tv Have it out PRESSTV October 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST
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that october now is very bad memory for design the west because it's 6th of october 7th of october the last year and the first of october the consecutive uh ceremonies that i think that maybe design may omit october from the cal all right indeed yeah thank you for that we appreciate it all right one things missing at this point from our program is the gaza strip um we have a correspond. 'who has covered the gaza strip for us, palestinians and resistance fighters that i mentioned is just one of the things that the fighters in the gaza sip are still activated in doing that, and that's the fighting, um, but one of the misconceptions about this genacidal war is that it began on october 7th, but that's a misnomer, the palestinians particularly in the gaza strip for example, well they have been squeezed beyond iman imagination, kind of like being in a pressure cooker really until they exploded'. but to make the general
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public believe that it was the fault of hamas and the fault of palestinians and western media in particular has tried very hard to change the narrative in israel's favor. the israeli propaganda machine armed with many communist ministry media outlets is still working to spread the blatant lies regarding the reasons behind the regime's genocidal war on gaza. israel and its western packers claim that the war was provoked by operational. launched by the palestinians on october the 7th, justifying that israeli occupation forces had the right to massacre palestinians. the israeli allegation is bent on putting the events out of their historical context, condoning decades of mass kingization and ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people. i'm 40 years old, all that i have witnessed is prolonged aggression and persecution. "the gaza strip has been
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under a blockade for 17 years. the killing of palestinians in the west bank has never stopped. what happened on october 7th was normal reaction to all that aggression. it came to restore the momentum of the palestinian cause. before october the 7th, the situation across palestinian territories was a grim, as there was no light at the end of the dark tunnel for palestinians in terms of their legitimate rights to live allah." life of dignity and respect. in gaza, the israeli cubation had left no stone and tan to tighten the sage on the coastal strip, leaving generations of palestinians in absolute misory and despair. moreover, the west bank had been subjected to israel's systematic attacks, which aim to change the status quo of the occupied territories and ethnically cleansed the palestinian people.
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flood operation was a retaliatory strike against years of israeli aggression, unlike what zionist propaganda tries to portray, let's remember that the al-oxsa mosque was and still is constantly raided by israeli settlers. the violations in the west bank are ever present. gaza was beseeged. this is why the resistances attack on october 7th was completely acceptable. given that the israeli regime has been led by a far bright cabinet which believes in nothing. but approading the palestinian existence, having such a stunch palestinian reaction is not unrealistic. as facts on the ground justify palestinians resistance in the face of israeli atrocities. many hobuk countries still adopt the regime's narrative that this war was started by hamas. this is why many people across the globe accused those countries of being complicit in this genocidal war in gaza. the middle area
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of gaza strip. all right, let's bring in muti of cours wanting to uh report it there and find out from him a little bit more about the siege. one of the things that uh is very evidence uh about the siege is what intentions this regime had and it was much more shocking that recent news revealed how the israel regime was actually intentionally preventing eight trucks from entering the'. has a strip and there was some documentation that uh supported that, tell us about that, and of course how this october 7th has put things into perspective for us when it comes to the conflict as a whole. yes, actually there is no shadow of doubt that what happened on october the 7th was unprecedented and it came as a response to decades of the ongoing suffering of the palestinian, people a unlike what many mislim media out this are still trying to portray ' that the whole
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story started on october the 7th, what happened on october the 7th was normal response of the palestinian people as an occupied people particularly here in gaza strip as you know gaza strip has been under the... for getting siege imposed by the israel incubation forces for roughly 17 consecutive years and the people actually have attempted to prake that siege with all means available including the march of return if you still remember however the israel licubation forces have faced all these attempts by more cruelity more brutality however or as a result of the of all of that the palestinian people actually f found themselves compbeled to have a stunch reaction again. the kind of the continuous and the ongoing persecution practice against the palestinian people, so no wonder that the palestinian resistance uh took that step against the israel incubation forces and uh as you know uh carried out this unprecedented operation against the israeli occupation
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particularly and the gaza envelope military sides and the settlements in in that area and no one can deny as well that uh what happened on october the 7th would have a long outcome and lot of the consequences that will that will be continuously reasonating across the whole world, because it is the first time for the palestinian people and the palestinian resistance to carry out this wide scale operation and they dealt a big blow to the israeli persecution and the israeli arrogance because as you know the israelicubation forces have been relying on their advance technology that no one is able to fight back against recognition forces and "even though they have lot of the intelligence warning them that the palestinian resistance could be thinking of having such of of carrying out such an operation against the israel forces, but as you know it's all stemming from the arrogance of the israeli incubation forces, so we can see clearly that what happened on october the 7th was normal reaction to the
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decades of the continuous israeli persecution and aggression against the palestinan people. thank you very much, we do appreciate abul there of course want to talk to us from darabala, let me..." come to you uh, if i may assad nember. i'd like to you to put this into context for us, where you have on the one hand the siege that has occurred for 17 years. on the other hand, the israel regime preventing eight trucks overall from entering the gaza strips sporadically throughout this genocidal war, and thirdly, when you hear news about the fact that you have these arab regimes that are allowing their land for uh products to be transported to the israeli regime, which really puts the... spotlight on uh how they are uh stab putting a stab in the back of palestinians, put those three factors into context for us if you can, yes uh definitely when we are talking about you know um the alliances in the in the region it's
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quite clear and we can understand that the american had launched this project of abraham accords uh which suppositely that arab countries are going to normalize. relationship with israel and to create an alliance, as they said it from that time, led by israel in the region as far as israel is the you know the superior country in the regime and power and you know in terms of army, so that was the idea, so when it comes to after the start of the 7th of october and the aqsa flood ' "now these countries have to take action somehow, though they are speaking in in a different way, but in reality they are part of this alliance, so they have to help israel, while as you mentioned, gaza were starving, and before that 17 years of the besege, and then during the war they
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closed all the crossings including rafah crossing from egypt, it means that now everything goes into gaza." 'it's in the hands of the israelis and they are giving them only barely to uh stay alive and they don't even because we have many cases of a starvation and death of starvation, so this is a quite clear cut that the israeli they don't want, they want to make gazah umbeerable area and unlivable area uh in order for the palestinians even to go away from from gaza if they can at the same time'. and they have the same policies also in the west bank, they want to get the palestinians out of west bank to jordan or to any other country. okay, you know uh, i find it so incredible, i don't know if you agree or not, ahmed, about the fact that you had this effort come out when uh the media was able to cover, thanks to social uh media uh we saw
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the suffering of the palestinians when it came to just uh plain old food, they were not getting any and uh then you had the us come out if you recall with that uh uh flatella uh that is was supposing food. in this us uh construction by the marines and they made such a big deal out of it, also the eu uh had uh initiated that effort just to show hey we do care about palestinian. but then you at the floatilla that was destroyed and then there and then you heard about the air drops also you know don't you think that that was all just a show which again kind of reflects the true nature of or the stance that they have uh towards palestinives the ones that are obviously starving there in the gaza strip totally uh totally agree with you point because it shows but in fact especially like that we try the reality of situation and even
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for we have story also the track drivers from the egyptian side who trying to cross via crossing and things like that and we have like eyewitnesses tv testimonies of them that they already depive especially from the settlers fis and then from the idf from going through to the points the check points in order to to give the aids to our palestinian brothers and sisters over there. also concerning the media have to mention some something nobody talked about that some media outlets in israel in america as well as in some gulf countries trying to propagate for something very strange that israel and america is trying to defend sunnah in the vision and this is exactly we try to support israel not to support gaza because gaza is one of the arms of iran this is the... country and this is exactly the way they find on playing this sectarian dispute between
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sonna and chiah but thanks god that the new generation and the people now they know because they found the brothers most of the time being killed by the israeli this tool at the same time you know the media whatsoever trying to transfer the reality especially after the assassination of hassan aswallah i think the name and brand of and it was number one in the middle east and the people started to talk frankly about not as before, this is exactly how much allah is the malicious, the most malicious comparing to the other, this is exactly one of the main points that our b should know that yes we are fathers, we are muslims and we are humans all together, muslims and christians or all we are humans together just to support the righousness just to support the right of the people to have their own country to have their own right
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sovereignty liperty freedom things like that these are the way the people now are thinking because after all such year i'll all just just youake narratives uh nothing achieved whether for america or for israel that made them in this right now yes indeed indeed that's a that's a good point again thank you for that well, um, when operational flood was executed by hamas and the palestinian fighters, that definitely took the world by surprise, no doubt about that, the surprising part about the operation was not so much the operation itself, but the reasons behind it, for palestinians, it was clear as was the case for those who understood the suppression that palestinians had felt for decades, but what about israelis and in particular, what about the israeli regime forces, did they understand the reasons behind the operation? well, here's the reaction by female israeli regime force. by the name of jay, so i mean
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october 7th was surprised for everyone, i thought myself, i, i thought there was something i didn't understand, i kept asking was happening, why is this happening, buse usually when there are rockets, there's there's something that happened, something that happened within the gaza strip, and so i i thought we had done something, i didn't understand what why was this happening, what what what happened, and no one was answering, and i... was like, why is no one answering me, but it took me a while to understand, no one knew, just no one knew, everyone was scared, and i think in the same moment, it it it was like a sense of fear, but it was also so shocking, it almost overtook the fear into just like, okay, just do whatever you need to do to survive and to keep everyone to survive, and to just get through this day. all right, uh, that was female israeli regime force. uh uh that uh spoke about october 7th, let's bring in our correspondent mariam sal
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from beyout over in lebanon. mariam, first of all, we're looking at the one-year anniversary here, practically that is, and we just played a reaction by very young regime force there fighting in the gaza strip, maybe reservist that was called up, which is a reflection in to some degree of the not only the age. with the inexperienced type personnel that they are bringing onto the battlefield, um, is that somewhat what we're looking at when it comes to the regime forces, uh, especially when we're looking at how there has been... i guess a reallocation of some of these regime forces over uh to the north to fight against lebanon and hisb fighters in particular. well, there were very a lot of groups that were reservis, however what we're looking at with the confrontations in south lebanon, especially the last um 72 hours, we're looking at direct face to face
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clashes and confrontations with elite forces, i don't think that they will have be bringing in uh inexperienced uh... officers, these are officers, commando units of the egos units, which is probably the highest level uh of the elite forces and all of the israeli occupation forces and so they were very well trained uh in order to take on this type of battle uh, however it seemed that they were taken by surprise from what they're looking at hazballah and the last that we have was a hazbullah declared that they were able to - first of all detonate explosive devices that they... just recently planted or just perhaps maybe minutes before the force was trying to enter uh and then we're engaged in direct face to face clashes and confrontations and we see we know from the images that the military helicopters go going in and out of that area taking and transporting israeli uh forces and occupation uh soldiers that are either uh killed or wounded - some of them
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even the wounded are in critical condition taking them to several hospitals all in the northern area and so that is proof that uh it seems that although they are experienced and although they are well-trained, i think uh they are also have they have been met uh with different issue here in lebanon, even if for example you have the inexperienced baby troopers uh entering uh the gaza because of the fact that it was they were in a state of shock maybe uh but however now they have been training and ready for a whole year to bring in these troops to uh south lebanon and what we're looking at actually is a competition, something that's resembling the gaza strip more and more day by day, especially since we see that the israelis uh with the fact that even if they do have experienced uh soldiers, their main issue here is only shelling from the air, that is mainly what their the their only success is uh and we see that there is systematic targeting of civilian areas,
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especially uh areas where we have medical staff, we have paramedics, today the islam health association declared 11 of its paramedics killed in three different areas, we have the governmental hospital marjayun has been targeted and seven paramedics there alone were killed and so we see that systematic attempt being also carried out here in lebanon just like gaza. thank you very much mariam, we do appreciate it, mariam sal there talking to us from bayboot uh let's take a look now about the multi um proged war that the israel regime is facing and what it has done the gaza strip 4200. to the death tools, the occupied west bank 750 plus, that figure is on the rise, we're looking at yemen 100 plus based on the different slot of the israeli regime in coordination with this allies like the us, uk and france have executed lebanon at this point 1900 plus, again a figure that could be higher, and uh syria and so forth and so on, iraq and iran, we don't have those uh um figures available as of now for you uh, but uh, in terms of
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iraq, there have been uh many casualties, syria itself also has been a victim of... israel regime onslots and i'd like to ask our our guest about the the fact that we're looking at uh such a scenario when it comes to the israeli regime um so my last two questions, my last questions to both of you, first to you uh sud nember, the israeli regime as we just heard from our correspondent there is bringing out us best to fight in lebanon, but then you have all these other war scenarios, how do you think they're going to be able to deal with that stretched out so thin? well they are not, they are not going to continue because now they declared the ground attack on lebanon for three days and in three days there were attempts to go into lebanon and they couldn't, well they couldn't even uh control totally gazza, though gaza is a smaller area and if we are going to compare between hamas and islamic jihad in gaza with the hizbahlah,
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hizballah definitely 10 times more powerful and train. personal there in in lebanon, so it will be really netanyahu was thinking about all these actions that he did 10 days ago with the uh bayer thing and the tokki and the assassination to come to the top of the assassination of samahat said hasan nasar allah, they think that they have kind of euphoria in israel about this kind of victory. but in reality it's not victories, it is, not real victories, because that won't affect the power of hizballah or the the um when you take a look at? when you take a look at all the number of uh fighters that have volunteered to come out and fight the israel regime, it's quite telling uh whether it's uh iran, iraq, syria or yemen in particular who
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has been uh one of the most vocal critics and a proactive uh fighting uh against the israeli regime, what are your thoughts about the fact that uh they may at some point have the flood gates open for all these resistance fighters to fight against the regime? uh, i think this guy uh... and maybe we are addicting some you know chemicals or something like that because once you look at him when he was saying that i'm gonna change the middle east who is he to change the middle east just beach in my view and without the support of the united states two months maximum he supposed to stay in his complex in gaza frankly speaking the the the economic situation is very bad in the west also within israel i think the taxpayers not sustained to pay such money for new achieved goals in the future, this is another factor belong in addition to what my friend uh, dr. nam said
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before, also we have another opportunity because there was a g7, we have the big summit in kazan, russia, and in my view this summit supposed to adopt two important things, the economic alliance, i mean you know the global south. also the you know digitalization and having a revolution in the global south and digitalization concerning the separate security concerning the ai, concerning all the other things and all the monen countries and the members on the most country or the country that's supposed to join this impressive alliance should focus on both you know the economic alliance and how to circumvent the sanctions also the method of ai and and in the point of view may be like strategic alliance in the future in this regard yes i know and i said before there are three battlefields in the world now that is
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like the lane of the new world order one here with gaza and gaza and lebanon and you will lose 100% and we we we we are we totally agree on this point also the other ukraine and the last one in south china see all right thank you so much, thank you so much, we appreciate ahmed mustapha, director of the asia center studies and translation over from cairo, thank you for your contribution, and sad nember, professor political science at brazeth university, thank you, well we have uh reached the end of the program, the israel regime has no friends in the west asia region and its enemies are increasing as it continues its death and destruction when it comes down to it, these are the different war fronts that it is fighting as we just spoke to you about, but what is what does the operation aloxel flood on october 7th anniversary mean overall? when it comes to the fact that we will be looking at that in the next few episodes, it is continuing however uh until this appetite for killing and land theft is quenched, but to what degree? that's what we will be uh looking at
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on set of november 2023, the atrocities in gaza by israel persisted by november 6th, before the conflict reached its one month mark, the death toll in gaza will surpassed 10,000. november 8th, 40,00 people were... forced to evacuate northern gaza escape israel bombs. for many palestinians leave in their homes and facing force displacement is painful reminder of their pants. this nation has been driven from its original home for decades.
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on november 15th, israeli soldiers committed another atrocity by storming alsafa hospital. other hospitals were not safe either. as always, israel had flimsy excuses for these atrocities. in the final days of the month, the seven-day cease fire agreement was finally established between israel and hamas. however, everyone knew that the aggressive nature of the zionist regime would not tolerate the peace of these seven days. gaza continued to move towards destruction.
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so the actual agenda is what is euphemistically called territorial? mansion, but we should more accurately call it land and resource deft. the nature of the war itself and the timing, the surprising element. tune into this week's episode of economic divide where we take a look at operational flood october 7th, one year on, the economic impact on the israely regime, the occupied west bank, and of course the gaza strip.
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your headlines here on press tv, the levi's health minister has announced is the regime for indiscriminately targeting civilians and rescue. says that iran's latest retaliatory responds to israel as legitimate and lawful and least punishment of the for the regime for its aggression, and rally have been held across west asia to announce the israely attacks against the people of lebanon and palestine.
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