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tv   Documentary Black Water 1  PRESSTV  September 26, 2024 5:02am-5:31am IRST

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سوي في العدتك 20. do you feel burned by the people who hired you to work? to a certain extent, yes, so there are regrets, oh yeah, seriously regret. russia is killing isis and iran is killing isis. private armies have become
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multinational organizations and expanded their activities thanks to more mungering of the western governments. imagine an oil company trying to explore and extract petroleum in a wardrome country. obviously the army cannot use its forces to protect employees and engineers as well as oil processing facilities, so the company has to use a private army. accordingly, number of american and british military veterans have been setting up their own private armies for years and are now serving their customers as well as governments. during the operation in baba armor, the syrian army arrested fighters from afghanistan, iraq, libya, and some european states. their work. was coordinated
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by qatari and saudi intelligence officers as well as cia, mosad and blackwater agents. it's also seized israeli weapons, especially anti-tank missiles and israeli drones. لم تکتفي بنقل 16000 جندي امريكي وما يقرب من نصفهم من قوات متحالفه بريطانيه واسبانيه و قوات اخرى. لم يكتفوا بذلك بل جاؤوا معهم بما يعرف بشركات الامن الخاصه وفي مقدمتهم الشركه المشهوره شركه بلاك وتر والتي كتب عليها مؤلف كامل وعنوان المؤلف بلاك واتر اكبر منظمه ارهابيه في العالم. force that was hired originally by the bush administration to go into afghanistan first in 2002 on covert cia contracts. existed before that, they existed
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before that as a training company, a private security company, don't they, don't they guard our high-level, high security people? right, they, i mean, the obama administration continues to contract with blackwater, the the fact is that what we saw after 9/11 was this mercenary force run by eric prince, an avowed christian supremacist, uh, essentially embed itself in the u.s. national security apparatus and beginning in 2002 uh was providing private soldiers for hire to the government, initially on covert cia contracts, but now, for instance, contract in في afghanistan, they guard top us officials there, they're still in iraq armed right now, مشروع الغربي الامريكي عندما جاءوا تحديدا الى الى هذه المنطقه منطقه الخليج، بالتاكيد هنالك اسباب اقتصاديه من اجل هيمنه على ثروات ومقدرات شعوب المنطقه يقينا ليست جمعيه خيريه وليست دوله صديقه بحق للعراق انما كما قلنا انها تستهدف امن الكيان الاسرائيلي وتريد ان تقسم العراق ومن ثم المنطقه محيط. الظرف السياسي
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اللي كان يحيط بالبلد, الظرف الاجتماعي، المشاكل اللي كانت موجوده مختلفه تدخل الخارجي ا كل هذا ادى الى ان. كان عندنا اجتماعات مختلفه حول التدهور الامني اللي راح يصير بالعراق او الاصل في كل ذلك ان امريكا لا في صدد القوى التكفيريه ولا في صدد غيرها بقدر ما هي في صدد مشروعها وفي صدد مصالحها الخاصه وهناك اليوم شعور يتنامى في الولايات المتحده الامريكيه ان هذه المجاميع الارهابيه احنا يا ندعمها احنا يا نوجدها احنا يا نربيها at earlier time, blackwater was usually heard in the news. the mercenaries of this security company opened fire on iraqi people several
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times and assassinated many civilians. although in those days, more than decade ago, it was not possible to make extensive use of social media like today. the media reached videos of black waters activities during the occupation of iraq and afghanistan, of course you may know by a handful, the whole sack. now you often hear academy as the largest private security company in the middle east and obviously in iraq. several other companies came to iraq during the years of occupation, some of which, such as g4s, still... have large contracts with the iraqi government, if you go to baghdad international airport, you see g4 as security guards there. these companies still protect many hot spots such as oil processing facilities and foreign embassies. harper's
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magazine uh writer charles glass has gotten his hands on some videos from uh private contractors in iraq. these are blackwater guys, he's calling them the warrior class and they're doing feature on. it, i can't wait for it, and uh, what they've done is found out of course how these guys operate in irak, now some of us have heard these stories before, but now you get to see video attached to it. yeah, they're looking at you rolling through their town like a madman. now, here's the thing, they put it to rock music and some people might look at that and go, ah, cool, yeah, they get to run over the other cars, yeah, but you have to understand something, these are real people, okay, now when you smash into their cars, maybe it's no big deal to you, but that's probably one of the most
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important things they own, and let alone the fact that if it's true that they're firing the weapons, god knows where the those bullets land, but the overall idea is god, they have such an enormous disregard for the civil. the laws don't apply to us, get out of our way, and in chi, i wonder why the iraqies hated us, you're not convinced yet, wait. you see the second video right in the beginning, one of these guys is going to run over a civilian and then everybody's just going to roll on by like nothing happened. oh my god, oh my god, just and they just keep on
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rolling. g, i wonder why the iraqies didn't like us, i can't quite figure it out. maybe it was our enormous disregard for their lives, like we didn't. الشركات الامنيه اللي دخلت مع قوات الاحتلال وغيرها كان لها تاثير سيء ومسيء جدا وبعض الاعتقالات وبعض كثير من القضايا اللي حدثت للشعب العراقي من خلال تواجد الامريكان جاءوا بشركه بلاك وتر ومعها شركات عديده طبعا من شركات الامن الخاصه فبدات تتدخل الشان العراقي وتم المجتمع وتعيث في الارض فسادا وتشكل جماعات مقاتله وتقوم باعمال ارهابيه كتصفيه الشخصيات وتصفيه الكوادر واحداث التمزق الاجتماعي واحداث التفجيرات والاغتيالات على اساس طائفي المهم ساقوا البلد الى المرحله
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الخطيره القاسيه التي خططوا لها. فاحد الجنود سوالنا هيك سوي هذا هاي الاشاره بمعنى اوقفوا. احنا وقفنا اني والسيارات اللي قدامي والسيارات البصفي واللي ورايا كنا وقفنا امتثلنا للامر اللي يوجهها لنا الحارس مال بلاك واتر بصراحه انا هنا ما كنت اعرف انه هاي بلاك ووتر ولا اعرف انه ها شركه امنيه وانما هذه تصورتها جيش امريكي احدى الوحدات للجيش الامريكي احدى الوحدات للشرطه العسكريه الامريكيه فامتثننا الامر لهم ولا كان اكو اي خطر لا علينا ولا على بلاك واتر ولا على كل اللي موجودين بالساحه
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فجاه في ثانيه واحده بداوا يطلقون النار بكل الاتجاهات يعني ضرب فالشيء يعني ظل وكانه ساحه قتال سووا السياره عباره عن منخل يعني هذا فد وصف لان ماكو هيك يزرفوه. الزروا ضربتوا هاي اول سياره النوب انداروا علينا so we've spent all this money to train them, they leave, they go work for eric prince's christian supremacist fighting force to eliminate muslims and destroy islam globally, and then they buill tax payers again for this killing that they're doing, and they're not held to the same standard as soldiers, the bush administration made sure that they were immune. from any prosecution, they were an armed wing of the administration and unfortunately continues under obama. there
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became such a uh cyclone of nonsense that would feed off itself, and it built us into a 10- foot tall boogie man, which just wasn't the case, and you were ready to return fire. it was ready to set the record straight. i don't talk about. on est bien d'accord que 1000 ou 12000 € c'est pas le prix de notre peu ni de notre intégrité physique más había visto una persona pues este sangrar tanto para acá promoción deje esa huevada un mortero atrás y sentí que pasó por todo mi cuerpo vi que pierna estaba colgado gracias a dios no estoy como otros sin brazo, sin pie, pero sí me quedo, me quedo sordo para toda mi
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vida, utilization of blackwater facilitated the arrival of mercenaries and professional solders from around the world to fight as the company's personnel in iraq. they had contracts to protect american figures such as paul bremer and other us officials living in iraq, and of course, the companies were responsible for protecting american facilities and cia detention centers. their presence in the war is still evident even after years since the withdrawal of american troops.
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please go to the next picture, next, there's a instance of the tinies and how they were treated in nice manner, next video that i'm going to show you is a tank round that went into that minarette where we weren't sure if we were taking fire or not. for those of you don't know, it is illegal to shoot into a mask unless you were taking fire from it, there was no fire that was taken from that boss, it was shot into because we were angry, please play the next video. التنظيمات
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الارهابيه لا تعمل بمعزل عن الاجدات الخارجيه وانا اعتقد ان افرادها هم مجاميع بعضهم قد يكون مجندا بالضروره قد يعني انا هذه قناعتي ان بعضهم مجند ولديه اجنده معينه وعدد كبير منهم اما منتفعون واما يعني اشخاص. فعلا هم مقتنعون بفكره ولكنهم بسبب اما جهلهم يعني او يعني عدم انهم ليسوا لا يملكون مؤهلات علميه عاليه هم مخدوعون بهذه القضيه. turner, i currently currently reside in birlington vermont. i served with kilo company third batalion eighth marines as an automatic machine gunner. there's a term, once a marine, always a marine, but there's also the term eat the apple, f the core. i don't work for you no more. afternoon of september 16th, 2007, uh,
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in baghdad. an area called the mansur district, but on this particular day, a 20-year-old iraqi medical student named akmed hitham al rubai was driving in a car with his mother, mahasan, the family's white opal sedan, his mother also was doctor and they had just dropped off his father, dr. jaward, he also was doctor, medicine was very much in this families, this is common in iraq, when the most important people in iraq come koreening down the road, the iraqi police have to uh... stop traffic and of course the most important people in iraq are not irakis, they are uh us vips and so on on this day when these armored vehicles were were coming into the square and ahmed and his mother were pulling into the square, the men inside of the armored vehicles decided that they viewed ahmed hitham al rubai and his mother mahasan as potential terrorists uh or car bombers and they decided to shoot uh ahmed hitham in his
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head. gunfire rain down on that vehicle and witnesses say that the car exploded and burst into flames um burning mahasan and her son ahmed inside of the vehicle, that kicked off 15 minutes of very heavy gunfire at nissan square that day uh and it lasted about as i say a quarter of an hour, children were killed that day, women were killed that day, in fact several people who survived and also some who were killed were shot in the back as they tried to flee uh the scene and the individuals who did the the shooting that day from those armored vehicles uh they were private forces working for blackwater. now black water is a company that we contracted out to in iraq and afghanistan, many parts of the world uh, and they cause us a tremendous amount of trouble. you remember the 17 uh civilians that they killed in nicer square and baghdad, that became huge scandal and investigation, but that was one of many, many things that they had done wrong, including by the way, bilking the us government. they killed so many innocent civilians in so many different areas with such little regard for
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civilian life. بعض البلدان الغربيه التي تحاول ان تجعل العراق ساحه للاعتداء على باقي بلدان العالم ان البعض كان يستثمر في الاحتلال اي يتعامل مع الاحتلال حتى يستفيد كذلك جرت عمليه استثمار في الارهاب اي ان قوى بدات تعطي قوى ارهابيه امكانيات لكي ينفذوا لهم المخططات actually knew about black water and what black water did back in iraq. now this is amazing, so state department puts jeene richter on the case and says, hey, look, we got all these reports about black water ripping us off, unsafe conditions, let alone what they're doing to the iraqis, but we're worried about what they're doing to us, to our troops, to our reputation, to our relationship with iraq, and our money.
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and that was part of the thing going to rax. he was told he would uh protect paul brimmer, he was going to be private security for paul brimmer, the ambassador. he had just arrived in baghdad, he'd only been there two days and that night they told scotty that if he did not go on this... security mission uh to escort this convoy that was going going to the 180 second airborn to pick up kitchen equipment uh that he would be on the streets of baghdad that night, he would pay back whatever money he had received from blackwater and he would be on his own to get home, those um vehicles had the gps on it,
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but unfortunately uh they were set for the united states, so the gps didn't help them a whole lot. in iraq, so scott says, give us map, do something, they kind of did their foot, no map, he says, we have no idea where we're going, none of those men had ever been to fallucia, instead of going around felusia as they should have, they went right through the middle of it, and why you are against them, why, okay, because they don't care about the men they hire, the only thing they care about is the money, their prostitutes, i call them, i refer to them as the hores of warm. احداث خطيره مارستها هذه الشركات بدات تظهر في الافق وحصلت مجزره في شارع الجمهوريه في بغداد ومجزره في ساحه السباع في بغداد. ومجازر اخرى اكتشف الجميع ان شركات الامن الخاصه هي كانت خلفها و وقر ذلك رسميا مما ادى
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طبعا الى محاوله انكفائها واختفائها you talk about president obama in the book and you say your connection to president obama is, quote, closer than he has ever wanted to admit, what do you mean? uh, just that there is some of these key programs that he was depending on that he knew you were involved with, probably so, yeah, have you met him? never. you right, i am no hero, the world knows all too well about my mistakes, but i was never meant to play the villain. do you feel burned by the people who hired you to work? to a certain extent, yes, so there are regrets, oh yeah, seriously regrets, wouldn't do it again, شركات الامن الخاصه هذه
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لم يفتضح امرها الا بعد المواجهه التي حصلت, فهذه القضيه الخطيره لما اكتشفوها وعملوا على خطه جديده. وهاي طلقتين بالباب ورا الكرفان احنا كنا قاتلين هنايا احنا انسحبنا ورا الكرفان تم اطلاق نارينهم من قبل الحراش هنايا انقتلوا الدكتور والدكتوره وراه من انقتلوا قامت السياره تمشي السيارات تروح على صفحه لان صار رمع كثيف حركت السياره اللي هنايا قام يرمي عليها بالامبكشن you signed the contract is is that? way it should have been done after the endless lawsuits, fines, professionally and and and financially, it's like 13 last years,
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it's just political you think at this point تامر سياسي, بعد دوليه. it's been uh publicly reported many times that the company was, and you would not dispute that. well, media reports a lot of it. تتدررب في بلدان قريبه للعراق ذات علاقه وثيقه.
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what can you tell us about your relationship with the cia? there was all kinds of things the company did and there was things that i did personally. taking a miss one guy, people would get thrown off a bridge and then people would forget about him, so it's like in the middle of this combat zone, when it's an absolute disaster in iraq in 2007, if this guy kills him right there, but uh, new york times explains, american embassy officials in baghdad sided with blackwater, اين اعلام الاmam? اين جامعه الدول العربيه انا المؤتمر الاسلامي حقوق الانسان اذا شعارات نكتب اما هذا لا يغني عن الحق شيء حقيقه الانتهاك لحقوق الانسان من قبل هذه الدول وهي في وهي في قفص الاتهام وليس
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دولنا the study of history shows us that terrorist or subversive groups no longer exist as soon as they lose the support of a country, business company or rich person, those who always remain in the service of their. patrons may be out of sight for a while like al-qaeda, but will reappear one day.
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moment in the history of the region, a breaking point, the day gaza broke free from its prison, natural response to decades of occupation and oppression, a maticulous operation, unmatched sophistication, surprised israel, then shocked it, then rocked it, it brought to the foreground the plight of the forgotten, pipotal shift in the fight for freedom and dignity, it was in revenge for innocent blood, it was operation.
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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv. as well the resistance movement launches new retaliatory attacks against israeli targets, hitting regina's military bases with missiles and artillery fire. iran says a stands firmly with lebanon atmed israeli aggression, warning regime supporters will be held responsible for his crimes.