tv Documentary Gradual Death 1 PRESSTV September 29, 2024 1:02am-1:31am IRST
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qualified and competent leader of the movement, both politically as well as militarily, so so this is certainly a, short-term tragedy for for hesboolah, for the people of lebanon, and more broadly of course for the resistance and people around the world who support the resistance as well as the movement towards a free palestine, but with that said the zionists have created. term tactical successes uh through their onslot against lebanon top of of course their ongoing genocide in gaza, but uh this will of course uh uh only embolden and further motivate all elements of the resistance both regionally as well as globally, so uh i ultimately believe that uh that this will be very bitter challice for the zionists uh considering the fact that when one resistance of
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or gorilla leader dies or is assassinated um this by necessity and and uh uh certainly um historically uh uh uh cyclical, the uh members of the resistance will simply rise to take their place and uh there will be based on the teachings, based on the lesson, based on the example set by leadership, set by leadership such as said hasan nasaralah by leadership such as haj kasim soleimani, the resistance will continue based on their lessons and will uh further refine their approaches, refine their tactics uh to ultimately uh create a strategic victory, and i will just add um that viewers should be aware of the historical precedent uh in asymmetrical wars, they always begin with what could be considered or what is termed uh shock and awe, so the attempt to rapidly
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destabilize and demoralize the society, and in the short term, this can be successful, we saw it in the short term in afghanistan, we saw it in the short-term in iraq, and yet uh, just because uh, a president or prime minister can stand there and state mission accomplished, as for example, president bush did in march of 2003, uh, we all know how ultimately the resistance is able to organize, to gather its forces, to refine its tactics and ultimate. eject the uh the americans um by by 2011 of course we know uh that in 2014 they came back, but uh my point is that uh it's critically important to remember uh the course of history through the uh south african movement for topartide in the algerian revolution in the vietnamese struggle for sovereignty and independence and a so i think that this historical context uh is incredibly important. i'll just end this
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response by saying in in the words of chee govara, shoot, you're only killing a man. hasan nasarala was a man, a great man indeed and an important man, but yes, he was only a man, and the resistance will continue. that's right, mr. yahub. mr. bickline, as mr. yaquban said, or professor said, uh, resistance lives on, we've heard this many a times, you can kill a resistance leader uh, but you cannot kill the ideology. i want to know your thoughts. on that, mr. bicklini uh, with you living in brazil in puerto alegre, how do you see this? they say they killed hanye, hamas lived on, they've killed, they've assassinated say hasan nasrulah right now, and hizbullah will live on, the resistance will live on, assassinated the hajj sulaymani and the... resistance is full
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of strength nowadays attacking a lot quart uh, i'm a political science from my origin of study, so i really believe that the quality of leadership is much more powerful than the charismatic leadership, there was charisma and and but the quality of leadership is as an organizer so as far as he was an example by himself and he was very, very, very committed organizer, the body and the armed of force can go on, that's a point, if you have a process that needs a unique man or a unique woman as a charismatic personality, this want to live for a long time, but as long as we produce institutions, the institutions may...
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be a long time and now the long term is to organize again, have new commander and chief has new general secretary and organized the real problem is to how can we face the f35 of the enemy? the enemy does have now as supremacy and this is the nowadays challenge much more than the speeches and discourses. these f35 are killing children, i killing women and they must be put down. that's right. professor, wanted to ask you about the basis of martidom, because in islam they say martidom is a bless. what did they say that to engage in the greater jihad as a human being as a muslim, as father, as mother, as a student, as as a correspondent, um, is is one of of course the the primary uh directives of
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the faith, and as well the the lesser jihad, which is the defense of the islamic community, and one uh who dies in in defense the islamic community, uh is considered a martter and and lives on, and uh, i, i have a, what i believe to be uh, a critical quote in this regard uh from said hasan nasaralah, when he stated, all they can do is kill us, we are not defeated, when we win, we win, when we are martered we win, victory of or murderdom, win, win, uh, it is this spirit that has propelled uh muslims, has propelled particularly shia communities. uh since arguably the first fitnah, but certainly since 680 and ashura and the battle of karbala, um, it is, it is this this belief uh, this this faith um that will continue to drive believers personally, individually and
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collectively to fight for justice any cost, uh, no justice, no peace, irrespective of the odds, and and this uh is of course the primary message and narrative. of of karbala and of imam hussain and said hasan nasarala walked steadfastly and firmly in that path uh and so i believe the the uh the concept and and faith that we will maintain uh in the marters for for their their actions their deeds here on earth uh and as they continue uh in their martterdom is is is something to be to be witnessed. to recognize uh and and to truly give us joy and to provide hope, especially in dark times such as today. that's right, professor. mr. b, your thought as well on martydum, mean not being scared of death, do you think the west is scared of
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this notion? no, no, no, the us has even have clue on it, i'm come from an arabic. family, not islamic, but arabic, panarabis, nationalist, and live in a western society, people, the the institutions of the west does even have a clue on it, does even have a clue, my colleague from california quoted on ernest raphael, he had the spirit of the martydom because he believes in himself as kind of christian socialist, this this is totally different of what has happening now in televisiv, they are free, they are, they are, they are, they are running out of their own country of their colonial project, maybe 20% of them are living to go to europe to go to new york, the son of netanyahu is hidden
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in florida, as far as i know, this is ridiculous, it's absurd, the son of sad was a mat at 15 years old. this is totally different, i really believe that with the correct system of creed and with the correct ideology, technology and science ways of organizing the common effort, we achieve the victory, so be this is the situation to reorganize the forces in lebanon and try to arrange a need situation to have at least 20% of our supremacy again, this... the they come on go now and as as martyr and martyr don't they don't have even a clue on it that's right mr bicleini and professor i wanted you to uh talk i wanted to use your knowledge to talk more about uh this mortidom the
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importance of it the importance of resistance and how we lived on from uh among hussein's time and and it will i'm sure you believe that as well that it will on for many, many centuries, if not thousands of years. one of the and it's an excellent question really, one of one of the primary narratives of shia islam. uh is the concept of uh and in english but the azid of the age uh uh an individual uh and or a group who each age represents really pure evil uh and and as as an anti-islamic force is really a truly anti-human force and so each age ever since uh 680 uh with with yazid and his forces at carbala uh shia muslims especially uh have sought and fought for justice against what has been perceived to be the contemporary injustice uh of the age, and so uh, there are
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so many wonderful quotes from said hasan nasaralah about the fact, as he stated it that we himself as a side, we are the sons of imam ali, and and we have been steeped in this tradition of sacrifice and of the pursuit for justice, irrespective of the short-term tax. reality seeking the implementation of true islamic values and justice and peace and and i'm speaking broadly through each age uh this narrative and this tradition has has been incredibly powerful historically repeatedly if you think about modern iranian history from from the tobacco revolt through the constitutional revolution through the the 1979. revolution, the these narratives, this this history, this this rich tradition of opposition to the
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yazid of the age, in 1979 being muhammad reza pahlavi, during the 1980s being saddam hussein and the botis as they gased and killed iranians with support of the united states, potentially george bush during the 2000 to 2008 period after september 11th, and so this... concept, it's not only modular, i guess i wouldn't say, i would say it is modular because it happens to be directly applicable to political, economic and social realities on earth, i would say unfortunately, but fortunately we have this amazingly powerful and historically deep tradition of especially shia resistance in the face of evil, in the face of overwhelming odds in the face of potentially death and destruction in the short term, but ultimately in strategic victory and uh victory overall
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and so i i think that that this is is the the critical importance of these narratives and as well certainly uh the basic concept of martterdom. i i would just in in relation to what my my uh colleague just provided just state that that the uh if you will liberal tradition of the west which so values individualism individual grand. and promotion and ladder climbing uh is is almost incapable of of understanding or grasping the motivation and importance and and uh and say ultimate power of societal collective action and and focus on the society rather than focus on the individual and so i i strongly agree that they they really probably can't even understand. what it is that we're talking about right now? indeed, professor, as mr. becleini said as well, uh, mr.
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becleini, before we let you go, one more question, uh, netanyahu at the general assembly said, uh, we will continue with the with the aggression until total victory, what is total victory, uh, i first of all, if you allow me to recognize the wonderful and wisdom awards of my colleague, they are very impressive, i recognize when i'm... having a lesson, life lesson. the other situation is that netanyahu was sincere, he said yesterday, i cannot allow an opponent force in my northern frontier, so the campaign of the galilea is win or die, because he will try to vanish the hezbollah capacities in lebanon, he said yesterday, and he showed the map, and this map is one plus... one is equal to, i'm a professor of political economy, understood what he said, he said, if allow
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the access of resistance to develop its economics through bricks and asia, we will lose as we lost saudi arabia last year, so he will try to provoke a war, a regional war, first against palestinian people, then against lebanon again after that against syria, this is what will be, we will be... facing on the next weeks or months and probably he will try to have this opportunity to dismentle and vanish the capacities of the hezbollah so the libanes resist. we must face this reality and as supporter and scholars we studied this object to be be prepared to worse conditions and also try to achieve knowledge how to defit this because we must put down the f35 sorry for repeating this but this is the must be situation nowadays thanks
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for having me you're welcome mr bk line academic and political analyst joined us from porto alegre, brazil. it's always talking to you sir, mr. bickline. now uh, going back to professor, professor, mr. bicklini said the total victory uh, for netanyahu would be uh, first it was to eliminate hamas, which they haven't. uh, as uh, you said, as many are saying that hamas will live on, you can kill one, two or three of the leaders, commanders, uh, but the resistance will live on, the resistance. in the name of hamas, the resistance in the name of hezbollah or other ones uh now your your idea on what is netanyahu tried is trying to achieve, he couldn't release the captives, is he trying to evade uh the public eyes from what happened in gaza uh starting new front with lebanon and then maybe there's always there
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still uh talks about uh a ground invasion as well, what does he think? right now netanyahu's primary goal is to drag the united states into a regional war against iran, which he believes will somehow save the zionist apartide colonial project, which is in steep decline, economically, socially, politically, in terms of its social fabric, not to mention the genocide that it has been engaging in since october 8th, and global opinion regarding the genocide as well as all subsequent. that all of us have been paying attention to a daily basis for essentially the last year, so uh, this will, i must say now, because it's the important point, this is not going to save zionism, this is not going to save american imperialism, both are on their last legs, this drives nails into the coffen of zionism and american imperialism, the zionis and the american imperialist just don't realize that yet, but
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they are of course very slow on the uptake, so uh, when trying to consider the logic or the say strategic interest of what netanyahu and the zionist government might be trying to accomplish through these kinetic strikes, through these, if you will decapitation attacks, these assassinations, the the logic behind it is uh to create such destruction, such uh resistance that uh this will in this period of a relative power vacuum here in the united states with the decrepit dementia adult president and the atmospherics and circus of an upcoming american election to enable uh the zionist to bring the united states in to shape this battle, if you will, as a or to shape it as a battle, a battle of the the zionis and the americans regionally against their opponents as opposed to what it really is, which is last gasp genocidal, murderous attempt by the apartide state of
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israel to survive in a region which will no longer accept the presence of settler. so uh this is his hope to to drag the united states in if if uh if netanyahu can be successful in doing that, he can muddy the waters to the point that the focus will not be on the daily genocidal actions of the apartide state of israel in gaza or in the destruction of civilian life and infrastructure uh throughout lebanon, but on some more broad narrative supp you harkening back to some... uh uh post september 11th nonsense about you know freedom versus terrorism, we the world is over that, we we we we've we've already read that script, we've already seen how it has failed, and i'll just get back to my initial point in in closing uh to that my response to that question uh that uh short-term tactical shock and awe victories
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might feel good uh to imperialists and zionists and and they might make good short-term headlines and but what's really important is what's going to be reported on page 8 in a few months or page 12 as they backpage the reality of the success of the resistance in continuing the march to jerusalem. that's right, professor. uh, professor, if you could stay with us, we also have uh, mr. robert fantino joining us, a author and journalist from uh kishna ontario. mr. fantino, welcome to press tv. mr. fantina, as always, i will ask you uh, your initial thoughts on when you... about the news on the the assassination of the hizbullah leadersan, this there are a number of of thoughts i had, one this is certainly loss for. the people of lebanon, however this will not slow the resistance or weaken the resistance, it will only strengthen it, the hostility towards the zionist regime,
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continues to grow because of the zionist regime's actions, and this assassination is simply another one, now it's not the first time israel has assassinated a military leader on foreign soil, which of course is violation of international law, uh, it it's done ituh repeatedly, the united states has done it, uh, this is, "this is not going to to slow the resistance, it isn't going to break the resistance in any way. he was the leader certainly of hezbillah, but there others ready to take his place, were as committed, as uh strategically intelligent and as ready to to lead the resistance as he was, so while this is certainly a loss and a tragedy, it is not in any way shaperform the end of the resistance. mr. fino, you're saying that the tri to break the resistance, so they believe that they can or they could break the resistance, why can't they? they can't simply because they they are on the side of the israel is on the side of
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injustice, it is the people of lebanon, the people of palestine, the people of yemen and syria who are on the side of justice, and they their their battles, israel's battles against them cannot prevail simply because these people are not going to give up, the people of... lebanon aren't going to surrender their their autonomy, their sovereignty, their their rights to an occupying power anymore than the people of palestine are going to sit by and let the repression just continue without resistance. these are people who want to live their lives as anybody else does, they want to to be able to work for living, to go to school uh to live peacefully and in security. israel is violating that around the middle east and there's no way that this will will succeed, an occupation and aggression such as israel is demonstrating, has been demonstrating for for decades, has never succeeded, it might be prolonged as israel has been, but the people
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of israel cannot live in security until palestine is free and uh until palestine is free, the resistance is not going to stop. that's right, mr. fontina, professor, back to you again, sorry professor, professor, you talked about uh um the us. involvement in the us, as we know, is already involved by supplying billions of uh dollars in military aid to design regime from the start of the onslaught on gaza, and also now another batch, i think it was 9 billion dollars in assistance aid to uh designers regime, despite the international community asking uh for a cease fire number one to the war to end and also for uh the western uh backers of the israeli regime or the... regime not to supply uh the uh the the regime with military weapons or assistance. now do you think uh
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the us wants to get involved? can you afford getting involved uh and do you think they will put foot soldiers on the ground? it's a really excellent question and i i believe first in response that that this is is a wholely us supported, enabled and funded. genocide uh and war against the people of lebanon. in other words, despite the fact that we see the the window dressing of american government, the elected officials coming out and proclaiming their frustration about you know that netanyahu won't listen to them at you, as much as as they do, which is is very weak. uh, i in in in uh, basically i believe that the united states, the cia, the nsa, they are giving 100% of their support to the... zionists in hopes that israel can uh pull this off on their own without having to bring uh in overtly uh american forces and
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potentially as you say boots on the ground so so to begin um the united states is 100% behind everything that israel has done, it has funded it, it has provided the bombs for it, it has provided the intelligence for it, the satellite imagery for it as the british have as they fly their drones over gaza and off the coast of lebanon uh every... day with that said, i believe that this is a sort of backroom covert whole-hearted support because the fact that the united states as dying empire, which which can't even afford to take care of its own people, let alone fund yet another war abroad on the heels of the ukraine war, the afghanistan war, the iraq war, or $35 trillion dollars debt, etc. therefore, if the united states can can pretend that it's not involved and that it's just so frustrated that bb netanyahu won't listen. and he's such a bad man, it will continue with this bogus narrative. um, however, uh, should the zionists uh run into trouble, should they, for example, send
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ground troops into... lebanon um, which which will will be just a devil's brew of opposition for them, and there's historical precedent for this, uh, i, i believe that the the uh, the the israel lobby, the donor class, um, has has the the power to essentially force the united states military to take action on behalf of the zionists, uh, this, this might be just additional aerial attacks, um, this could also potentially include, boots on the ground, of course again, this is netanyahu's primary goal, if he can get american boots on the ground and few american body bags uh flown back to to the united states uh for the mainstream media to take pictures of and again try to shape this as a joint american israeli war on terror if you will um as opposed to uh a regional uh uh uh zionist uh an american war
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uh against the people of palestine. and against uh the supporters of palestine, this is going to be netan yahoo's goal, so uh uh of course these these uh kinetic strikes are not going to be successful in curtailing the resistance, it is only going to continue to grow as per historical precedent, um therefore it's open to question uh what what will uh ultimately uh motivate the united states to to openly rather than covertly and just through through financial means as has been uh support the uh israeli genocide in gaza or rather i should say enable the israeli genocide in gaza for uh attacking and continuing attack on lebanon. that's right professor uh mr. fantina as professor said war on terror that's the uh excuse let's say um they had this with iraq the weapons of mass destruction you had the 9/11 attacks and they invaded afghanistan and now uh there's a
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report coming in that came in just before said israeli defense minister or as we say israeli war minister uh hel talks a possible war expansion uh yof galan said that israel's war is not with the lebanese people we've heard that before uh the war on gaza was against hamas but we saw upwards of 40,00 people killed many believe is 100,00 of people killed two million people. uh at least displaced uh 80%, 70% of gaza is reduced to rubble, so how was a war against hamas and now how is it war against uh, it's not uh the war against the lebanese people, it's benjamin nahu lies all the time at the united nations yesterday he said that israel wants peace, well committing a genocide in gaza is not...
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