tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV October 7, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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of over 75 years of zionist oppression and terrorism. october the 7th was a historic day that the world would never forget and would ultimately bring attention to palestinian oppression which was its way to being forgotten by many. well, since then, the israeli regime started its latest genocide in gaza, and now has killed over 41,000 people, with many estimates saying the real number is... probably around 200 thousand, and from gaza, the terrorist regime has now gone to lebanon, where it is trying to extend its genocide, once again bombing cities, residential areas, hospitals and every imaginable place targeting civilians, in the spotlight we'll be taking a look at october the 7th and its significance, like to welcome my guest to the program, mosanak the human rights activist out of houston, texas. and
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paul arudi, co-founder of free palestine movement out of berkeley, california. thank you both for being with me, i appreciate it. let me start this off in houston. uh, well most and let's start off with the actions of the united nations during this last year, since his mission statement uh states that peace and security, human rights, the rule of law and development, those are the priorities of the un. "your thoughts on how it has performed since october 7th for the people of gaza, the occupied west bank and now lebanon? well, it's uh, it's quite apparent from how this genocide has now expanded into lebanon that the un has failed to keep or perform within the scope of its self-declared duties. um, as i've mentioned before, as well that
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the united nations's actions are merely to maybe build narrative, but as far as direct action and execution of those guidelines is concerned, it is apparent that the zionist regime chooses to not abide by international of law or any kinds of statements that are given by the united nations security council, we see how it was an abstainment of the united states that led to a declaration of the member of of the state of palestine becoming member um that can actually vote within the un, but we see that international law in general and especially the united nations has failed the the people of conscience, they have failed the people, the oppressed people of gazza and the oppressed people of lebanon. um, right now, from what it from what it looks like, that the resistance forces
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understand and they've always understood that it is only them, no one will come to their rescue, they have to take matters into their own hands and they have to fight back with whatever they have, because that is the only solution to this oppression. okay, well paul, on the occasion of the first year after october 7th, un secretary general antonio gotteres has said, quote, today marks one year since the horrific events of october 7th when hamas launched a large... scale terror attack in israel, killing over 1,250 israelis and foreign nationals, including children and women. more than 250 people were abducted and taken to gaz, including many women and children. the october 7th attack scards souls, and on this day we remember all those who were brutally killed and suffered unspeakable violence, including sexual violence as they were simply living their lives. now regarding palestinin lives, he did say october 7th it sent wave of shocking violence and blood... shed and and it has
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erupted since then. your thoughts, i mean, it's it's quite amazing, paul, no numbers were given for the number of palestinians who have been killed, especially children. are those palestinians who have been kidnapped, raped or starved to death, nor was the israeli regime named directly as the culprate of this genocide, but hamas was named for committing terror on october 7th, your thoughts, well israel has the right to defend itself, don't they? i mean, not the palestinians, not lebanon, not any other entity, on the face of the earth, but israel has the right to defend itself by destroying everything around it. that's basically the way this works. the united nations, let's face it, is not going to liberate palestine, please, the idea that the united states is
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going to do something to change anything that is happening on the ground, it should be evident after one year of genocide and and total destruction with 80% of the the housing in gaza now lying in in ruins on the ground and in any case they didn't have water and electricity and and and so forth or sewage so or food or yeah it's a we cannot expect anything from the united nations only the... ones who are going to liberate palestine are the palestinians and they're doing that right now, right now hamas and the palestine palestinian resistance is stronger today than it was where a year ago today and they were
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strong then as we know israel on the other hand is falling apart the a 10% of their population at least has has has left the country probably. never coming back, if we go on another year like this, another 10% or 20% will leave, and israel will will be a small, useless uh country with no economy, but getting its money and arms from the united states to let a bunch of total fanatics, the worst fanatics among the bunch to survive there and keep the name israel alive. okay, well mosen, would you say that what took place on october 7th, 2023 was a turning point for the palestinian struggle? absolutely, the and this has been declared by by yahya sinvar by hamas as well, that
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because palestine was not part of the conversation anymore, they were powers within palestine, which is the pa and their other arab so... called arab partners of the state of palestine um, which includes jordan, the uae, saudi arabia, who were in the process of softening their ties and developing, further developing their ties with the zionist regime of israel, and we saw how issue of palestine, how the one state solution in general was being ignored, there were talks of of um jerusalem becoming the capital of of israel, and so they had to be something that was done to bring palestine back into the conversation, there had to be action that was taken to to reaffirm this sense of resistance that is that is that is so deeply ingrained
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within the palestinians and so october 7th was that turning point that has taken the zionist regime. back to its origins, it has weakened the zionist regime, the fact that the resistance forces could show how weak the zianist regime is, that they can penetrate into those those boundaries, it showed how weak the zianist regime was and how successfully hamas with their partners within the islamic jihad were able to successfully do october do'. flood finish of flood the operation and hence now we're in a state where every day we see how we design this regime is, we see them attacking and assassinating leadership within the resistance, but we see that the resistance still comes back and still retaliates and
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still is keeps on escalating this so-called genocide, and so we see that since october 7th, the resistance forces have succeeded in the sense that "the zionist regime has failed to achieve any of its goals in either lebanon or even in in gaza, so we are in a state right now, we are in, we are living in a world which..." will be which in history will be remembered as the world post al aqsa flood, the war of narrative has been one, there has never been an outcry like this ever since al aqsa flood operation, and this goes to show that people like leaders like yahya sinvar, people like sayrullah and other leadership within the resistance faction, how they understand their enemy, how they understand the psychology of the zionist regime, many of these... successes, mean of course the the resistance keeps taking action
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and keeps having successful operations, but many of these success, especially in the war of narrative, it's been done by the zionist regime themselves, by making mistakes, by by by by not being by being by not being calculative in their stances, and and hence the world now sees, the world now understands what kind of a regime, designist regime truly is, that it's an occupying force, this is why when when operation true promise one and operation true promise 2 happened, we saw that a massive scale that the masses of the world understood why the islamic republic had to do this, as matter of fact, the narrative was as such that when will the islamic republic retaliate, the islamic republic was being criticized for not retaliating, so we couldn't have imagined this year back. okay, well paul, um, what is allowing this genocide to continue for year? mean for us as human beings, mean and what type of precedent has been set by allowing the israeli regime to
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continue with this bloodleding for year now? well, obviously it's brought shame upon all of um humankind and upon especially upon its institutions, the governments and the institutions like the un who essentially... have made no difference, only small amount amounts of aid getting in and with no ability to to affect the the the group, the the the zionists that are that are causing this to happen, so um, it's it's it's very sad, now the people of the world are in general in total solidarity with palestine, but they're
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frustrated in what they can do, what they, they are, they're turning away israeli ships, their um, they're refusing to have relations with israel, but that doesn't matter, israel, if if israel, if the only relation the that israel has is with the united states, that's enough, the united states will supply the money and the arms and the food and whatever they they need, maybe there will be no business at all in in in so-called israel, but but doesn't matter, they'l they'll be fed, they'll live well, they'll eat well, they'll they'll have everything they need, because it will all be supplied by the united states and of course it's it's very few allies that are... participating in this such as canada and australia and germany and the
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uk and france, so, but i don't see this ending anywhere good, i, i see, israel shrinking as jews around the world decide that they no longer want to support israel, because they understand, what an ' immoral criminal regime it is, and they are beginning to do that uh, and they have no longer any desire to associate this themselves with what this so-called israel is uh uh is is doing and what its images, they don't want to be part of that, so how much of that is the would you consider that victory in itself, paul, because if we go back... year ago um and we see how perspectives have changed, you
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just mention um the jewish groups who are anti-signs, but we have seen it spread across the world from many groups, i mean isn't that victory in itself compared to where we were prior to october the 7th? i agree, marie, but i, i think there's a greater vict victor awaiting us and i think that we're going to make incremental. progress from here on, this is, this is the end game, this is the the the battle that will finally free palestine, and we will have a... free palestine from the river to the sea and it will have full sovereignty uh and independence um all right okay let me get moson back in on this paul moson your thoughts about the palestinian resistance and how it performed on october the 7th and how it continues to fight the israeli regime causing harm to its troops i
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mean one year later despite being obviously undererequipped and watching families and others being murdered and and being malnourished themselves, however it had they it has prevented the regime from reaching any of its stated goals in gaza? well, the access of resistance has uh shown success, what other um asymmetric units or factions who participate in a asymmetric warfare do we know of, who have sustained? for this long and have achieved their goals and targets and have ensured that the goals and targets of the enemies aren't achieved in area such as gazza an area such as west bank and now lebanon as well and also we've got we need to, i think the sentiments have changed since the marterium of say nasulah, but one has to be realistic and one has to look at the
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facts, ever since the al-aqsa flood operation on october the 7th, "the sentiments of those who support the natural right of the palestinian as instrigned under international law to defend themselves, to defend themselves, they have understood that the success of the resistance forces has gradually increased, that they have been able to ensure that ground forces that are within ghazza are given. a hard stance that the leadership of hamas still lives, hamas as a unit is still structured and they have failed to get their hostages. now the, i think if you look at that timeline, but ever since the attacks on lebanon, ever since we started seeing that shaheed ismail hania was martered
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when we saw that, then we saw how the zinust regime. was able to martter shahit shuker in in the leader of the commander of hizbullah, then we saw how the walkie talky chips were used and how that also was devastation and destruction, and then we saw the mar shaheed ibrahim aqil, so these assass and it started off with the mar of shaheed salil arori, right, so we saw that this has been consistently happening, yet the resistance has continued to to fight. designist entity, but it was after what happened in lebanon, after the commander shahit was murdered, after say is when we saw that the sentiments became weak, we saw that not the resistance, but the people who support the resistance, the the interpretation and the analysis of these events have been as such that the resistance might be losing, we may not be
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able to confront the zionist regime, but then as soon as operation true promised to happened. things changed again, that deterrance that was created, it's back to square one, the zionist regime is back to square one, the psychological advantage that was that it was trying to impose on those who support the resistance, it it it doesn't work anymore, and it is because of operation true promise too, and those who are still affected, still think that the resistance is unable to resist now after the marridom of these. need to understand that these resistance factions are developed and are structured in a way where they can become decentralized any given moment, that's how they are made, and we see hizbullah being decentralized at this point, that this is why we see that the ridwan force is still in action, they are still defeating the zionist
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regime, they are still fighting the zinest regime, we see the iraqi resistance doing the same, we see the the... brigade and the al-qassam brigade still doing the same, the alaksamarter brigades, they are all still resisting and these assassination attempts are nothing but a sign of weakness of the zinist regime that wars cannot be one through planes, through dropping missiles on on ground, and we saw yemen as a prime example of that, nine years, nine years of aerial bombardment and guess who came out victorious, the ansarulah came out victorious. "and we see them, we see them directly confronting the us empire, the british empire, we see them confronting and fighting them in the red sea in the indian ocean so..." so things have changed, things are moving towards something that's positive for the freedom of palestine. we need to show
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patience, we need to show the patience that the people in gazza have shown, that the people in lebanon are showing right now, and trust the resistance, well the achievement. okay, well paul, mean, because the regime was not stopped by so-called international law, it now has expanded his terror to lebanon, what would you say to the air regimes in the region who are? supporting design is about what it would mean to their own countries if the israeli regime is not stop um and continues to head for a greater israel. i don't think i need to say anything to the arab regimes that have allied themselves with israel, some of them um are how shall i say it, they have little choice if... 'if they are removed, they will be replaced by someone similar, because israel will not stand for
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for an anti-israeli government regime its border, so but but these they they understand now, don't forget that the the abraham accords was also one of the reasons that..." the um uh alaxa flood was was initiated uh so that the palestinians would not be marginalized and so that the idea of recognizing and working with the zionist regime uh would not continue now uh it's 100% certain that saudi arabia will never normalize so-called normalized relations with uh uh with the zionist regime and the ones who have until now had normalized relations
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with the zionist regime, they're feeling the pressure and doubt if they will expand what they're doing. all right, moson, i have one minute, i just want to talk really quickly about how the world has changed uh since uh october 7th of last year, and what does it mean as millions are waking up? only to the terror of the israeli regime, but to the complicity of their own countries in this genocide? well, we've seen the the outrore in in west, in the west, we've seen the outrore in the east as well, and we see that the people support palestine, but unfortunately these these monarchs in these arab monarchs who have been placed by the british and are being supported by the americans now, are their allies, they do not reflect on the sentiment and narrative of their own people, but they have self-interest, and that's what monarchs are, self-interest, and we see the same thing in the west, we see europe, we see
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public outrore here in the us, here in the uk, in germany, in netherlands, in all parts the world, yet the people who are in power do not, do not pay any head to those who cry for palestine, and it is seen it, it is clear that the world... means silent while thousands have died in ghazza and now in palestine and the people need to hold their politicians accountable for this ignorance, they have chosen to remain silent, the war of narrative has been one, the zionist regime can never can never mend its reputation now, and this is and hence this is the end of the zionist region, and on that note i appreciate both of you being with me on this spotlight move human rights act. is out of houston, texas and paul larudy, co-founder free palestine movement out of uh berkeley, california, and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marza
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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv the hezbollah resistant movement carries out new attacks on israel hitting the city of hafa in the northern occupied territories with 31 missiles. israel presses ahead with its aggression against lebanon, pounding several neighborhoods in the capital beirot with new airstrikes. iran's president says the country's retaliatory operation against israel was aimed at stopping the regime's crimes and aggression in the region.
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