tv Documentary Sohha 1 PRESSTV October 1, 2024 9:02am-9:30am IRST
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and to continue to grow strong because it has incentive, its motive is to protect the people of lebanon, this is this is the main motive, this is to defend lebanon, it is those people who are there they're trying to defend, and while the people they can they can be under this continuous pressure, with the fact that there are a lot of civilians that are being um killed, there's a lot of bloodshed against civilians, those civilians who continue to live say that it is probably through this sacrifice that's show our support for the resistance, and that will be acceptable, we will accept this, because we believe that we will reach a state where all this blood would allow the resistance to be victorious and would eventually lead to protecting the civilian population and lebanon, and that was intact for quite a long period of time. hezbulah managed to be able to defend all of lebanon, and for the very first time in the history of the... arab
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israeli conflict, the israelis did not harm lebanon, of course they violated uh the airspace, the water as well as the sea and as as well as the the land, they continue to violate this based on their ideology of course, making sure that they um there's always theft and there's always greed and their their dream of a greater israel which includes all of lebanon actually um, but still... "there was a certain to a certain extent they were to deterred, they were not launching their targets against lebanon or hurting lebanese people, but hazbolah also understood because they are well read, because they are well educated in the israeli ideology, they know for fact that the israelies will continue to attempt the threaten lebanon and launch more offensives and aggressions against lebanon, and this is why they were quite prepared, and that preparation, as we said earlier is..." the
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result of plans that are decades old, especially even plans that have been put in place by former commander, military commander, and although he was assassinated in 2008, lot of his plans were the basis and the foundation of other plans. secretary general also continued to base the future plans on, and as if i can understand from the inside. of what stand from from sheikh naim khasan's speech when he addressed saying that it is your plans are going to be in place, it seems that they have plans for not only this battle, but perhaps for decades to come, and those plans have been put in place even in the beginning of the confrontation. clearly said it that they are ready for a ground invasion, and they wish there will be a ground invasion because it is their land and they believe. that by being a freedom
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fighting resistance on their own land, they will have the leverage, they will have the upper hand against invasion forces and occupation forces, which is the case in palestine, we can see clearly how it was after the israelis began their incursion into various areas in gazza that the palestinian resistance was able to inflict heavy losses upon the occupation forces and although this might take more lot of time, it needs to be a war of retrition to make sure that they push those israeli um occupation forces to withdraw from gazab, but this is sacrifice that needs to be done, especially with the fact that now we have what we could probably see as the most extreme israeli prime minister in the history of the arab israel conflict, and with that said, this is going to be quite... a bloody battle and perhaps
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could be very prolong and long battle, we have another statement out by the resistance just now, they said that they were able to target uh soldiers, deployment of soldiers that were moving around in the base of mutil which faces, and they said that they were able to strike those forces with artillery fire, also another sign. as well as using artillery fire that means they have to be out in the open uh and perhaps may be under threat of being seen by the israeli forces and still they were able to target uh those forces and until they by the way like i said is probably one of the areas which are where the forces are being mobilized in order to uh try to uh attempt to enter lebanese territory thank you man please stay with us right hiz has announced that they have targeted
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gatherings of israeli soldiers in matla side with art artillery shells making a direct hit, which is very good success for for hisbollah forces. right now we are joined by my journalist sondos al-asad from beirot uh very good to very good to have you again sondos uh can you tell me about you know um this ground invasion um they've have called it limited targeted um what do you think do you think this is going to be like preparation like a reconnaissance mission for a greater attack later on or is it just to keep you know just to keep the end what's your estimate? first of all good morning thanks for having me, actually the announcement of the of this operation enemy part and parcel of his aggression against lebanon, his recent speech has asked the zin
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to wait for the for the surprises that the resistance fighters are preparing to in one designs ' occupation things that the resistance after the all the tribulation that the resistance have gone through during the last two weeks that the resistance is inable to defend lebann s or to defend the lebanese, but if we return to what happened during the 20064 we can notice how the resistance at that time with humble capabilities have been able to humiliate the most advanced tank, the the merkava and the the other the the elites of design occupation enemies army, so what we
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expect now is designs are are are working on their their their supreme. ideology thinking that they can do whatever they can and no one will uh no one will resist them or no one will stand against them, but what will what will they see in south lebanon will once again humillate them and put their nose in the dirt because the resistance now the students of the school of sayid hasan nasaralah are ready to fight against the zin to protect the lebanese land and the lebanese poverty and all the threats of the science are throwing and trying to threatening by them the rebanise people the rebanese resistance those translate or mirrors the the
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failure of science occupation in achieving any of their goals starting from the war on gaza and now the war in lebanon, they have failed nafah, they have failed in gaza and now they will definitely fail in south lebanon, because the resistance won't accept this invasion take place agains and compet against them, thank you, sonder, yeah, you mentioned gaza, we've had also new strike, and it's become regular. think it's nearly year and anyway stock on the noserot refugee camp in the central gaza strip that has killed at least 11 people once again we're talking about innocent people women and children here which is indeed atrocious monstrous to say the least so the death toll has gone up to 41,615 also injuring more than
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96000 people and who um had a report yesterday that over 2200 these injuries are life-changing, which which will have huge repercussions a humanitarian level in the region, so we've had also sondas, we've had also air strikes in syria, three civilians, according to syrian government, have been killed innocent, innocent people once again, three civilians have been killed in an airstrike in damascus, what do you think um resistant can actually expect from bashar al-assad's government as a more of a practical uh support rather than just words because so far it's been like wishing kazballah good luck support um you know verbally supporting the uh movement but could
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we expect something more serious this time yeah obviously what's going now uh in gazanon uh targeting the iraqi borders, targeting syrian areas, this is part a parcel of the american open war on west asia. "we have we must stress once and once again that now the party that is leading the war against our people in west asia is the united states of america and not design colonial entity, because without the american support this entity wouldn't have been able to do any of these crimes and atrocities since the very beginning of the war, so america has decided to" as as stated by benjamin netanyahu in the very beginning of the world that they are
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changing the middle east, we know that we have lost many souls so far, we have lost civilian facilities, we have lost many things, but i do believe and this is allah promised in the quran that allah will will grant victory to the oppressed and to the righteous and to the indigenous ' 's have this supremacy of victory and think that by atrocities, by committing atrocities by the genocidal war, they will win the war, but this, but history has proven, has proven the opposite, that those who sacrifice blood and and give for the sake of resisting the colonial and imperial powers, those will emerge victorus at the very end'. "we know we all the time repeat the example of algeria
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that the algerian people wouldn't have been able to put down the the french occupation without sacrificing the million marters in order to do so, so we expect that yes the american administration will will ethnically cleanse us, will kill us, will destroy our homes, destroy our ' civil facilities, but at the very end we will emerge victorious and will they will regret the day that they have involved in this war, because this war absolutely everyone of us believe this, at the end of the day this this war is shakening the foundations of this colonial base that is occupy occupying the palestinian and which is notoriously known as israel, they upcoming days will prove this and will show the
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fragility of this occupation which one say after the liberation of of south lebanon named said about it that it's weaker than a spider web, yes sondos, thank you so much, well you mentioned the american support, we are seeing um hypocrisy in work here, you now ' the president president joe biden once said that uh we do not want a ground invasion any cost in lebanon, but at the same time just days later when netanyahu declared that he is going to do the targeted attack, uh biden said that we now approve of this, or for example, after the brutal assassination of syat hasan nasrulah, um, the us declared you know announcement and they said that it's time for peace, which is really funny in a hypocritical way, of course, you know, um,
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some western sources, some some some western experts, they say that even america is shocked by the actions and the rock nature of the southern decisions taken by the israeli regime, do you think that could be the scenario here, because obviously um, maybe just a phone call would be able to stop them from going on with these atrocities. "i've said already that this aggression, the ongoing aggression against the people of god people now in lebanon, and against inter asia, this this aggression is being launched with the green light of the american administration, and we don't expect any good after the the election, both the democratics and the'. republicans, they compete in supporting the genocidal zionist aggression
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against our people since the very very establishment of this colonial entity. the american, actually the american hypocrisy has and the western hypocrisy in general has reach reached peak, those are are clearly and openly supporting occupation to commit these genocides in in the in the against our people, but as one imam has said that kill us, our people will get awakened, and actually this is what happening. now people are exploring the true reality of of the western world that have long preached about democracy and human rights, these are pretext in order to to invade us, to colonize us, our people now are more are more awakened about
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the reality of this western colonial imperialist scheme and and they will find out that the only way to put an end for this colonial project is the armed resistance, in addition that not only our people have been awakened, also the people in the west, they are seeing the true reality of the of their western governments and that they are they pay taxes for killing us and the that their government manipulate them in order to kill other nations and plunder their world, their wealthes and riches, so this awakening will shaken the the the colonial world, and in addition that the live atrocities and the genocides that are being committed in gaza and in lebanon have have quiet shown the true
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face of the design. occupation in addition that if you if you have noticed one uh when netanyahu raise the maps at the united nation to show that the world now is is composed of two camps, the the curs and the blessing, they named he he mentioned that those who are among the blessing camp or other countries that have normalized size with the lines occupation. because we here we have to always highlight something which is quite important that the resistance the fastness of the resistance after one year of this war has failed the normalization of project because this project is soft occupation of our entire
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region and to facilitate the to facilitate it presence ocupation to to accomplish its dream known as great israel, so the failure of the normalization types and the failure to deceive the peoples of the region that we can coexist resist occupation by manipulating the religion religious text and calling the agreements. the shameful agreement with it name them islamic accords relating to the prophet abraham in order to deceive them now the people now you can you can no longer deceive the people and the people have known the true reality of this occupation and the true reality of those tracious regimes and i
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am quite i am quite optimistic about the future yes we are we are we are. sacrificing lot of the blood, we the sacrifices are lots, because at the end of the day you can't attain freedom without these sacrifices, but at the end of the day this will highly contribute to the collest of this colonial entity that is threatening not only the people of gaza, the people of west bank, the people of lebanon, but the entire humanity. thank you so... please stay with us, i'm gna um cross over to mariam soleh once again our beirot correspondent. mariam, um, najib mikati about the lebanese prime minister had said yesterday that he is ready to deploy lebanese army on the border. ah, i'm going to continue with you sonder says, we have lost the connection with maria, we're going to have the connection back later on. sondos um,
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lebanese prime minister yesterday uh declared that he is ready to deploy. lebanese army uh on the border if necessity requires that further proof to the fact that this is not a war on hezballah this is a war on lebanon and the entirety of the people of lebanon are backing hezbollah in this resistance movement right now and they do not see it that way as like it's just against heizballah as the israeli regime is claiming um can you give me any any new developments on that has he done it has he acted? on his word, what is the lebanese army doing right now? we were, we was remember something, but during 2006 war, the uh, the... 1701 resolution hasn't been implemented because the resistance refused to accept the conditions of design occupation,
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the same will happen now, now they think that the resistance is weak, they think that the the resistance can complete in its solid affirmation of taking decisions that preserve the... the sovereignty of lebanon, no one will be able to enforce the resistance to accept once again this this resolution that that means this means making manipulating the the lebanese army in order to to be to secure the borders for the designs occupation and no lebanese will accept this humilation and meanwhile the the the lebanese army is under a leadership that unfortunately is totally
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submissive to the american administration, but anyway this doesn't, this won't happen, at the end of the day hizbullah is not only a resistance, hisbullah is a political power in lebanon and has a block in the parliament and at the political... level at the government level, this won't be accepted and the resistance won't accept any condition set by the occupation until preserving the uh has frequently stated in his recent speaches that nothing will stop the resistance until the end of the aggression against gaza and preserving vebaneseland, the resistance won't accept any united nations resolution because during during the during the history of
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lebanon and the united nations, none of the united nations resolution has preserved talibanese rights and that's why i don't believe that the resistance will accept this issue. thank you so much uh sondos, the other thing that... wanted to ask you is that well we are hearing that um right now we had on the news that the uae government is has expressed worry about the situation in lebanon and has offered um some relief packages in support of the people that have been hit uh by these strikes um do you think that is enough what should be expect from the uh nations in the region because right now the resistance is carrying the... for all the countries in the region, they do not know that this is going eventually affect each and every one of them, so what kind of action should we expect and what can uh force these
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nations to get more involved and do the um do justice uh for the people of lebanon and gaza? yes, actually to be worried about lebanon, to be worry about the people of lebanon, to be worry about the people of... means that you pressure, the sign, you're a lie, they a lie, the zionist enemy to stop this aggression, we don't need relief, we don't need food, we are steadfast people, we can stay days and days without food, we are not asking for food, and we don't want, we don't want any government to humilate us by giving us food and given giving us blankets and giving giving us mattresses, we don't need these things, their the zianist occupation regime is there a lie, they can pressure it to stop this genocide, they can they can impose the oil boy cut, they can
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stop their ties of resignce occupation, we don't want them to to express that they are worry about about us, these these are hypocritical statements and and do believe that we will as , as what happened after the 2006 war when we find out that this notorious shameful person regimes have helped the science occupation to kill us and to bomb us, so we we are not deceived, we can, we are not deceived by them, we don't need their help, if they want to help actually the ummah they are all, if they are actually concerned about the ummah, they can impose on them, because they can stop the relation, if you read the data that is being that is being that has been expod in the recent months that the uh
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financial relations and the financial import to the science occupation through the united through the emirates and yemen, sorry, and bahrain haven't stopped, they are supporting resigned occupation, the yemenis are are are enforcing a blockad in the in the red sea and in support of the palestinian people, so to fail this kemani resistance, they are support. think the the the persian gulf regimes are supporting are are making are humiliating themselves and doing theirself the relief for the lines of the patient. we don't need the them to worry about us, we want them to to feel to remember that they claim that they are muslims and that their obligation is to be muslims and to care about the muslim ummah, but unfortunately it's not
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time to to... speak about their shameful history and how they have long been helping occupation to kill the arab and the muslims exactly the only thing that we rely on, the only peoples and statements that we we trust in is the statement of our dear yemini resistance and the statement of the islamic republic of iran and the other anti-colonial and anti-zionist government, the risk of expressing... bing doesn't are not beneficial to the lebanes and won't uh won't stop the aggression uh either in lebanon nor in gaza. indeed um absolutely uh as you mentioned uh these petty offers of support which is rather vague and absolutely meaningless uh when you're uh behind the curtains you're making deal uh with the enemy in this fight um actually it's really really doesn't mean
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anything and as you mentioned, the yemeni army has been uh really effective in their support of the of the lebanese and gazan resistance, and and the uh announcement that yahya sari had four days ago that we will continue operating in surprising fashion against the israeli enemy, unless they stop their war crimes and the genocide in lebanon and gaza, which was very heartwarming i think to uh for for. members of resistance around the region, so this is meaningful act of justice in in order to support the people who are warhit, and again the people of lebanon, innocent people, women and children, um, do you do you think sonders that um, in near future, based on the different reactions that we are getting from leaders, i know as the collective, but
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