tv Expose PRESSTV September 5, 2024 11:02pm-11:30pm IRST
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the night on expose the arrest of telegram ceo pavel dove in france. marks new chapter in the crackdown on the application as government's push for access to users private data. despite the pressure, telegram's refusal to compromise on privacy has sparked a global clash over digital freedom, and since october 7, 2023, the genocidal war in gaza hasn't just ignited fierce battles, it's shaken up newsrooms too. journalists who dared to voice concerns even while reporting professionally faced censorship or were pushed out. feeling the high stakes of
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speaking out. and finally, according to survey usa, 71% of washington democrats agree that social media companies should restrict misleading information compared with just 41% of republicans. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned. i remember very well back in february on the bbc's flagship news program news night, author and journalist howard eric jacobson complained that britain's public broadcaster had been showing too many images of palestinin suffering in gaza. he blatantly said that in televising palestinin suffering in this way, bbc was taking a side and that
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while it was agonizing to see what is happening, there are reasons for it. yes, ladies and gents, this is exactly how vile and monstrous western mainstream media can get if the case does not fit their narrative. here's why they tame to explain more about it in fake news expos. it may seem odd that in people like jacobson on the bbc are acknowledging the massive levels of suffering in gaza, but in this same breath demanding the world hears less about it, but this is not at all surprising. censorship has always been a necessary complement of genocide. with the ongoing genocide in gaza, efforts to silence those who have sought to raise the alarm have taken a variety of forms. what forms do you bring us today for? thank you for having me, so the arrest of pavel durov, the ceo of the telegram messaging app in france has reignited some pretty fierce global debates about the limits of digital.
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freedom of speech, so in this war for control of the internet, the potential significance of diov's arrest is quite difficult to overstate, so prosecutors say he was detained as part of investigation involving 12 criminal allegations, most of them related to complicity and serious crimes ranging from drug trafficking to the distribution of material related to child sex abuse. mind you, facebook, x and instagram all suffer from the same illegal content and it only takes a quick search to find it, which raises some serious questions behind. the real reason that the telegram ceo was detained, yeah, so the the argument that tech companies should be held criminally liable for activities of people who are using their services is at best prejudiced, but i mean a less generous view and a more accurate view would be that it's completely nonsensical, but nonetheless, broadcast media since israel started its genocide against palestinians, has showed us all the true colors of nonsensical reporting. i agree. let's start with this dw report, which actually picked the story up in a way that 100% percent puts
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the blame on telegram uh pinning it to be a platform that harbors illegal behavior, so let's watch this clip after dov was released from prison on bail and sent to court. okay, jurob's detainment came as part of inquiry open last month involving 12 alleged criminal violations including complicity in selling child sexual abuse material, complicity in drug trafficking, fraud, abetting organized crime transactions and refusing to share information with investigators when... required to by law, for example, to combat terrorism. i guess though, underpinning all of this is what french prosecutors say is the role of telegram in organized crime. what does make telegram attractive for illegal activities? well, it depends. one of the the things that people really misunderstand about telegram is that telegram is actual. two
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different services, one of them is a, set of channels and kind of group chats and unencrypted communications among large... numbers of people, and the other is a uh way of talking to someone one-on-one with secret messages enabled deliberately, which will give you an end to end encrypted chat, and these are two different things, one of them, the first is really more like facebook or the site that used to be twitter, and the second is more like whatsapp or signal. or uh facebook messenger messages, so it's nice for sure to see this dw presenter not get the affirmation he's looking for when he's spreading the fake news that yeah i like her she was giving it out yeah especially when the expert on encrypted messages explains to
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him that telegram is no different than facebook and it's encrypted messaging service uh um is no different than facebook messenger so it goes to show that the real reason behind this uh attack on the telegram ceo because of the last bullet point which we saw on the dw report which read refusing information requests, meaning the telegram is only being targeted because those managing telegram refused to violate the privacy of their users uh by of course allowing intelligence agencies to spy on them you know intelligence agencies of the free world to have sneak peek at whoever whoever they choose so the elephant in the room is indeed many of the issues at the heart of the debate were in fact largely settled decades ago in the us the birthplace of internet and the home of many of the world's most influential platforms, yeah, the communications decency act which was packed passed in 1996 provides broad immunity to internet providers for the content that they host out of a recognition that a free speech and open internet couldn't exist otherwise, which is why durav is being
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detained in france after he was questioned by the fbi, like we can see in this interview with tucker carlson recently, let's take a look, let's see that, yeah, there there is this second part which was probably more alarming there in the us uh, we got too much attention from the the fbi, the security agencies wherever we came to the us, so to give you an example, last time i was in the us, i brought an engineer that is working for telegram, and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security off officers or agents, wherever they are called, the us government should to hire your engineer, that's my understanding, that's what he told me to write code for them or to break into telegram. they were curious to learn which open source libraries are integrated to the telegrams app, you on the client side, and
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they were trying to persuade him to use certain open source tools that he would then integrate into the telegramist code that in my understanding would... serve as backdoors would allow the us government to spy on people who use telegram, the us government to maybe any other government, because the back door is backdoor regardless of who is us. so unsurprisingly uh the fbi tried to buy off diov's engineer so he could install certain coding in the uh open a back door so that intelligence agencies can violate the privacy the telegram provides for its users so his arrest has sent a child uh through the tech scene where you know libertarian ideas about free speech and privacy are widely championed. yeah uh many tech entrepreneurs and internet freedom advocates argue that durov's arrest actually sets a really dangerous precedent and they've called for his release under the hashtag #free pavel, while as we just saw us and european mainstream media as expected defense this violation of freedoms, you know as always,
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but it's also really important to remember that telegram is hub for resistance media, yes because it's it's majorly the only place left for them to uh basically just say what they need to say and show. the part of uh of the story, the narrative, the genocide uh ongoing in gaza. thank you very much for your analysis. ladies and gents, stay tuned. next we have digital mainstream media. since october 7 of last year, the genocidal war on gaza has not only sparked intense battles on the ground, but also significant challenges within newsrooms. several journalists and media presenter. have faced censorship or were forced out of their positions for voicing their concerns about the war, despite maintaining professional standards in their reporting. here is sima eitaim with more about this issue. thank you, sima. thank you madua for having me, pleasure. so this war uh has brought intense scrutinyy along with it
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and really hardcore actions being taken not only on the battlefield but in newsrooms. uh, journalists and media presenters who reported very professionally on. were in fact too impartially actually found themselves facing severe censorship or were even you know dismissed from their uh positions uh for voicing their concerns over unfolding events which any human being... would have in such a situation uh, point being, if you are impartial in your work, it doesn't mean that as human being you also have to be impartial, but the bbc for instance, began at the start since october 2023, since 7 october, censorship its employees uh, after taking six reporters off air and launched investigation into you know their social media post that supposedly you know supported uh the activities of hamas against israel, so the financial times reported about this in a piece by daniel thomas and jim pickerd in london and hibba saleh in cairo called six
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bbc reporters taken off air as pro launched over pro- palestine tweets so in this article the ft said the bbc broadcaster has strict rules on impartiality which cover its reporters activities on social media posts that were tweeted or liked by bbc news arabic reporters including those based in egypt and lebanon appeared to support palestine or critic. size the position of israel, the bbc has now taken all six off air, though they have not been formally suspended pending an urgent investigation into their activities as bbc employees, so the bbc censoring six of its middle east employees, this it highlights a troubling uh trend that we've seen over and over again where these editorial decisions are increasingly influenced by a political pressure uh and nothing to do with journalistic integrity at all and these employees who are 'you reportedly disciplined or have their roles restricted due to these views uh on the coverage of gaza, faced
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severe limitations on their ability to provide balance reportings, i mean i personally know uh someone who worked at bbc and left because of uh you tolerated it prior to 7 october, but how bad the coverage got afterwards is just something not can't stand it, it's not tolerable, so moving to abc news uh last december the australian'. broadcasting corporation sacked presenter antoinette latouf for re-sharing human rights watch post claiming that israel was using starvation as a weapon of war in gaza, so this isn't even pro resistance stuff, you're just reporting, yeah, literally, so the abc had itself reported on this human rights watch claim, actually which uh has since been repeated by the united nations and others, so a piece published by the guardian about this written by amanda meade and daisy dumas back in june, the guardian wrote the commission
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found lathuf was asked to keep a low profile on social media and she agreed except for posting facts from reputable sources quote unquote the abc has strongly denied latof's dismissal was the result of outside pressure on the broadcaster after the age reported that it had seen a chain of leaked whatsapp messages showing a campaign from pro israel lobbyist to have latof sacked days before her dismissal, latof issuing the abc in the federal court, she should, exactly, for breaching its employee enterprise agreement by sacking her without a proper basis and without due process. this censorship underminds abc's commitment to impartiality, alleged commitment to impartiality and transparency, which are essential pillars of responsible journalism, any responsible journalism, so by suppressing... these descenting voices within its own ranks, which are perfectly natural, it's perfectly natural
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that these descenting voices exist, what abc actually does is it risks alienating its audience and alienating itself and compromising the quality of its reporting, but in reality what the this does um, you know, over the past 11 months um, it's it's alienated its audience along with many others and it's really compromised, they've already did that, they've already... yeah uh showed their audience and other people like us for example who follow through to see how they are reporting that they are really just hypocrites these to say thank you very much you're going to stay with us because next ladies and gents we have social media expos. since zienius israel launched its genocidal war on gaza on october 7, journalists and media across the world have faced a hostile environment that has made reporting of the war exceptionally challenging, this challenge expanded in its form to cover other
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controversial events and topics that usually do not align with the us and its allies narrative for global domination. here see my time again with posts and more about this issue. thank you again for having me. so over the years there have been so many high profile cases of social media censorship that have sparked intense debates and this is something that has gotten even more dangerous recently and the threat has entered like the phys. cool world, but if you remember the one case was the banning of the forever yapping donald trump from uh from major social media platforms, yeah, after the capital hill riots in january 2021, so this ignited... heated discussion that went on for a while about the power of social media platforms to silence individuals and what this means for free speech, so fast forward to 2023 and 2024 and censorship really has been taken to a whole new level by governments and by social media giants themselves working hand in hand with zionist western governments to silence the
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masses, whether it's journalists or activists or influencers or everyday people uh voicing their horror at this genocide. committed by zionist israel with the help of western regimes and from then on uh new calls for more censorship arose, it feels like snowball effect almost and especially in the last four five months, so let's begin with the us vice president herself who is also running for president, which is why her statement rightfully scared many voters or potential voters, um radar on x posted in all caps the following: camala harris? wants social media censorship? no, okay, then uh posted the following video of camala harris. let's watch that. he has, he has lost his privileges and it should be taken down. and and the bottom line is that you can't say that you have one rule for facebook and you have a different rule for twitter. the same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social
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media sites to understand their power. they are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without. any level of of of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop. well, okay, yeah, not very bright the the future. so um, we have a post by also socialist voice criticizing the arrest of telegram ceo pavel jurov in france recently over allegations, well the real reason is that he refuses to allow intelligence agencies to have back door into his encrypted messaging app. how dare he, which according to... of uh would viol violate the privacy of telegram users, so which is exactly what they want, but socialist voice uh posted the following, france slaps telegram ceo pavel jurov with 12 criminal charges after israel calls the platform uncooperative. telegram has been the least cooperative among the social media sites in responding to israeli censorship request during its genocide in
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gaza. so we have next another post by sl. canthan who commented uh on brazil's decision to ban x way before elon musk even had a meltdown about it on x, yeah, claiming that maybe brazil has point, and posted the following, x closes its operations in brazil rather than obliging with censorship laws. who knows, perhaps the us deep state is trying to do a color revolution. so, after venezuela and bangladesh, i wouldn't blame developing nations for being cautious about us social media. i mean we saw elon musk with venezuela, that was just insane, so next we have a post that usually is repeated every year actually during the arbine season, as you know, arbin is the arabic word for the number 40, which signifies the end of the 40-day morning period for imam hussain and his family and companions, yeah, so hannah, rafia posted on her account a video from the
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arbine procession in iraq's karabala, so let's watch that now, okay? then posted the following caption above this video and photos of abin saying what is the reason for binsorship in the world media in the if this lifestyle is offered to people what happens will the failed western civilization have something to say yeah weird because it's usually like 25 to 27 million visitors to karbala and nothing about it in western media, mean what are they afraid of? right, acting like it's 10,00 people, yeah, so marwa, it seems that uh stanch free speech who believe that censorship on social media is a direct violation of individuals rights to express themselves will not cease to voice their concern about this uh because these
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policies are you know continuous these policies by these global powers and as we saw netisens all over the world argue that by limiting or banning any type of content uh social media platforms are infringing upon the principles of free speech which is a cornerstone of democratic societies or at least should be definitely so would put which basically pushes away netisens from those platforms which is why i'm gonna i'm i can see like a division in the world concerning where we're going to be taking internet from uh next not only which platforms are we going to. be uh presentable on or use as a platform for to to voice our concern about anything that happens in the world. thank you very much, sema for your contribution to our show as always. now ladies and gents, stay tuned because next. we have figures expose. new state poll finds that slim majority of washington voters think social media
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platforms should crack down on misinformation and conspiracy theories heading into the 2024 presidential election. however, the data also reveals a huge gap between democrats and republicans on this issue. survey usa interviewed 801 washington register. voters online from july 10 to 13 after the first presidential debate and before the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. one survey question was asked, should social media platforms restrain content or accounts that share rumors, conspiracy theories and or other misleading information that could undermine trust in voting in us elections. overall, 57% of respondents agreed that social media platforms. should restrict such content, while 25% disagreed and 18% weren't sure, but when broke out along
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political affiliation lines, the survey shows huge 30- point spread between democrats and republicans on this issue. a clear majority of democrats (71%) felt that such content should be restricted by social media companies, while only 41% of republicans agreed. independence, as you might expect, we're in between at 53%. now let us move to the most notable expose voices for this week. in the wake of the genocide on gaza, countless individuals who spoke up in support of palestinians or criticized israel's actions, found themselves silenced or censored on social media platforms. posts were removed, accounts were suspended and voices were suppressed creating aage. effect on free expression. mondo was explained it well on tiktok. the censorship we're seeing on palestine right now is wild, speakers have been silenced, accounts have been removed,
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and honestly i am tired of telling people to read manufacturing consent. no one reads it. from now on, i'm telling america that this is cancel culture, and this war on free speech is nothing new. here is a website that's dedicated literally to cancel people who support palestine. it's actually a personal goal of mine to make it on. mission israel is spending millions of dollars on social media campaigns right now. the settler colonial state has always relied heavily on propagandizing the world and silencing its critics, trying its best to manufacture consent, or should i say inject you with the woke mind virus, whatever it takes for you to be against genocide. and with this widespread censorship, tik tok at first stood out by amplifying the voices that others tried to mute. however, tik tok has recently started joining the censorship wave increasingly restricting. pro-palestine voices its platform. i am blakeley explains it. this was my account and this is my account, but tiktok, you want us to keep calling congress
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for you. you guys are really out here banning accounts because people are talking about gaza, because people are talking about what's happening in palestine, because people talk about zionism, an ideology. you can't be out here expecting us to fight for this app and call our representatives relentlessly and tell them not to... aban it and then you turn around and censor creators, and i promise you, no matter how much you try to capitulate to them, they're not going to be satisfied, they're not going to be happy. you may as well leave this as the platform that allows people to express themselves and talk about the truth of what's happening in the world, and keep it the platform that may people like it in the first place, instead of trying to bow down to these lobbies that want to get you banned anyway. ladies and gents, with that we conclude our expose for tonight right here on press tv. follow our... handle at exposeptv on x, instagram, rumble and tik tok. stay tuned for more investigations on expose. the truth is just a revelation away.
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"i don't win many awards in my own country, so i'm a bit shocked. firstly like to thank the iranian people for uh welcoming, welcoming me into your beautiful country. i want to tell you uh all people in this room, storytellers, truthtellers." we cannot fake in emotion, we cannot fake the truth. this is for every child, mother and father who are
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lost by us made. weapons and uk made weapons and european made weapons in our palestine, the second sob international media festival. in today's show, palestine declassified exposes how the zininist lobby uses british charities as device to funnel money into israel, also of course there's the uk association for the wellbeing. of israel soldiers, which we've covered in the show before, and and they've also funded and supported that organization, which of course once we reported on it, this year, its website went down, it's social media w were removed and and it's being investigated by the charity commission, so it looks like once you start to report on these kinds of things, it becomes much more difficult, and less tenable for them to carry on with them, how could it be charitable to support a military abroad that commits genocide um and even
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before? for the genocide, um, the support those charities like jnf give to uh stealing the land in palestine has started even before 1948. this year in iran, government we coincided with the early days of the pesishian administration. and the first formal meeting the cabinet members had with the leader of the islamic revolution, where the country's priorities were underlined once again. the new administration's mission has already begun with the whole nation hoping for its success. will it be successful? we have to wait and see.
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your headlines on press tv, israel's indiscriminous rice continue across gaza as death toll from the nearly 11. months of genocidal war on the beseeged palestinian strip nears 40,900. hamas says the israeli prime minister is obstructing the gaza truice talks while the palestinian resistance movement remains committed to sease fire plan in the besieg territory. and the leader of the ansarullah movement reiterates yemen's pledge to carry out anti-israel operations until the'.
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