tv Israel Watch Operation Karama PRESSTV September 13, 2024 11:02pm-11:30pm IRST
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welcome to new episode of israel watch. a variety of topics have been recently highlighted by the hebrew media. topping the list is the bb files, the documentary that was shown in canada in addition to netanyahu's establishment of a mini committee to manage the war, including smartrich, along with obstruction of the deal. furthermore, gallant's announcement of nearing the goals of the aggression on gaza and moving. north
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and the fear of an explosion in the west bank were also focused on. joining me today to discuss these is mr. ali amrad, writer and political researcher. welcome, mr. ali. thank you very much. thank you. starting with the bb files, which is the title of documentary film about netanyahu and members of his family during sessions inside interrogation rooms in israel on charges of corruption. this film which includes live footage of the investigation was shown a film festival in toronto. שעות רבות של חומרים של חדרי החקירות של בני משפחת נתניהו שהודלפו לידיו של אמאי אלכס גבני בהם רואים את בני המשפחה בחדרי החקירות חומרים מטלטלים עבור ישראלים ששמים זרקור על ההתנהלות בחדרים הכי חשובים בישראל בין היתר הרבה מהציטוטים שהתפרסמו. גם כאן
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בחדשות 13 פתאום המשיעים עם הסרטונים עצמם לא תמלו לא הקרה ממש רואים בעיניים חומרים מחדרי החקירה שאסורים לחלוטין לשידור בישראל. החומרים הללו הוקרנו אמש בטורונטו בהקרנה ראשונה בהחלט והכוונה של היוצרים היא להראות את הסרט הזה בכמה שיותר מקומות בעולם. מבחינתם זה הכרחי לעשות את זה כרגע משום שהם והמרועינים חלקם בחירים לשעבר במערכת הביטחון בישראל רואים קשר ישיר בין אותן.
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side designist entity, all the settlers, they know that bb netanyahu is a corrupt person, because since the beginning of the last decade, he has been tried in courts for um, you know corruption, when we talk about the submarines deal with germany, it is known that he he he was complicit in, you know taking the money of the state, yes, uh, so i think that uh, it's not going to me to to to make that difference uh regarding uh affecting the way that some portion of the audience would change their minds about netanyahu, because the ones who are against netanyahu are known and the ones who are supporting netanyahu are known. well, what about the audiences abroad? it's true that such document. is going to uh affect the way
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uh some nations, especially in the west, will portray netanyahu, because actually it's going to put some pressure on netanyahu, but i doubt that he is going to back down regarding the uh ending the war or withdrawing from gaza or reaching a solution that would deescalate the situation in the in the in the region, and of course he is not going to... resign. now staying with netanyahu who has established a mini security cabinet to manage the war, including small trich, instead of the war cabinet he previously dissolved, this action has raised many questions in political, military and security circles in israel. אז מאז שהתפרק הפורם הקודם ובעקבות לחץ של שרים בממשלה, נתניה הודיע רשמית קבינת ניהול המלחמה נסגר, לא התקיים יותר, אבל מסתבר שבשקט בשקט, נתניה מקים פרום. מצומצם, פורום שנוכחים בו ראשי מערכת
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הביטחון על בסיס קבוע, מעטקנים, נותנים סקירות ביטחוניות והתייעצויות ביטחוניות בנושאים הרגישים ביותר שקשורים לניהול המלחמה. שימי לב מי משתתפים בפורום הזה על בסיס קבוע או כמעט על בסיס קבוע? אז השר בצלל סמוטריץ', ישראל קץ, השר יריב לוין, השר דרמר, שר הביטחון גלנד כמובן, וחבר הכנסת אריה דרי, זה שבעת השרים, אולי פורמה השביעיה שמתכנס ודן בנושאים הקריטיים הקשורים בניהול המלחמה, מי שלא מוזמן לפורום הזה על בסיס.
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last few weeks he was portrayed as the hawkish uh minister and smutrich was being portrayed as as the wise guy in the cabinet, but as we know that the decision is going to be netanyahu's, it it it used to be this way and it's going to be this way in the with the new forum, but "i think that maybe smotric who is controlling the budget, the finance ministry, that maybe a privilege for him to be member of this forum, but again if you take into a look about the members of this new forum, yes, including arya deri and also
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dermer, his own associate israel cuts who is liquidist also along with gallant." who is the war minister, it's uh, it's it's it's a move by netanyahu to show that he is reconvening the the war cabinet, but in the end it's going to be netanyahu's decision. well, on that point in the gaza strip, and in incident that is the first of its kind in 11 months of aggression against gaza, helicopter carrying soldiers crashed in the rafah area. two soldiers were killed and seven were injured according to the occupying army. מסוק שנקרא ב-12.5 בלילה לחלץ לוחם גיבטיטי שנפצע קשה באזור אפיח מגיע אל המגנן אליו פונה הלוחם הפצוע מתקרב לנחיתה לא מדווח על שום תקלה כלומר התעסים לא מודיעים החוצה על שום תקלה ואז מגובה לא רע המסוק פוגע בקרקע בעוצמה עם החרטום יכול
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להיות שגם הרוטור שלו פוגע בקרקע מה שגורם למסוק ליטות על צידו להתהפך ליפול על האמר שהיה למרבה המזל ריק אבל בעצם כל ה'. אין שום סימן נשללה האפשרות שהייתה פה אש אוייב, כלומר אין שום פגיעה חיצונית, אין דליקה במסוק, אז זו כנראה או תקלה טכנית או טעות אנוש, העבדת חקירה שמילה מפקד חל אביר כבר חילצה את הקופסה השחורה מהמסוק הזה, אגב, מסוק מאוד אמין, זה תאונה קטלנית ראשונה בחיל האוויר של המסוק הזה, מסוק ה ינשוף, בקופסה השחורה יהיה את קולות הקשר, יהיה את נתוני הקשר פנים, יהיה את נתוני הטיסה, vitrition faced by the occupying army in the within the zinis entity about the war gaza strip, do you still do you think that the crash could increase concerns about this
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attrition? actually, if you take a look at what alon bin david said, he is trying to deny that it was a resistance action taken. by resistance fighters, it's he is claiming that it's a technical, maybe human uh fault that cause the crash, but you have to take into consideration, this helicopter is very expensive, it's a um high quality us made helicopter black hawk design, they call it a different name in in designist entity, but such helicopters it can, it can't crack without an external factor, so i think it's a resistance action that made this helicopter crash, they don't want to confess it, but obviously they are trying to serve the target by trying to show that the the actions of the
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resistance are not that effective, yes, and because if they confess it and they say it out loud, it it it's would send this message that they are in the middle of this attrition, war of attrition, so this will affect the public of course, so that's why they are trying. every time there's um action uh with the an operation of the resistance they try to show that it happened du due to technical reasons and so so mr. ali, as the word goes on, will they perhaps reveal more and more new kinds of weapons? i think that the resistance might have uh uh took advantage of the uh the low altitude of the helicopter. they have anti-aircraft missiles, they have used. it since the beginning of the war, but when such helicopters are uh a
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higher altitude, it's hard for those this kind of missiles to hit uh the target, but if the helicopter was lowering down to to land, it's easier to attack it, and i think uh the resistance succeeded in uh hitting this kind of helicopters a lower altitude, what about that? are calling for maintaining military control over the gaza strip, but this is being met with rejection from the israeli army, as such move would lead to devastation and destruction for the army, according to a former general. החזית המרכזית שלנו היא בצפון, והצומת, שעל זה אנחנו כן מסכימים כולנו, הצומת
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היא עכשיו לסגור את החזית הדרומית בכל כוח, להביא לשמה עסקה חדשה, כי החזית המרכזית שלנו היא בצפון, לשמה צריך להכבין, וכל עוד אנחנו בדרום, אז זה לא קורה, וממשל צבאי זה דבר שגם יהרוס את הצבע, פשוט יהרוס את הצבע. here in the war on gaza, you know, up till now, 11 months, we are in the 12th months and up till now, the three targets of the israeli aggression on gaza haven't been met, so as long as those targets haven't been met, it's impossible to assume that the zionist army is going to to shift to the north in face of the islamic resistance and yes, so i think uh, what the those generals are saying uh,
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somehow is true because uh, you have to finish in gaza first, because you cannot fight a war, a full-scale war on two fronts, the israeli army is small, he's right, you got 140,000 uh troops uh who are acting in in the army, and you got the 400, uh... reserves, but well can they shift to lebanon to hisballah without completing what they once mentioned about against hamas? it's it's it's complicated because all those fronts, you can add the west bank front to them, yes, those three fronts are are crucial and they are connected each other, you cannot finish, you cannot go into a war uh without finishing a front, yes, so up to now the gaza front is still... open and you got the west bank front erupting, so it sounds like uh something uh
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irrational to talk about shifting to the north, well with that let's go ahead and move on, despite israeli admissions that the occupation army failed to undermine hamas in gaza, military affairs minister yaove gallant seems to be out of sync when he announced that the mission in gaza is nearing completion and the occupation should shift the weight of military operations to the north, אני מצטער על הטענה שהצבא אומר אולי מצינו ושחיילים אומרים אנחנו סתם נמצאים בעזה ולא עושים הרבה ומנהרות מנהרות וכולי אבל בעצם מה אומר כאן שר הביטחון אומר חבר'ה זהו אנחנו סיימנו.
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that we are, we still want to work in gaza, we still have targets to achieve in gaza, and his war minister is saying the the opposite, he's saying that... we finished uh and and this is an example of the dispute inside the the israeli uh government uh you got two points of views they are they agree that um the target is the palestinian people but for gallant he wants to go to a seasfire uh at least the first phase of the seasfire the 42
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days that are essential and crucial for his soldiers to rest uh to... organize of course uh regarding the the the army and what is said inside the army and what halivi, the chief of staff is expressing uh it's totally different because he is expressing the uh depression they feel because no targets to achieve because if you want to talk militarily uh they they reach the peak in um in last april uh from from april till now yes got more than six months, they haven't achieved anything, because they they go, they try to go to search for the tunnels, for the hostage, for the prisoners, exactly, and they find nothing, because uh, everything they can do, they tried doing it, and they reach nothing, so that's why there is depression
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sevan, it would be better if the failed galant went home. roy, minutes after galant statement, hazballah gave us the sweetest response, teaching us a lesson. shahar, we are plaged with lies. gallant is simply a clown. mr. ali, do you think israel is more serious this time around with raging war on the north? well, they know that a war on the... uh with they cannot fight it alone, they need the americans with them, because we are talking about a bigger firep that the resistance in lebanon possesses in comparison with what the palestinian factions, well actually like to add that as we know the us
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actually with true today, the us the roosevelt, yes exactly, because since they took the... decision to deploy another aircraft carrier which is abraham lincoln uh moving it from the indo pacific region to the uh to the middle east uh we all know that uh it's going to substitute the theodore rosefelt uss rosefelt because roosevelt is it has to go to a um repairing session it's going to take months and years so actually "the americans will be deploying one us aircraft carrier, but they, you know, they made this uh, this show in the media trying to show that they are going all all, they are bringing all the forces into the region, they thought that this move may might deter iran and hizbullah from retaliating the
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assassinations that took place in in the southern suburb and..." and alsoran and to the occupied west bank, which is still witnessing aggression moving between cities and camps, signaling the potential for an explosion there, it's a topic that was discussed within netanyahu's cabinet where a terrifying scenario was presented by the security and military establishment according to leaks in the hebrew media. מצגת מבהילה על כך שהמצב השטחים הוא אסף פיצוץ, מדברים על כמות נשק שלא הייתה מעולם בשטחים, גם כתוצאה מהחדירות של הגבול המזרחי, גם כתוצאה מגנבות נשקים, מדברים. על המצב שאם התפוצץ יביא למאות הרוגים כך הם אומרים בישראל גם כתוצאה מפיגועי התאבדות שיכולים להגיע לישראל ומציגים שורה של
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צעדים שלדעת מערכת הביטחון צריכים לעשות כדי להרגיע את המצב. mr. ali i mean as we know there has been another ramming operation in romala where one person was killed. how likely is it that the situation in the west bank will explode? actually because of what the zionist uh army is doing in the west bank. "i think it's spontaneous that there would be a reaction from the palestinian people and the palestinian resistance factions, so it's uh um, it's escalating because of what the zionists are doing, and i think they are doing it intentionally to put pressure, talking about the military establishment, to put pressure on netanyahu to abandon gaza, to stop the war on gaza, because as much as they go uh far in the west" bank, it's going to put some pressure on them, they would need more divisions in the west bank, and this is going to mean that netanyahu is obliged to stop the war in gaza
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strip. well, on that point, the aggressive campaign on the west bank will not achieve its goal, as many zinus analysts and experts confirm, pointing to the need for security arrangements requested by both egypt and jordan, as a former advisor to the zinist prime minister's office says, and אבל אנחנו נמצאים ברגעים מאוד מאוד מתוחים עם פוטנציאל הסלמה מאוד מהיר. ויש באמת הפיגוע הזה היום במעבר lmb הוא למעשה מהווה איזשהו סימפטום לבעיה רחבה יותר. יש פה באמת פוטנציאל להתלקדות זירות ואי אפשר להתעלם מהעובדה שגם במצרים וגם ירדן יש לנו הסכמי שלום עם שתי המדינות האלה. יש להן אינטרס משותף איתנו. יש פה פרצה משותפת גם בגבול הזה וגם בגבול הזה.
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sign that uh the so-called israel uh cannot defend itself by itself and it's a sign that they need more than ever uh both jordan and egypt to do this security job from their side uh and it's it's an expression of the state of denial in the zionist entity because they are refusing to acknowledge well do you think they will cooperate i think from from the egyptian and the jordanian side they they would cooperate i'm sure about that. yes, but from the sign side, they are doing this because they deny that the atrocities they are committing in gaza is is affecting the
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way the arab public is is looking at designist entity, so it's reasonable and rational that would be there would be a reflex arc towards what is is happening in the palestinian territories. and finally, despite all the intimidation and threats from the... בממשלה הזאת, לצערי, קצינים שהיו אמורים להיות בעלי עמוד שדרה, ולעמוד גם מול שר ולהגיד מה כן, מתיישרים מהר מדי. אני חושב שאנחנו רואים
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את מערכת האפיכה המשטרית ממשיכה להתקדם, ואני חושב שאנחנו עוסקים הרבה ביומים החיצוניים, ואנחנו צריכים להקדיש הרבה יותר לייומים הפנימיים, זה יקרא אותנו. אם אנחנו נהיה חזקים מבפנים אחרי שנתאושש מכל. i love to thank my guest mr. aliam, writer and political researcher, always a pleasure. thank you, thank you. thank you very much for watching, until next time, salam.
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