tv Documentary 18 Percent 1 PRESSTV September 21, 2024 2:33am-3:30am IRST
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april 3rd, 1988 was memorable day for narita internet. national airport in japan, on that day there was a strange commotion in the airport, many journalists had gathered to document in history the moment when the five passengers of the plane would land. به ما اطلاع دادن که حدود چهار نفر برای معالجه قرار است که بیان اونجا. ما هم خب فکر کردیم برای تدارکاتشو. داشتیم فکر می کردیم که چیکار بکنیم
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at nerida red cross hospital adjacent to the airport, the condition of three of the five of patients was improving. after 11 days, the efforts of the japanese treatment team paid off, and three of the patients were well enough to be transferred back to iran. but two of the patients were in critical condition and they were transferred to tokyo medical university hospital. this was the first step in a new life for these patients. the next morning, this news made the headlines of some of japan's prominent newspapers.
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the satan canyon is one of the most strategic regions in the west of iran. the canyon is located close to the city of marivan in kurdistan province since the islamic revolution in during the eight years of of imposed war on iran, this region has witnessed a great deal. this canyon is close to village located on the western most point of the country, the dezli village. this village which sits on the border between iran and iraq is inhabited by kurdish residents and it overlooks the iraki city of halubja. the road from desley to the border regiment is a long and treacherous one and feels like winter even. in summertime. in the winter of
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the very next day after iran gained continuous victories in the operation, saddam hussein bombarded the kurdish civilians of the iraqi city of halabja with chemical weapons. he had accused them of assisting the irani. and forces on the first day of the bombardment alone, chemical weapons claim the lives of more than 5,0 civilians in the region.
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documented footage that was unprecedented in the history of warfare in the world. it was the early hours of the evening when alie and the fellow soldiers reached the base camp. they moved their chemical gas masks and went to their camps to take a rest from a long and difficult operation that they had successfully accomplished. they were looking forward to going a leave the next day. the night passed and the next day alli was getting ready to go and see his one month old son. since his son was born, ali had only seen him once when he was one day old, but ali had no idea about the fate that awaited
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him. در حال خوردن صبحانه. این فکر کنم ساعت ۷ و ۸ صبح بود که صدای پدافندها که ضدهوایی بودن تمام منطقه رو گرفته بود دیدیم. تو آسمان یک و دو نیست مثل یک کبوتر اصلاً اینقدر هواپیما آمد دیگه طوری بود اصلاً قصه خود ما هیچ خانواده ر میخوردیم من هواپمای عراقی دیدم که دو سه تا بودن طرف مغرب ما حمله کردن و شروع کردن به شلیک راکه فقط دیدیم که اونجا بنباران شد اون منطقه بنباران شد و خب تو عملیات اتفاقات زیاد میفته جاهای مختلف بنباران.
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it is not clearly known when mankind used chemical weapons for the very first time in history, but historical records show that they have been most extensively used in the 20th century. one of the first countries that produced chemical weapons was japan. the japanese used chemical weapons. as the chinese from 1929 to 1945. they had secretly constructed factory for the production of chemical weapons and they used the factories production against their enemies until the end of world war ii. at one point there were about 6,600 workers working in the factory,
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unaware of the fact that they were producing weapons of mass destruction. the main product the factory in akunashima was mustard gas. many of the factory's workers also fell victim to this toxic gas. "the factory was kept a well-hidden secret until the end of the second world war. in fact, the whole island was erased from the maps. the factory was finally discovered by allied forces in 1945, and upon the horrific discovery, most of its products and the machines that produced them were sunk in the depths of the ocean. only few remnents were..." left and today they serve as a reminder of a dreadful past in the poison gas museum of akunishima
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man, which made it ideal as a hospital for the treatment of chemical weapons, was that it was close to the river, and that made it easy to wash the chemically injured patients. they had put up some temporary cargo connects near the river bank, so they could wash the chemical victims and transfer them to sanandage city so they could receive further treatment. the catastrophe was so great that
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nobody could imagine that iraqi fighter jets would launch another attack. the... time on the hospital, iraqi forces bombed the makeshift hospital, killing the patients who were victims of the iraki chemical attack only few hours ago. some of the victims had... not perished in the attack and had to be transferred to the city of sanendage for treatment. at the end the bus, among the cries of the injured victims who cried in pain of the blisters
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that covered their bodies, was ally, staring out the window and still hoping to see his baby boy. but the last thing he saw before passing out was a sign that read 5 kmters. it was at noon on february 20th, 1988 that the news about the chemical attack on the gh area was first broadcast through this very radio in the yard of this house, but none of
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the homes residents could wildly guess that this news would change their lives. ملافه می کردیم نمی دونم شیشه ها رو جمع می کردیم یه مقدار بالاخره این کارهای عیدو من خودم انجام می دادم تو همین موقع ها بود که تقریباً نزدیک های ظهر بود من دیدم تلفن زنگ ابعاده شیمیایی حلمچه. در مقیاسی بسیاری با فجایه بمبواران اتمی هیروشیمازیکی قابل قیاس است. تلفونو که برداشتم دیدم یه آقایی از من
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پرسید که منزل آقای جلالی گفتم بفرمایید گفتش که حاج علی آقای جلالی کی شما میشه گفتم داداش منه گفت اخویتونه گفتم بله گفت که ایشون مجروح شدن بیمارستان امام حسینن فقط من می خواستم به شما اطلاع بدم که ایشون. قبلاً چندین بار مجروح شده بود نمیگفت به خونه نمی گفتش به خاطر اینکه موقعیت جنگ طوری شده بود که تا یه مقدار درمان میشد و نمیمانند دو روز سه روز میموند یه کمی وضع بدنش بهتر می شد دوباره می رفتم من فوری تلفن کردم خونه عموم گفتم که اینجوری شده زنگ.
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گفت رفتم هرچی نگاه کردم دیدم شاید حدود ۲۰۰ نفر آدم آوردن تختیای مختلف زدن بچه زن سرباز به قولی گفتنی عراقی حتی کرد نفرات گریه می کنن شیون می کنن گفت من که متوجه نشدم یه دفع دیدیم یه میگه عمو بیا اینجا نگاه کردم دیدم بدنش سوخته اما اون بنده خدا. سریع مییا عراق و همون دم غروب برمی گرده میا عراق بابام و داداش سفرم و مادرم و مرتظامونو برمیداره و میرن تهران
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جزو این مجروحینه ما خیلی خوشحال شدیم از اینکه این مجروحا میرن و برادر خودمونم با اینها اعزام میشه بره مداوا خوشحال شدیم که متأسفانه حاجیا آماده کردند برای اعضام و تاپ های آمبولانسم توسط برانکاد آوردن با پرونده وتشکیلات بعد. capacity and heart that skipped every other beat. the doctors unanimously believed that ally's body was extremely weak and that he couldn't even survive the transfer to the
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رفتیم بالای هواپیما من صدا کردم که دکتر هواپیما کیه به ما گفتن باید مریض تعبیر دکتر هواپیما بدین این آقایی اومد گفت من دکتر بحمنم از بنیاد فرستادنم تقریباً میشه گفت که مایوس مایوسانه ایشون را به ژاپون فرستادن. و شاید برای رضای خانواده ش و دیگران فکر نکنند که جمهوری اسلامی در رابطه با اعظام جانباز کوتاهی می کنه. 1988 was faitful day for ali jalali.
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none of the passengers of the commercial flight to tokyo had any idea what was going on behind the curtains at the rear end of the plane فقط من تو هواپیما متوجه شدم که گفتن که یکی. هم از همرزمای شما هست گفتم کی گفتن آقای جلالی تا گفت آقای جلالی من متوجه شدم آقای جلالی ما با هم تو یه واحد بودیم تو یه لشکر بودیم روز قبل از ورود جانبازان شیمیایی به توکیو از وزارت خارجه در تهران تلفنی اطلاع
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دادن که تعدادی مجروح شیمیایی با پرواز همون روز که ساعت ۶ نیم بعد از ظهر از تهران حرکت میکرد. به توکیو فرستاده خواهد شد. ما خودمون بلافاصله رفتیم سراغ این مسئله که ببینیم که کدام یکی از بیمارستان های ژاپن بخش معالجه شیمایی داره که خب نداشتن بسیاری از این ها نداشتن و خب معدودی از این یکی دو تا بودن که گفتن که ما یه بخشی داریم از بخش های قدیمیه ما رفتیم. به فرودگاه فرودگاه وقتی که هواپیما به زمین نشست مدتی طول کشید که آخرین نفر رو که آقای جلالی بود رو بیارن که خب بقیه رو با صندلی چختدار آوردن ایشون روی برانکار آوردن و دیدیم که ایشون به هوش نیست پزشکشم اومد با من
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صحبت کرد که آمد به من گفت که من فکر میکنم که این بیمار تا نیم ساعت دیگه بیشتر حیاتش به این دنیا نباشه من دیدم که نمی رسید. به اینکه این ها رو منتقل کنیم به اونجا این باید به اولین بیمارستان بره گفتم اولین بیمارستان کجاست گفتن ۱۰ دقیقه اینجا گفتم اینا رو ببرید اونجا. after 11 days, three of the five patients had significantly recovered in the nurita red cross hospital and they were returned to iran, but the two remaining patients were... in critical condition. to receive further treatment, they transferred the two remaining patients to the tokyo medical university hospital. one of the two patients was hassan furuzan from the city of kom, and the other
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was ali jalali from the city of iraq. in the tokyo medical university hospital a special medical team comprising of a dermatologist, pulmonologist. and cardiologist started the treatment of the two iranian patients. this medical team was led by dr. tosio nakatani. in the initial phase in japan, he was suffering from severe burn injury and respiratory distress and emotionally unstable. he was very sad because we are not able to understand each and engage at all. the special group of physicians began treat.
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in addition to allie's skin complications, his lungs were in critical condition too. they were only functioning at 18% capacity. that means lungs, the size of the lungs of five-year-old child. i was unconscious for two days, but a sunny morning in may, the nurse who entered ali's room was stunned to find that ali had opened his eye. the japanese medical team put lot of effort in
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improving ally's physical and mental condition, but his severe depression prevented any significant recovery. so dr. nakatani had an idea to improve ally's mental health and help his physical recovery, he mentioned his idea to iran's ambassador to japan, i didn't know if he could survive or not, his long injury was so severe.
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و ایشون اومد خانم عادلی اومد رفته بود اول پرسیش گفته بود علی جون کییا دوست داری بیا بلون بگو هرکسو بگویی من ellie's mental condition improved slightly for a short period, but it was not too effective. with his mother's return to iran, alli's health deteriorated rapidly. the situation was so critical that dr. nakatani decided to write a letter to the iranian embassy in japan. وقتی دکترا به ما گزارش دادن تو گزارشی که نوشتن
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نوشتن ایشون تنفسش به اصطلاح بسیار پیچیده است و نمیتونه تنفس کنه که با دستگاه تنفس می کرده د اینکه ایشون تمام بدنش حفونت کرده س اینکه تمام اینها بر قلبش اثر گذاشته و فشارش افت کرده به اندازه که فشارش رسیده به جایی که ایست قلبی کنه و this was the last chance to send him to his mother country and let him meet his wife and families. when i planned to discharge him, i thought vatuation support was necessary during the fight to iran. in his last letter to the embassy, dr. tosio nakatani had requested a physician accompany ali in his flight back to iran and so... در
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achievement in developing nuclear technology, some people from around the world were anxious that iran had gain access to this technology. so humanitarian group from japan by the name of most decided to travel to tehran to share their painful and traumatic experience of being victims of nuclear weapons with iranian officials. همینطوری به صورت اتفاقی با انجی او ما تماس می گیرن میگن گروه ژاپنی اومدن و دارن میگن که این چنینی هستش و ما اومدیم بگیم که شما به دنبال بمب اتم نرید. そんな 時 に あの 世界 の 国々 の 人 から ね あの 助け て もらっ た ん
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です 実 は もちろん 広島 の 人 たち も 立ち上がっ た ん です けど ね で それ で 私 は 今度 今 世界 で 色々 困っ て ね あの 苦しん でる 人 たち に あの 時 の 語返し の つもり で ね 広島 から 世界 に かけ橋 に ね なり たい と 思っ て 橋 と いう あの ngo の 名前 を つけ まし た 。 ناخودآگاه با ما آشنا شدن. ما مسیرشون را تغییر دادیم. ما گفتیم ما خود اون قربانی. بیش از ۱۰۰ هزار شیمیایی تو ایران هست. the fact that there were more than 100,000 victims of chemical weapons in iran came as a great shock to all members of the most group. that is because they had absolutely no knowledge the chemical attacks. that had taken place against the people of iran. to have better
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て い ない だろう と after the most groups trip to iran new development in iran-japan relations and street in sardasht was named hiroshima to serve as a remembrance of the victims of the atomic bomb in hiroshima. a short time after shizuku soya's visit to iran, she fulfilled the promise she made to the people of sardash. on august 2004, the first group of... held for the anniversary of the atomic bombing of hiroshima. they were invited there to be introduced to the world as victims of weapons of mass destruction. 皆 さん が 来 られる
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の を 楽しみ に あの 待っ て おり まし て え 皆 さん が 大変 素敵 な あの スケジュール を あの 毎日 アレンジ し て くださっ て ます の で この 度 は あの 皆 さん また 去年 に も 増し て え 良い 思い出 を 作っ て て ください 。 here we find due friends and due allies, we see due leadership from the most powerful nation. everyone eight the iranians participating in the ceremony with suspicion. hardly anyone was aware of the chemical attacks taken place against the people of
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iran, but the victims from iran had gone to hiroshima to voice their plight to the world. در جزیره اوکینوجیما این بیمارستان تخصصی مجروحین شیمیایی جزیره اوکینوجیما را مداوا میکرد پرونده تشکیل میداد گفتن شما علائمی که شیمیایی شدید چیه ما رو بردن همون بیمارستان تاداد عمومیی که تخصصی بررسی میکنن که آقا ما دروغ نگفته باشیم ببینن که ما واقعاً مجروع شیمیایی شدیم all skin and respiratory tests and examinations were conducted in tatanami hospital on the... chemical victims and the medical test results moved all the physicians and those participating in the memorial ceremony. that is when mr. sali had an idea, which he mentioned to miss soya, and was met with great enthusiasm. the next year, on
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upon alli's return, he was immediately admitted to bakhiyat allah hospital and the physicians there continued dr. nakatani's treatment method based on his medical records. a few years later, i received a letter from an iranian doctor that mr. jalari was again in a bad condition and asked how he was treated in japan. back in iran, ali gained strength from his family's presence and rapidly recovered. only five months later
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the sun shown to announce the beginning of new day. it was the 13th day of the war on the gaza's rap. look at the missile. what did we do to deserve being hit by this? the army bombed the children on the beach and destroyed our houses. they killed children, men, women, and old men. "i have other place to go, so now my children and i are homeless. it is the israel's habit from ages, they say that children fire rockets."
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for headlines on press tv, the israel regime conducts another deadly air striking lebanon targeting seven day route and killing over dozen people, including children. lebanon's foreign minister calls on the un security council to condemn the recent wave of his ready terrorist attacks on his country and the un's high commissioner on human. right says the violence committed in lebanon with the intention of spreading fear among civilians is a war crime.
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