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tv   Documentary 18 Percent 2  PRESSTV  September 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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با تعویل دکتر هواپیما بدین این آقای اومد گفت من دکتر بحمنم از بنیاد فرستادنم تقریباً میشه گفت که مایوس مایوسانه ایشون را به ژاپن فرستادن و شاید برای رضای خانواده ش و دیگران فکر نکنند که جمهوری اسلامی در رابطه با اعظام جانباز کوتاهی میکنه. 1988 was faitful day for
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ali jalali. alley had embarked a journey that no one could imagine an end for. none of the passengers of the commercial flight to tokyo. فقط من تو هواپیما متوجه شدم که گفتن که یکی دیگه هم از همرزمای شما هست گفتم کی گفتن آقای جلالی تا گفت آقای جلالی من متوجه شدم آقای جلالی ما با هم تو یه واحد بودیم تو یه لشکر بودیم. روز قبل از ورود
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جانبازان شیمیایی به توکیو از وزارت خارجه در تهران تلفنی اطلاع دادن که تعدادی مجروح شیمیایی با پرواز همون روز که ساعت ۶ نیم بعد از ظهر از تهران حرکت میکرد به توکیو فرستاده خواهد شد. ما خودمون بلافاصله رفتیم سراغ این مسئله که ببینیم که کدام یکی از بیمارستان های ژاپن بخش معالجه شیمایی داره که خب نداشتن بسیاری از این ها نداشتن و خب معدودی از این یکی دو تا بودن که گفتن که ما یه بخشی داریم از بخش های قدیمیه ما رفتیم به فرودگاه فرودگاه وقتی که می نشست مدتی طول کشید که آخرین نفر رو
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که آقای جلالی بود رو بیارن که خب بقیه رو با صندلی چختدار آوردن ایشون روی برانکار آوردن و دیدیم که ایشون به هوش نیست پزشکشم اومد با من صحبت که آمد به من گفت که من فکر می کنم که این بیمار تا نیم ساعت دیگه بیشتر حیاتش به این دنیا نباشه من دیدم که نمیتونیم نمی رسیم به اینکه این ها رو منتقل کنیم به اونجا این باید after 11 days, three of the five patients had significantly recovered in the nurita red cross hospital and they were return to iran, but the two remaining patients were in critical condition to receive. further
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treatment, they transferred the two remaining patients to the tokyo medical university hospital. one of the two patients was hasan furuzan from the city of kom, and the other was ali jalali from the city of iraq. in the tokyo medical university hospital a special medical team comprising of a dermatologist, pulmonologist and cardiologist, started the treatment of the two. iranian patients, this medical team was led by doctorani. in the initial phase in japan, he was suffering from severe burn injury and respiratory distress and emotionally unstable. he was very sad because we are not able to understand each language at all. the special group of physicians began treating the patients, but the most difficult and complex. نبود که شیرو
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باز کنن ما بریم زیر دوش آتش می گرفتیم چون جای سوختگی بود آب می ریخت آتشمون می زد. in addition to alie's skin complications, his lungs were in critical condition too. they were only functioning at 18% capacity. that means lungs, the size of the lungs of five-year-old child. ali was unconscious for two days, but a sunny morning in may, the nurse who entered ali's room was stunned to find that ali had opened his eyes. the
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japanese medical team put lot of... effort in improving ally's physical and mental condition, but his severe depression prevented any significant recovery, so dr. nakatani had an idea to improve ally's mental health and th help his physical recovery. he mentioned his idea to iran's ambassador to japan. i didn't know if he could survive or not, his rungue injury was so severe.
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با مشورتی که من با همسرم کردم و فکر کردیم اینا بالاخره گفتیم که این مادر نمیشه حذفش کرد و حتماً باید اومدنش رو ما نمیتونیم به هر حال جلوشو بگیریم و ایشون اومد خانم عادلی اومد رفته بود اول پرسیش گفته بود علی کیا دوست داری بیا پلو بگو هرکسو بگوی من وارد میکنم براتا گفت ما
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تو گزارشی که نوشتن نوشتن تنفسش به اصطلاح بسیار پیچیده است و نمیتونه تنفس کنه که با دستگاه تنفس میکرد دو اینکه ایشون تمام بدنش حفونت کرده س اینکه تمام اینها بر قلبش اثر گذاشته و فشارش افت کرده به اندازه که فشارش رسیده به جایی که ایست قلبی کنه. to send him to his mother country and let him meet his wife and families. when i planned to discharge him, i thought ventilation support was necessary during the fight to iran. in
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his last letter to the embassy, dr. tosio nakatani had requested a physician accompany in his flight back to iran, and so on the 22nd of june, 1988, در تمام مدت پرواز من روی دسته صندلی هواپیما نشسته بودم و با این ساکشنی که ساکشن پایی بود همینطور مرتب ساکشن می کردم و این خلطهای سینه این جانباز را در می آوردم و بهش اکسیژن وصل کرده بودم و یک چرت نزدم از خود توک. you to tehron.
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one year before iran celebrated its achievement in developing nuclear technology, some people from around the world were anxious that iran had gain access to this technology, so humanitarian group from japan by the name 立ち上がっ て 乗り越え て いく の が 大変 だっ た ん です もう 70 それ
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から 70 年 以上 以上 ね もう 草 も 木 も 生え ない と 広島 は 言わ れ た ん です ね そんな 時 に あの 世界 の 国々 の 人 から ね あの 助け て もらっ た ん です 実 は もちろん 広島 の 人 たち も 立ち上がっ た ん です けど ね で それ で 私 は 今度 今 世界 で 色々 困っ て ね the fact that there were more than 100 thousand victims of chemical weapons in iran
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came as a great shock to all members of the most group. that is because they had absolutely no knowledge of the chemical attacks that had taken place against the people of iran. to have better understanding of this human catastrophe, the tehran peace museum decided to arrange a meeting with the victims of the chemical attacks. そ し たら ま そう いう 被害 者 の 存在 を 教え て あげ よっ て こと に なっ た ん だ と 思う ん です けど サル 出し と に 行っ て 科学 兵器 の 被害 者 の 存在 を が 分かり まし た ね で まあ この サルド に 行っ た 時 に
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to serve as a remembrance of the victims of the atomic bomb in hiroshima. a short time after shizuku soya's visit to iran, she fulfilled the promise she made to the people of saradash. on august 2004, the first group of iranian chemical victims were invited by them. held for the anniversary of the atomic
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bombing of hiroshima, they were invited there to be introduced to the world as victims of weapons of mass destruction. and you allies, we see due leadership from
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the most powerful nations, everyone eid the iranians participating in the ceremony with suspicion, hardly anyone was aware of the chemical attacks taken place against the people of iran, but the victims from iran had gone to hiroshima to voice their plight to the world. تخصصی مجروحین شیمیایی جزیره اوکینوجیما را مداوا می کرد پرونده تشکیل می داد. گفتن شما علائمی که شیمیایی شدید چیه؟ ما رو بردن همون بیمارستان. all skin and respiratory tests and examinations were conducted in tatanami hospital on the chemical victims and the medical test results moved all the physicians and those participating in the memorial ceremony. that
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is when mr. salley had an idea which he mentioned to miss
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since he was treated in a japanese hospital, on the last days of ali's stay in japan, he asked metsoya for favor, favor that preoccupied her for the following months.
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ali went to osaka to meet someone he had never met, but knew very well.
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when i met him again in japan as he was he as he has changed so much that i couldn't recognize him my memory over him was a sick emanciated seam young patient but when i met him again and he was healthy, well nourished, middle aged, gentleman, this is a gift from him,2
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hospital and the physicians there continued dr. treatment method based on his medical records a few years later received a letter from an iranian doctor that mr. jallary was again in a bad condition and asked how he was
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treated in japan. back in iran ally gained strength from his family's presence and rapidly recovered. only five months later he could stand on his own feet. and one year later he was able to return to the job that he loved, he went to meshk military training camp and started his work as a military commander and instructor. خیلی خوشحالم که در جمع شما حاضر شدم و میتونم یک.
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من مهربانی کادر پزشکی ژاپنی را به یاد می آورم که ثابت کردن انسانیت قابل چشم پشی نیست. زمانی که ۷۰ روز بعد در بیمارستانی در توکیو به هوش
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آمدم فهمیدم که لحظه تولد فرزندم را ندیدم و از آن پس لحظات زیاد دیگری را نیز به دلیل مجروحیت از دست دادم. اما اگر قرار بر یادآوری باشد ترجیح می دهم خاطراتی را به یاد بیاورم.
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this is story of an unrival champion of the african continent who captivated audiences with his skill and determination. hero who made history with a bold decision to withdraw from the olympics, refusing to face an israeli opponent in solidarity with his principles and beliefs.
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your headlines on press tv, the leader of evavan's islam revolution says the cancerous tumor of israel will be removed from the heart of the islamic world if muslim nations boost their unity. people in lebanon hold funeral ceremonies for the victims of israel's air strike on beirot that claim the lives of dozens of people. and the leader of the ansar allah movement says the us failed in its arrogant ambitions to completely control yemen.