tv [untitled] September 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. well, are the tides finally turning against the zionist regime, as the true nature of the regime is increasingly exposed. throughout the world, people have been demonstrating since october of last year to have the genocide in in gaza, but now even inside. of israel, more of its own people are
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turning against the regime, but remember the settlers are not upset because over 40,00 palestinians have been killed, they want sease fire to the genocide because of the israeli camptives, still under palestinian resistance groups control. well, stay with us as we take a look at the latest in the situation in gaza and also the occupied territories on this spotlight. i like to welcome my guests to the program out of brussel's elijah magneer, journalist and political analyst and say at mosan abbas, journalist and political commentator out of london, thank you both for being with me, let's start it off in brussels and elijah, why do you think that we have seen the biggest? turn out or some of the biggest turn
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out inside of israel recently uh with the latest protests? thank you for having me. thank you for coming. in sociology when between 3.5 to 10% of the mass population take the street, it is an indication of a critical mass mobilization that stands in against the government, which means that the... participation of the population reach point where the movement can no longer be ignored by the government, media or general public, and yet the government of prime minister benyamin netanyahu and his far right-wing coalition and the government are not only ignoring the call of the israeli themselves, but also of the americans and the europeans, the icc international criminal court that consider... netanyahu and his
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defense minister, you have gallant as war criminals, the threat that comes as a support from lebanon that is engaged in a war. that is soft war, but in support of aksa and gaza, the support from yemen, that is closing the red sea on the israeli shipment in support of the gaza population, iran that is using its power and all the leverage tool to support gaza, and today we have seen also attack by a jordanian against who managed to kill three is... officers of which two settlers on the checkpoint telling the palestinian you not alone, and also we have seen in the west bank the mobilization of the palestinians against netanyahu's regime, that is an not only in naprtide regime, but responsible for war
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crimes and crimes against humanity and intend genocide, and all that is not really convincing netanyahu to... stop the war, because that will be the end of his political career. okay, this is why we see the continuation of what's happening in gaza to no visible end. all right, well said most and your thoughts, i mean, because when we hear the settlers and what they're demanding, uh, many of them are demanding the resignation of netanyahu, and i want to look at this in general, i mean, is it just netanyahu who is responsible, um, for this genocide or is it overall the mentality of of this regime? i mean, your assessment of of that, and and would it make a difference if netanyahu is in or out or tell me what you think? at the end the day we've seen that the overwhelming
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majority of the israelit is citizenry has fully supported uh the actions in gaza, the genocide uh that support doesn't really show any sign of um dimining. "they're actually totally for the idea of wiping out and ethnically cleansing palestinians in gaza, and now quite frankly, it's also revealed that it wasn't just about hamas, this is about wiping palestinians off the face of what israel, this this illegitimate occupation regards as its own territory, so what we've got is a situation where we can't just keep pointing the finger at benjamin netanyahu in my opinion." believe that there's a much more uh sort of systemic and much more deep-rooted mentality within zinanism globally, but also within the israeli rank and file. it's a different matter that people are losing faith and trust in benjamin netanyahu's establishment, his
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fascist nazi like jewish extremist leadership or government, that's a different story. because of course when you start losing and they are losing, they're losing economically, they're losing a judicial level, they're losing a public relations and psychological sort of war footing as well, so the fact that they're losing on so many fronts is not hidden from the israeli public, it's certainly not hidden from the very extremist uh violent settlers have been unleashed by netanyahu himself and and his horts like smodric and bengavir etc. to go and occupy more uh territory in what is nominally left as a palestinian land, the the the one/10 that might actually still remain in their hands, they want even that taken away, and
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benjamin netanyahu has been pushing that, for him to get kick back on that, it may may give him the justification to say, oh well, we've got to do even more now, because i'm under pressure from all these uh these israeli citizens. so to be honest with you, whichever way it plays, then yahu and his uh genocidal regime will spin it so that they they can try to do more killing, more ethnic cleansing and more occupation, illegal occupation of palestinian lands, right? well - elijah netanyahu has recently shown map uh with the west bank being incorporated into israel, i mean your thoughts about that, what does that mean um as the genocide continues in gaza and and and more so increasing? brutal operations taking place in the west bank, i mean the overall goal, and i also want to talk about the goal of showing illegal action and just saying, basically this is what we want to do, and of course uh, nothing happens to him, no
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ramifications for that. on the jewish library, the liquid party 1977 manifest, it says that the... presence of any palestinian in the west bank that is called the judea and samara is danger on the israeli national security. which means that for the israelis, particularly this government that is ledded by the head of the liquid party, so it is not only the far right wing ministers, the finance baselil smutrich and the security, but also benjamin netanyahu believe that there is no place for the palestinians in the west bank, so we have seen also how during this war, went to the knesset and with 68 votes, they confirmed that no place for a
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palestinian state in israel, which means that palestine will be occupied by the israelis if the israeli can do it, and again it lead us to the unfit broker that is the us, that is the one organizing the austlo agreement 1993, 1995, where it state that palestinian should have a state in 1999 and it didn't happen and benjamin netanyahu is not hiding the fact that he doesn't want to give a state for the palestinians. this is why the objective of benyamin netanyahu and his government that are due to stay with us until october 2026 is to do everything they can to eliminate the presence of the palestinians in west bank and transform. gaza in a place where the palestinian cannot live in the stripe.
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therefore, we the objective of this government is very clear. now, it is not going to happen for the simple reason that the palestinian in gaza showed resilience, they showed they not willing to be pushed to another exodus, as in 1948, they still fighting. they prevented netanyahu and his formidable army, the strong. in the middle east that failed to achieve the objectives in gaza to defeat the resistant that did not raise a white flag and did not manage to release all the captives, which means that netanyahu has failed in his objectives and he's continuing the wall looking for other object other targets and for now it is the west bank, maybe he will increase the tension on the border with lebanon, but this is his aim is to... continue waging wars waiting for donald trump to come to power and perhaps
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help him more than this current administration laid by the democrats and in particular joe biden. well at the same time said moson, i mean what does it mean when we look at the israeli public? on the one hand uh we see on our screens a lot of them taking to the streets and perhaps some would think that they're actually anti-war and of course there are few perhaps who are but ... overall, the majority of israelis are not really upset at the beheading of palestinian babies or the burning alive of uh kids sleeping in tents or the murder of pregnant palestinian women uh, their focus is on their own captives still being held in gaza, not the tens of thousands of palestinian prisoners, but just their own. i mean, what does that say overall about the psychey of uh the israeli public? i think... dealing with a sick society, and i think the quicker we come to the to the cut to the chase basically, the
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better, because there was never any acceptability of nazism, there was there would be never any acceptability of isis is genocidal tactics and behavior and head chopping, there wouldn't be any toleration of any of these kinds of absolutely barbaric, savage practices in in those two context, why should it be any different with israelize? when they're doing exactly that, they're decapitating little children's heads from their bodies, limbs flow flying w and they've done it absolutely in a murderous fashion, so i think it's time to call call spay spade, zionism is basically evil ideology, the people who are infected by it, they need retraining, they need to be taken out of the indoctrination which has led them to become barbaric savages essentially, because when you condone genocide on the scale that they are doing, regardless of whatever else is going on within that country uh you have to diagnose these people as basically sick and
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uh i think that they've having committed the 40000 plus uh murders of civilians cold blooded murders of civilians with missiles etc and other bombs equivalent of three nuclear bombs i've been given the estimate that's what they've dropped on these for children women and and civilians in that in that gazan strip but of course they've begun that now in in in in the west bank, 692 uh killings by the israel occupation forces, 158 those of those were minors, 5,700 wounded and 10,400 detained without any any real evidence and and being put into prisons where they're being sodomized, raped and goodness knows what else, so this is the standard practice the most moral army and the the biggest democracy, laughably known as israel, which
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the west constantly tries to tout, but of course they they're losing, these figures are also part of their defeat because globally opinion looks at these situations in social media now is has definitely woken up people around the world, whichever statistic you look at, the grassroots people in the west or the east are all woking waking up to the this genocidal craziness that the israelis have embarked on, it's destroying their their hard one husbur blinding of the world, it's kind of making a mockery of the so-called western democratic and equality orientated values they keep back. to to the the global south, it's making a a joke of the those people who who are arming and supporting this genocide and indeed sending troops on the ground as well, we have evidence of that with the americans as well as the british with their aircrafts flying in and their their arms floating in by sea and by air, so we know that this is now exposing the whole anglosphere, the whole zionist anglosphere a
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level that hasn't never been done before, and that's a massive defeat, so the result of all this... genocide is really first of all in the medium and long term destroying any chance that israel, i think ultimately will survive in this region simply because it's it's is it's going to become a parier increasingly that is the case, and the more they kill, the more they genocide, the more the world is going to have to shut them out, the only way they being they're being kept float right now is because the american veto and their control of the global institutions like the un and others and is making it very hard, but nonetheless even then the icc, the ic. j and of course the un, all of them have spoken out, other other human humanitarian groups are beginning to speak out more vocally, so this this pressure uh one can only pray that this pressure ultimately will will really uh work in the palestinians favor and the sacrifice and the blood given by these children and these these innocents will ultimately see the freedom of of palestine.
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let's hope so. well elijah, you heard what z moson said about exposing of the... the anglosphere and zianosphere, i want to look at that, because when we're talking about uh, let's put everything else aside, we're talking about babies being killed, babies being beheaded, and not having um the empathy uh for even the children, and that's what we've been seeing uh with much of the israeli public and also obviously their hegemonic supporters who are providing the weapon. to do this, so so what does this do, this exposure of who this whole hegemonic front, who they really are, what it really is, tell me the direction you think that that will take things, how do you think this is going to affect uh as far as global politics with this exposure? well, we have seen a double
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standard from the us that is asking for a cease fire and yet providing weapons to the israelis, exactly the same with the jordan, with the germans who also are providing weapons to israel and asking for a cease fire, these two demands and actions are incompatible with one another, either they stop providing weapons and ammunition and they ask for seas fire and then they can attain it, because no war can be run without ammunitions or stop their hypocrisy and tell us they really don't care about sefire and they will support all the crimes and crimes against humanity committed by israel. in this case we've seen the us and western hegemony because they are colonialist, so they behave
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a way where they can allow themselves to do both things, so they can continuous weapons to israel to make sure that israel has a superiority and continue its war and is not defeated, and at the same time show to the world and to the population in particular, because people disagree with their leaders, that they are trying to reach peace. nevertheless, we don't see this happening on the ground. on the contrary, we've seen an ultimate and full support to benyamin netanyahu and his government. we've seen some complaint domestically, but according to the israeli law, nobody can remove benyamin netanyahu from his position as a prime minister, this is why the government in the west are still supporting benjamin netanyahu because it is out of their interest not to commit political suicide and drop israel or
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acknowledge the international court of justice that consider israel is indeed the occupier is not behaving according to international law and it has obligation against the occupied population in gaza and in west bank. so this contradiction that we have seen is so obvious today that the world population is moving regardless their leaders to stand against israel and to support the palestinian because they are the oppressed people, they represent the symbol of justice and injustice, they represent the symbol of how they are suffering from an appartite regime like the south african in the past. and the israelis are indiscriminately killing children and women without any reaction from the leader around the world who usually hold
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the high moral ground in other country than other issue and coughling thrown the world. okay, well said moson, the regime is under lot of pressure from within for not reaching any of its so-called goals in gaza as well as being under pressure from the palestinian resistance and the hezbollah resistance and the whole resistance front, i mean, your analysis of what this is doing to the regime, and also settlers design as settlers who are living there, well, first of all, the the confrontation, particularly with the hezbulah has resulted in hundreds of thousands of settler occupiers up in the north, northern occupied territories of palestine, having to evacuate, they basically had empty out the entire northern s and it's a lot of those people who are also moaning a growning, they've been pushed down towards the west bank, lot of those those people who were were made homeless up there because of the israeli
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uh insistence on the genocide in in gaza have had to shift there, so there's been a huge movement there, there's obviously all of these people are now jobless, they're out of out of work, there's hundreds of thousands of these people who are out of work, there's hundreds of thousands who are now part of the military machine who are not working as well all of... "this is impacted, the economics of israel, and it's it's bordering, it's on the precipice of economic bankrupcy, only being floated by the four, five, six, 10 billion, goodness knows how many dollars the americans combined with other corporate designism around the world is pumping in to just keep it offloat, so it's it's it's not really uh going to get any better where if israel continues along the lines it has economically it's a disaster million israeli duce nationality citizens" i understand, have already left the country, they're still leaving from banguran airport in their droves, so there's a huge demoralization and huge fear factor that hezbollah and the
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resistance has managed to establish over the israeli popular, and i think that it shouldn't be ignored or underestimated. number two, the the hezbulah and the palestinian resistance combined has shown that there's a myth of uh military invincibility that israel had, which no longer exists, you know uh... basically they've not been able to destroy the tunnels of hamas, let alone take on hezbollah in any substantial way, they they've also managed to unify the the axis of resistance including in yemen, syria in in lebanon across in in uh of course in in uh iraq as well and iran, this this has enabled uh they their principal enemies to unify and not to unify but actually. operationally to learn and to coordinate activities for any future full-scale war, mean make no mistake, hizbollah has been doing its reconnaissance,
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has been gathering information, has been using drones and all sorts to to not only map israel so that it can reach anywhere inside israel, which i think has pointed out very very clearly many many times and demonstrated on several occasions that that's possible, we know that the allenbry bridge which i think which my colleague uh referred to, bridge attack, which was again an operation carried out by the resistance, there was the attack in tel aviv, you remember, which was an operational success and we know that in west bank that jeine and the west bank has been resisting very effectively there as well, so what we're seeing is militarily, israel is being defeated and that erosion of israel's military power is going to resonate in the halls of of of power in america and their their suppliers, their weapons supply. all right, on that note, so sorry to interrupt you, but we really are out of time, i appreciate both of you being with me. elijah magn, journalist and political analys out of
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brussels and said mosanapo's journalist and political. commentator out of london and thank you viewers for being with other spotlight, i'm marza hashimy be signing out for myself and other group right here in tehron. goodbye. i don't win many awards in my own country, so i'm... bit shocked, firstly like to thank the iranian people for uh welcoming welcoming me and your beautiful country. i want to tell you all people in this room, storytellers, truthtellers, we cannot fake in emotion, we cannot fake the truth. this is for every
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price headlines, israel pushes ahead with this genocide against palestinians in the gaza strip as the deaththoll from 11 months of attacks is neewing 41,000. isy forces launch first rays into the west bank, firing live rounds and abducting several cross occupied palestinian territory. also on the headline serious air defenses intercept a number of israely missiles as the regime's new air strikes on hama province killed 14 and injured nearly 20 others.
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