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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 16, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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ability the most metro bombings. decades after the vietnam war victims of the deadly chemical agent orange have renewed calls to the u.s. government with knowledge it's toxic legacy. the most wanted drug or gang i knew a bollywood comedy featuring a salma beloved lookalike is abandoned buckets on scene meets the leading man. from the business as well gary and russia to cya details agreement on the south stream gas pipeline project later on friday more on that in our business program and twice the minutes. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow i'm hours habits french police have charged three ethnic chechens
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with conspiring with terrorists russia says they belong to the group led by infamous militant leader stockholm are off he's responsible for a number of terrorist acts including the attack on the mosque a metro in march this year our european correspondent nor emmett details. there were four people who were originally arrested one of them has been set free with no charges so we're left with three men who are charged by the french police of conspiring with terrorists now front says that they are connected to various on named terror groups russian maintains that the link is in fact with joe cool moderate who claimed responsibility for the. bombings in march of course two bombs were set off in a peak traveling time in rush hour killing more than forty people he claimed responsibility for there are some talk of him having links with al qaida as well
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during. the flats where these three men lived police found far almost explosives and also very significantly a mop of mouth with various potential terror a tall good small. this arrest is really significant for three reasons firstly of course it makes the world a safer place there was hard and fast evidence that these men were conspiring to perpetrate terrorist attacks certainly in moscow possibly in the rest of the world also this was an arrest by the french police which came in response to a tip off from russia it was the russian authorities who told police in western france that they had a potential church and terrorists living. and then the differential sources moved in and arrested these people so it's really an example of of russia and european countries working together to minimize the terrorist threats so cool modify was recognized recently by the u.s. as having links to al qaida just before president medvedev visits to the states the
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u.s. to. a terrorist. and i quote the radical jihadist movement poses a threat to the u.s. he calls himself the leader of the caucasus emirate he's the self-proclaimed sort of president if you know i called of the caucasus and he's one of the most wanted. one of the most notorious terrorists still in the northern north caucasus region of course he claimed responsibility for the attacks that killed forty people and injured more than one hundred but he's also according to russian officials responsible for many more terror attacks and he has been active since the ninety's . so this is really punching a hole in what has become quite so quite a threatening terrorist network inside russia and also with links outside to. deal with we've got plenty more ahead including a perilous profession. and. the way it may be
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a life threatening job. well the u.s. has released a cold financial documents on the vietnam war showing bitter divisions among white house officials at the time of the conflict it comes as hearings have been held in the house of representatives on the impact of the deadly chemical agent orange and the vietnam itself victims of repeated betterments for the u.s. government to fully acknowledge the chemicals toxic legacy you may find some of the images in its reports disturbing. i was born with and with tonight and missing a hand it is because of america's chemical war against her people in the jungles of vietnam that has left tran in these conditions she is a victim of agent orange second generation tran is one of many her story represents millions living in the shadows of a lasting legacy. these kids will never live
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a normal life their deformities physical signs of human decay and although their parents were not even born until after the vietnam war eighteen million gallons of toxic herbicide sprayed through the jungles of south vietnam is still penetrating the d.n.a. of those being born today that a man named marion said the victim into still alive are suffering. in a space of cancerous us the government has acknowledged agent orange is directly connected to the health ailments and defects that continue to plague the lives of vietnam war veterans for generations to come but the u.s. has worst used to make the same length for the millions of vietnamese war victims whose lives have been devastated as a result of agent orange they say that it has nothing to do with agent orange. i think that the u.s. for a minute has the reason to deny it. which is why delegations are here in washington
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following a report issued by lawmakers scientists and doctors calling on the u.s. government to own up to its agent orange legacy in vietnam today also people then me government records show nearly ninety five percent of all u.s. agent orange related aid is committed to efforts to contain and remove dioxin contamination we asked the justice for all the victims those fighting for justice in the case of the enemies agent orange victims want the physical and psychological damages to be acknowledged. the dark legacy left behind by the u.s. in vietnam is one with millions of human face. their struggle three decades in the making will not end with money from the u.s. government but it could ease the pain the u.s. has been ignoring since a dumped a month sent to manufactured agent orange in these jungles. washington d.c. . or from all the store you can log on to
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a website that's on multi dot com where we also feature a further special report on the front date let's have a look at now some of the stories that might interest you online at the moment. filling out of control see some striking pictures from an amusement park in st petersburg where an extreme thrill ride nearly ended in tragedy. draw with your a vote live it's a legendary spin see a gigantic sea play that can fly just over the water's surface find out more about the iconic the soviet craft. dot com.
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i need bollywood comedy has been banned in pakistan because if it is an assault weapon the lookalike the film is released on friday in asia and europe but pakistani censors warry the comic the trail of the world's most wanted man could trigger terrorist attacks counseling me the people behind the indian film and else that the world is ready for post nine eleven. this could well be the biggest scoop of my career interviewing the world's most wanted terrorist however this man does not have a twenty five million dollar reward on his head in fact he's not or some of bin ladin but an actor in a bollywood bin ladin or without you lot in but just in case you think this is a movie glorifying a terrorist it is a general sort of. biography it's a film which is on the. verge of bin laden happens to be a very important character and this is
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a fair number of feet below the. using it's not intended to in any way anybody from any part of the world is going to enjoy this from i can guarantee you that it's a comedy set in pakistan where a young journalist is fixated with going to america and he decided to stick it to get an interview with osama bin laden so he goes about creating a fake or. using a look at like. they had to keep the twenty five year old actor under wraps to prevent making the film. had gone to shopping mall in order to promote this film and there was a commotion there a crowd of more than a hundred people gathered so you will fall in this to impede security might attack me but nothing like that happened they wanted to shake my hand and take my autograph so i signed with love a summer. for who plays the journalist is a pakistani and this is. how does it feel acting in an indian film set in
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pakistan in box on bollywood films of greatly appreciated be seen. people enjoy them so i mean to see your part in a bollywood film something very refreshing and new for them but pakistan's firm censors have banned the movie saying it mocks security agencies. and screening it in public could trigger violence the film's distributors and buckstone call it a message of peace and not appealing the ban the selling point of this film is bin laden but it's very tongue in cheek. to act the part in. i challenge you america there will be retribution holding just doing evil actions you have committed to countries like iraq and afghanistan so these you will have to pay a heavy price when i first heard about this food my thought it was going to be a gratification alternative but actually it's quite irrelevant in the way
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pakistanis and muslims are looked at with suspicion in the west today and how the media could be fooled into believing something that doesn't exist i think this film could do well in south asia but western audiences would probably be a good sense of humor to appreciate the message got and seeing. the mongolian a president said a dive into the well lake up water stage of the mini sub made him feel like a spaceman he visited lake baikal on in siberia and went below the surface on a russian and scientific research vessel it was used during the filming of the movie titanic well the vessel was also the first submersible to perform a man's descent into the sea bed of the north pole lake baikal is the world's deepest lake and its main source of water is the mom. now sixty five years ago new cleared. tests show the u.s. had won the race to produce a nuclear weapon america spend the equivalent of more than twenty billion dollars
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trying to beat the scientific effets of itself it rival. rules the remaining relics of the u.s. push for tomic said. it was the culmination of the manhattan project the first american nuclear explosive device nicknamed the gadget went off in new mexico just weeks before devastating the japanese city of hiroshima and many including the godfather of the atomic bomb j. robert oppenheimer were terrified by the power of the deadly mushroom cloud people . cried. people were spared the echo of that blast carried for beyond the atlantic and the soviet union experiments with nuclear energy were on the way too but just like the us and this research institute on the black sea coast the main rules were played by jurymen
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scientists. this used to be a top secret nuclear facility but aside from these lines the entrance was guarded by soviet soldiers the lab will see it in deep inside up cause a subtropical paradise. three hundred germans top nuclear physicists their assistants family members and even personal chefs were brought to this clue's compound and up cause by the order of joseph stalin in one nine hundred forty five the nazis were famous for their highly developed nuclear research programs so after world war two moved german physics and chemistry professors at almost no other option but to work for either moscow or washington if fierce competition between the us the saw in america to get hold of nuclear weapons was wrong and even though the us were the first to successfully carry out a nuclear test their rivals caught up pretty quickly if your party of the. germans
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here thoroughly analyzed the us media reports about the blast even from there were able to say what had to be done next but. alexander is a veteran of the sukhumi research institute he says many people here remember the time the germans successfully accomplished their mission and were led by the soviet authorities in the nine hundred fifty s. he's showing us the four thousand book library with rare physics digests and german the office where head professor used to work and the equipment to left for russian scientists. this machine is called the spectral brush it's a high definition device a very precise one even when the germans left are saying to us used to get great results with this equipment. but the rest of the building were german physicists used to work on the soviet a bomb is totally deserve it all lines are disconnected and now days people rarely visit these dark hole ways sixty years after the beginning of the nuclear era.
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hidden among the trees still holds many secrets and the story of german scientists behind the soviet union's very own project is just one of them. a cause. of the news making headlines around the world this hour and a fire in a hotel in northern iraq killed at least twenty nine people including foreigners all than of forty have been injured the fire which began in the five story building on thursday night is thought to have been sparked by an electrical fault. the u.s. senate has passed the wall street reforms imposing the stiffest to regulations on banks since the great depression it's aimed at preventing a repeat of financial meltdown of two thousand and eight the law provides a new power to liquidate banks which threaten the economy and create a new federal agency to morrow. and the banks will no longer be able to
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invest no more than three percent of their capital in hedge funds and private equity bank. women in russia becoming escorts to make some money of being caught up in a business which can turn ugly the lucky ones find glamour and high society in the others suffer sexual abuse and violence catherine as out of a torch to some of the. single and in need of beautiful company events you need to attend as a couple but you don't have your plus one there are people willing to help with that the beauty of the escort business is they provide you with a choice of glamorous educated multilingual women will be more than happy to grace your side at any important event but many believe this business is not just skin deep. the girls who are engaged in this so-called escort services get sexually
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abused a lot more often than prostitutes because no one tells them they will have to perform sexual favors or who they will be passed on to sometimes the client who books and escort will simply bring the girl to use own clients who would be using or. however women who are employed by escort services seem keen to disprove this notion the limb is an escort and she does not worry about her safety. suit that's not a look this is the we make clients we show them a lot of girls are educated attractive and teligent and people enjoy our company but that hasn't been a time when i felt scared or concerned about my safety lines up and if the girl feels unsafe she can always leave so i'm not watering it still she says she wouldn't tell her boyfriend about her chosen profession because too often it is confused with prostitution and many say with good reason. all kinds of support for business meetings claims the website of one escort agency but the pictures that
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accompany the statement certainly don't show any support and hand at a very illegal business some believe this business can even get you killed us rather think a russian newspaper journalist went undercover for six months as an escort what she saw certainly wasn't the fairy tale promised in ads. when i was working as an escort i got invited to an interview with two very trendy influential man this was pretty normal thing so i wasn't scared but when the man came out to do we need kid i got worried and dog a sudden he grabbed me and tried to force me to perform a sexual act a bit him and jumped off a balcony to ski you know islam was lucky others weren't. there. they never talk about what they've gone through these girls only they get really drunk the lucky ones simply get raped like you once end up in hospital and they
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never complain because if you do a very unpleasant accident can happen like a hit and run boom and your dad. according to complain is the one thing these girls cannot afford to do. i remember a girl who told the truth about her life in a t.v. interview about how they get raped me to force to hand over all their money and the people that edited the documentary didn't change her voice or cover her face or anything a few days after the documentary aired she was found killed. so the glamour and the money are very real but the danger is even more so i guess readers are of r t moscow. cuba's revolutionary leader on form a president has made his a full public appearance of the week off to four years of almost take full seclusion when all of these debates have crossed who takes a look at how popular he and his communist legacy are in key bountiful world that's
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coming up next hour but here's a quick preview. for us the russians i think up for all of that feel great either i assured as to shame. shame people who believe that spelling was a great lever. castro you know it is you know you know i think it's very funny it's very funny what you see because the world me excuse me frank you made an accusation i'm going to react to it you're living in a bubble most of the world miners fidel castro for good reasons or well wrong ways and you know i that's not a debate that we're going to have going to point to as well of course that i was a del castro was very positive in the world is daughter fact your neighbor lady and the fact feel cows are over your in their tracks replaced if i know it's no use i don't know if you know you well look i'm a short your science as you could call shopping as many times as you warn but his daughter fact cuba the cuban government has been in power for fifty years they care
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was one of the change on the stand there where you were saying about the dollars going to queue well again where i am if their french well you're wrong they're french canadians they're russian so they perish club share a lot of dollars to cuba that goes and work because cuba misusers that money you know for the benefit of the cuban people. coming in the next. step is the scenes on the way now with. hello and welcome to our business program here in our town but garry and russia are expected to sign a detailed agreement of the south stream gas pipeline when discussions conclude in sofia the deal will directivity be a roadmap of how the two countries will will move forward and the next step will be
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to set up a joint company to study the visibility of the project which would provide the details of a legally binding contract gazprom is developing sell stream to provide an alternative route for russian gas to europe its main partners in the venture italian energy giant any and france e.t.f. . earlier i spoke to victor coffee oil and gas hours from. he said the progress being made by solve stream was undermining the arguments in favor of european back in a vocal project. i would say is true there are currently. put a full terminations over this new car idea. i wouldn't truly save that for europe and the book is completely forgotten clearly europe needs diversification of the gas that goes from from russia into this so part of europe. we might see additional aid maybe from the russian side or possibly inspired from from european
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countries the source of this will not be only russia but c. as your budget is well served as an interest in the pipeline on the russian territory and to ship to forest or stream part applying to that part of europe. russia clearly needs. diversification from from ukraine diversification from from transit flows but the problem is that european countries also need diversification and there are clearly there are constructing sellstrom doesn't actually employ true europe will divorce a far from russian. top to check on the markets u.s. stocks are falling sending a weekly advance on lower the next estimated revenue at general electric back of america and citigroup dow jones and nasdaq down more than one happened one point eight percent respectively google sank five and a half sack and stocks in europe down as well tracking weakness on wall street
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banking stocks are losing value with barclays topping the losers list on the fourteenth down over five percent lloyds banking group is also setting four percent germany's dax is also in the red with iata losing five percent. and here in russia equity markets move west from earlier gains in even trading session the r.t.s. and alive except both down two point nine percent and all the blue chips are in the red with this pair of banks losing the most on hold the forces down over two percent. b.p. could reduce some of its liabilities from the oil spill in the gulf of next. by associating them with assets it is putting up for sale the total cost of all liabilities stemming from the disaster is now thought to be as high as one hundred billion dollars b.p. has been considering the sale of assets to raise capital but such deals could be risky for potential buyers laws prohibiting fraudulent transfers could allow victims to sue a buy to cover their claim even so exxon mobil. apache already publicly
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stated an interest in b.p.'s assets with the latter's saying it was ready to pay ten billion dollars for property in alaska. quarterly results from google have missed expectations for the first time in two years the world's top search engine posted net income of one point eight billion dollars for the second quarter but the growth in the company's expenses offset it to a twenty four percent jump in revenue and of a worried about rising costs as google spends heavily on research and development to expand into new products. big state owned companies in russia are not coming up with enough innovative products that the verdict of the managing director of pricewaterhouse coopers center of innovation bo parker how correspondent caught up with him at the international forum of industry and innovation in the urals. we interviewed that some one hundred of the largest companies in russia so it wasn't
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a smaller perhaps more innovative start ups but it's a large sum of the largest one billion dollars minimum size no a forty percent of our produce innovative new products over the last two years so the good news is that that's forty percent the bad news is over a two year period for large companies it really should be closer to ninety percent so when we looked at. who was actually doing that and what were the companies or the nature of the companies that were doing more innovating in the major companies or foreign companies who were subsidiaries of international organizations were more likely to be innovating. the russian companies that sell in the international markets are more likely to be innovating. like russian companies a cell just domestically or had state ownership. were less likely to and so there's some sense there about what is what is what drives innovation do you believe in russia the potential to build it in the paper copy them all still seem
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a lot to kind of for now if they come that way russia has to have patience because all of these very successful regions they didn't it wasn't like overnight that they became huge successes it was sometimes decades at least a decade and almost every now and then russia because they need to be patient they should really look a little beyond you know what's the big hot new thing now or in the next year but sort of look at trends around science and innovation that are still at sort of the pretty competitive level where you can bring multinational companies together with russian scientists and engineers and focus on solving major problems. that's all for this hour headline news without us is next.
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that i kill innocent. allies a base of course and that's never absent. mom assault on the skull scopolamine i think of it every day. of the flashbacks from the memories. of so much so that a long time to sear trying to tell. i was. i was ashamed that i didn't. i was ashamed that i had been a hero while. i got my arm i got my legs.
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in the mine. where i wanted to be out of. what i was going on once or i think. that i was a good soldier. but now most older on the other side and i think i'm just a good. welcome back it's hard to head and this is all so.


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