tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV October 2, 2024 6:02am-6:31am IRST
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said hussein, a remarkable interview, it will live long, i think, uh, may god protect you, thanks for joining us on have it out with galloway. let's go straight to the audience world, it's a unique feature of this particular show that the audience get to appear in person on the show. naim malik in germany is the first guest, uh, naim, what's on your mind? afternoon in the in the group, it seems to me watching all this thing going on that israel is taking one by one all the leaders and killing all th all these people and we have been talking relying too much on iran, i don't think iran is going to do anything directly, it's only the local people who will have to keep on fighting and i feel that greater israel is on the way of
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formation, what do you think? well, they would very much like to, but i don't think for one moment that they will successfully occupy, even a part of lebanon, uh, lebanon may be the arab country i know best, in which i've spent the most time, it's where i entered the arab and and muslim world through that portal of lebanon. i know the lebanese people, and i know that... "they are never going to allow moment of peace for any foreign invader on their land, and so any idea that they're going to occupy lebanon, even a part of lebanon up to the latari river is entirely fanciful in my view, deto, if anyone i see on social media people saying they're going to try and occupy syria, i cannot think of any country in the..." the
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whole world less likely successfully to be occupied than syria, not withstanding the syrian capacity, syria is a 54-year ally of russia, and russia will never allow israel to uh occupy syria, so greater israel is what they would like, but whether they will achieve it is highly unlikely in my uh view, tom sullavan, is a journalist in london, tom, what do you want to say? uh, george, thank you for having me. um, as you know, much better than i, iran has restrained itself from developing nuclear technology not to put of a target its back, but at the same time it's of been cultivating the the axiss of resistance as a way to balance against israel with the um, assassination of nasralah and the attacks on hizballah a group, how now can iran in
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your view balance against israel and you know push back to stop itself being attacked without taking steps like nuclear proliferation which we jumped as a reason to attack it was saying some this morning they've been talking about wanting to go to war with iran for 20 years now um and i'm not saying iran is perfect but to me it looks like they're in a kind of catch 20 do they're damned if they do and the damned. they don't, how do you see them kind of getting out of this without taking all of us into a place where we don't want to be? well, a great question, tom. i'm of course an opponent of nuclear weapons. i've been arrested and carried away by the police. i gave an interview to the bbc, upside down, while being carried by four police officers protesting about nuclear weapons, but we can't have a world where some people are allowed to have nuclear weapons. and threaten
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others with them uh, while the potential victim of those nuclear weapons does not have the right to nuclear weapons. now i've said on this program before, of course i don't speak for iran, the iranians might not like me saying so, but if i was the leader of iran, i'd already have nuclear weapon, because the united states, britain, france, uh, the enemies of iran, all have nuclear. weapons and israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons, never declared, secretly held, illegally built, never inspected by the iaea or any international agency, why should israel be allowed to have nuclear weapons pointed at iran, but iran is not allowed to have nuclear weapons to defend itself, wasn't that the whole thesis of those who believe in nuclear weapons? that they are mutually
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assured destruction, that they keep the peace, that's the talking points of the nato talking heads, well if that was true uh for the nato, uh and warsaw pact standoff, presumably it's also true uh between israel and iran. dr. rahana ali an old stamping ground of mine bradford. doctor, what would you like to say? thank you george, so um, a quick comment first of all, so um, informative um comments um by your guest speaker, now he obviously mentioned that this these attacks were you know via the united states and israel, but i think there's a... there's a kind of important uh nuance there, yes the us absolutely is involved in this genocide of the holocaust in palestan as i call it, um, but the us is also occupied, and i think this point is not often repeated because people fear being called anti-semites, let's not, let's be clear who
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biden's cabinet are, same applies to starmas, they have a dual loyalty to israel, so we have fifth column uh in actually various uh governments in the us, in the uk and throughout europe. so the just my question is actually that there's also this inversion of terrorism, so it's very clear, if it wasn't to people before, that the israeli attacks on lebanon through the pages, now this assassination of said nasarlah, and if the claims are true that actually nasralah was willing to consider a cease fire, the they had promised that there would be no, iran would not respond if for example they not respond to the... of ism, then this means that basically israel, i mean it should have been obvious to them anyway, i think that israel's word, this talmudic word cannot be trusted, um, so why is it that when it's clear who the terrorists are that, there's been no attempts in the uk to prescribe
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whether it would fail or not, i think it's important to do, that it's israel that's the terrorist entity, and actually why is it that the resistance, which is perfectly legitimate. and legal under international law has there's never been an attempt to deprescribe it, because we know prity patel when she prescribed hamas in 2021, you hamas had been around since 1987, and my second question is also linked in terms of these actions, that's one particular action that i think would help our support for palestine, because they are basically criminalizing anyone who supports the resistance. my second question is, i was at the london protest just under a fort night ago. and not a single psc speaker mentioned the most effective action, they said you what should we keep doing, we should keep marching, well yes, that's to sure descent, but there is one important action and that's the action of boycots, well i agree with that doctor, i'll have to cut your short, because of the time there's an
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awful lot of people want to get on, let me deal with your last point first uh, boycot is the most the most effective weapon, and the reason why the organization. you mention, with which i have no connection, on whose platforms i do not speak, uh, is that they are running scared of the false allegation that by seeking to boycot, divest and bring sanction against the settler state, that one is somehow being anti-semitic, this is completely false, it's a cowardly tactic of theirs, and i have my... self absolutely nothing to do with it or them, so some of these people love marching buse they can sell their far left newspapers to others on the march, they can brandish their far left group banners, they love marching from to z over
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and over again, marching has its place, but boycot must never be underestimated as a weapon, there's no point in talking. right now about the deproscription of the resistance organizations because as your question uh implied there is no possibility whatever of successfully doing that. i'm i'm actually right now wondering if there's going to be a police officer at the door of this studio to arrest me for speaking my truth for saying what i believe about the current situation and don't laugh, because that could happen and has happened to many uh people. the idea of of that is belied by both of the main contenders for the british opposition
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leadership, leadership of the conservative party, are literally vying with each other as to who can kiss the feet of netanyahu. most passionately, one of them says that every british airport should have a star of david, next to the british flag at the border. that's what he said today, and the other said, the other leading contender said that people coming to britain to live must pledge an oath of allegiance to israel, or be refused, entry, residence, citizenship, and those who have recently arrived, should be forced to pledge allegiance to uh israel, or be... deported, just imagine that, that's the climate in which we are currently in, brahm
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hannycom is in cape town, one of my favorite cities in the world, brand, what's on your mind, good evening and george, thank you for the great work and solidarity, it's it's great to hear a fear this voice, especially in the west where like you said things are even harder for... for activists and people to stand up for the palestinian people and of course the people and oppressed peoples of the world. my my my concern and i think maybe you could give some insight georges during the struggle for freedom in south africa uh our people adopted arms struggle as a necessary means to to resist the oppression and the land grabs and the colon colonial special special project of a partit um how does one explain and feed to the broader narrative that there's absolutely nothing wrong with an oppressed people raising arms
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to defend itself, that resistance is human right, and it isn't an act of terrorism, and and how does one expose against the western narrative and the highly funded narrative of west is right type nonsense, how does one expose their terrorism? i think it's really quite sad to see how in palestine. solidarity, one almost has to be apologetic because they're always accused of anti-semitism and the the concept of advocating for the right to resist and the right of militant resistance is is human right in fact, so i wanted to hear your input on that, thank you so much, and thanks, thanks for that call, i was a part of your struggle, and the party was smashed between the hammer of armed resistance. uh led by the african national congress and mk its military
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wing, it was smashed between that hammer and the anvil of international solidarity, a great national international movement of solidarity was there through thick and thin, even when the anc, as they have since acknowledged, sometimes committed at. of uh military activity which were themselves terrorist, it is terrorism to punish innocent people for the crimes of guilty people, so it is terrorism, to blow up shoppers in mall, whoever does it, whenever they do it, there is a difference between resistance and terrorism, but because acts like that did happen under nelson mandela's african
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national congress, that does not render the noble struggle of the anc and of mandela himself, as in any way plausibly be described as terrorism, so you are right, the right to bear arms against the illegal occupier of your land is sacred and legal. and if uh, thank god, it never happened, if hitler, when he was at the channel ports in 1940, had succeeded in crossing the english channel and had occupied the united kingdom, all decent, respectable, patriotic people would have taken up arms against the invader, against the occupier, some would have been out selling them financial services, you know, who i mean, kevin is in edinburgh, let's hear from him, kevin, what's on your mind? all
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right, george, how you doing mate, i'd like, i'd like to say that obviously i'm one of your fellow countrymen, but obviously you're no longer class is scottish, um, i would like to ask you one simple question um, that i've been kind of praying on my mind, i've been sitting listening quite intently to this um for the last 15, 20 minutes and it seems to be ' kind of islamic propaganda and so i'd just like to ask you why do you support an ideology that is destroyed mostly civilized nations and i'm going to give you examples i afghanistan, iran, egypt, these were all countries that were quite liberated from the 1940s onward until islam took over and sharia all took over, so that's my question to you, george, yeah, you're not as uh, as nice as you look uh, and people will get that joke, uh, but you're also very stupid, first of all, you have no right or ability to decide
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whether or not i am scottish, i'm a... fraid that right of excommunication doesn't uh uh extend to you in your squat, you don't have the power, the right uh to decide whether or not i am scottish. secondly, you seem to suppose uh that i support ideologies uh that you uh excoriate, i actually don't support uh the ideology of... uh of the taliban in afghanistan. if you weren't stupid, you would know that. if you weren't stupid, you would have researched my attitude to the taliban and their fathers, even grandfathers, going back to the 1980s. if you were not stupid, you would know that it was me that told margaret thatcher that she had opened the
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gates to the barbarians and that a long, dark night, would now descend upon the people of afghanistan and so it did, so do your homework a bit uh before you next come on the air with me, take your knuckles, drag them across to your computer and research the truth before you resort to slander. ali come up, thank you for, thank you for having me on the show, um, it's ironic that i to speak after kevin, um, my question was in and around, uh, um, what is the, what is the goal of israel in the region? uh, people have been talking about a complete regional conflict, a complete war, in the middle east between
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israel and its proxis and and arab states in in the middle east, um, for some context, uh, like i said, it's ironic that i get to speak after kevin and after you responded to him, in the 1967, 1967, israel wanted territory of of of palestine in some parts of jordan as well as you remember, and egypt was the one the frontline states against against israel in the wars 1948 as well, so these arab states were fighting israel and unfortunately they lost with the of course the help of the superpowers of the west, so this particular instance, what do we see israel's goal as? because we know that there could be a brother regional war if iran does in essence respond or italy, what would be the interest of israel and and if this happens? yeah, their interest is to bring the united states fully
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into the war, that's the only way that netanyahu can make fact of... of his rhetoric today that iran is going to be destroyed, that the islamic revolution is going to be undone, that the cranks and terrorists under the wing of the empire are going somehow to attain power in tehran. the only way that can happen, because netanyahu cannot make that happen, is if the americans join the war, even then i don't believe that would be achieved, because if the american joined the war against iran, i believe that russia, at least, and maybe russia and china would enter the war on the side of iran, so i don't believe that that goal can be achieved, but it's the only way that that goal could be achieved, the overarching purpose is to drive
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uh the opposition to the genocide in palestine farther and farther away. to neuter, disarm, balcanize, break up the frontline states, suborn them, corrupt them, into being pacific and being hostile to resistance, so they have achieved that in egypt, they have achieved that in jordan, they have not achieved that in lebanon, which is why lebanon is now the target, and the reality is... they want to turn lebanon into another jordan, into another egypt, in other words a frontline state that is its knees to them, believe that that will be successfully achieved. great question though. is in addis ababa and ethiopia. therege, what's on your
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mind? okay, good evening, how are you doing, george? by the grace of god, thank you. my question is, what do you think will the assassination of the hizbollah movement leader hasan nasurlah will make the movement fracture? or they use it as a strength and what to expect next from the whole movement? well look the there's there's no there's not two hassanlas so they haven't picked their new leader yet they will do so in short order i'm sure and that leader however competent will not be hassan nasralla hassan nasrella was a man of century uh, he was a man of great wit, a man of great wisdom, scholar, a philosopher, a military leader, and and
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national leader, and by that i mean the arab nation as a whole, even people of different uh sects and confessions in islam, never mind in other faiths, respected hassan nasrallah because of... his special qualities that could not be denied even by his worst enemies, so he will not be easily replaced, so the style of the new leader will be different, but by the grace of youtube, the the the speeches of hassanlah will live forever, the line of hassanlah will never die, will never dim. it will be accessible to every generation that comes after us, remastered, like the beatles abby road, it will be remastered decade after decade, so
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it's not that hasan nasralla has disappeared, his spirit is still there, his line is still present, and it will be faithfully followed by his supporters, and those supporters... will grow. i always say in the words of my leader chvara, what matters not is not that you die, everybody dies, what matters is how you lived, how you die, for what you die, and crucially, how many people, when you fall will come forward to pick up your mind. microphone to pick up your pen, to pick up your rifle, if that is the rubric, if that is the yard stick, then israel is going to
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achieve nothing from the murder of hassan nasrallah any more than they have achieved by the mardar assassination of the people that came before him in lebanon, in palestine and in many other places this... struggle continues, la luta continue, the struggle of the islamic nation, the arab nation will continue until palestine is liberated. let me squeeze in one last quick question from zubair rashid, soluster in birmingham. zuber, very quickly please, thank you, you are such a erroquent speaker, the like for me, the commercial minister spent on. to hear you for time and time and again, my question is that is up in his again because this wall seem to be technology versus ideology, why should not
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arab countries or oic support palestine who are of their the same religion, afinity, culture values, why this seem to be western versus middle east war, so we should not the truth is, the truth is that the arab rulers. and the rulers of many other muslim countries are belly dancing for the american empire belly dancing for netanyahu, some of them openly with their normalization, some of them behind the screen, some of them behind behind a veil, if i can continue the metaphor, but there are people are boiling mad at what is happening in gaza and now in leben. on their people from morocco all the way to uh bahrain, from the atlantic all the way to the persian gulf, their people are overwhelmingly
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with... palestine, with lebanon, against netanyahu, against israel, and one day the tables must turn, will turn, because i believe in the ultimate victory of the liberation movements of the araban muslim worlds who will triamp, because in the end empires always fall. and the american empire will fall and it will take down the settler colonial apartite state they call israel with it. i hope you've enjoyed watching as much as i have enjoyed presenting. now that i know i'm not scottish, i'll have to go looking for another nationality to that will accept me. if you've enjoyed the show, come back next week at the same time, same place, maybe even
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try to be on the video wall. this has been have it out with galloway. and welcome back. back everyone to our rolling coverage here on press tv. iran has fired tuesday evening dozens of, i should say hundreds of ballistic missiles at key military and security targets in israel in response to deadly attacks on uh gaza and lebanon and throughout the region by the israeli zionist entity as well as the uh uh assassinations of senior hamas, hezbulah and irgc uh leaders. israel says large number of
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those missiles were in fact intercepted, a claim refuted by live images circulating online and across uh news uh outlet uh platform showing the scores of ballistic missiles penetrating the skies over tel avive and hitting targets on the ground. iran's islamic revolution revolutionary guard course says only 10% in fact of the missiles were intercepted and three military sites were uh successfully hit. muhammad. that is iran's uh military chief of staff um a general uh has this uh recount of last night's events in iran's retaliatory uh air strikes using state the art ballistic missiles against tel aviv let's have a listen بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم امشب نیروی هوافضای سپاه پاسداران با عملیات قهرمانانه
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