tv EXPOSE SILENCING THE TRUTH PRESSTV September 28, 2024 7:02am-7:30am IRST
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continued israeli attacks on the gaza strip of and states in the region, these are flagrant violations of international law and of the relevant un resolutions. what we are currently experiencing in lebanon is a consequence of the absence of a lasting sustainable solution, it is not the cause of an absence of sustainable solution.
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that this is israel has continuously eluded the issue, disregarded the matter, this is a difficult situation which we are experiencing, and in light of this we are increasingly committed to international law, we are seeking refuge in the decisions under international law, the cost of a diplomatic failure will be very high, for this reason we must bear in mind that with each new wave of violence there is unimaginable suffering. endured particularly by civilians, all civilian, any civilian killed is a tragedy that is unacceptable, and there's no justification for this, when civilian areas are targeted systematically, as is currently the case in lebanon, in support of the oppressed palestinian people and in support and backing of the palestinian and lebanese resistances and as part of the fifth phase,
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"the yemeni armed forces by the grace of allah almighty carried out a military operation in which they struck a military target of the israeli enemy in the occupied yafa area, tel aviv with the palestine two ballistic missile and also hit a vital target in the occupied asgalon area with the yafa drone. both operations successfully achieved their objectives. the yemeni armed forces will carry out more military operations against the israeli enemy in support of our brothers. palestine and lebanon and by the grace of allah almighty they will not see military operations in the coming days until the israeli aggression against gaza as well as lebanon stops. welcome back everyone, we're uh participating now in a rolling coverage here on press tv with respect israel's aggression against lebanon going now its um sixth day um basically all week we have uh witness und lenting attacks, these
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are live images from lebanese capital, beirot, you can see those are plums of smoke filling um hovering over the entire city of beirot, now we know that um israeled out successive and very deadly air strikes on the southern suburbs of the lebanese capital, raising multiple buildings to the ground in the past 24 hours the lebanese health ministry. um so the scores of civilians have been killed um we're still waiting for exact figures to be updated but we're not at least um uh perhaps dozens have been killed and uh there's a six killed or these are the most recent attacks uh six field just been killed and 90 injured um in the in the last uh moments of bombing by the zinanis entity against lebanon now the very first day monday we witnessed nearly 500 people including 50
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children killed in the first uh 24 in the first 24 to 48 hours of the onslot and it has at times we've seen uh temporary laws and bombing by the uh regime but at times we have seen uh nothing but pure aggression and terror against the people of uh lebanon. joining us right now is um uh john bosich out of fredricton canada uh our esteemed guest uh hello john, good day to you out there in canada, hope you're safe and doing well uh all throughout the week, i mean almost every single day john we thought we will see basically uh at some point a deescalation and uh push out of uh israel and its western allies to restore a peace to the um to to lebanon and to the air strikes, but yet in
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last 24 hours seems like uh we're seeing a completely uh different and chilling turn to events uh, your initial thoughts, well i think that this is just another... reflection the uh puppet pulling operation by the israeli uh lobby in the united states. um, i think israel realizes that it has some leeway now under us, in the us political situation, to be able to take more action, to bomb more of its so-called targets and they're going to try and get away with whatever they can. this is their best opportunity. it's right up before an american election. "uh, there is very strong and very, very well-financed pro israel lobby in the united states, and so long as they have both the republican and the democratic party in their grasp, they can do basically what they think they can get away with, and that is bomb, kill, mame, and take
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any kind of ag aggressive action that they choose, unfortunately, and then john, when we see the the regime, um, going after." after hezbollah leadership, we know this is basically uh completely divised and designed toward more of escalation because we know that the uh resistance faction is going to uh retaliate in kind and if not it's going to also draw in some of his closest allies in the region so uh ultimately is this the playbook is this what netanyahu and his regime in tel aviv are after it is a stark. escalation to draw the us or possibly the europeans into this conflict? it has always been uh the aim of the group aligned behind netanyahu. we know that netanyahu's political fate is hanging by a thread. if there were
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not a current ongoing war in the region, netanyahu would already be gone. the israeli citizens themselves would have removed him, and so from netan perspective, which is purely political and purely opportunistic in his own personal interest, war is his solution. the longer the war goes on, the more uh the crisis expands, the more he becomes key player, and as key player he can then dictate terms in any kind of settlement. this is a personalized, personal war run by. in netanyahu in his own interest, and the victims range from the palestinians, the lebanees, the syrians, even the jordanians are victims of this kind of a personalized, the state is me, politics of netanyahu, and
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john, you saw the uh, un speech that the israeli prime minister gave, no sooner than he... took the podium did we see serious and swift evacuation of multiple delegations of uh world leaders leave the assembly hall there, not wanting to stand by and listen to the man, what do you think their perspective is on who benjamin netanyahu is at this point what he stands for, and the fact that it seems like lot of world leaders aren't buying his uh, we are the uh basically protectors of democracy in the middle east uh narrative, if killing... your opponents with warfare grade weaponry and your opponents are unarmed civilians who are men, women and children, tens of thousands of them massacred, if killing your opponents is involving the the
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tail wagging the dog, that means israel wagging the entire american empire. if this is your policy, then netanyahu... is the best uh the best ever proponent of that kind of war by political and mass murder methods. this is a real litmous test for the world. are we all, and not just in the region, but i'm talking about here in canada, in the united states, in france, in england, are we all for sale? are our morals just something that can be bought? are we led only by politicians? are corrupt and who are accomplices to mass murder? if so, let's just let things go the way they are. let's just keep electing politicians in america and in canada and elsewhere who are all working for the israel lobby. let's just let everybody be killed and call it a day, because this is
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hell, this is not earth. this is not anything to do with what god men for mankind, this is hades and we live in it, and we are the people who are... allowing it because we are allowing our governments to go along with this, those who had the honor and the decency to walk out on this impostor, on this warmonger, those are the... heroes of today, those who sat in the room and continued to take their bribes and continued to give a silence, gives permission kind of approach to mass murder and genocide, those the people who need to be brought before a world court that actually dishes out justice rather than bribes, and to update our viewers, these are images you can see in the lebanese capital beiro, you see plooms of smoke above um resident complexes there, israel's cured out successive and extremely deadly air strikes
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on the southern suburbs there of the lebanese capital. now the lebanon's health ministry says at least six people have been killed and 76 at least, but we have updates that it's a 90. now 90 others injured, as a result the israeli military claims that hasbullah central headquarters was a target of the air strikes. reports say that hisbullah leader sayid. nastrola and executive counsel chief sheikh hashim saffidin have not been harmed are in fact safe uh meanwhile iran has strongly condemn the attacks calling them a blatant crime in which washington is accomplice. a total death toll from uh these air strikes on lebanon by the israeli entity throughout the week uh have uh resulted in at least 700 lebanese fatalities and over 2,600. injuries, scores of women and children are among the deceased. um, john, you mentioned,
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you called netanyahu an impostor, if you could tell us why? well, netanyahu is a man who has, first of all, he's changed his name, he's changed his name, his family name has been changed from a name from eastern europe to sound like a name from the region, this is the first thing, so the man is identified by a name that is not actually his grandfather's name. next, he proports to be a representative of a uh judaic nation, yes, he follows what he interprets to be the judaic faith, but we know that god gave down 10 commandments, which among those commandments was, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not cover thy covet thy neighbor's land, thy neighbor's woman, thy neighbor's. "these are the rules of the judaic faith, these are the 10 commandments, so he's not only an impostor
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to the region, he is an impostor to the faith, and he is the head of a state that claims to be the jewish state, so we have a tri-level imposor, a state built upon a palestinian nation, imposed by force by two terrorist groups supported by other groups, the the gangs set up after the british mandate and during the end of the british mandate, a state created by terrorism, a state which has been killing palestinians since and before 1948, and a state which operates exclusively through bribery and false narratives, propounded and circulated by the lying mass media of the united states, which even the former president. the united states, donald j. trump, has called the lying
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mass media, couldn't get a more perverse, twisted, false picture of reality than the one that we are seeing coming out of so-called state of israel during these days and these hours of horror. you couldn't get something worse if you were novelist, you couldn't write something more strange and more unreal. than the reality that the people of palestine are living through today, and for our viewers that we're talking about the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu as he took to the podium at the united nations general assembly, many delegations from across the world walked out, simply, the turkish and pakistani diplomats were among those streamed out of the hall along with the palestinian, iranian and saudi delegations were also among notable absenties during benjamin. now speech world leaders at the general assembly session have been calling for and to israel's crimes in the region, in
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particular the gaza genocide and most recently the aggression against lebanon, these are fresh images from the lebanese capital beirot, we are sharing with our uh viewers, now uh israel has been defined un security council resolutions for a gaza cease fire, there have been and for the entry of humanitarian aid into the besieg territory, there have been widespread. protest against the netanyahu's presence at the un and even uh calls for his arrest. the international criminal court prosecutor is seeking an arrest warrant for the man from. for war crimes uh during his speech natin lashad at the un first stance against israel's uh narrative here, it's actions, its crimes, he also rehashed his usual allegations against iran. john, if you listen to the man speak there at the podium, the word iran came out of his mouth, every other uh, at least twice
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every sentence, i mean you can imagine he blames everything in the region on the uh on iran at the... un uh, him trying to demonize iran to justify his regime's actions in gaza and now in lebanon, you're take on that. well, i think that we have to cite back to his american backers, the americans own r2p, r2p, responsibility to protect. it's a protocol and a doctrine of the defense department of the united states and of the us government that was the... declared several years ago, which stated that the united states reserves upon itself, to itself, the right to intervene in any country in the world in which an identifiable ethnic group or religious group is being targeted by a military aggressor. that is the definition of what is happening today. where is the us
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military when they are supposed to be intervening against israel? where is the white house? when their own doctrine requires them to intervene to protect the lebaneses and to protect the palestinians. where is the king of hypocrisy, joe biden, when the facts are on the table, when the genocide is taking place, when the bodies are being carried out, where are these people? nowhere, except back in the backrooms of the white house counting their money. that's all that's happening, and i can tell you, i grew up... here in canada in the 1960s and 70s when it was 100% pro israel, whatever israel did, we were all taught that israel of the nazis, israel survived the holocaust, israel has to be supported, the true face of today's israel is the opposite, if adolf hitler's soul is
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somewhere down in hell, he's looking at israel today and saying, well done, my children, your... securing others just like i did, right, and over the last uh seven to 10 days, john, we've heard uh french leadership actually becoming more vocal against uh israel, against its attack on lebanon, against not accepting seasfire in gaza for what it's worth, i should add uh, but uh, when it comes to canadian leadership, what are authorities today, the're saying uh, when we hear us officials say no matter what our support for the israel is iron clad: is that the same perspective or is canada uh any different when it comes to uh viewing it support for the regime? unfortunately, our politicians here in canada are largely captured by the israel lobby as well. we have a prime minister trudo here in canada who is a 100% certified american controlled
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globalist. he backs basically whichever aggression america is planning, he is in favor of america's war against the russian ethnic population of ukraine, he is in favor of america and israel's war on the palestinians and talk is cheap, they can say things that they're concerned and that they're upset and they're calling for moderation, but when it comes time to actually act, when it comes time for canada to walk out of the general assembly, when it comes time for canada to meet with the citizens with... the representatives of lebanon, of syria, of jordan, of iran, nothing to be heard of it. it talk is cheap from the western moralizers, and the reason why iran is their number one target is because iran appears to be the only strong, independent nation in the entire middle east that has the guts and has the moral fortitude
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to oppose this and to defend the people of the region if necessarily, if necessary military. and that may be ultimately what it has to come down to, because israel looks like they're going to keep on slaughtering people without end right, and that's the thing because the protesters outside the the un uh general assembly hall uh jordanian protesters, yemeny protesters and some other european capitals, we've seen protests over the last few uh days condemning the israeli regime for uh it's prolonged uh onslot on gaza and as well as for the last uh uh uh going on almost a week now of it's uh this uh terror campaign against the lebanese people, we don't hear these protesters mention anything about iran, john, strictly, the israeli. regime and the word genocide, and i don't know why benjamin 9 thinks that he has the craft to shift blame on uh iran and that anyone's going to buy it? it it it is just a
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decoy a diversion as always, if you are guilty of genocide, if you are a mass murderer, there the the one of the tactics used to cover your trail, to cover your crimes, to cover up the rivers of blood that you've spilled is to point at someone else and accuse them of false crimes, accuse them of false desires and accuse them of things for which there is absolutely no proof whatsoever. we don't have a political leadership in this world today that works for the people in any of the western countries. we do not have a world court which is taking any kind of serious action against us. aggression or us aggression on behalf of israel or israel's naked genocide today in the in the middle east, we simply do not have moral leadership in charge at the federal
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world level on this planet today, and what happens in such situat is usually war, and that means broader, perhaps even world war, and that might be what netanyahu and israel are planning. to hope that their issues will be lost in a broader war, that they might spark in ukraine, that they might spark over taiwan and to try to just make it until they can provoke a war somewhere else to make a smoke screen over their own crimes, but we know that people who are following this will not be deceived, there will be justice and it will be furious. uh for viewers, thank you, to stay on, right back to you, but want to give our uh viewers a quick update, these are live images from the lebanese capital, beyrut, um, in the last few hours over four
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buildings were destroyed in the lebanese capital, and blast that hez almanar tv says the uh air strikes were the air strikes on hat yirek district destroying four buildings, turning them into nothing but rubble, station said more than 15. missiles struck area at the same moment, series of intense uh israeli attacks hit one of bayroot heavily populated southern suburbs as blasts were heard throughout the lebanese capital, the huge blast hit southern beiroute in these air strikes and you can see still uh thick clouds of smoke rising over the uh city dibben we've seen these clouds hovering over bayroot practically all week but this uh 20 last 24 hours "these uh air strikes have been very intense, um, we have uh, we're still getting developing - updates on how many people were
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involved as far as fatalities and injuries go, we're getting we were at two and then four now i believe or six fatalities and uh latest figures are at least 90 people um injured some very uh critically uh the israel military has called it a precise strike on the central headquarters of hesbollah." but we have to stand back by and see exactly uh what those buildings uh we've heard that often from uh tel aviv leadership in the past just to come find out that there are a couple dozen families that resided in those buildings and nothing um more but the regime has tried to justify every civilian target it's hit um whether it's been in gaza or in lebanon over the last week pretty much with the same premise that they're either being used by or used for uh military purposes or personnel uh john bosich is also now with us from fredricton canada john uh you mentioned
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the world court as time and again failed certain people oppressed people throughout the world um is it and you mentioned there is moral leadership um and and it's just it's very i'm sure it's for some people that have been looking toward the courts over the decades for. recourse for justice and have yet to receive it, it must be more beyond frustrating, is it time for reform and and if we could reform the world courts for it to have that kind of moral leadership that you alluded to, what would it have to look like and where it could actually serve as a quote unquote world court? well, this is a more than complex question, we have a completely... corrupt international organization, the un does not function, the security council does not function, the world
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war ii victory powers. are still exercising veto, we have countries like england and france exercising veto, we have no real representation from the third world on the security council, we have no real representation from major countries in the bricks group at the top of the security council, and we simply do not have a global justice system in which morally correct, morally open and and i would say almost, i a believer in god, um, people who don't believe in god, cannot administer moral-based system because there is moral compass for them, and this is what we've got here, atheistic anti-god planet in which war is business in which the blood of young men and young women
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and young children. is spibled for profit. there's got to be moral revolution worldwide, and the people have to decide that if we don't do politics directly, we are always going to be ruled by criminals, mass murderers and thieves. we need a system in which people are directly represented in government, and when governments commit war crimes and genocide, the people of the nation. should have mechanism to remove their own government directly, be that referendum, be that recall petitions, be that some kind of moral council of respected elders who can say, enough is enough, we do not have such a system in the world today, and we are going to have to suffer until we do. i like to uh, also welcome mr. jamal khan, author and political commentator out of san diego.
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california to the conversation uh before we uh welcome mr jamal, we just did welcome mr. jamal, pardon, but before we, i put a question to, i like to give our our viewers a quick update with respect to uh images they're witnessing there on their screens, those are plums of smoke over the lebanese capital bayrut uh israel has carried out successive and extremely deadly air strikes there on the uh southern suburbs there of beirot over the last uh uh 18 hours or so the lebanese health ministry says at least six people and this is developing story, um, we believe we feel strong that these numbers are far from the final death holes, but six so far have been uh confirmed killed and over 90 others injured as a result of these uh air strikes by the israely regime on lebanon, just this last wave, i mean the uh israeli military claims has built a central headquarters was a target of these air strikes, reports say:
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