tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV September 16, 2024 10:02pm-10:30pm IRST
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hello and welcome to spotlight, i'm hashimi, thanks so much for being with us, well support for the oppressed people of gazs and is an obligation for all muslims, this is according to the leader of iran's islamic revolution, ayatollah ali khamenei, and talked about unity, not only that the leader discussed unity, but also it was a theme that was used in the president's first press conference, president massu pasesan talked about the importance of the relations between muslim countries, neighboring countries, and of course that it's going to try to play a very... big part in his future foreign
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policy, we're going to be taking a look at all of this on the spotlight, so stay with us. i like to welcome my guests to the program, masud shajar, chairman of islamic human rights commission out of tehran, and sayid mosan abbas, journalist and political commentator out of london, thank you so much for being with us, i start this off. with masoud, i mean it made statements and talked about the importance of unity and said it's oblic obligatory, obligatory really for muslims to support palestinians, um, during this meeting of course we had with the iranian sunni scholars today, i want to talk about what he said, the importance of that, and how do you think the situation could be different right now, if really all the muslims were following that? i think the fact
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of the that the verses of quran commands us to unite and hold to rope of allah. what does it mean holding to the rope of allah? it means following his command, following the command is standing up. for all those who are oppressed and not just because they are muslim and the verse is very that how could in you not rise up and for sake of those oppressed men, women and children who are crying and saying, so really this is a command to stand up for humanity and it's a for muslims to unite in that direction and you know also i think... marza is very
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important for us to realize that really there is only one muslim leader around the world who really believes in this and has been committed to the unity of muslims on one side and indeed is standing for those who are oppressed and commanding unity and activity and action for all to stand up and stop this stop this illegal. occupation stop this, which is happening systematically for over years. okay, my apologies to our viewers that we had a little technical difficulty, hopefully we can take care of that before we talk to masu again. now say it moson, mean your take basically what the leader of the revolution has said is that it look beyon nationalities and and of course sectarian
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differences if you want to see it, look and concentrate on being that that one um, and the significance of that, like if we really would concentrate on that, we would go... beyond uh allowing actually even the enemies to divide us or have negative effect. i mean, how do you see it? well, i think we have to in the conversation of the unicy of the muslim, you have to really begin with the kingdom of saudi arabia, because it has not only held the spiritual uh, sort of folkron of islam with with its uh, i'd say occupation, with the saudi regime's occupation of... the hijaz, the holy sites there, and then what they've done over the last seven decades is uh that they've rolled out systematically division and the the destruction of islamic unity, so what we've had is the primary wealth bank of the islamic
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nations and the the the nation which has actually got control of the holy sites and influences or many, many other nations through its kind of funding and through... its various other projects of religious and political and military uh if you like actions and all we've seen is what let's let's take saudi arabia in yemen, they've invaded yemen, occupied it on behalf of the uh of the uh the anglo-zianist empire for how many years and inflicted one of the most henous set of war crimes that i have certainly witnessed in totally in in in in leagues with the... in proportion with what's going on in gaza and what's israel doing there if you go and study carefully, you look at their support of saddam hussein and his invasion of iran, you look at their the their religious narratives of um takfiri wahabist uh if you like division which is all about breaking sufis
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and sunnis and shias away from any kind of unity amongst themselves through this kind of uh cult that they've evolved which is fashioned itself into isis. isis, jabtatul nusra, al jundala, all you know anglo-zionist proxy terrorists and saudi arabia and the gulf states have all been systematic systematically parcel of this process of division of the muslim what iran is and what the theini sorry hama is saying based on khomini's original push was that actually even in this very auspicious week where we have the beginning. of unity week uh around the prophet muhammad peace upon him's birth that come together uh start working together diplomatically, militarily, economically, you have the platform and perhaps we can go into why the muslims now have a far better platform than they've ever had before, but
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essentially there are a lot of forces internally amongst muslims who are doing their best to make muslims become disunited and to fight amongst each other. all right, well mess. dude uh, sorry, i guess we had some technical difficulties right now, we have you on the phone, but at least we have you. um, i want to look at it because iran's president, masosesian had a press conference, his first press conference today, and and picking up on the theme of unity, he talked about the importance, the importance in in looking at iranian foreign policy of expanding cooperation between uh, well neighboring countries, but he al also looked at muslim countries and the importance and even countries such as egypt, but saudi arabia, um jordan uh were mentioned during the press conference, i want to look at that side of things and and what that could mean if really um the iranian president and this
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new cabinet were able to actually uh be able to create closer relations with all the muslim countries, possible uh, what what would it mean in your perspective? "well, my understanding is that the unity comes uh with the grassroot people around the world, of the matter is at the moment, who is willing to stand up for justice, who is willing to be a partner for creating a better society, and who is willing to stand up against the this apartite genocidal system, it's. ordinary people, it's not the leadership, be the sort of leadership in in the part of muslim world or indeed the leadership in the european and western world, there are those who are willing, there are those who are understanding, and i believe this call is for
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humanity, because look, at the moment we have two option, two futures, two visions for the future of humanity and mankind, one, is the vision of netanyahu and biden and you know emiratis and and so forth and so on, and there is another version of... those who actually see that humanity needs to challenge this abuses, need to challenge this sort of genocide, needs to challenge it not just because of the palestinian, but because if we have vision of a future which is based anything other than abuse, ethnic cleansing, genocide and so forth, we need to build it, and i think when it calls for unity comes is for those with those visions, not those with the visions of netanyahu, fide and and
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european leadership, vision is shared right across the world, that's shared among all muslim, sunni, shia, and and everyone, indeed that vision is also shared by people, you are rising up, going to demonstrations week after week, in washington, in new york, in paris, and goes on and on, and we need to take responsibility to remove these tyrants, the supporters away, if we going to have vision and bring that vision to reality of a future which is away from this sort of inhumanity conflict, and... and say enough is enough, we don't want that vision, we want a peaceful,
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justifiable, we could all share, we could all survive, we could have the humanity to survive, interesting points that you made, because also uh president was talking about, he said that actually iran is not an enemy um to um basically heard. anyone of course besides the zionist entity, he says, but there are those who want and creating enmity and and and want to be iran's enemy. he said, i want to look at this because we're looking at the foreign policy um possibilities of this new government, he said that the um interaction that iran wants, it's with all countries, all countries who of course is going to treat iran equitably. your take sad molson on on this... perfective because he looked at, he started off with neighboring countries, muslim countries and expanded from
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there, whether we're talking about china or russia even european uh other western countries, and even the united states, if the united states would actually stick with what it had promised before and treat iran equitably, i mean your your perspective on this, well if we go through the the historical records of the islamic revolution, since the islamic revolution uh and the the policies of every every government of iran, you'll see at no stage has the islamic republic of iran uh gone against the idea of regional cooperation, in fact they bent over backwards and gone out of their way to try and nurture relations with their neighbors, the homo's peace plan comes to mind, you know that was presented at the 74th uh un general assembly by iran and there was a fundamental to that, i think is what something very important for unity in that region, and it
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was that no extra regional powers should be involved in uh dictating what happens in west asia, it should be the neighborhood that sorts these things out amongst itself, and i think that's where uh mr. president is going to go, it's wherehani went, it's also where you know the previous establishment also was pushing, so uh where where the say was also working diligently. to go around and bring people together, and in fact saudi arabia has diplomatically thoughred of late interventions of china, but largely efforts of iran, i would say, and i would say that also there's a reality about this region, masud touched on it very importantly, first of all you have to have vision, and the vision has to be centered around moral ethical leadership, now only the islamic republic of iran has demonstrated. that consistency of ethical, moral leadership over the last 30, 40 years, as far as i can see,
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iran will become a superpower, it is already a superpower with its energy uh, reserves, with its rising nuclear power, with this uh launch this week of the space satellites, its advancement in biotechnology, its military self-sufficiency, drones, ballistic missiles and industrially you can see it's going strength from strength to strength, even though the worst economic sanction... that i can ever recall, any nation being put under, have been uh executed by the americans and the anglo-zionist empire uh, you know, sort of ever since the birth of uh this this nation's uh in this modern uh islamic religious spiritual democratic sense, so iran has something to offer when they talked about exporting the revolution originally when komeini spoke about exporting the revolution culturally, ideologically, intellectually and spiritually was what he meant, but what the enemies, the likes of the americans and the zinanis did was they spun that to spread fear
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in the region to say iran is coming to turn you all over and to destroy all your your governments and overthrow you, "the reality is that now you can see with what's going on in palestine when imam komaini talked about exporting the the dream or exporting the humanizing culture of islam, he was specifically saying it because he knew that the the evil nature of anglo-zionism if you like uh would do exactly what it's doing in gaza now, been doing it of course as slow bleeding death for palestinians and others around that region syria." i can count, afghanistan, i can count, iraq, i can count, libya, i can count, lebanon, i can count, and yemen, just name few. this is what imam khamaini was warning against, and now is it's even more important for muslims, grassots muslims to wake up and say, yes, look, recognize the islamic republic of iran for what it is, the leader in terms of vision which gives autonomy, gives independence,
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give sovereignty, potential to all the oppressed people of that region, uh, not just the uh be cowed into submission by the fear of a an imagine mythical anglo-zionist power that they can never throw off and and to cast off the kind of the slave mentality which muslims have had even in post-colonial uh times. right, well masoud, when we look at uh presidentian also touched on uh several of the international uh agreements or possibilities. what he looked at again was the iaea and cooperating, um and again he reiterated that it was not iran um who who left the well that was a jcpo deal um but and iran had stuck with it, it was others that tore it up and then with the iaea he said that still iran had been cooperating and uh even earlier today we had a uh from the iae
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representative irani representative there in vienna saying that actually even still the majority of the the inspections, like 33% of the inspections that have taken place by the iaea this past year was done in iran, so i want your perspective of uh uh, is it overly optimistic that uh iran can hope for better relations with iaea, or do you think that it is a possibility that it will iran can be treated equitably and uh actually both sides perhaps could benefit? well, i, i, i think it was very clear. i listen to the whole sort of interview and the speech, and uh, it was very clear that he was saying that iran has been honest broker. iran wants to have be involved and have a peaceful relationship and based on principles with everyone, but i think also
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it's quite clear that iran cannot wait forever. um for that sort of relationship to be cemented, and and and the reality is that iran now has got a very good relationship with china, with russia, and bricks, etc. iran doesn't need to sit down and suffocate waiting for the europeans and americans to sort of start feeling sorry for it. iran is... moving forward and and the the ball in really in reality is in the court of the europeans and the americans and the west at the whole that do they want to sort of be part of a change in international relations or do they want to still continue their
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colonial legacies and be masters and bully everybody else i mean you know the... is not gonna wait, the reality is that there are no longer and the they sort of the superpowers that once war, and the whole world knows that, and i think you goes back to the same thing, the reality of what i was saying earlier on that there's only two games available right now, one is the one with netanyahu, biden, trump ' you now and and all the europeans and westerns who have investment in conflict, supporting war crime, supporting genocide, and palestine has... has made this vision very clear and then there those who actually opposed that and i think this is really a a cross road for humanity
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and it it's very clear that the who are opposing this vision of the future are willing one which is more fair, more balanced and indeed everyone would be a winner and the vision of the natanya u and others are overwhelming majority of people are going to be the losers, including sort of people in united states and europe, you know the one percent population who owns and is all the 85% of resources, power and so forth, those are the ones who are winners, not ordinary even in united states or europe. okay, well we say bus. when we look at uh part of uh what president posesion said is uh he's looking at the uh perhaps the fatf um uh as a
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possibility um he said that iran wants of course as it has been be peaceful and it wants to concentrate its economy and it wants to be basically having good relations with the neighboring countries and others. your thoughts, sad mosen, on the fatf, do you think that's a possibility uh for iran to uh abide by that agreement um and at the same time keep its independence that it wants, could it help iran's economy, or how do you see it? the reality, i was just reading through some of the reports of black rock, the biggest asset manager in the world, and of course the likes of black rock, state street uh... call it the united states treasury, whether you want to talk about world bank or the united nations, my opinion, you know, is basically hugely suspicious of all of this gang, there is an entire network
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a nest of vipers which in terms of institutions which were established post second world war, which have now become so nasty and so evil that they are all hel on this neoliberal fantasy that they're going to subjugate the rest of the world, they through mil'. power through the building, through the imperialism, through totalitarianism, through cut surveillance capitalism, they're going to manage and heard people with their new found powers in digital, surveillance technology and and all sorts of other modern technologies in order to subjucate and enslay people in further. that's the drunken delusion which the likes of your black rocks and all of these kind of uh financial powers have, they are the ones who run all this fatf business and what not, they are the ones who dictate what uh goes on with the jcpo, for instance when iran tries to negotiate, they're the ones to tear up uh the the transatlantic uh agreements as and when they like it, they're the ones who dictate that
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actually uh the world is in uh crisis or not or wars will happen or not or not, so to be honest with you, any engagement with the anglo-zionist institutions and networks always have to has to be know done so that you're actually ready uh to to to... flip the snake in the neck if it tries to take you down an angle that that is not necessary. all see neoliberal capitalism do when it arrives any country is it destroys that nation or it subjugates it and makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. if the islamic republic of iran uh wholesale adopts the likes of the agenda 2030 all these black rock type people who are in all over saudi arabia right now for instance trying to push vision 2030 or the the wwe. agenda 2030, then i'm afraid that iran will only become just another porn of of global money lender power, they need to avoid that like like the plague, and i think
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there is the leadership to to do that. okay, and on that note, we're out of time, appreciate you being with me, said mosan abas, journalist and political commentator out of london, and masod shajer, chairman islamic human rights commission out of tehran, and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marza hashim, hope to see you right here. next time, goodbye, this week, western broadcast media continues to twist the truth about the zionist captives faiting narrative that shields the israeli entity from accountability while unfairly demonizing palestinians. meanwhile, digital mainstream outlets have once again signed with the israeli entity aggression, choose. to justify the latest military actions, rather than covering the loss of life and widespread destruction in places like janin, nur shams and al fara, they present the israeli entity offensive as a justified act of defense. and
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headlines at press tv, iran's president urges muslim states to set aside their different. and work together towards regional peace and security. iran's nuclear chief complaints to an iaea meeting in vienna about tehran being the sole party expected to stick with his jcpoa commitments. another feuneral was held in gaza four palestinians.
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