tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV September 7, 2024 1:02pm-1:31pm IRST
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of hello and welcome to spotlight. 11 months of relentless israeli bombings of killed at least 41,000 palestinians. tens of thousands of bombs have been dropped on the besieged gaza strip. civilian infrastructure is almost entirely destroyed. humanitarian assistance just trickles in for the palestinians. to
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have been displaced multiple times from one refugee camp to another, in the occupied west bank, the regime's hunger for palestinian lands has been insatiable. iof raids, settler attacks and illegal settlement constructions of set new records in spite of uh committing all these crimes, the israeli regime only gets more emboldened by the international by the unconditional political support and military aid from the west, and the silence and inac'. the rest of the international community, stay with us, as we'll be discussing that in tonight's spotlight program with our guests. director of palestine aid ireland, frau huse is joining us from belfast, and we also have author, journalist and producer, sakina datu, joining of us from the british capital, london, welcome to the program to the... both of our guests.
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let's start off with mr. fraus and belfast. uh, over 40,00 palestinians, mostly women and children have been slaughtered in cold blood since last october as israeli attacks across gaza continue. the fact that the international community has failed to stop this genocide for almost a full year is appalling and in my views disgusting. how many more innocent women and children, aid workers, doctors? and journalists have to be killed before this bloodshed is stopped. well, i think we should start off maybe by saying and stating the figures that have been published by the lancet. the lancet is the newsletter of the british medical association. i believe that they said in march that the figure that they have is over 186,00 people murdered in this genocidal onslot on gaza. i understand the minister. of
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health and gaza can only give the figures that they are able to uh stand over and that of is the people who have come to hospital, the people have been certified as dead, but with the ongoing uh starvation of people in the north and many probably as yet uh unfown uh mask grives, i think that figure of 40,500 is is to be questioned, talking about how many people potentially will... so long as the west, that's britain, germany, france, uh, america, australia, canada, the western uh colonial imperialist uh click, so long as i continue to uh unreservedly support israel, i believe that these days will continue until the israeli plan, whatever that is comes to uh fruition, and it looks very much as if they want to destroy gaza. to leave no
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building standing, we have seen the surgical of strikes where they are able to hit a building in beirot and hit a building the iranian embassy in damascus, so there are no surgical strikes in gaza, there is an official policy of displacement of 2.2 million people in gaza into less than 10% of the available space, without water, without food, without medicine, uh, without hospital support. uh the idea is to leave uh gaza as a car park which was a free as used previously by some of those in charge uh in israel, the des will go on unabated uh america curs nothing for the civilian lives in gaza, they curred nothing for the millions that they murdered in vietnam, america, carpet bombed, cambodia and loush and and and vietnam and what we're watching and what we're witnessing in this genocide is the car bombing of the civilian
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people uh in gaza. israri forces have pulled out of janin following a 10-day offensive that was part of a large-scale military campaign that hit other parts of the west bank as well, the assault uh is said to be the biggest in the occupied west bank over the past two decades. give us your assessment the increased israeli violence in the west bank as the genocide in gaza is still ongoing. is this part of the regimes plan to tighten control over um occupied alrots and the alasamas compound? i think they've had a control um all along when we see uh some things that we've witnessed 10 days of raids in genen, you know it's left a brutal destruction. this is part of the collective punishment that israel conducts on the palestinians. mean i was looking into this and water, suwage and 20 kilometers of the
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road has been destroyed, so basically they have cut off people in chenine to the rest of gaza of the west bank. so this is a systematic effort in my view of... seeing in different areas of the west bank as well as gaza unlievable two fold, one is to ensure that palestinians want to leave themselves because there is no way that they can sustain life when everything is destroyed, but also of course this is a forced displacement of people, it's ethnic cleansing in terms of them wanting the control of aqsa, i think this is quite a well-known fact, we have seen so many times ben gavier talk about this, we have seen how every time that you people go to pray in al al aqsa we have seen the forces israely forces going there and killing people. i think you know when we look at what has happened in genine and we are told this hasn't happened in a long time you see that
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the gloves are really off not just in terms of what israel is all about but in terms of the entire world whether we are talking about the western countries or you are talking about the muslim arab count. surrounding, in my view, there is no one now who can claim that really we live an era where we respect human rights, we live an area where we are obeying international laws, none of these are being held, and we can see this very clearly, apart from the killings, we're talking of you know 4000 or more according to lunset, however the images that we are watching of prisoners, it just is cannot believe that these are human beings. treating other human beings in such humiliating manner, so i mean for me this whole aspect of whether they want al aqsa or why they are doing it, it comes down to the fact that israel are have lost all sorts of humanity, but not just them, i think a lot of people around the world,
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politicians, leaders of the world, upholders of justice, humanity, all of them have really lost values when it comes to humanity. fraw huws uh, if the israelis are attempting to forcibly displace palestinians from both the gaza strip and the west bank, it potentially means driving palestinians into egypt and jordan. this has all the ingredients for another nakba uh, which apart from being a war crime, will also have serious repercussions for countries around palestine as well. unpack that for us please. uh, well, i think the best way to look at really society which has moved further and further to the rate over the last two decades is the look at the long-term plan of the zanist uh illegal occupation of palestine which started around 1902 when the jewish national fund started buying up tracks of land in palestine
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for jaanist jews to emigrate to palestine with the uh proposed idea of creating a jewish state within the homeland of palestine. so when you take that as a basis for the context of what's happening now, we witnessed 75000 people being ethnically cleansed in anak, we witnessed, i think it was 350,00 being forced into exile during the nasa in 1967, and what we're watching is a continuation of the zana's plan of displacement and replacement of the palestinian people with the jewish worldwide uh... aspra so the sananas have most governments are in power for five, possibly 10 years, they have five or 10 year plan for the economy, for jobs, for finance, for uh securing the state, the israeli state is built on the premise of eventually occupying
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and controlling all of uh historic palestine, and that's what we're witnessing, it's not a five-year plan, it's not a 10-year plan, it is a over hundre year. it's 123 years uh in the making so far, i think what we're witnessing is attempt to create uh both in gaza and in the west bank conditions that are... uninhabitable and unlivable for the people of palestine, the only way they can force the people out of gaza who stead fastly refuse to leave, even those you're suffering from this enforced man-made famon in the north of gaza, the only way they will force them out is uh at the end of guns and the end of tanks and through massacers like they did at thezim and other places in 1948 in historic palestine. so if they if they try to push the people out into uh the sani, the
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question is whether or not sici who and may main is an american putpet who was put in the power with an american cu when they removed the elected uh representative of president president morse uh i i think that if they're given enough money or he's personally uh encouraged in some fashion to allow people to move into gaza and people in the jordan. it's quite possible. miss doub too. uh, looking at the us complicity in israel's crimes, the us regularly announces that it doesn't want a broader war or any dangerous escalation, but its words and actions are in sheer contradiction. as washington claims its pushing for a cease fire, it continues to provide military, political and financial support to israel, which the regime uses to kill innocent women and children. describe for us this us hypocrisy regarding the gaza genocide. and israel's regional crimes overall, the us has lost all sorts of
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credibility, you know around the world in a way that i think has never happened before. today we've heard of a turkish american uh woman who was killed um and she was she was american citizen, if they cannot protect their own citizens um you know just because their in equivocal support of israel, this says to you that america is not a free country and... genuinely i believe that these western countries, uk to some extent, but definitely in the us, i don't think people realize how much freedom within their own space has been compromised, they are not the politicians, it's not that they don't see what is happening, it's even not that they completely agree with what israel is doing, however they have come to point because they have had support of you know people like the the french. of israel here in the uk, ipec has got so much control over the american
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congress that even if they want to, they are not able to do anything about it. so today, after their own citizen has been murdered, she wasn't even anywhere close to where the the issues were happening, where the you know she was protesting against the illegal settlements, now these illegal settlements, this is not something that me and you are talking about, this is according to the inter. national framework that these settlements are illegal, here is an american woman who wasn't even close to where the the you know protest was happening, but she was killed by israeli forces and what does america do? they have just said that they will investigate america and the uk really western countries in general, germany after what we have seen them standing on the wrong side of history, time and again they are doing the same thing again, so in my view the zionist. tentacles, the control around the western world is so strong that local
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ordinary people in this countries do understand that israel on the is on the wrong side, palestinians are the victims, however nobody is able to do anything because there is such a strong control of the zionist entities, this is financially, you know, in in all different manners, politically, people have been placed, zionists have placed their own people in all key areas and therefore i think... "you know, it's it's almost like in some way we are also a hostages to what is happening, because we cannot convince our governments to do anything significant. sure frag, he's um talking about focusing on the us, it's facing widespread protests and demonstrations for its complicity in the gaza genocide, most notably at university campuses, which are going to gain steam again as the new semester starts, how can american politicians just..." ignore how displeased americans are with this war and with their tax dollars being sent to fund this genocide,
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most american and western politicians in general haven't even second guess their support for the israelies. yes, well i think first of all recently i heard george galloway talking about apac and america, they are boasting that they have just spent uh $100 million dollars uh in the american elections so far with that. two months still to go, so it's going to be huge amount of money being invested by apec, but if we consider that before october 7, 2023, the american taxpayer was sending the uh israely at $3 billion dollars, so the american taxpayer sends $3 billion dollars to help provide a free education, free healthcare and social housing for people in israel, when you cannot get free healthcare, free university tuition and free social housing in america, so you send thre billion dollars to america and they
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spend 100 billion plus in order to buy members of congress, members of the senate and to... influence the presidential ris. we know that biden is avid zanist. he's actually said before that if israel didn't create uh sorry if israel wasn't in existence uh they would have to create it in order to maintain american hegemonic control within west asia when it comes to oil and gas pipelins. i remember one of the first things that was done in afghanistan after the american laid war on afghanistan was a gas pipeline that through afghanistan, this was the very first uh uh the first uh law enacted by uh carse uh when he became the american put it in afghanistan, so it's about control of resources, oil, gas, suis canal and other uh things that are important to uh western
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imperialism, so when you think of donald trump, the thing i think of is that the photographs of him with epstin. so i just wonder uh, what photographs or what commentary or what emails uh are actually compromising donald trump and his support for the israeli state, so the american senate and the congress is bought, they spent millions of dollars recently trying to unseat pro-palestinian uh independent or uh democratic democratically elected democrats in the congress, so they're buying political... war uh through financial power and that's been witnessed all over europe uh and in other uh western five five after close to year the palestinian resistance continues to fight back hard inside gaza which marks the great failure for israel's military campaign on the ground what does that say about the steadfastness of the resistance?
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palestinians i think are cut from a clot. that does does not share with anyone else around the world, if we was to see the kind of resistance that we are seeing in palestine, in other places, in egypt, in turkey, in the us, in uk, this world would have been a very different place, i don't know where they get the strength from, but i can only see that their trust in god is what really gives them the strength to keep resisting, now when we talk about resistance, here are even talking about resistance in western countries these days has been... come issue because there is huge crackdown on the media here, recently we've seen sarah wilkinson, under hs, we have seen richard medhous, we witnessed clive mensis, there's lot of other other you know journalists who are being constantly threatened for speaking out, speaking out and just talking about basic resistance, now this resistance is according to the international law, you know
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they have every all people have a right of self determination, so when we talk about resistance we are not neces really talking about hamas or talking about, we're talking about ordinary people, and this is because they are occupied, israel is a colonial power, and therefore you know resistance is is something that is, they are allowed to resist, i really, i really look at those mothers, and think that god has sometimes you you can lose trust in god, sometimes you can watch what is happening and really wonder where is god when people are being... subjected to these kind of atrocities, but on reflection in my view, i think the people of palestine when you watch the resistance of those mothers, those children, it it is to awaken the rest of us, maybe the rest of us around the world are so infiltrated into this material world where it is constantly about getting more and more and more and they are
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there to awaken our conscious and and to really make us question ourselves, i just want to you know ask, the the masses, particularly masses in egypt or those students who are you know in in the us, yes they have shown us a way, but where is everybody else? we already see that a process such as elections is no more free, people are supposed to be in a democracy, it's the people who are supposed to be deciding their leaders, but in reality all elections are bot. this is a time for the resistance such as that of palestine to spread around the people the world, people who believe in peace. 'who believe in humanity all around the world, they have to take example of these students that we've seen in university campuses, we need to see this spread around the world to end this'. shame that is upon the world today. the israelis have taken to the streets again to protest benyamin netanyahu and his far right cabinet's handling of this war. netanyahu stands
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accused of systematically obstructing the gaza cease fire for his political and personal gains. is that how you view it as well that netanyao is prolonging this war just to keep his head above water? well, first of all, i could adddress the fact that there are someone's camed up the... 500 thousand israelies on the streets of tel aviv and other towns and cities uh calling for sess fire. they're not calling for a sifire, what they want are the remaining captives released uh and brought back home to israel and then they do occur if gaza is turned into a car park afterwards. after 11 months of genocide, they are not on the streets calling for an end to the war. they're not calling for an end of the genocidal purge. "they are not complaining about the people in the west bank here being murdered or the 10th dettainees, actually in the kineset, not that long ago, they were debating whether or not,
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according to their religious values that it is legal or moral to rip men and women to gang, rip them, the most vulnerable people in the world, people you can't decide what time to go up in the morning, what time they eat, what time they exercise, what time to read a book, they are totally conditioned and control. within the israeli prison system, these people are being brutalized, starved, beaten, tortured and ripped, and there's no one in tel aviv on the streets calling for this to come to an end, what you're witnessing is the uh entitlement, i would describe it of the uh, the chosen people who believe that the lives of the captives are above the lives of palestinian men, women, children and newborn bebies, uh, they cur nothing for the garsons, nothing for the... palestinians in the west bank, the soul concern is for the captives that they want brought home. the opposition want netan yahu out purely because they want to get in the
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power, but israeli society has moved so far to the right that i believe if they had elections in the next six months, you would see the settler movement gain more power, more influence and more positions, and you may see bent giver or smotridge or someone else of that elk becoming the leader uh within. the kineset in a hung parliament, so uh, it's all you talk about american hypocrisy around the seasfers, what we're witnessing in tellaviv is the hypocrisy of fascist, right-wing society who voted into power, yet again netanyahu, the war criminal for 20 years with blood on his hands of innocent palestinians, they voted in smoke brids, they voted in ben giver, uh, netanyahu wants to stay there as long as possible, i think he has the dream that he will be the... israely leader, he finally settled the palestinian question, and i think that's part the reason why he wants to stay on power, he wants to leave hero regardless of what the people feel now, if he can win in gaza and he
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can destroy the west bank, he will see himself as hero. all right, that's all the time we have for tonight's show, thank you to uh director of palestine ireland, frau huves joining us from belfast and author, journalist and producer sakina datu, speaking to us from the british capital london. a special thanks to you our viewers for staying with us tonight, spotlight. it's good night for now, and see you next time. in southeastern cuba on the coast of guantanamo bay. in 2002, the first detanees were transferred their hooded. them masked, most them without charge or a criminal trial. it's very easy to do whatever they want to do with
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this prisoners without anybody looking, supervisising or controlling what's happening there. since then, reports of secret detentions, torture, and suicides have hit the headlines time and time again, as being dragged through the mud by american soldiers and being punched and kicked and stripped. naked again and photographed and shackled and spat on, so let's get now. this is an exclusive report on gitmo only on press tv. the rivers of mesopotamia are going through their most critical times. with the deaths of
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the tigris and the euphretes, what will the future hold for the people of iraq and syria? will the aras river end up the way the tigris and the euphretes did? the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive. cold water, step into the compelling world of the syrian poet, ahlam banawi, as his captivating
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documentary explores. for unwavering dedication to syria and the profound personal struggles that she endured during the war in syria. this is forest. in today's show we'll be looking how this global war even extend. to the annual emy awards that recognize excellence in television and emerging media. this campaign uh is is something which um which is a feeling and which will will be an indication i think of the uh the general um beginnings of failure of the lobby. bisan oder is a palestinian journalist um who has been covering the war in gaza from the very beginning. she already won p award in the
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news category, more palestinians are killed in israel's. this air and artillery attacks in gaza as death pull from 11 months of genocide nears 41,000. family of an american activists killed by israeli forces during anti-settlement protests in the occupied west bank has called now for an independent investigation. in lebanon's hezbula carries out another retaliatory operation firing dozens of rockets and drones into israeli occupied northern palestinian territories.
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