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and will destroy any sign of any just movement or individual who wants to uh create change, saudi arabia being a classic example, they have about 40,000 prisoners, political prisoners in their jails for simply having a of view that doesn't coincide with their own uh version of what uh the arabian or the west asian world should look like or what saudi arabia should look like, it's not even saudi arabia really uh who names a nation after family for goodness sake i mean it is "it is the hijaz, it is the original territory of islam, but it's being occupied and usurped just like these the israelis have user power in in al-aqsa in in al-quds, so the these the saudis and these arab monarchs and despots, i'm afraid, are usuar powers, this is the reality of the situation, and the evidence for all this is that though they've just this week started making noises to..." iran that of
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they are neutral, that they won't get involved, that they're not going to support any missile launches against iran. this is all now based on the fear they have of the reality that's dawning on them that iran has hypersonic missiles and hypersonic misals are something which israel has demonstrated it can't defend against let alone these arab nations. so i i think that's a that's a great segway uh to bring another one of our guests into the program the point that you mentioned about how it is. just dawning on uh these arab nations that uh maybe the leanings that they have chosen for so long thinking that it would benefit them in the long term might not be turning out the way they expected it to as the balance of power seems to be quickly shifting so i would like to welcome to the program at tim anderson joining us from sydney australia he is the director uh at the center for counter hegemonic studies so i a think uh tim this is right up your alley. uh
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this discussion of um how the balance of power may be shifting in the region and also uh i would like you to uh give us your thoughts on uh iran's retaliatory strike and how uh that has shifted the balance in one way or another uh which uh the leader said that it was a completely legitimate and lawful response uh so uh how do you see that uh that response? that retaliation changing the balance of power and uh the the other ripple effects that it has on particularly arab nations that uh mosan abbas just mentioned. yes, it's the the iranian strike of um a couple of days ago has certainly put very significant counterweight into the equation. up until then we've had many operations by the the neighboring resistance, the resistance in in lebanon from yemen, from
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iraq, also from the palestinian resistance itself, which is diminished somewat, been compensated by the increase in operations by hezbollah for example in lebanon. i just was looking at the data on that, and there's been no decrease in hezball operations against the israeli regime since the assassination of sad hasan nasara. in fact, yesterday, i believe of there was 37 operations against the israeli enemy, so there hasn't been a diminution of that resistance effort there. was stressing that first of all the alaxa flood operation was entirely legitimate, that the self-defense of the palestinian people is entirely legitimate and the assistance to that self-defense is entirely legitimate too, of indeed a duty and responsibility, and of course there he was referring to the iranian operation of few days ago where which he said was the least punishment possible for the many crimes that have been committed by designers, so i think that was... important
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reinforcement um to the world, to the iranian people who really were demanding um that operation, there was some impatience around the world, also within iran itself, about the why this delay had been so long, and i think the iranian leader made that point that he also made point later on that we're not going to do things in a rushed way, but we're not going to hesitate either to carry out our duty and our responsibility, and so in his talk about um lebanon in arabic um when he switched to arabic to address uh the what he called our our arab arab brothers, but also the wider uh islamic community, he was stressing the strength of the resistance and the resilience of the resistance, even in face of the assassination of certain figures, pointing to historic occasions where the community, the wider community had lost important resistance leaders, but nevertheless developed its strength there, so i think it was a word of great encouragement of to the resistance forces and to the youth. i
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think he particularly address the youth of the resistance forces in the region entirely, at times it seemed like he was talking about to an iranian audience or to lebanese audience, but it had of course a wider relevance. right uh... tim, thank you for that insight, i will, i will go back to zainab and ask her about another one of the comments made by the leader who said, who emphasized on the importance of hezbollah in particular uh carrying out their operations uh during the past year, he of course did address ansar allah, the iraqi resistance movements and other members of the access of resistance, but he puts a particular focus on the important role that hezbollah. played uh in this uh in this the span of the past year uh so z what can you tell me about uh the what he was referring to and and why he picked hezbollah in particular uh to emphasize and to thank well um let's go back
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to you know the so-called uh camp david accord where the palestinians gave up literally their um wants their ability to fight israel in order for peace to reign, so the palestinians gave up you know the ability to fight in other for peace to reign, but we saw that israel took advantage of that with the assistance of united states to take more palestinian land, to create more chaos within the occupied palestinian territory. however, the number one obstacle to israel's expansionist idea and his ideology and its policy was isbullah for when the palestinian gave up israel saw that opportunity to expand, but the only thing standing between israel and that expansionist idea and it policy was the was the was the lebanese isbullah who stood up and continue to fight and continue to resist until you know 2000
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when israel invaded and it lost and then 2006 reputation of that where isbullah also defeated israel and forced it to to withdraw. so we see that i did not been the the stance of that hizbullah took as of that time and also we saw again after october 7 when you know the resistance broke through some of their occupied territories and went into israeli um um you know where israelis are occupying and took some of them as ostagest in other to negotiates let's not forget that the very reason they carried out that you know that operation one of the reasons they carry out that operation was in other. to exchange thousands of palestinians who are rotten away in israeli prison for no you know justification whatsoever, many of them are in what is called administrative detention where where they are forced into that place forever and some of them are giving um you know
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sentences of 500 years in prison, some of them are giving multiple life sentences to spend in prison for doing nothing, many of them did, they just spoke some of them through. and so we see the continuation that isbullah after october 7 decided to you know to to open another front in order to relieve the the pressure that they know israel is going to bring on the palestinians uh you know and and and and open themself up for attacks and they continue and they have been given you know the best of them in defense of palestine and now we see this great sacrifice that they have given in the sense of uh said hasan nasullah was assassinated. because he was in beirut trying to defend the people of lebanon, trying to defend you know the entire region from this um um this massacker that is now expanding across the region uh, i'm going to go back to sayid moson abbas, moson, one the things that the leader mentioned was that
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he will neither rush nor hesitate uh in case uh iran's uh dignity or sovereignty uh would come under question uh uh and uh he did also mention that if need be iran will conduct another attack on israeli occupied territories uh but mainly focusing on the first point uh particularly uh the neither rush nor hesitate uh what do you think he was referring to? well i think he run from the beginning of this uh situation in october the 7th which is not something they created it's something that that's happened. have had very steady, very patient, strategically patient uh policy, they've continued to supply support to the palestinian resistance and to the lebanese resistance, but they've they've quite wisely uh tried to avoid direct
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contact, they haven't really thought about sending troops on the ground for instance, they've not thought about a full scale war, they're not heading in a in the direction of war, they haven't been, "i think that that the kind of war that israel wants is a hot, they want these, that's why they have to do these kind of very dramatic acts of terrorism, like the device of explosion." or assassinating lead figures, because they're they're in a desperation zone, they have to try to provoke uh iran to come into the field and do something equally rash, perhaps as as they're doing, so that then they can justify uh to the world that america needs to come in and he also needs to come and do its kind of uh its ballistic and nuclear activities, perhaps you don't know, but the truth of the matter is that iran uh is playing very very smart war, they're not, "they're not being uh reactionary, they're not being illogical,
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they're not being illegal, they're not being illegitimet, all of these are not things that you can say of the israeli actions, iran even now, whether it was true promise one or true promise two when they were forced to react because their own sovereignty territory was violated first of all with the consulate being blown up by the uh by the israelis, but then of course upwards with their..." the their own with with the killing of ismail han so i think that that's what it's referring to is that this is the least punishment said we could do lot more iran of course could do lot more but they they are choosing to go for i think the long attritional uh war which has less damage to to lives in the long run uh i feel okay and uh finally uh i will direct my last question to tim anderson uh tim uh the the leader mentioned and he hailed the alaksa flood operation back in october the 7th and
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uh said that this was a completely legitimate, completely lawful, even based on international law, which he mentioned that iran is also uh following uh international constitutions as well as its national um system of uh governance uh reminds to the viewers how this operation was seen ' not just to the people of the world, but also in the eyes of uh uh an organization like the un which is supposed to uphold this uh a for mentioned international law uh did we see uh did we see this um rational approach at uh the alasa flood operation as a self-defense operation or was it something else that was reflected? look the the... "the question of international law is an important one and the iranian leadia raised the alexa floud in
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context of talking about the right of peoples and nations to defend themselves and that's embedded in the un charter, but even since the un charter there's been quite a number of developments in the general assembly and the security council in the geneva conventions which are to do with the right to resist, right to resist aggression, from occupation, from colonialism, from uh genocide, from a partide." for example, so in that context there's been a great body of international law, international norms which support the right to resist, which is exactly what the alexa flood operation was all about, it was an entirely legitimate operation, but nevertheless counted very quickly by the very powerful western media machine, or i should say anglo-american media machine, which tried to portray it as some sort of horrific barbaric attack on civilians, it wasn't that of course we know the myths that have been shot down now mainly by admissions, israeli evidence about beheaded babies, mass rape and the fact that the israeli military itself
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slaughted many of the people at the music festival which was caught up in the crossfire effectively, so i've written about this recently that october the 7th really was a tremendous anniversary for the resistance and an active resistance, but it's been distorted and taken over by the colonis for their own purposes to try and say it's self-evident that october the 7th was a... example of how the palestinian resistance or the palestinian people themselves are animals and inhuman and not respecting you any international law, no, in fact international law is on the side of the resistance in the last 50 years, and we cannot just to say those of us that support post-colonial values and the and the decolonization processes cannot allow those imperialist those zionists to take over that anniversary and claim it for themselves, it should be really a bright light in the... resistance and anniversary that we should celebrate that, even though it was followed by horrific reprisals against the civilian
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population, nevertheless it's begone a totally new chapter in in the annels of liberation of the palestinian people and really uh that represents say the last stage i believe in a palestinian revolution, so i believe october the 7th should be entirely redefined and taken back from the distorted that the western media has created, so it seems like we have a bit more time to speak, so uh i will... uh go back to uh mos and abbas and ask him about something that he mentioned uh himself about the uh the awakening the the awakening of arab countries. not the people, because the people have been awokened uh a little while ago before the the governments uh have gotten the memo. uh, i want to see if you believe that uh, it has been the the reality on the ground that has uh that has started to wake them up, or is it the pressure that is being put on them by the people and the the global
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international community? i i want to see how you see the role of uh the the global awakening of the people versus the real on the ground, i think the awakening of the people is definitely emerging very, very rapidly, i mean, it still has some way to go, because if it was fully uh there, you'd see revolutions pop up in all these arab nations, the truth is the fake arab spring that was triggered by the western powers uh failed of course on so many levels, his real purpose was to overthrow syria and to get west asia under their control, but in reality the people do need to create revolutions in many these nations if the... "if their leaders continue uh to be basically puppets of of of western powers and and continue to uh collaborate with israel, collaborate with zin, because don't forget the leadership whilst they're making uh nice noises and because uh china and russia and eurasian axis is rising and they're trying to start put
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putting some of their eggs in that basket while still maintaining uh their kind of connection and servitude to to..." america and zionism generally, in reality they haven't stopped supporting israel militarily or defensively, jordan still uh was availing its territory for for defending against iranian legitimate responses to israel's violation of its sovereignty, the uh the saudis and the uae are still facilitating transport of goods and trade through their territories to israel and via jordan of course uh 'even even though the yemenese of course had virtually shut down the balble mandib and the red sea access of israel and was making you life difficult but it's these arabs nations that have allowed israel's lifeline to continue, they're still flirting with the abraham accords, they still want to try and create the two the f the fake two states solution, they still want to allow zinanism in it present form the apartide
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ethnosupremacist violent you know settler colony that we'. in full full uh full operation over the last 10 months doing its genocides, they still want to legitimize that, they still want to give away their resources uh cheaply, they still want to make an provide all of their petro dollars uh to go and boas to the american economies with their real estate purchases and and whatnot, and so they and they've also still failed to support the the lebanese or the palestinian resistance in any substantial way, so everything they've been doing is paying lip service, the thing that is... possibly going to make them uh think more seriously is the fact that the american demise, the american dollar, its general power in in the world is is on the win, it is all and china is putting the pressure on for that, russia is dismantling them in in europe, and iran is giving them a full run for their money in west asia, so they've now got to balance
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their own future, will they uh survive with american support, can america even help israel to survive militarily or defensively, and tomorrow, if america disappears from this region, of course these nations will have to start being self-reliant, and and why, why shouldn't they be self-reliant? and i today said clearly that if we reduce the western inference interference in west asia, the conflicts will end, the wars will end, uh, and all of this kind of trouble will vanish, and the regional nations can manage themselves, govern their own areas, live together in peace, safety and wellbeing, that's the objective of these. public will be wrong. okay uh so before i go back to zainab and ask her a question about uh one of the other points that the leader made uh we we are going to go back to the mosala grand mosque of tehran where uh the leader's speech uh finished in about uh 30 minutes ago uh we have our correspondents standing by fatima
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masumi uh fatima uh what can you tell me about uh the vibe after the speech. and the prayers are over uh and the reactions that uh you may have seen talking to the people who participated in the commemoration ceremony of the morters of resistance uh and also those who were there for the speech. exactly as i spoke to you before the speech of the leader the islamic revolution ali khamenei i explained. to you that people were pouring into the grand musallao to um hear the sermons of the friday prayers and also uh pray um with the leader. um today on friday um today's um prayers was very significant and from many aspects as we spoke before, however uh right now uh people are coming out
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the grand marcelo, we see countless number of people, thousands and um hundreds and thousands of people from all walks of life from different parts of um the the cultural categories actually of our country and people coming from different cities from far cities - from tehran, for example, from mashad, from qom, from kish, from banderabbas and also other parts of iran. as they are coming out, i also had some interviews with them, so the significance of uh today's speech delivered by the leader of the islamic revolution, ayatollah say ali khamenei was actually um, the important very important, it was um divided into two sections. the first sections was um delivered um to the um the the the whole world actually especially the iranian nation and ayatullah khamenei praised um the
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irgc for the um the legitimate attack that they had on the zionist regime in tel aviv two or three nights ago he also um spoke about the unity of muslims shiaan sunnis and all parts of the unity of the muslims around the world and he and emphasize that the unity of uh muslim is the what keeps the muslim nation um alive and going actually the second part of um his uh lecture or his sermon was delivered in arabic and it was um delivered to the people uh the muslim brothers and sisters in lebanon and in um palestine actually so as people were coming out um i spoke to few of them actually and um they were all amazed by how uh bravely and strongly um the leader just like um always he
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had been speaking on different occasions on different occasions actually so they were very amazed and very proud and they came out with happiness and joy and even braver than before they were saying we are um more amazed we are braver than before the even bef in the morning actually so um as i witnessed people were here with um little children actually elderly people um who are the veterans of war um people from martered families and all of them uh praised the leaders sermons and um they um actually um again express their solidarity and they said that they would renew their um at least with the leader again and again and they are ready uh for anything um that um the leader um actually commands and also i'm just witnessing um joy and
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excitement and bravity between um the bravery between among these people who are coming out the grand musalom right thank you fatima i'm gna come back to the studio with zainab to discuss one of the points points that the leader mentioned about the morterdom of the late leader of the lebanese resistance movement, he likeened his marturdom to the marturdom of imam ali and imam hussein, but stated that while we are morning the loss of these brave men and including ismail and iranian commander of the irgc, it is also in these morterdoms that we find hope, can you add your insights to and add some context to what the leader said, make point of
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correction, if you will, he didn't say he didn't like in the matradom to imam ali and imam hussein, it liking the morning for him, how we mourn imam ali, how we morn imam hussin to how we morning hasan, because while morning might be? seen as depressing or or it it makes you know you have lack of energy, the reverse is the case, when sheer's mourn the matradom anniversary of any of their imams, if anything it's it brings them back to life, it it gives them a burst of energy and courage and hope to continue, and that is exactly what he has liking, you know the martredom of um sayid asan or ismail aniya referring to the fact that their death or their or their or their killing will not um keep people to wallow in a sense of depression and and hopelessness, if anything
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the... their debt and their marturdom will inspire people to continue on their part to make sure that the flag that they they've held all through their life struggling against israel will continue until you know victory until israel is removed entirely from the region and the people of palestine can leave side by side with the christian jewish and and other um people to live in palestine free and so that is what e lighting that um the grieving for the grieving of sayid hasan and also ismail too and secondly another thing that he he did mention other than the fact that you know muslim must unite another to to save each other is - i feel is that he went straight at the heart of the issue which is the propaganda that has been you know used in this region to keep people divided you
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know the propaganda of um "arabs are different from persians, sunnis are different from shias, kurds are different from arabs and all of these other issues that you know within ourselves we can resolve. it's not possible to have a population of you know hundreds of millions residing in a geographic location without having issues. however, as long as they are able to handle that issue and and unite and and and you know give each other peace then it is possible for..." the region to progress and not just progress, take its rightful position in the um you know in the global stage, which is exactly the antithesis of what the united states and israel stand for, because the hope and the aspiration of the us through um through israel is to have just one country, one country dominate, you know in the region, expand across the current borders that it
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currently have to... to to you know to to control wider ground or wider land and within this control and this axis of control that it will create, keep all the other countries around it weak and you know ill equipped. let's take the current situation, the lebanon is in right now and why we keep mentioning hizbullah as the defense of lebanon, because the united state as consistently and continuously make sure that the lebanese army is ill equipped the... reason that israel can take you know its its f35 or any of its jets to come into the very heart of beirout to strike is because lebanon does not have you know um um and here defense they don't really have an army if you want to really look at it because again every time we see israel advance into lebanon it has not been the lebanese army that fight and defend against the land and not because
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