tv [untitled] September 9, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST
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we are the censored, we are the voice of the voiceless. we are press tv. this is for palestine. why do you think little boys are throwing stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead? they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is the terror state the terror. hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine dclass. our twice-weekly
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program exposes the israeli regime's global war against solidarity with the illegally occupied people of palestine. in today's show, we'll be looking at how this global war even extends to the annual emi awards that recognize excellence in television and emerging media. in our first report, latifchakra reveals the lens to which the zianist lobby is going sabotise the prospects of young palestinian documentary maker from receiving an award at this year's ceremony. the zionist lobby is trying to deprive a... heroic palestinian journalist in ghazza of nomination for an emi award and is using key figures from the music and film industry to help. bisan auda has worked tirelessly since the beginning of israel's genocide in ghazza to document the killing of her people and the destruction of her homeland. the 25-year-old was nominated in the outstanding hard news feature story category for her documentaries. it's bisan from ghazza and i'm still alive. a
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letter has been published calling for her nomination to be withdrawn. the claim in the letter is that bisan is secret member of the popular front for the liberation of palestine, also known as the pflp. who exactly is behind the letter, and what does it tell us about this ranset campaign? the israel lobby group mobilizing industry figures against bisan alda, is the creative community for peace. ccfp was founded as part of of one legal entity with stand with us called the israel emergency alliance. stand with us was funded directly by the israeli prime minister's office. the founder of the creative community for peace is dave renzer who is in fact married to esther renza, the founder and president of stand with us. stand with us works closely with the israeli foreign ministry of affairs. creative community for peace coordinates with the israeli consulate in los angeles and former
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consul general, david seegel, has directly praised the organization. they are effective because they work from inside the industry. a key figure at ccfp, who is the first name signed to the letter calling to withdraw the nomination of gazdan journalist bisan auder from the emi awards, is hayam shaban. he is a director of universal music group and a hardcore israel lobbist who has pumped hundreds of millions into the... friends of the idf and been credited with writing biden's script on israel. israel is trying to directly interven in the emi awards. joining me in the studio as usual is our resident expert and eminent scholarly critic of israel david meller. david is a senior research fellow at the center for islam and global affairs at istanbul's am university and is a co-director of the lobby and watch dog spinwatch. joining us again is one of our regular guest contributors. it's the celebrated hip hop. artist and podcast
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presenter for mint press news low key who believe is working a new album, so look out for that when it's released. welcome to the show. loki tell us will you a bit about bisan auda's work? so basan auder is a palestinian journalist who has been covering the war in gaza from the very beginning. she already won p body award in the news category and also in in edward r. award for the new series that she has done with al-jazera. she's also now been nominated in the news and documentary section of the emi awards for outstand outstanding hard news. david, would you just explain then um who the pflp is, which is the organization that this son has been accused of being a member of. well, the pflp is the popular front for the liberation of palestine. of
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three um socialist or marxist groups who are engaged in the resistance in gaza, people of course think it's all hamases not, and pfp of course has an armed wing, the abu ali mustafa brigades uh... which is not illegal in this country and nor is the pflp, so you can say on television or anywhere else in this country, i support the pflp, but you can't say i support the pflpgc, which is an entirely different organization, so there's the there's the the distinction, but look, this is this is one one part of the uh the palestiny resistance factions in gaza, and you know it's not, it's not illegal to be member of that organization, but who knows if she is or not, it's obviously smear intended to remove her uh her. are possibility of her getting an award, illustrates the desperate lens that they are prepared to go to, they will do anything, they will do anything, yeah, well, low key, the the scientis lobby has engaged in a determined and desperate campaign, haven't they to stop uh bisan from being nominated at the emi awards, mean i
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wonder whether you could just outline what you know about the lens that the zianist lobby is going to to to stop at getting an award, so as you said chris, the zionist lobby has engaged in a really um desperate campaign to try and stop her from being nominated here at the emi awards and that is quite telling, you know, there's been over 150 figures from within the music and film industry in the united states who are urging the national academy of television, arts and sciences, natas to withdraw her nomination for. the emi awards, well david, i mean it, it seems the designest lobbies failed in in its attempts, so i mean, what do you think that tells us about the power of the lobby, look, the lobby is not all powerful, i mean we we shouldn't imagine it is, it has extreme level of organization and funding, this
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organization that's involved here, creative community for peace, of course it's a front for a stand with us, a group which is directly funded by and coordinated with the uh the regime, and of course there's a clearly an asset of the regime. now people say, well, can you connect it to the to benjamin netanyahu? in this case, yes we can, but that doesn't matter, i mean, the the the movement is coordinated across the world, and and its activities are are are are express the underlying instructions which are which come from tel aviv and from from the the headquarters of the scionist movement, but this campaign uh is is is something which um, which is a feeling and which will will... be an indication, i think of the uh the the general um beginnings of failure of the lobby. we've seen the similar thing with apac who've who've uh failed a little bit, they've not had their customary 100% success in in in election campaigns, the some of their attempts to have people uh um stop from being
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elected or to be elected have have not been successful, so we started to see cracks in the uh in the the uh the power of the the wobing is... this do you think one of the unintended consequences from the zionist entities perspective of of the genocide that uh they are engaged in in gas in terms of the weining power of the zin fl? yes of course it is, mean everybody sees the genocide, everyone sees the horror and all across the world public opinion is outraged and horrified, but in the the ruling structures of western countries like the us especially but also the uk, there there is very very strong support for zionism and it's... "it's very difficult to to hack away at that, but it's beginning to crack, well loke, i mean this is also wrapped up isn't it in the campaign against al-jazera in the united states, i mean what do you know about that? so yes, this is also connected to very ferocious campaign against al-jazera in the
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united states and that campaign specifically targ targeting aj plus is about forcing the organization to register and..." foreign agent according to the us phara act. now that would then have different implications for the organization in the us, and the main body that is pushing that is zkor legal institute, which is working in coordination with americans for transparency and accountability in this regard. now zakor legal, legal defines his activities as using well-established legal principles back by longstanding government. policy to prevent the adoption and promulgation of bds activity by local governments. it also seeks to successfully prosecute um organized crime and terror movements to impose financial and criminal penalties on entities and individuals that are funding and overseeing
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bds activity in the united states. so it has a strong anti-bds slan, but as we've seen, aj plus has been a real target for its campaigning. now the funding for the zacker legal institute comes from adam milsteen through his milstein family foundation, now milsteen is an israely military veteran, he's on the... cancel of apec and he's also been jailed uh previously for um tax evation, but fascinatingly, not only is he member of stand with us, he's also funded the campaign against antisemitism in the uk, so you really see the clear link that exists between the zianist lobby activity in the uk and in the united states, so what you have is a sort of perfect storm where... zackor legal institute and few other israel lobby groups are working to force aj plus to register as foreign agent
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at the same time as from within the film and music industry, you have an organization like creative community for peace which is trying to force a palestinian in gaza who is at risk of being killed any time in israel's genocide of not even being able to receive some form of recognition through nomination. for an award in the united states, would you say the the the cultural sphere is significant and important to what actually happens on the ground? look, it relates to what happens on the ground, it's part of the question of of confidence uh of people who are struggling in the resistance in gaza, but also the confidence of the movement outside palestine, and whether they think they're winning or not, all that plays into the to questions of uh or strategy and what's what's thought to be possible, as we begin to have victories,
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we begin to see that uh that more and more things are possible, so yes of course it's relevant, it kind of gives us most confidence and maybe for us to to speak out. well, our next report looks at which figures from the music and film industry who've joined in the vindictive campaign to deprive bisan auda of an emi award? hey everyone, this is vsam from gaza, apparently i'm still alive, which one? known figures from the music and film industry have joined the lynch party to block gaza journalist bisan auda from her emi award nomination. of course, several figures linked to universal music group are essential to the operations of creative community for peace. firstly, the founder is dave renzer, former ceo of universal music group publishing. another ccfb figure who signed the letter against bisan auta is sherry lansing, chairman of the board at universal evan lamber, the president of universal publishing for north america, also signed the letter.
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it's been noted that this company, headed by zionists, is also the home of prominent palestinian artists like st. levant and dj khalid. some other key figures from the music industry that signed the letter include eton binhoren, the executive vice president at warner music, and pamela charbit, the head of global ar at warner music. the label features major artists from around the world like ed shiran and others who have displayed support for the palestinians previously. others from the world of hollywood who signed the letter against the journalists from gaza include debora messing and selma blair. unforgivable demonstrations of solidarity with zionist genocide in gaza. loki, tell us about the so-called creative community for peace, will you? so creative community for peace was founded as the same legal entity as the stand
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with us uh lobby group which is well-known and historically has even been funded by the israeli prime minister's office and creative community for peace is led by dave renza who is the former ceo of universal music group publishing but he's also married to the head and founder of stand with us, but aside from that, when it was founded as the same legal entity, the tax filing show that it was the israel emergency alliance, creative community for peace and stand with us as the same organization, and there it's even been commented upon of how including the word peace um increases the the the the ability of this company to reach people and draw them in and ultimately obscure. their objectives which are to fight bds within the music and
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film industry and so you've seen creative community for peace organized trips to israel for alicia keys for macy grey. they have a close relationship with quite a few impressionable uh musicians unfortunately and as we've demonstrated have very close links to key major record labels in the music industry so it makes it quite... difficult for artists who are keen to succeed um really to resist uh this push and actually i would say it's down to create a community for peace that you've seen so little on artistic response to the horrific killing in gaza across these 10 months, really you can count on one hand, the amount of musicians and public figures who have taken any kind of meaningful stance on palestine, and probably even the ones that do, many of them take these sort of pathetic stances like wearing a
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little badge on the red carpet at an award show, you that's not the uh the tradition and the legacy. of someone like john lennon who funded the black panthers or um even bob dylan at his zenneth was more politically involved, but you know you don't have this these same um equivalents in today's music industry and i would say this particular organization and few other groupings like it within the music and film industry are ultimately to blame for the attritional depoliticization of uh artists film uh actors and and public figures more generally, and david, i mean, i wonder whether you could just say few words about uh stanbus organization which is kind of linked to this sort of communities for peace, creative community for peace, when it first emerged, people were a bit uncertain about what it was, and it was a little bit of investigative work done by by antiish journalists over in
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the states which revealed that in fact it was the same organization as sam stand with us, that the the husband and wife team who run both organizations. uh uh were kind of a giveaway, but also of course stand with us has been funded by the prime minister's office, it coordinates directly with the ministry of foreign affairs and used to coordinate with the ministry of strategic affairs when it existed uh and had that portfolio, so this is part of the the overall coordination designist movement, they don't no, there isn't one part of the the the movement which does things which are unauthorized, they do all this in in a coordinated fashion with direction from the from the center and that's why we say when these talk about these organizations, we talk about them as being assets, because they are assets of movement which is quite tightly coordinated, well it seems doesn't it then that although they seem to have you know quite a wide reach uh which we've obviously covered on the on the show on on numerous occasions i me talk about the lazis lobby now mean actual key players relatively few in number it seems is that what you're saying
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well the the they are they are relatively free in number but there are there are a lot them i mean look in in the uk for example there are 2000 resignas charities probably uh and in the us there's probably lot more than that, so that's a lot of people. now of course the interpenetrated in this overlapping board memberships, and of course people from one family will marry into another family, and so you have leading zines families in the us and the uk who are intermarried with each other and also interlinked with each other in different sciencest organizations, so yes there's a relatively small amount of people, but let's remember that, the jews in in america are 2.5% of the population and most of those in these senior. your zionists, so you're going to have that kind of penetration. well, lok, i wonder whether you might just explain who hayim saban is and and why he's relevant here. so hayim saban is fascinating figure, he is somebody who is a former israeli military uh, from former israeli military
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personnel, but also he is somebody that has been credited at. as pumping millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars into the friends of the idf, the charity, which funds the israeli occupation forces, um, because he's the main organizer of fundraises, he's very, very well connected, he was given first his own subsidiary of universal music, and now he's been made a director of universal music, universal is of course the label that the biggest artists in the world are... signed to or have been signed to in the past. in addition to that, heim saban is somebody that's been credited as writing joe biden's script on israel. he says, this is ham savan, he says, i'm a one issue guy, and that issue is israel, so he's constantly used his influence and his position within the society to assert the
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interest of israel, and he is the number one signature signature on this letter. trying to force um the withdrawal of bisan's nomination from the emi awards, so clearly he would have had intimate role in the shaping of the letter as he is the first signature, and he has key position at the creative community for peace and no doubt uses his influence within universal music to extend that uh domination really over the music industry. david, do you think then it's fair to say that the the zinis lobby within the music and the the film industries - losing its grip? i don't think it is yet, i mean i think that they have such a grip on on the industry and and it's not. just that they've got power is that they have so many people uh relatively speaking at the top levels of the music industry, truly extraordinary, the number of zionists were at the top of the music industry, it's hardly any other industries,
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maybe the nba in america is an example, hardly any other industry which has that level zius penetration of the very top jobs, so they're not losing their grip at the top, but of course they are losing their group further down the hierarchy, so in that film you saw of course there are many artists there who are managed by uh hard line genes. signers to our supporters of the palestinians and that's a that's a conflict which is going to have to work its way out and that will be the beginnings of the cracks that we'll show luky i mean what's been your experience in that regard give what we just been talking about there with david so in my case of course there was a fairly well-known campaign by the we believe in israel lobby group which is still lobbying spotsify to remove my music. i have new album coming soon which i'm sure will upset. them greatly even more, but also it extended even further to when it was less visible. i remember times i was invited
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on tim westwood show for example, over 15 years ago, it was very popular show on the bbc, and at the last minute my appearance was cancelled, and i was later informed by an employee of the organization that dossier had been passed on, which um accused me of conspiracism and therefore i was deemed not good enough for tim westwood who has now been accused of multiple sexual assaults of young black women so it's it's interesting you know the way that the zionist lobby in both in this country and in the united states it it draws to it some of the most repugnant and uh figures and morally depraved individuals who it is able to instrumentalize within the music industry and within uh culture at
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large, unfortunately, so i can't say that i've had any particularly exceptional experiences, many others will have experienced experienced the same kind of things, but i think certainly there's lessons to be learned from my experience too. well david, i mean, what are the ways do the the zinanis seek to control the the cultural sphere? well, i think you've got to look at this in terms of on the one hand, the the traditional notion of the israel lobby, so that something like creative community for peace is an israel lobby group, it's there to work from within the industry, the music industry to pursue zionist foreign policy aims and agendars, but you also have of course the role of zinis within an industry like the music industry and other cultural industries true, the executives are who are zionists, yes they might appoint or sign up uh artists who who are pro-palestinian to some extent, but they will they will be
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unlikely to do that to to a great extent and they and there will be limits on the extent to which they can they can speak out as prop palestinis as we've seen with this this particular example so it's the actual functioning of the those industries including the social media industries, the media industry, the music industry, they they actually act to delimit. and limit radical voices, especially pro-palestinian voices, but other radical voices too, and we we've seen that over the years and that's part of the reason why uh, mass culture is so blind. do you think that explains i mean, this sort of uh um obsession if you like with the with the cultural sphere is is because they see it as as being a you know an important influencer in terms of public opinion, even though they kind of losing that that propaganda war on the moment, but mean is that what what it's about do you think the fact that they're so embedded in the culture? 'yeah, i mean, i think that they they probably perceive it that way, i mean they perceive themselves as being in control to some extent, but of course you know, they've all they've constantly got to repress
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propowers in the voices, and of course at the at the level of of public and popular opinion, that israel is hated, i mean that most people, most young people want israel to end, and that even a year ago that would have been unthinkable, but we've come a long way a year, but there's a long way to go, indeed, indeed, there certainly is.' "i'm afraid that's all we've got time for today, so thanks for watching and and thank you to our guest at loke and of course our residence expert professor david miller. remember, you can follow the show on facebook, twitter and telegram where we post regular clips and updates, and you can also help us to counteract the pro zines propaganda that's routinely featured in the corporate media by sharing today's program on your social media platforms. so until next time when i hope you're join us again on palestine declassified, this is chris williamson saying bye for now.
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speak unexpose, we dive into the arrest of telegram ceo pavel dove in france, pivotal moment in the global battle over digital freedom as governments intensified their push to break into users private data. we'll also uncover how the genesal war on gaza has sparked not only fierce battles on the ground, but also a silent war in newsrooms, where journalists who dared to speak up have been censored or silenced, and in a world increasingly divided will explore the... growing debate over social media censorship where a stunning 71% of washington democrats now support restricting misinformation compared to just 41% of republicans. stay tuned for expose. the truth is just a revelation away.
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"i don't win many awards in my own country, so i'm a bit shocked. firstly like to thank the iranian people for uh welcoming, welcoming me and your beautiful country. i want to tell you uh all people in this room, storytellers, truth tellers, we cannot fake in emotion, we can..." not fake the truth, this is for every child, mother and father who are lost by us made weapons and uk made weapons and european made weapons in our palestine, the second sob international media festival.
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"what happened today is no accident, it is the continuation of the killing of 17 of of beta's residence during demonstrations since 2021. it is intentional killing that is now receiving the light of day, enjoy receiving that receiving the light of day because she is an american citizen, it was intentional
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