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devices in the hands of the lebanese people, followed then by over 10 days of unrelenting error strikes on many cities, towns and villages, including the capital beirot, leaving over a thousand people dead, thousands injured and over million lebanese displaced. one such series of attacks last friday, the secretary general of the lebanese resistance movement syd hassan nastrola was assassinated by the israeli regime. this all on the backdrop of a... campaign of genocide in the gazo strip upon now its one year mark, which is claimed now nearly 42,000 palestinian lives, most of them women and children, and turned a vibrant centuries old community into rubble. the regime continues also spilling blood in the occupied west bank, syria and yemen, and has shown zero will to entertain avenues that could lead to an end of hostilities and a restoration to some calm in the region. now regimes lust
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destabilization of the region and west asia's, the topic of this installment of press tv spotlight. joining us is hussein al-bukaiti activist and political commentator joining us the yemini capital sana and mr. peter ford a former british ambassador to syria joining us out of manchester. john twin like to welcome you both to the uh program. here i guess mr. peter ford, we'll start with you sir, if we may uh welcome to our spotlight program. now a gaza cease fire uh proposed by the biden administration back early um july, you very well know is accepted obviously by the americans, they they proposed it. it was accepted by the palestinians and the uh delegations from qatar and egypt also looked upon with favor upon it, but it was rejected by the israelis, ample opportunity to... the genocide in gaza,
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why do you think the regime opted for more escalation and walked away from that opportunity? well, the us proposal for sess fire in in gaza was never very clear, um, it was very ambiguous, it left lot of scope for israel to retain. control over large parts of gaza, it was similar in fact to the so-called middle east peace process, which has been going on off and on for for 30 years and every time with the palestinians losing more and more territory, and it was it has been the same with that us cease fire proposal, it was never serious, it was... ambiguous and it
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the americans were never ready, not for one second to put any serious pressure on israel to accept it. that proposal was theater, pure theater, designed mainly to give the impression to american voters, that the biden administration and vice president harris. candidate, harris were serious about making peace in gaza, they were never serious, they never had any serious intention to apply the break to israel, and that is very unfortunate, hussein al, welcome to the uh program, hussein, hussein, how has the israely regimes targeting the hamas political bureau chief ismal han in tehran or in beirout targeting or number of iranian
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nationals even military figures or resistance commanders throughout the region, how is it brought the israeli regime any close? to any sense of accomplishment or any kind of victory at the beginning of course the israeli after the assassination of ismail han and as well of sayd hassan and other top commander of hizbullah we've seen that statement from beniamin netanyahu which he was spoken he was speaking just like that they going to change the middle east i believe all that has changed especially after the uh retaliation from the islamic republic of iran with hundreds of ballistic missile against the ziant state of israel and as well uh the latest attack from hizbollah in the border which has killed and injured dozens of israeli soldiers. i believe that at this moment uh that the resistant is the one who
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is having the upper hand and i believe uh that the des state of israel will think again to keep its war or as they say they will retaliate against iran because what iran chose in the latest attack that they could conduct a major attack against israeli military installation and as well shows the failure of israeli air defense in stopping uh those missile but of course we're gonna see more escalation from design state especially against civilians in lebanon we have seen that just in the last 72 hours they have killed and injured hundreds of lubanese civilians including some medic and targeting some health centers. hospitals, this actually shows that the israeli actually they are only good in targeting and killing civilians, mean we've seen as an example what they have targeted in yemen, they have targeted power station and and the port of of hudaida and as well at this point we've seen that biden he
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said few hours ago that there are talks with israeleli because the israeli regime want to target iranian uh uh oil infrastructure, this show you the difference between the... strike and attack uh from iran and as well uh what the israeli regime actually is is is targeting in libanon on gaza or what they gonna maybe uh target in in iran and what's actually uh silly just we've seen some of those arab zionist or zionist from inside israel they all just like laughing about that the iranian missile hasn't killed any civilians i mean this is the main goal of the attack they have targeted. and focus order missiles against israeli military installation and i think at this point that the israeli regime will think twice before conducting any attack against iran or against any of iranian embassy in the region and uh while we're on that topic ambassador ford uh
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what do you feel was achieved or or accomplished whether uh symbolically through message or however you perceive it of iran's attack on television. on tuesday, um, well, it's very difficult to know how effective the iranian strike was, because the israelis lie always about the the damage inflicted on them, and in particular this time, because the targets were military, not civilian, it's very difficult to get to the truth. but it it does seem fairly clear nevertheless that significant damage was inflicted on at least one and probably two israeli military bases, and this will give the israelis pause food
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for thought as they are preparing their response. i think it almost inevitable that there will be some kind of... israely military response directly against the islamic republic, and this is under discussion right now as we speak between the americans and the israelis, the americans are in two minds, on the one hand, they also like israel want to damage the islamic republic, and they have no... compassion for civilians of any nationality, but on the other hand, they are afraid, they are afraid of the consequences, and one of those consequences could be for the american forces in the
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middle east, they have some very, very vulnerable bases in iraq and northern syria, illegal. basis uh, it would be quite easy for the islamic republic and its allies to make major attacks on those bases. and inflict serious harm on the united states, so the americans and in particular the pentagon will, i think be inclined to be cautious, even though they would like, for example, to see israeli strikes on iranian oil facilities, they would really really like that, but they are nervous and they are afraid. also afraid of iran's reactions in terms of spreading the conflict further,
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spread, spreading to attacks on all refineries elsewhere in the gulf, i suspect that we may not know for another 24 hours, at least how this discussion between the americans and the israelis. out because it's very complex and very difficult. thank you ambassador, ford. and, i want to kind of put the same question to you, but in a different dimension now of the same topic, operation true promised by the iranians on tuesday. the west is portraying it and depicting it, calling it provocative, reckless and offensive, and iran is called it defensive, in fact and necessary, uh, saying that... already shown more than enough patience and restraint when it comes to israel, hussein, what do you call it? mean,
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this show you exactly the bystander from those countries, especially the united state and uk and other western uh country, mean they haven't condemned the attack that have actually targeted and assassinate uh uh ismail haniah in tehran, they haven't said anything as an example uh months ago when the israelis has targeted iranian consult consulate in in in damascus, of course they will cry out loud when iranian will italiate, they just want iran to receive attack either in syria or inside iran and as well uh for hizbollah and for yemen uh to keep coming under attack, but when they retaliate this mean that you should not do that, i mean this is so a clear example of... for of these bystanders from the united states and as well we we know that they always cry out loud if
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from the beginning of the saudi united arab emirate war against yemen in 2015 they always cry out loud uh why that the weapons that the yemani army has is from iran even though there is a bloekate uh against yemen it will be impossible to smoggle ballistic missile or other type of missiles uh to toward yemen uh but on the other hand we see that united state and uk and germany are supplying the israeli regime with all types of weapons, with finance, with intelligent, and even united state have sent all their battleship toward occupied palestine to help the zionist state in continue its war against gazza and as well against lebanon now, and if the united state and those country did not support the scientist state with any uh weapons, i believe that hamas could have actually at this point defeated uh the thesign state army they could actually at this point have liberated many areas in
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palestine and this show you the weakness of the so callalled israeli regime and it shows as well that thanks to that support from the us the israeli regime will not exist and i believe that if the israeli regime will try to conduct any attack against iran i believe that iran as they say and as they warn they will conduct a major attack against the scient state of israel uh uh inside uh occupied the palestine, but i think that the iranian should as well send a clear warning to all neighboring countries, especially like jordan, saudi arabia and other countries in the bergian gulf that if they will allow uh the israeli regime fighterjet to use their airspace, this mean this country is part of that attack and those countries and their infrastructure will come under attack from the iranian, because i mean uh the jordanian keep crying out. cloud and they allowing the giant state to use their their airspace to target other country, this mean that they
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should not allow the israeli to do so, but i don't think that the israeli regime will try to target iran, but if they do so, i believe there will be major attack from iran, and i just want to mention that sayid abdul malik in his speech today, he has spoken that that the israeli regime with the help of the uk and as well united state are the one who are conducting the war in... are the one who are conducting the war against jeman and as well the war against lebanon and he has war that jermany will continue their attack and all the resistance will continue their attack and he have said as well that yemanis have. hundreds of thousands of trained fighters ready for for any uh coming battle and i think this is as well a clear message and a clear warning to all neighboring country because i believe that at one point the saudi rege might restart its war and coalition war against chairman but at at that point it will be with a full support and under the umbrella
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the united state because they want actually to stop germany from continue their blocade against design regime in the red sea. thank you sain and ambassador uh ford when it comes to a british leadership and how they perceive and see the gaza onslot upon a year now when they see this aggression uh uh basically uh morphing now into lebanese soil uh what is their take on it i mean everyone thought not everyone but many thought that kier starmer's leadership we might see a little bit of a different approach when it comes to protecting the rights of palestinians we have really yet to see something in that aspect but my my question to you, is are there any red lines for british leadership to finally say enough is enough? this is just way too destabilizing for the region for us to stand behind. anybody who thought that um starma and the labor government would be an improvement on the previous conservative government, anybody who thought that was
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fool, and those of us who know starmer uh... knew that he was going to be like this, he is personally sympathetic in the extreme to israel, partly for private family reasons, he has connections with israel, like many of the labor leadership, um, it is of course shocking that labor government, which the labour party historically has been the peace part, and against foreign wars, but since at least the time of tony blair, who was instrumental in launching the disastrous war on iraq since at least that time, the labor party has been even worse if that was possible than the conservatives, they are,
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they they they don't pay a price for this. you see in in terms of domestic politics, there's no strong pro-arab, pro- palestinian lobby, the muslims of britain are silent, almost in the recent general election, over 50% of muslims voted for labor, hard to and okay, understand, but that is the reality. let me ask you personally then, ambassador, do you see a israel after year, what is? and occupied west bank now going into lebanon, are we not getting farther and farther from a peace and stability in the region of west asia, how conducive are the regime's actions to that end? absolutely, the the west, western power, especially britain and america
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have lost their compass, they can only say yes to... israel, they appear to have other choice, they persuaded themselves that israel is the good guy, the palestinians and iran are are the bad guys, they see it in black and white terms, they are bottom line, they are not prepared to exercise restraint on israel except to very, very limited degree. for example, we we hear that the americans will not allow israel to or will will try to prevent the israel is attacking nuclear facilities in the islamic republic, but basically britain and america cannot and will not say no to israel, and israel under the leadership of netanyahu is blinded by power,
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by blood lust ' and by recklessness that they're capable of any folly, any stupid action, without fear of consequences, and i'm afraid, very much afraid that it will need a second round of punishment from missiles before they start to learn the hard lesson. thank you, ambassador, i was saying if international organizations, if western leaders were able to put enough pressure on the regime to get it to abide by and commit to international law, to respect the un charter. how would the landscape look today? how would the region look uh? of west asia today? i think if this will happen we wouldn't have war in our region, mean we know
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what's happening in libya, what has happened in uh in syria and as well in iraq and in yemen, we know that the main factor and the main supporter of this war against our country in the region is the united states and uk, and even though now they are talking about peace or seas fire either in palestine or between uh... uh the israeli regime and lebanon on the same time, they are actually uh using this just for media consumption, because we only heard them talking about peace and cease fire only when the axis of resistant is actually retariate retaliating against the des state of israel. i think if there is any peace or if there is any talk should not be hosted or the the one who mediate in this in this talk should not be the united state and and uk or other country who was actually are the backbone of the israeli regime war against palestine and as well against lebanon, should be from country that are neutral like from china and as well
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russia or other country that have no part in this world, that's why i believe that the israeli regime and the west only accept and respect the one who will actually retaliate, if you want peace you have to carry your arms, if they want peace they should stop supplying. the giant state of israel, i think that at this point we have known that since the beginning and the existence of the giant state of israel, they have gone and conducted many wars against arab nation, occupied many areas in in in countries like in lebanon and as well in syria, and i think that the only way to stop that is by attacking and targeting the giant state of israel, and let me say it, it's so easy and they are so... week we remember what happens to the uh united states in in in the rid, i mean they could not stop any attack uh coming from yeman, they could not stop the blue against
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yemen, they had uh the blue against the giant state, they have actually to withdrawn or the battleship under as well aircraft carrier, because their strength was because that no one there actually to target them and the strength is because they have bases in our region if those bases will come under threat if their battleship and aircraft area will come under threat like it happened in yemen, i believe that the united state will think twice and they will stop actually uh supplying the sign state of israel and one thing that actually the resistant has successfully done is just that saying that the israel is safe haven for all all jewish people from around the world i believe that since october 7 that actually has changed and there are reports there are thousands. tens of thousand of jewish are actually leaving or zionists are leaving palestine because at this point with those attack this mean that palestine is not anymore a safe heaven for
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those zionists. we barely have any time left but ambassador uh ford like to get this last question to you can the region enjoy uh calm can the region of west asia have peace so as long as the uh the israeli regime fails to adhere to international law fails to accept any internet. obligations to adhere to international laws and norms and the world fails to make the regime adhere makes fails to hold the regime accountable indeed we we're learning the hard lesson that the united nations is weak incredibly weak um not a total waste. of time because at least the the legal side of the united nations, the international court of justice, the international criminal court have taken
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meaningful action against netanyahu and the israelis, but the the security council, the general assembly are paper tigers, the when the the the reigning superpower, the united states clearly has no... respect for international law, then we are, we're seeing the law of the jungle, the law of the most powerful, that is the reality, and we're in a world now in the in the middle where only force counts and there is no point in relying on the united nations or any any other international institution, at the end of the day, however, i mean, possibly as soon as next week, i do expect that suddenly un
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security council resolution. 1701, dating back to 2006 and the last conflict over southern lebanon, suddenly that resolution will become relevant and the israelis and their allies will want to return to that resolution, and that could be the the off ramp, the exit route from the crisis. thank you both for joining us in the program, time has gone the better of us, but appreciate having you. both on hussein, their activist and political commentator joining us from sana and mr. peter ford, former british ambassador to syria joining us for manchester, and viewers, thanks for tuning in, this brings us to the conclusion this segment of your press tv spotlight. bye-bye for now. october 7th marked new chapter.
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headlines, israel launches new wave of. there strikes on dha neighborhood of the lebanese capital using bunker buster bombs to attack civilian buildings. nearly 20 palestinians are killed after an israeli airstrike targets the occupied west bank city of tulkarm and its refugee camp. also on the headlines, iran condemns israel's designation of the un chief as persona nagrata.
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