman of the international schiller institute from potsdam germany mr. harley schlanger. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. uh miller, i want to get your thoughts on the massive uh demonstrations by israelies against uh the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these demonstrations have been going on for quite some. time now uh denouncing uh the way that he has uh has continued with this war,
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prosecuted this war and has not been able to bring the captives home yet. well, these are ongoing process, as you say, and of course there's the associated uh apparent general strike, which however didn't last very long, and of course these are not protests in favor of palestinian rights, these are protests against specifically the government's particular policy uh on the question of the seas fire, of course, as we know, as everyone knows, netanyahu is putting additional conditions in the way of settlement, because he knows that if there was a settlement in the seas fire that he would be gone as prime minister, and that's that's the difficulty is that he his personal future is invested on keeping the conflict going, that's why there is uh movement in that regard, but these are let's remember not protests, as i said uh to protect palestinian rights, they are... "the israeli public is almost to a person united on the need for the genocide in gaza, it's
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just that they want to carry out the genocide a different way. right, and mr. schlanger, uh, talking about uh, how netan was obstructed uh, any form of a ceasefire agreement, even israel's benny gats is saying that netanyahu is sacrificing uh, the uh the captives uh for the control of the..." philadelphia corridor, which uh, which has also been seen as another way of just prolonging this war for his personal gain, which we all know that um, by the time this genocidal war comes to an end, it will also mean the end of netanyahu's political lifeline as well. well, it's worth noting that in the eyes of most of the world, netanyahu is a war criminal, and the purpose the mass killing and destruction in gaza. is to eliminate the so-called palestinian problem by eliminating the palestinians. now,
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in terms of the opposition in the cabinet, the lead opposition figured lapide described netanyahu as a prime minister without a soul, but i agree with mr. miller who said that this is not a protest against the genocide, and that's where the problem is with the israeli public, that they're protesting the fact that netanyahu is clearly lying when he says he's going to bring the hostages home. safely, he has no intention for a cease fire, no intention to allow an independent palestinian state, and much of the blame for this, besides the israeli public accepting it, much of the blame goes to the biden administration and the american government, which continues to make vague threats to withhold aid, but has refused to do anything serious to stop the genocide, so the war criminal must be stopped, ultimately it's going to take the... united states to tell him there'll be no more aid, no more money until he accepts a cease fire and pulls the
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troops out. all right, thanks lot gentlemen, david miller, academic broadcaster and investigative researcher joining us from bristol and thanks to harley schlanger, spokesman of the international schiller institute from pontsdam, germany. with that brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv, see you a bit. israeli forces continue their deadly attacks across the occupied west bank for eighth day in a row. the latest attacks, three palestinians were killed and several others injured in tulkarm and town near janin. the deaths bring to 34, the number of palestinians killed by israeli forces since the regime launched its large-scale military operations last week. more than 180 palestinians have also been arrested during the same period. nearly 700 palestinians have
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so far been killed by israeli troops in the west bank since october 7th. also, israeli forces have arrested five more palestinians during the raids on the cities of nablos and bethlehem. according to media reports an israeli soldier was killed during the regime's offensive in genine. regime forces have been raiding major cities by deploying armored vehicles, bulldozers and snipers backed by drones and war planes. earlier, our correspondent in ramal. gave us an update on the latest israeli offensive in the occupied west bank. as the iof has announced has reannounced actually yesterday that the military operation will not stop uh in karem nor in genine as they have received intelligence reports showing that there are
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more resistant group over there that intend that are intending to a perform. military resistant, military resistance operations as the report from the iof has has announced in also with the with the marters yesterday in karim and gin the tole of the palestinian marters from since eight days since the beginning of this of this wide range military operation has risen to 34 palestinians and more than 135. injured during these during these eight days in genen clashes during the night between the resistant fighters and the iof continued and as groups of the resistants have announced that they were able to blow three local made bombs in in the forces in the iof forces causing a definite different
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casual definite hits and causing ' what the iof had did not mention or did not say that uh officially say anything about numbers of casualties and uh hits or deaths among uh among these troops. the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs says israeli forces are using lethal war-like tactics in the occupied west bank. in a statement released on wednesday the oc ha reported that over two dozen people including children have been killed in israeli attacks. the agency warned that access implements, impediments, that is, imposed by the iof are severely hindering humanitarian efforts in this area. during visit to tilkarm, un teams confirmed that 120 palestinians including
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over 40 children were displaced after their homes were destroyed. the agency said at the time of the assessment. and 13, people in the noor shamsa refugee camp experienced water cutoffs and sewage overflow. the population was traumatized and in need of psychological support. and a uk report discloses that the 2017 grenful tower fire, which killed 72 people was a result of government failure, incompetence, dishonesty, and grief. "the simple truth is that the deaths that occurred were all avoidable and those who lived in the tower were badly failed over number of years and in a number of different ways by those who were responsible for ensuring the safety the building and its occupants. the damming
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final report stated that..." the main contributors to the deathl were the failure of successive governments in difference safety by authorities and lack of strategy by firefighters. it also accuses building material firms of systematic dishonesty and the deliberate engagement to manipulate testing processes and mislead the market. the fire which spread rapidly through the 24 story block in west london is said to have been britain's worst resident. fire since world war ii, grand fell united, which represents the survivors and victims of this incident has called on the government to act urgently and hold those responsible to account. for more on that, our correspondent
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said is joining us live from london. said, what more can you tell us about this damming report? doing report indeed uh to 1700 words, um, seven different volumes, seven years s since july, since june 14, 2017, when that incident happened, we saw the victims, survivors rather, and members of families of the victims speak right after the report was released earlier today, saying that affirming that they now at least knew the truth about why it all happened. of course, as i say, it's a massive report, huge findings, difficult to summarize. in the time we have, but in terms of some of the details, this of course was phase two of two-phase report, the first one came out in 2019, and what it did was it found that bustable, highly flammable
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cladding that had been placed on the facade on the exterior of grenfill tower um in a recent refurbishment operation, and this of course grenfil tower was part of so-called social housing program that housed, let's say the poor um britains or londoners in that high rise building um and we saw in 2017 on that faithful night, the fire start in the fourth floor and rapidly spread all the way to the 24th floor. the second phase that we saw the result of today in that long report uh looks at how and why it all happened and it blames names and shames lot of individuals and institutions the government. of course that uh failures uh by whom led to that tragic incidence, the participants, of course, in the inquiry, describing it all as
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mary go round, and i quote, mary go round uh passing of the buck among people who took decisions that put profit above human safety, 250 people have been named and organization been named um from the conservative government of the day, it blames it for slashing safety regulations that added, it goes to say to decades of failures by the central government, even today, lot of as a result of years of defunding or lack of funding for the different government organizations has led to us uh lacks safety regulations and in turn uh led to instant like the grentle tower and as as it stands, hundreds of other buildings in the uk in london included still bear dangerous uh combustible clouding that needs attention.
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um, the report also looks at the activities the clouding manufacturers, as you said earlier, accuses them of manipulating testing processes and data, three companies have been named in the report in particular, it looks at the local count. decisions and their performance, it blames them for ignoring, if you will, the concerns and fears of the residents of grenthell tower and not doing enough to ensure their safety, and of course the fire brigade, it it criticizes for not having the proper strategy and not giving the adequate response to the tragedy, to the fire to try and prevent the loss of those 72 lives and it ends really by giving raft of recommendations to the government, of course now it falls to the current government, the government, the labor government to try and
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prevent similar incidents from ever happening again. it came up of course in the prime minister's questions today in parliament, the prime minister uh starmer saying that the incident should never have happened, but we're yet to see whether or not his government will do... anything in the coming months and years to prevent a tragic incidents like that from happening. the metropolitan police is of course looking into the activities of several individuals and and institutions and to see who is to blame and how much of the blame should be apportioned to the different individuals and institutions, local councils and governments or people in government at the time moving forward. the chairman. the inquiry, as you played a little earlier, concluding today that every single one of those deaths in gruenthil tower was avoidable and the other
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hand, the um families of the victims and the survivors uh saying that they may not have uh received justice per say, but at least they know what the truth behind that tragic uh and fateful night was sir, thank you very much, that was our correspondent site putas are joining us from london with this elaborate description on the grandful tower fire, and that brings... to the end of this edition of world news on press tv. thank you for watching. sono l'avvocato carlo corbucci, italiano. fra
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le mie esperienze ci sono stati soprattutto questi casi di terrorismo, cosiddetto terrorismo islamico. terrorismo islamico, cosa c'era di vero, cosa c'era di esagerato, cosa potesse nascondere al di là del? leggendo le carte mi accorgevo sempre di più che c'era qualcosa che non andava, nell'evidenziarsi dei fatti veramente la cosa accadeva sempre più nel drammatico nel ridicolo, in today's show palestine
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classified. exposes how the zinist lobby uses british charities as device to funnel money into israel, also of course there's the uk association for the well-being of israel soldiers, which we've covered in the show before, and but and they've also funded and supported that organization, which of course once we reported it earlier this year, its website went down, its social media w were removed and and it's being investigated by the charity commission, so it it looks like once you start to report on these kinds of things it becomes much more difficult, yes and tenable for them to carry on with them, how could it be charitable to support a military abroad that commits genocide? um, and even before the genocide, um, the support those charities like jnf gives to uh stealing the land in palestine has started even before 1948.
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israel continues its genocidal war on the gaza strip for 333 days and the longest war it has fought against resistance fighters since the occupying regime was founded in 1948. the death doll of the israeli regime's genocidal war in gaza has already are passed 40,000, more than 16,500 of them being children. the israeli military's deliberate targeting of civilians has been well documented throughout the war. for instance, back in january, israeli troops fired more than 300 bullets at ambulance, killing hind rajab, a six-year-old palestinian girl and six of her family members. on august, 13,
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muhammad abumsan, a palestinian father, went out to obtain official birth certificates for his newborn twins, but lost his two children and his wife an israeli strike. further, more, the amount of destruction in gaza is also enormous. according to who, by june, israel had targeted 464 healthcare facilities, killed. 727 healthcare workers, injured 933 healthcare workers and damaged or destroyed 113 ambulances. according to the un, by late march, israel had attacked more than 200 schools in gaza with at least 53 schools totally destroyed. by july, all 19 gaza.
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