tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV September 19, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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of course they had a they had a a similar kind of model and in their model it had to be uh part funded by uh that designers family foundations in the us. hello and welcome, tonight on spotlight, we dive deep into the history of what could be called israeli sponsored terrorism, from the 1954, the vanfair to more recent attacks, including the assassination of asmail hana in tehran and the deadly pajor explosions in lebanon, we will be exploring. israel's
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controversial tactics and how they have evolved over the past decades, we will be asking whether these are cases of self-defense, as israel claims, or simply blatant acts of terror. join us as we bring these issues to light. to do so, we have with us, mr. karim sharara, political analyst joining us live from beirot. and also mr. saib shath, author and commentator and west asia expert joining us live from belfast. thank you very much to both of you gentlemen. let's begin with our guest from beirot. uh, how do you uh see these acts of terrorism? that's the only way it can be described, but how do you interpret israel's long history of ' covert operations, um, does this indicate
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some kind of um policy, a larger policy, agenda, which the israelis are after, do all of these acts of terrorism fall in the same line, forming a bigger agenda? well, as you've described it, it's uh, it's only blatant acts of terror, this is what these regime was founded upon, even way before its beginnings, such, well what they like to call them security operations were quite the known for the israelis, this is this is what enabled israel, pure act of terror, it's it's something they actually have in common with isis, the fact that they use terror, demoralization in order to get to their ends, so these acts in and of themselves, if you take them... out of context and not study how
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they came to be and what were the determinants that led to such acts, you would just say that the these are acts that through which israel plans to commit mass murder and regardless of the civilian tool, and this is something that we've seen recurrently throughout, mean you don't just have to take decades, we don't have to delf decades into the past, we can just see how israel has been dealing with gaza over the past 11 months, almost a year now, the complete disregard of international law, the impunity that has been granted, and you can see that this is quite the norm, this is look, yes, although the what we've seen in lebanon of the past two days has been nothing short of horrible, it's i don't think it's anywhere close what israel, what the what the people of gaza has... experience, so uh, i don't know how
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else to put it, these are just acts that aim to uh spread terror and panic uh among the people, thankfully the the resistance here has very, very, very steadfast uh, supporter based, and that doesn't easily succum to such... uh acts of uh again pure terrorism in the in every sense of the word. okay, so let's bring in our guest from uh belfast, mr. sahib shath, if you could please tell us how how is it possible to balance israel's claim to have the right to defend itself with such acts of terrorism, booby trapping uh objects that are of daily use of ordinary civilians such as this uh pajor incident that we
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witnessed happening in lebanon: to start with on the level of international law, a right to right to self-defense. when you are accubier is denied, so the design entity eccupy farms of sheba and parts of lebanon, apart from talking about the whole historical of palestine and the golan heights and others, so this idea of self defense is a manufactured lie by united states of america and the west to impose that on the back of the international law which have no legal legal existence whatsoever, saying that this all operation of attacking civilians by rogue state a mass terror, deploying a mass terror techniques, it came on the back of the on the 25th of august when the lebanese resistant
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targeted the the intelligence units in galilelo base in the server of tel aviv. and this is it's a message by this intelligence saying we are existing, we weren't be destroyed by by the libanese resistance, while the hizballah at the time on the on the night after the attack the the secretary general stated that the resistant s controls in in its response that the target should not be civilians or civil. infrastructure, the the target should only be military and connected to the assassination of mr. faad shukur, that's how precise the resistance were and that is the orders which they adhered to by the leader of the the lebanese resistant, and that's exactly what happened,
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we seen then the the tel aviv were sabarb of tel aviv were targeted in response with the dahya which is... of beirot targeted, then the zienist entities military intelligence base called gallilot was hit and the unit 800, 8,200, which is are connected both with the collecting information targeting dahya and targeting the civilians at the at the time in the hospital or the flat and killing the lebanese leader at the time, so in the other hand what we've see from this entity we see masterror are unleashed against the civilian population in lebanon deploying the same style the us developed in its wars on iraq the shock and all tactics and as well keep this slow genocide this time deploying
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it on the civilians of lebanon we know if i want to just connect the dots together if you allow me lebanon as a country suffer from economic. stagnation engineered by wisring powers, us and france and design entity as major player in here, lebaron suffered from electricity shortages as as a result of that, and that this is why you see lot of the people resort to solar panels, resort to batteries, power backs and all of that, which is to keep their lives running, and this is where's design entity implanted itself. with the chain of supplies to sabatage the lebanese life to make the people of lebanon cannot uh won't even be able to sustain their everyday existence in lebanon, and that's how we seen them with the help of their west in
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europe, like what happened in in a company in hungary, i don't know how they managed these companies to be a tool to the signist musad. intelligence services and to reback the whole devices, we are not talking about pages now, we talking about even talky walkees, we're talking about radios, we're talking about the batteries, even in solar panels and we talking about even ipads, we talking about everything having batteries in it, so this is a mass terror campaign which by kind of rogue estate and the the the the disgusting things we trying to the people in the west or in the united states of america they they are not criticizing even the zin entity and they are making it look like it's a war between this
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zist entity and hizballah we have to remember one thing hizballah is part from the lebanese government is part of the lebanese parliament. allah is not just a resistant group, hizballah have its own hospitals, have its own institutions, have its own members of parliament, have its own politicians, have its own teachers and doctors and as well, so we see this damage which is inflicted in lebanon, it didn't target as they claiming only hisballah, it targeted, we seen children being killed in here and murdered, we see civilians being targeted, we seen doctors, we seen nurses, we seen paramedics, we seen ambulances, the police and the military force in libanon execute a controlled explosion devices in it to to make it safe. the these explosions, so we see devices is exploding in
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syria, in north lebanon, so this is a wide range terror mass terror attacks on lebanon and in syria, and the international community, if there is international community left, have to be concerned with this, because in the future industrial level as well, what the people going to think when they're going to buy electric cars, when is... this electric cars gonna be sabotaged or their ipads or their cell phones or that as long as there is rogue states like the signist entity and this wall okay so mr. sharara back to you uh we just heard our guest from belfast discuss the uh international aspects of this in terms of international law basically which is what uh israel only when it benefits from would prefer to it here to uh but why do you think "that same international law and the international community is failing to address
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israel's actions, is it due to simple geopolitical alliances? what is exactly behind that other than the us, because israel has relations with, for example countries of the global south as well. uh, filing is an understatement, usually fail, fail at least when you want to try to do something, the international community. or they in this case particularly we're not talking international community, that you that word when it's used by western powers, it usually means the collective west, they're the international community, which is sort of a uh, i don't know, it's it's it's a bit uh ironic when when they say it, in any case the the fact that they don't address it basically look ' one share of it is because of their relations with the with the united states, another share of it is their feeling of if you take
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germany for example, it has to do with their with their world war ii guilt, another share of it is complete and utter interest based politics and some some of it is our remnance of colonialism, so if we're talking interest-based politics, we're talking the... that they can stand to benefit so much from israeli arms contracts, from israeli security development, because let's face it, the israelis have spent decades fortifying and developing their security, their security infrastructure and their technological infrastructure to get where they got today, to get to the point where they could basically target an entire country with the with such an operation so... this is not only unheard of, this is uh, this also, i mean,
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this, this, this, this is also testament to how israeli security apparatuses and how israely technology, how far is really technology has come, so in terms of military, pure, pure, pure military, pure military talk. "this is not just an operation for israel, this is also an advertisement for israel, just like uh that, my god, the name has escaped me, that earlier program that they used to spy on politicians and journalists, uh, i can't, i can't remember the name at the moment, but in any case, these are these aren't just testaments to israel's technological development and security development, there are also advertisements." so if you want to cooperate with us, this is what we've been able to do, this is what we've been able to achieve, so
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the fact that israel has come so far in terrorism is is huge testament to what countries would cooperate with it, what what governments, what what corporations are willing to to cooperate with it, just looking at corporations, the the sheer amount of money that they stand to... from military arms contract is huge, just look at for example, look at caterpillar, look at what some oil and gas corporations have have been able to gain, the fact that the israelies were occupying palestine and they they've been enabled to go ahead and make use of this infrastructure. look at uh france and their and their arms contracts with the israelis. again, this isn't germany we're talking about, this isn't the united states, it's other countries, other european countries that saw this as an opportunity to better
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their security infrastructure, no values, no regard for international law, it's uh it's purely interest based for them and basically that's it, there there are no values at stake here, there are there are new, this talk of human rights of international of international law, it's it's what they use to preserve their own order, it's what they use to get the upper hand over other countries, it's their way of achieving the moral high ground which they're so fond of ever since their colonial days. "it, it's just a remnant of colonial days, it's just how they appease themselves of of how they pat themselves on the shoulder shoulder and sleep better at night. that's the extent of it. uh, pure and simple moral high ground. thank you very much. mr. shot, let's bring you back in this discussion. uh, well, israel, stated certain goals before uh launching its genocidal
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operation in gaza, and of course, it's not the first time we look at the history." history of the israeli regime, it's been the same way, do you believe that israel's reliance on covert and overt military tactics, has it helped it move forward to its stated goals? uh, they still adding goals, like gallant said today, they are entering new phase of the war on the north, which is given the impression they are moving to the north, we have and said it is not even unleashed on hisb and gallan said well they are moving more military assets to the north and the center of the gravity as he said is shifting that all you know all of what he's saying is a result of the the cabinet war cabinet meeting a couple of days ago in the
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night before the attacks of what we call the the the pager massacers in lebanon. netanyahu stated that uh they will return uh the settlers back and he is adding this fourth like goal of the to the war they are launching now which is in gaza and they they the betraying they going to uh the to the uh to the north of lebanon so the military uh trying to to say that they are prepared to reck havoc in the region and this is a way they're trying to regain the balance of power back and to the deterrents commands again against hisballah since they lost it if they talking about let me explore a minute about my friend what he elaborated about the technology this the zin entity always the
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western universities united states of america all the western elites and all of that but the the latest of their own technologies a golden plate and had to the zines entity for free, so the thesin entity claim it's on the edge, high tech, and the the the leader of this unit, 8,200, you say or something his name, who we don't know what happened to him after the attack, once we heard he resigned, once we heard he disappeared, some zin say he was killed in the attack, and they they these people want to merge the military on the... ground with high tech like artificial intelligence and that to to control the the the the region and to develop like cyber wars on us, which is they trying to show us this backward attack is some sort of sophisticated attack, reply to that with two two two points, one of their top commanders was
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because they opened so many investigation now about the 7th of october. failure as they say, he stated last week to the zinis media that the the leadership told them the barriers around gaza underground or in top of the ground, nobody can penetrate them, don't, they are very high tick, very sophisticated with lot of sensors and all of them, and they said as well, we didn't know as as a commander we gaza's gaza's battalions around gaza, they they said i didn't know that what they were defeated except from the tv after four months uh gaza strip under the seed for the last 17 to 18 years okay manag their resistant with around 1200 command commandos from the palestina resistant infiltrate deep inside design entity and nearly taken over
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not just settlements even some cities in there and they came back with the the top elite of the commanders who controlling the the gaza envelope as they call and they having them as a prisoners right now okay so what is the high tech they talking about the the the will of? the fighters is more important and stronger than their high tech. they manage this time to throw dirty tricks through hungry greedy europeans who are participated in sabotaging these devices which people buy on a face value and we seen a lot of dirty tricks being waved around the region by that's the dealers and the country. and the the western powers because to them the ziist entity when it was hit on the 7th october by the palestinan resistance, it checked not just the zinus entity and
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destroyed its reputation on high tech and all this facade they talking about, it's hit the united states of america's hard in in projecting its dominance in the world and it's influence and the the sphere of influence in the heart of the world which is the arab. and west asia is is shaking and they want to restore back their influence and their control in that region by attacks, terror attacks like that to install fear and terror in the lebanese people or the palestinians or the syrians or the yemen, they failed, one one rocket from yemen went in the heart of tel avib, made them belivious to what's happening right to them right now, so all of this about the high tech, it's high. okay, so back to mr. sharara, and of course, considering what our guest from belfast just mentioned, um, in light of
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historical operations like the front for the liberation of lebanon from foreigners, the fllf, um, the less, what are the lessons that we should draw from israel's secretive strategies, this has been going on for so many years and "now we see a similar strategy and booby trapping ordinary objects that ordinary people would use every day. um, well, i guess i could say a couple of things, uh, first of all, in terms of israel in and of itself, and we've already covered this, israel is prepared to use any and all kinds of..." uh of tools of it will not profame from performing any action that will lead to it getting what it wants, pure and simple,
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whether it be terrorism, whether it be the murder of thousands, as long as it achieves its goals, and of course it's afforded international impunity and protection for its leaders, then they're prepared to do everything, after all it's a colonial outpost, it's basically there to... basic, it basically currently still exists because it's been enabled by the west, because it's still so important for the western political order to remain active in the middle east, that's what's enabled it so far, so uh, of course israel will do what it can in order to preserve that, uh, that's one of the lessons we should learn as people in the region from what israel is capable of doing. uh, as for the resistance, uh, look earlier in 2008, now close to 16 years ago, i'm not sure many many
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of your view, many of your viewers can probably remember this, we in lebanon had a little something known as the seven, the day of seven may, is what we call it here, basically at the time the government of prime minister for seniura basic. conspired uh to eliminate the resistances communications under under a large amount of pretences, and what they plan to do is involve the interner security director in lebanon and the army in order to dismantle the the resistances communications network, so sorry apologies, so at the time there were few scuffles, but not between the internal. security directorate and the army and the resistance because they knew what was going on and sideline themselves uh at the time what happened was basically militias from parties.
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that were loyal to the americans were the ones who participated in the in the battle and there was every time there was and the the resistance managed that is absolutely right mr. sharar and i'm very sorry to cut you off right there we got carried away with this discussion because there's such a long history of uh this type of terrorist activities coming from the part of israel we could go on and on for days uh and i'm very sorry that i have to cut you off right here mr. karim sharara political analyst joining us. from beirot, also mr. saib shath, author and commentator and west asia expert from belfast. thank you very much for joining us on this edition of spotlight. and thanks to all of you viewers for watching this edition. politics is something integral. youtube. is
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like how i started my journalism, it began on youtube, we are fighting a war on multiple fronts, we're fighting one media, we're fighting on the ground, but it it's it's it's a collective effort, we are at war, the west has habit of stealing the religions of the middle east and then weaponizing them against the people of the middle east, the americans, the israelis, uh, the united kingdom do not respect the value of human life. so, we all have to be soldiers on the front line, we have to keep fighting. i want to speak directly to uh people in gaza, people in the west bank. victory will come. victory will come. victory will come.
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your press tv headlines has well avows a strong response to israel's terrorist operations in lebanon, which are claim the lives of over 30 people. iran's president says israel's western backer should be ashamed of backing regime's killings and indiscriminate assassinations. and hamos welcomes a un general assembly's anti-israel resolution as victory for palestinians and a show of global support.
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