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many defeats since the balf war declaration of 1917 in which the british promised palestine to the zionist, the native population has been fighting the europeans and their american cousins. in 1948, israel was declared a state on the land of the palestinians. from wars to diplomatic attempts, the palestinian nation has faced the lack of success and regaining the right to their land, but on october 7th, 2023, new era... was begun with palestine now becoming the top news story in the world, but i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. khalid bar, spokesperson masarbad by the movement out of beirot, and arnold agas, author and of journalist out of montreal. well, thank you both for. for being with me, i'll start off
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with harlet, prior to allocks of flood, could you have imagined the palestinian people having such success in an operation against the highly equipped iof troops the way they did on october the 7th. hello, good evening, sister merzia and hello to you and to your guests and viewers, actually the central of question for palestinians before. october 7th was how to go about confronting designist enemy and their policies in palestine particularly we saw theft of land attacking al aqsa confiscating homes you know in al-quds uh continuing the siege on ghazza the oppression against palestinian political prisoners the racist. comments a daily basis
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by ministers like smoterich who said you know palestinians either they have to be our servant or they have to leave the country statements like this and then you know we saw netanyahu addresses the united nation with his you know stupid map basically saying that you know this map represent israel from the river see and basically ignored any rights for palestinian people, so the central question for the resistance was what is the action that palestinians can take now in order to flip the table and change the equations of the conflict, because the way it was going also the normalization, you know path with israel by arab governments and so... arabia and israel was getting ready to
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bring their relationship into the public and say that you know basically to normalize relationship between both. you know entities, and so october 7th was the response to all of that, but it also came in a qualitative and very, i'll say sophisticated palestinian resistance action against you know israeli, one of the most you know developed and sophisticated israeli yo units called gaz unit and they were defeated. "the israelis were defeated and the palestinian resistance marked a historical day on october 7th and changed the world, um, not just change the, shook the foundation of the science project, but also expose it to the entire world, particularly since october 7th, the world has
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been watching what this entity is all about, and that israel is nothing but settler colonialist, racist entity in the hard." the muslim world and the arab world and that you know israel wants to dominate the entire region and i think that the muslim space if you will swallow the israeli time designist time, they will not be able to uh force themselves as dominant force against you know two billion muslims across the world. all right, well arnold, the spokesman of the hamas military. says that uh operational flood was a massive preemptive strike against israel which was finalizing a plan for major attack against the gaza resistance. he also called it the most professional commando operation in modern times. your thoughts?
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yeah, firstly, i like to uh say hello to you uh, one of my favorite journalists in the world as well as to the other guests why not. yet had the pleasure to meet allow me to say that i fully agree, october 7th was a historic move for the palestinian people, for the people in the middle east, against united states and zionism. it was a surprise attack. i read lately that even some of the other revolutionary movements in the region, islamic movement and other movements in the region was not aware of it, so was very secretive, very well planned, and it was a great success. i would say that it did change the course of history in a very positive way. it put palestine on the map as never before.
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yes, there are many hardships, but in any case, those hardships against the palestinian people were being plan by united states in israel against palestine before october 7th. in fact, on october 6th, 2023, the day before the october 7th defensive attack against israel, design is carried out one of the most horrific attacks against the people of gaza and everything was indicating that they were going to increase the attacks against the people of gaza as well as of course the people in the occupied territories, so that was i would say it was defensive action, but first and foremost, it is valid, it is history shown that the heroic resistance, the heroic breakout of the biggest concentration camp, closed concentration camp in the world, they broke out of it and they took israel by surprise and in a matter of 24 hours
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completely deconstructed the myth that united states and zionism has been fostering over the last few decades. that israel is invincible, united states, israel together, they are invincible, nothing to touch us, they the palestinian people showed on that day with great heroism that this is false, and since then the zinanism has never really recovered, they have not one year later they have not been able to defeat hamas and they admit that, all right, stay with me, arnold, well, did you expect this level of rela atrocities to take place by the israeli regime after the october the 7th operation? i don't think uh anyone did, because as much as we have witnessed israeli crimes since 1948 and even before that, in the 30s, you know,
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zionist militias have carried many massackers against our people in palestine and in the arab world. i mean, but to this level uh, no, because i think that without a full us and western support to israel, i don't think uh, you know, that could have been possible. "this is a us genocide, this is the united states war crimes against the palestinian people, and it's israel is backed up by this full military, financial and political support that it enjoys from the western colonialist powers, particularly germany, britain and france, and so you know this is a genocide that that is being watched, you know, live, where where..." "the people of the world have just seen that israel is
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willing to not just kill tens of thousands of people and destroy almost the entire gaz strip, but also they are willing to put the entire region into a you know very dangerous situation. israel today is being looked as a entity that it's willing to..." japritize the entire you know west asia and the world and and that's why israel needs to be stopped and the only force that could stop israel and its war crimes against the palestinian people is the camp of resistance and the steadfastness the palestinian people and of course you know the people of the world who have been in shock to see what israel is all about and i think one of the strategic uh benefits and achievements of october 7th was that israel will not be able to wash itself or wash its
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crimes you know uh ever right well arnold um immediately after the alaxa flood operation i mean we saw corporate media condemning the fighters and saying that hamas had killed raped and kidnapped uh many israelis during the operation however later when video footage was reviewed became obvious that most the israeli colonial settlers who had been killed, they were murdered by the regime itself. your thoughts about this, one, how corporate media, mean some of them still continue with the original story, um, and then also do you think that israel implemented the hanabal directive in dealing with their own people? yes, it was very clear from day one that united states and israel fabricated a whole series of lies with regards to that defensive action uh carried
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out by the palestinian resistance as you mentioned so call you babies heads cut off put in you ridiculous things rapees people's uh babies uh put in a oven and cooked in front of their mother all of these things were debunked several months later even by the new york times even from much of the mainstream media but what is disgusting today, one year later, much of the media, and especially israel, they keep on repeating that lie as if it's true. now i think that we talk about holocaust, there's the holocaust, the physical holocaust against the palestinian people, i think there's another kind of holocaust that we have to take into account, looking from october 7 to today, and that is the holocaust of the narrative of the us ziner's narrative to dehumanize the palestinian. people to have people around the world think that the palestinian people are
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not human, they do not deserve to live, and israel and united states has every right to do anything it can against it, that's why they keep on repeating these lies that have been debunked even by the mainstream media that you know so-called atrocities that were carried out against the the forces in israel, i just like to you know as far as those like my first... reaction when that took place on october 7th, i didn't know much about it, i never heard of that kiboot, but my first gut reaction was that when they said that there was a music festival taking place there, i said to myself, how can i have a music festival next to a concentration camp, it would be the equivalent, how would the jews have felt if the nazi german german nazis in the second world war had a music fest festival outside of ashwittz prison, concentration camp in? amounts to the same thing, and i think that who were those people anyways, we know that the vast majority of
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israelis are conscripts, they have been in the army, or they are in the army, they're actually, i don't believe that is really a civil society in israel, it's mainly very much made up of very militarized, and most of the people have been or are in the israeli army, and the hannibal directive, yes, it's been proven, we know, now they of course denied it, us and israel. denied that at the beginning, but has it has come to light even by mainstream media, even media in israel, that the israel executed the hanibal direct. which comes from ancient greek times, but the basic thing is that the most important thing for in this case israel and and united states is to kill the hostages, the israeli hostages before they're captured by hamas, by the palestinian people, so they cannot be used as a wedge, a bargaining chip to free political
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prisoners that are festering in the palestiny in the jails in israel, they yes they kill their own people with apache uh helicopters, we saw that, this is what happened, people have to realize people who are not sure or sitting on the fence, they have to think back that the most of the people killed there were carried out by the israeli army in order to avoid their prisoners being captured by hamas, that is a real crime against humanity, right indeed, and we we saw how that narrative was repeated to get the world worked up against uh hamas and the palestinian nation in general. khalid, the israeli regime immediately started its genocide in gaza after the operation, shocking the world, i mean, the regime started targeting old and young, alig, sick and healthy, with bombs and missiles and just about anything imaginable, at the same time cutting off their electricity, water, food, supplies. i mean, why do you think that we
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have witnessed such levels of barbarism continually carried out by the regime during this last? here, not that they did not deal atrocities before, but it's been a whole different level during the last year, and shown live in many cases. that's a very important question, because it actually shows the zionist regime in term of its foundation, the culture that guides it, the uh fascism. uh even their education system, palestinian lives are not important and they can do whatever they want to palestinian or arab or muslim or african or anyone you know without feeling that they did anything wrong, in fact you know you read that in their newspapers in
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their textbooks and their you know even the the stuff they they they teach children ' "and when you you know conduct surveys or questionaires and you see that how you know the society is being fabricated, you feel like they're living in a different world, like the entire population lives in a different world than the one that we live in, they basically have managed to not just you know produce a fascist political system but also fashious society, you know, it is..." absolutely herrific to see how you know this entire you know regime is in the heart of the you know our homeland and then they would always say that they're westerns and they have western culture and they share western values and you know the question becomes what are you doing in the east and they're mostly
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coming from these you know you societies where colonization is already something that it's embedded in their you know history, mean when you look at you know how this how they view for example the people of the region they feel that they they're enemies and they look at not just palestinians but lebaneses, syrians, egyptians, all the people of the region you know they look at them as ' you know that they should be destroyed, in fact i was reading today an article about how this textbook for children about a boy, an israeli boy who looks at lebanon and ours and they're trying to teach children that lebanon belongs to them, and basically you know orchestrating the minds of children for generations to come
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that lebanon is basically and you know an israeli territory, the same goes on gola mean it is it is absurd to see how they talk of goldes the international the world knows that golan height is a syrian occupied territories and belongs to the people of syria but you know israel consider the golan has to be there and trump said that he donated the golan heights for israel you know himself i mean as if he owns it was a property that he inherited from his father i guess it goes back to the the the british and and thinking that they can just give anything away, even things that do not belong to them. well, arnold, uh, i mean, from the beginning, because c just mentioned lebanon, and from the beginning... "we know that uh, after the palestinians were targeted in gaza, lebanon's hazbollah opened another front uh, against the zionist regime to help relieve some of
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the pressure that the people in gaza was uh was going under. i want your perspective of, how significant do you think the move that hezbullah made was? reason, like united states and israel did not succeed. in achieving its main objective to smash hamas, on the contrary, the hamas became even stronger, and so in order to divert attention from that defeat, they took up another front, that is lebanon, by attacking the people of lebanon, as we've seen over the last few weeks. now i think inevitably, as hamas was able to defend itself against israel and united states, against all odds. hezballah and the lebanese people with the help of the access of resistance will also succeed in defeating the attempt by the united states
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and israel to take over lebanon once again now we asking ourself how how come this is happening first one year of genocide in in gasa and now we're starting another genocide in lebanon how come here's my take one of the main reason is i live in the heart of the... empire, canada and united states, that is, it is behold on me to watch very carefully the corporate media in this part of the world in north america, and i'm specifically referring to the cnn, the liberal cnn, and this is my take, how did how come we got here when there's you know virtually no, the opposition to israel is so to united states is so minimum, and here here's how it operates, from the beginning, after few months when it was... obvious that palestine was able, the palestinian and the people in gaza were able to resist united states with the help of the media, cnn said, oh we are for a cease fire,
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israel is terrible, they're doing these things, nethaniau is very bad person, you we the united states, we are in favor of peace, we are in favor of a cease fire every day that kept they kept on projecting this image that net israel and specifically netanyahu, not israeleli society. netanyahu is the bad guy and we, united states are the good, reasonable americans, you know, and we want peace, this, and i think that this actually seeps into the minds of the peoples of the world, and in the middle east perhaps as well, but certainly in the west, that the real guilty party is netanyahu, but it's not the case, it's the united states, but the use the media is very, very specific, for example, cnn, they use what i call a, three jewish supremist journalists, that is dana abash, jake tapper, jake tapper and and wolf blitzer, those jewish supremists are in the
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forefront of the cnn to project the image that we united states were the good guys and we're we're against netanyahu who does not want to cease fire, that that is, i think one the reasons that united states and israel are able to carry this out for more than year and even taking out another. country when we know very well, if united states was really in favor of a cease fire ending the hostilities, ending the genocide, they could cut off israel right now, because israel will not exist more than few days without the military political backing of the united states of america. right, well last question really quick, i mean khalid, we have seen so many people killed, and of course we look at the international... system that uh basically have failed uh the palestinians and now the lebanese uh but but when we look at the israel stated goals going into gaza it said
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that one of the main goals was to destroy hamas uh we see today october the 7th 2024 that al qassim brigades fired rockets that hit tel aviv um at the same time i was just reading that the united states has uh put more sanctions against hamas, i mean your take on all of this, one, the failure and the complicity of the international um, international community. i only have one minute, but go ahead khalid. yes, well, there is the israeli public intentions and declarations and there is the one that they don't talk about much, and that is the displacement of the palestinian people and pushing the people of ghazza out in the desert of seina in order to reoccupy. and the other thing is because israel is you know failing in destroying the resistance failing in on all fronts they they have. have only
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one option, either to continue what they're doing or to, you know, agree to the conditions of the resistance. now patient here is the most important weapon, because the resistance is stead fast, and the people of ghazza is also understand these israeli intentions, but at the same time the whole world is, you know, watching, and we want to see more of an internet. national pressure against israel, but unfortunately the balance of power today still in the you know favor of the us and the united states does not care at all about international law, the united states only cares about its colony, israel, and on that note, i appreciate both of you being with me, khalid barakat out of beirout, arnold august, out of montreal, my pleasure, thank you viewers for staying with us on another spotlight, i'm hope to see you right
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here. next time, goodbye. how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation. how do they form their secret army, hagana? how did they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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over the past four decades, the islamic revolution guard core has made great strides in developing its missile capabilities, defense program to guarantee the country's deterrance power, but can iranian missiles deter the country's arch enemies from serious invasion, or can they punish them in case? of invasion, this is about people who got silenced but kept fighting. supervision and controlling of freedom of speech only comes up when you're criticizing israel. 45 palestinian journalists behind israeli bars.
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