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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 16, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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country sent sent this claim that you didn't feel its portrayal of the world's most wanted terrorist triggered by. news from russia and around the world this is the with me thanks for joining us french police have detained three ethnic chechens and charged them with conspiring to cause terrorist acts in russia they're accused of links to chechen militants of believed to be behind numerous terrorist attacks including the moscow metro bombings in march which killed forty european correspondent laura and it has to details. officials are preparing to fly to paris in connection with the arrest of three potential chechen terrorists we're hearing reports that french police have charged those three four in fact were arrested one was released without charge and
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these three have been charged with conspiring with terrorists now france says that they are links to various names terrorist organizations but russia maintains links with doku umarov who of course is one of russia's most wanted man he's one of the most notorious terrorist still at large in connection with russia the perpetrator the self-proclaimed perpetrator of the bombings in march and also has links to al qaida now a source says that one of the who was arrested in western france was in contact with somebody who made regular phone calls to joe cool moderate so there is a connection between that and that in turn suggest that these men could have been part of the planning for moscow metro bombings during the search of the flat where these three men were living police found explosives and also particularly significantly more scary with various potential attack targets marks on it and
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this arrest is really significant for three reasons firstly of course it makes the world a safer place just in general there is a hard and fast evidence that these three men were conspiring to perpetrate attacks certainly in russia and possibly elsewhere in the world also it is an important cooperation between russia and the french authorities the french police made these arrests and brought these charges following a tip from the russian authorities russia said to france there are you know there are these three chechens living in western france you should move in and have a look at what they're doing so that suggests that you countries are working together to minimize the terrorist threat also traditionally chechens and north caucasus terrorists have been seen by the rest of the world out. separatists people who are fighting for the independence of their region from the rest of russia but now with the rest like these that view is really falling out of favor it shows more that terrorists who commit acts on russian terror on the russian territory are just
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as much a part of the global islamic terror threats as as terrorists who committed. so-called moderate is a terrorist he calls himself the leader of the caucasus emirates and he recently was declared by the us as a sort of a global terrorist they called him part of a radical jihadist movement which poses a threat to the us so he's been recognised as being more of a global terrorist with links to al qaida that was shortly before president medvedev to visit to the states he's one of now the most wanted men in racing in the north caucasus region he also need claimed responsibility for the acts in march but russian officials think that he's been responsible for a wide range of attacks and he's been visible and operating since the one nine hundred ninety s. in many cases in many attacks and bombings these three arrests in france would seem to be a hole in his network really so we're hoping that this will possibly lead to more.
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you're watching r.t. and still ahead nuclear competition sixty five years on from the first successful atomic test blast also explores the aftershocks it sent around the globe and over the. three months since they smolensk plane crash which killed polish president lech kaczynski his wife and scores of poland's elite conspiracy theories continue in poland over the disaster there fishel russian investigation which involved and president of cooperation with the polish authorities swiftly concluded that human error was to blame but as artie's arena reports there are some still not satisfied. the sounds of this crash were heard around the world when the plane carrying polish president lech kaczynski and ninety five other state officials came down and smolensk region during on board russian pool and united in . moscow showed it was willing to go out of their way to make sure investigation
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went openly and swiftly but some took the tragedy a lot more personally than others the progress of the investigation is to say the least minimal it is stalled polish investigators have received important documents was happen from mushy it this situation causes suspicion however specialists in flight safety see no flaw with the conduct of the investigation it didn't have to cross in the corners because really the causes for this accident were very straightforward by which i mean that it's the kind of accident which has happened many many times in the history of aviation it is the most common type of fatal accident in aviation history i think possibly. some polish people would have said look accident investigations take two years how are they so sure that they have got the answer after only a matter of months those who worked with russian investigation teams say laying the
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blame on. them is not fair there was in essence a joint investigation underway which i think was very wise for both sides so i know that there have been an old going series of conversations and efforts because we do need to understand what happened to that are playing so where does the doubt in the transparency of the investigation and the causes of the crash come from some believe politics could be playing their feet. are fond of believing that it was russian factor and that the second measure. much of a factor is that there is a strong media coverage on this issue and there is. a political fight between parties using this crash as it often goes it was a tragedy that broke the ice between two people which instant death brought moscow and warsaw closer than they've been in decades and now that relationship will have
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to withstand conspiracy theories to you nicholas carr to moscow. sixty five years ago a mushroom cloud in the new mexico desert should the u.s. have won the race to produce an atomic weapon and christine for that report the fact of the blast wave went across the wild involving many other countries in the nuclear arms race. it started with a pen and paper a letter written by albert einstein to president roosevelt in one thousand thirty nine explaining the need to act quickly developing and exploring your anian fission roosevelt did act and as several nations in europe became entrenched in the second world war the united states propelled itself into work on developing a nuclear bomb tens of thousands of people worked on it the largest corporations in america are recruited so it's not something that can really be done in the laboratory here. instead
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a large bomb weighing almost ten thousand pounds was assembled at a top secret facility in los alamos new mexico the nickname for the two bombs that ended world war two one was called little boy and that was a rainy i'm fuelled weapon and then fat man the fat man or implosion bomb used plutonium instead of uranium at the center of it and initiating device encased in a highly explosive shell that made the blast wave go inward and five thirty am on july sixteenth one thousand nine hundred forty five the test was carried out by four. one. it was the beginning of the atomic age and of the arms race.
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robert oppenheimer was the scientific director of the manhattan project three weeks after the test in new mexico known as the trinity test the uranium bomb was dropped at her. three days after that on august ninth the fat man was dropped on august. a few days later the japanese surrendered and the pacific war was over and the action itself. loss will importance but experts say the ability to develop and test became the driver of the arms race the british got it the french go to the chinese. the indians the pakistanis now the north koreans have tested to is the reason why countries tested over the years has been primarily to develop new and more deadly types of nuclear weapons to demonstrate their power and to send signals to one another signals that even today steer relations and shift the balance of power
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around the world christine for r.t. . and staying with the nuclear issue now as this style of design of the treaty hits fathers snags on the ratification of the u.s. congress seem to figures into the republican party have been speaking out against the deal but i have an old rich vice president of the strategic security program of the federal of the federation of american scientists says some opponents are driven by a political agenda. we have to lead the world toward reducing nuclear weapons and the start of the first stage of that the opposition to the treaty that it's. somehow is going to make us less safe you know there's no reason that the united states and russia need these huge nuclear arsenals we have thousands of nuclear weapons because the russians do and the russians have thousands of nuclear weapons because we do and all we need to do is to work or walk ourselves back from this legacy of the cold war and the only reason we have these in the third left over there quite literally left over from the cold war there's a very small group that are opposing the treaty i think that there are basically
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three reasons one is there are some from the bush administration particularly that just oppose arms control in principle they say it isn't necessary and it causes more problems than it solves and i disagree with them but they have you know they're not you know they have some argument there by i think it's wrong but they have some logic there there are also those i think that for political reasons and i think this is most of it they want to deny the president political victory he looks good and looks like a peacemaker he has this treaty he won the nobel peace prize they want to retroactively sort of minds that. some more top stories from around the world at least twenty nine people have been killed in a fire at a hotel in iraq's kurdistan region used by many visiting workers and businessmen the dead include foreigners from thirteen different countries twenty two others were injured in the blaze the fire took five hours to put out with something different injuring the phone rather with some jumping rather from windows as they
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tried to escape. believe and electrical fault was to be. all the first time in almost three months they massive oil leak in the gulf of mexico has been temporarily stopped the breakthrough came. with the installation of a special cap on the deep sea well b.p. says results from the pressure tests are so far positive while engineers search for other undiscovered leaks america's worst environmental disaster began in april after the deepwater horizon rig exploded killing eleven workers with around seven hundred million liters of oil flowing into the seasons that. the first woman elected official has resigned in germany. yes been a was under fire for allegedly having knowledge of sexual abuse cases for failing to take proper action but purchased and and roman catholic churches in germany are battling dozens of allegations of sexual abuse by clergy dating back to the nineteenth. and you
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bollywood comedy has been banned in pakistan as it features and osama bin laden lookalike pakistani senses are worried that depicting the world's most wanted man in a comic way could trigger terrorist attacks also his current saying went to ask those behind the comedy if the world is ready for post nine eleven he. this could well be the biggest scoop of my career interviewing the world's most wanted terrorist however this man does not have a twenty five million dollar reward on his head in fact he's not osama bin laden but an actor in a bollywood bin ladin or without you lot in but just in case you think this is a movie glorifying a terrorist it is a general sort of film. biography it's a film which is on the post nine eleven world. and happens to be a very important character and this is a fair number of feet bin laden. using it's not insensitive or offensive in any way
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and anybody from anybody is going to enjoy this from i can guarantee you that it's a comedy set in pakistan where the young journalist is fixated with going to america and he decided to stick it to get there is an interview with osama bin laden so he goes about creating a fake or. using a lookalike. they had to keep the twenty five year old back under wraps to prevent stampede spiled making the film. had gone to shopping mall in noida to promote this film and there was a commotion there a crowd of more than a hundred people gathered so will fall in this time pete i was scared they might attack me because nothing like that happened they wanted to shake my hand and take my autograph so i signed with love someone. who plays the journalist is a pakistani singer and this is a film how does it feel acting in an indian film set in pakistan. would
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greatly appreciated be seen. people enjoy them so i mean to see your pakistani. something very refreshing and new for them but pakistan's firm censors have banned the movie saying it mocks security agencies and. and screening it in public could trigger violence films distributers in pakistan the message of peace and not appealing the ban whatever they do i thought it was a nice film a good idea there's a lot of good humor from the name it sounds like a serious films but actually it turned out quite different so it's full of great jokes i can do for me that he achieved definitely quite a good film it will definitely like my students to come and watch it and they will like it there's nothing here that will incite people to my limbs to play but the selling point of this film is. but it's very tongue in cheek. to act the part.
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i challenge you america there will be retribution holding just doing evil actions you have committed in the countries like iraq and afghanistan for these you will have to pay a heavy price. when i first heard about this film i thought it was going to be a beautification alternative but actually it's quite irrelevant in the way pakistanis and muslims are looked at with suspicion in the west today and how the media have to be fooled into believing something that doesn't exist i think this film could do well in south asia but western audiences will probably give you a good sense of humor to appreciate the message but in saying r.t. you there live. coming up after a very short break it's moscow's guide to russia's capital this time assays monsoon andres takes you to explore hidden treasures underground. architecture.
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in a new machine that will start it's good to escape from the sweltering temperatures above the new place to go to steep political. legacy to get a loss of downed trees on the streets most program i'll be taking you on it's home of an art gallery and i'm museum a lot of it i call it symbolizes the infrastructure at its best and proud of it in
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history amazing facts and figures and also some fascinating legends yes it's the mosque i match our. lives with modelers say and sculptures below are really is a visual traits a one size it's not the oldest in the world that belongs to london the pounds were drawn up during the sars times just the outbreak of the first world war and the revolution construction never began. but eventually the bolsheviks turned that public transport dream into a reality. the moscow metro from the airplanes on the fifteenth of may nineteenth french fries. but it's not just enough of the transport system it's one of the most impressive. of the soviet era it's grand and breathtaking it was built as a visual proof of the socialist state's power. one of the best things about the
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most to measure apart from escaping the flooding some of the side still the trains at least on time tell that to the london underground. cost of red square in the kremlin it's one of the main tourist attractions in the capital a must see for any visitor. kmita scrubbing very strong statues too good luck to fascinating stories behind the peaceful mistakes it's a breathtaking world below full of interesting stories and various legends. take a stand station for example looks more like an ongoing legend has it that it wasn't even meant to be built in the first place for the same astelin places coffee cups on the angeles times they saw it as a sign who created the construct of the timeline and indeed so we see the grounds on the metro maps today. and before we explore most stations that smita far enough to use the metro every time. her rows tell you what you're ok yeah so you go to
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moscow for three years yeah here's my claim in two thousand and eight it will be a great city i love it i want to think about the amazing oscar about tris. best in the world in terms of traffic it's a great yeah it is just a beautiful it's clean fish period on the train comes the only time you never have to wait look at this this is so clean and nice in the wintertime it's really not because it's more when you have to take a cold or it's really nice to get indoors in the from the russian wind but i just keep a small bird because nothing. and also the most important thing is the during the working days we complain no time for me to go meet clients that's what like. if you were going to give some advice for a tourist in the first time what would it be. just go around the circle route. in a dump of a station have a look it's beautiful especially. realize you have this church like windows
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ornaments things really nice and bright i mean i think also one of the best things i think about batteries by the trains every every minute you're out to see it loved it you can stand a new way to like and keep it as the same as spoken out for fifteen minutes the traffic in the evening was terrible but here just. i don't even feel they're waiting on. the platform is the. better the absolute best in the world. my dear good luck here in the us. and if you're a true fan of underground transport that you must visit the moscow metro museum black and white images of the construction process in the museum also houses hundreds of artifacts including various designs examples of technology and metrics deemed art cinema whole display sebi and modern day documentaries and you can see everything here from ticket paris from the one nine hundred sixty s.
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to models of train carriages regarding the stations one hundred and eighty two in total today there are several but to stand out. on the brown ring line open in january my nine hundred fifty two its missions are covered with thirty two stained glass windows with bells behind them to imitate daylight the windows were made by a lot artists who use glass doors enrica cathedral originally intended for church windows can sky is one of the central stations on the red line from the time of its construction in the one nine hundred thirty s. the christ the savior cathedral above was demolished and a huge palace of the service was planned to be built on the site the projects never came to fruition the decor of the spacious station might look simple and even austere but still it was received several awards and finally got a meeting starry hills is an underground station and it's the longest it's made whole being two hundred seventy meters and then construction was completed in
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a record short time at the end of the mighty fifties by the mid seventy's it was in the first of collapse so it was decided to close the station to reopen only in two thousand and two now has a contemporary look at its glass providing amazing views of the city. the station is a world of it. it's. people were using. the phrase in regards to what the building was all. but who added value of the ground what about you know no one could fail to be amazed crossman set me free. through violence celebration and triumph. proud as the pulsating veins of the city you know after the terrorist attacks in late march to shift from running again within a few hours a sign of toughness in spirit and resilience powers. to
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the pull of the distance to here is no doubt a secret that tried. to connect the kremlin to other key buildings and strategic command posts it exists like this. influential people. always want to know. the system was supposed to be built already started during the time of sally code named the six by the k.g.b. . so you can see the several secret lines connecting the kremlin with the s.s.b. headquarters and other locations of national importance we find out if it ever exists only time will tell. if you want to become. to
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qualify. really complicated. the mechanics behind it was mostly to. have to know much more the city driving a metro train situated outside the capital in one of the main trains the training academy has everything at its fingertips. simulators and working trains. in this classroom here the students. must guard metro traffic light system it's not expressed about ready to stop green for go it's much more complicated they have to know for example the whole inscription works of all the electric cars the traffic lights will create that and more importantly when they potentially break down. she can see a future map of the underground system with a large circle line and a number of new lines added and further extensions make century may seem a long way off but plans are already in place. i feel so excited standing
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inside he really does the child from its side you will start cycling it's just that by. the trains and so it's all the maintenance every evening. so is it difficult to become an underground train driver. the junior school through the most difficult technical preparations which they complete their studies at the mitchell training. practical lessons they have to pass the test drive it was also an emergency exercise as well as a theory exam perforations itself there are no bus drivers like you. can fit fencing for trains and it's article to stay in law to make sure that these guys never break down it's crucial one hundred percent that they're all in working order i group all four hundred local mechanics work around the consummate sold this is a reality. and from example it's time to jump in next with drive out onto
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a train that's off to work. for coming up to a platform now i doubt this is the last i'll be in the floods about metro train for like the last. to moscow metro just like the rest of the capital this monstrous piece of architecture will continue to nurture develop. growth from the old bush is to the left of young couples the people are as diverse as the stations themselves the ones in the metro was nicknamed the people's palace and was a magnificent underground palace it is well that's often the most members and the space program all of moscow's i'll see your dad on that street so sell them for me the rest of the food good bye bye for now.
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culture is the same i understand my family and i have always been a woman some of my could be new buyers in the market as well used maribel castro's appearance on cuban television for years again puts into focus of honest. wealthy british style signs that's not on the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. in moscow ots available in marriage grand hotel ritz carlton royal marriage renaissance could be all done marriage come closer holiday encircled the kids'
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holiday inn holiday inn the social ski patroller rhydian national to meridian country club savoy make sure to come this peach of the first or a book on lands called sure convinced swiss hotel closing the hold built in london gloats come golden apple boutique hotel. the ocean auntie's great to have you with us the headline. three s nick charles has been arrested in songs charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist attacks and bunch of they are suspected of links to minutes and lead and don't put them on their own believed to be behind several terrorist acts including the moscow metro bombings and knowledge. of sixty five years since the us carried out some successful test of an atomic bomb the last of the next.


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