tv [untitled] RT July 16, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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no desert was to stop the nuclear owns race which other countries are still trying to join into. trouble pakistan bonds a new bond of meting starring an osama bin laden who can like the country senses claim that indian films portrayal of the world's most wanted terrorists could trigger violence. as the headlines coming up next our special report on the use of cobham's in international terrorist attacks. my name is bob baer. i used to be a cia station in the eleven on during the civil war. it was chaos. but the real threat was always car bombs. but until now the car bomb secret history has never been told. who invented it
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who developed it and who killed. i've come back to the one city where car bombs have forever shaped our history. beirut. i loved. it was a great place to be a spy. and then the embassy got hit. by a suicide car bomber. sixty three dead dead american dead lebanese six of my close colleagues friends in the cia were killed. carsten saw the bomb go off. this. white star. and then of course the bank and then when i looked up.
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and i run over. and destruction and chaos. it was a stunning assault. one man with a car could wage war on the united states ironically with an american truck. there is one man who knows a lot about lebanese car bombs. mahmoud. a top expert who defused does. of bombs. christian car bombs palestinian car bombs muslim car bombs. and the long drawn out civil. war going. on then i was the only expert who was dismantling bombs in lebanon and. became too good at stopping car. and then his adversaries decided to target him.
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when they they left the boma specially for me. it was activated by remote control and as soon as i touch the bomb. they blew it up. feb fourteenth two thousand and five the former lebanese prime minister hariri presidential cavalcade was destroyed by. c.t.v. camera captured the vehicle this white truck. in the traffic. black mercedes drew alongside the bomb went off. really was one of the world's richest man a billionaire. his mercedes was armored to the hilt the six. the best protection level there is. truly
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a route is the whole of the modern. car bombs we're seeing today. were developed on the streets. of baghdad. killing and state police officers. to get into the war we saw. dozens of lebanese crossing the border into syria. and it was only a matter of time before a car bomb started on. a. car bombing might have become a lebanese national. but the lebanese never created the car. like a lot of other things in the twentieth century car bombs are an american invention . by the one nine hundred twenty s. new york had become the financial center of world capitalism. but then in september
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one thousand twenty wall street was rocked by a massive explosion. it was the world's first car bomb. where we're walking right now is exactly where if you been standing here on september sixteenth one thousand nine hundred twenty you would have been hit by the bomb over here what was then the u.s. treasury. and of course the stock exchange with the big flags on it there same buildings that would have been here most famously the morgan bank. and that really was and in some ways still is just the epicenter of american capitalism and government tell me what happened here at about twelve zero one away again or strong way again exploded into the lunchtime crowd. they killed about
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forty people in the street and injured hundreds of people just fairly sophisticated i mean whoever built this thing. knew what they're doing they knew what they were doing and of course the question immediately became who was that person or who were those people and the best theory is that it was a man named mario buda who was in the taliban an artist who was a lone operator and he was even within this circle of militant anarchists very committed revolutionaries he was the committed of the committed what did he want though i mean was there anything that give us an idea what these guys wanted there was a lawyer found in a mailbox nearby a couple blocks up that way that said free the political prisoners or it will be death to all of you and it was signed the american an artist fighters the political prisoners were two italian anarchistic sacco and vanzetti who had been arrested and later executed by the federal government after an abortive bank robbery. it was
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a notorious case critics claimed it was a show trial. was a close associate of both men. so the idea was that this had been somehow a blow against capitalism the idea of the idea of banks big moment of labor warfare a revolution you just had dick revolution so that whole system of capitalism government put together was what they were striking a blow at this was the first car bomb right and it was the first don't know of course it's not a car in the sense but it was a way invented right here wall street. what happened. would actually fled the united states he went back to italy but he never came back to the states as far as anyone knows. the wall street explosion was not just the first car bomb it was a terrorist blueprint. and the car bomb would next appear in the middle east in
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palestine in the violent struggle over the founding of the state of israel. in the one nine hundred forty s. palestine was under british rule. the majority arab population were opposed to a jewish state. the same time extremists jewish factions like the stern gang waged a terrorist campaign against those who they saw as enemies of the future jewish state. arabs and british troops. stern's organisation. freedom fighters of israel were determined to drive arabs out by terror from what he saw as their rightful jewish homeland. who started the first car bombing here in this. whose decision was that.
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it was the headquarters of the. left he were opposed to any deal with the arabs by the mainstream jewish leadership led by david ben-gurion. and planning car bombs was a short cut to provoking all out war. on january the fourth one nine hundred forty eight blessed be struck. their target was the sariah building in the heart of java a densely populated arab district. disguised as arabs a lot he bomb team drove a truck packed with two hundred pounds of explosives and park close to the building . the electric timer was set for eighty seconds to let the bombers get away.
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the explosion killed twenty eight including innocent passers by and injured hundreds. less he did not have a monopoly on planning car bombs. the palestinians made plans to strike back using their own bomb maker. trained by the nazis during world war two. thousand the sister. was close to him. she has never spoken about her brother before. she came to what sort of training did he get in germany you know it was called commando commander needs and he had yes he dates include the list devices communications and all types of explosives. six weeks after soraya targeted a jewish stronghold ben yehuda street in the heart of jerusalem the senate senate
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and he take bin yehuda street was seen charge of the operation he was in charge he planned at the beginning the middle and the end of the street. but you roussillon in one nine hundred forty eight was an armed camp. jewish areas protected by checkpoints and rifle bearing guards. the only way through was to disguise the bomb vehicles as a british military convoy. and the men driving those trucks were six british army deserters. we should only vote the two british designer see we're. nude who have quit the ones that worked with them sent us to the mat. again and i think they were not just so good there was a big in the british soldiers who were working with him that. they were against the british policy keith. people from then and there placed them with other people and
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those american who is thousand used to plan missions with them and they used to carry it out see that home they nest in. parking the truck bombs close to two hotels being used as barracks by jewish fighters the desert or shot a security guard. and then fled. i don't you know that's a it's a fuse so it's a notion. they can. get can get out because since it's going to be a skill that we wanted to do still case we will to sort of lost. the three thousand pound bombs tore through the surrounding buildings killing sixty. hina was not just an eyewitness she was also a member taken part in bombing operations let me ask you this question did the truck bomb make do with the resistance. why it made you angry or sure made me angry but why should i leave when people put to
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a call. to the civilians be killed down to war against those who. told you to. let you were the first terrorist group in the world to use car bombs but they would not be the last. first the jews in the arabs. the world's first car bomb or. less. planted four. and fallacy planted four hundred twenty people die. the car bombing only stopped in may one thousand nine hundred eight when war broke out and the checkpoints became front lines. a new terror weapon cheap and convenient had been born. but palestine in one nine hundred forty eight did produce one further novelty. the
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car bomb as a key assassination weapon when i could to try to blow up the jewish political leadership. what happened in this building here where he was the government of the jews and it's in this second floor he was the chum bells of the song think of the state of the if you can go to ups one dead. and say believe that if they would kill him jews may not establish the state especially state of the arabs. explosion and the car. was exploded you know how many people were killed when seven people. would have happened if ben-gurion had been this office the fame been going on with
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the. jews wouldn't establish a state because he was only a prime minister the only leader but he was is you can say george washington george washington of the united states. sassing aiding your enemy supreme leader is nothing new think of president abraham lincoln what was new was the car bomb. parked in the right place packed with enough explosives you can target any man on earth. kings and presidents have to drive the roads just like the rest of us and the moment you do your vulnerable. car bombs are so easy you can use them purely for business if your business is controlling the world's heroin supply. in the early sixty's sicilian mafia discovered a new way to make rival mafiosa disappear by booby trapping their cars and blowing
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them to pieces. in sicily the power of the mafia is as old as the statute. five million people live here. but hidden amongst them is an estimated seven thousand mafia members. yet the power of the cosa nostra is felt everywhere from the highest political office right down to the smallest market stall. this market is the mafia here. so we how do you know the mafia this year. because. of the. loss to them because you will. see.
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things started to change in one nine hundred fifty seven when the sicilian an american mafia met in this lavish palermo hotel organize the world's heroin trade. but business did not run smooth. in one nine hundred sixty three the first mafia war broke out between two clans the greco those and the barbera. giovanni is an anti mafia campaign but he is also the net. the key mafia boss cesare month that. month l o was an ally of the greco. and the first mafioso to be assassinated with a car bomb. was blocking these drive and you needed to go beyond it to enter into that. the car was exactly the same type to a friend he thought he was his friend. so it got into the new turn the key
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and the explosion happened. why did they not when they killed your uncle use a pistol instead of a car bomb in my uncle's murder that was the first mafia and their first act of terrorism. by killing my uncle in this way they wanted to emphasize their revenge. on the mafia stop using car bombs for seventeen years until a new more ruthless generation of mafia leaders took over and used car bombs to assassinate judges and magistrates. every judge they blow up turned the heat on more arrests trials. but unlike the mafia the next car bombers wanted the blast of their homemade bomb to reverberate all the way to the white house. it was do it yourself terrorism ventral
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trail of destruction would spanned the globe from ireland oklahoma and the middle east. the car bomb was about to become the perfect lethal weapon. in the late sixty's students at the university of wisconsin in the midwest were in revolt. there were daily demonstrations protests. alan thompson was an f.b.i. special agent assigned to the state capital madison. but what was it like in one thousand seven hundred what were the students life what was happening here well the
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students were. really involved with the the vietnam war there was demonstrations going on and some of them were very violent. there was a lot of tear gas lot of broken windows what was the dimia the key demand was to get out of vietnam. but it tiny splinter group of students saw themselves as already at war with the nixon administration. and the nearest target was close at hand the campus army math research center. a research lab funded by the pentagon and housed in the department of physics. at three forty two am on the twenty fourth of august nine hundred seventy an explosion destroyed the army math center. hundreds of f.b.i. agents from all over the united states were sent to wisconsin this was of extreme
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interest to the white house was that this yellow explosion absolutely it went all the way to the director's desk there was daily contact with the the oval office as to what was happening out here and why it happened and we had to come up with some answers real fast as to what was what was going on so anyone killed yes a young physicist by the name of robert foster not was killed in the initial blast . the f.b.i. team immediately folk. as their investigation on a car spotted flaying from the scene at high speed. the bombers were led by a twenty two year old college dropout carl armstrong. this is the route you took you came up from the y.m. armstrong agreed for the first time to return to the building and talk about the night he bombed wisconsin. where did the idea come from the
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car bomb my brother to why you were like basically you know we were considering ways to. research center him my brother died so i was well why don't we just fill up a truck full of explosives into sudden off the side of the building and my immediate reaction was that's crazy the armstrong brothers stumbled upon the ultimate terrorist weapon of the twentieth century. but there was another deadly twist they bought the base materials for their explosives in the local hardware store. first while we bought the materials from the farmers the morning nitrate and fuel oil and then we transported it to our site which was in a farmer's field and not basically we just put it on the ammonium nitrate and you know except by hand own only just poured it into the power.
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to get the idea we didn't have the internet. well basically the foreign office in the encyclopedia britannica under was. all smiles for much of the whole thing cost . two hundred dollars for. karl and his three fellow student bombers then stole a van and mixed the explosives together. they drove to the university. inside the van was a time in. half of explosives. you know robert people rancher. but i have no regrets for my motivations for doing. it was the message and we were trying to send it off to the government. after the bombing armstrong fled to canada and was
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a fugitive for two years. but was then extradited back to wisconsin. his trial was a cause celebre for many in the end i wore a movement. he served ten years in prison. sad part about it is that the the research that the claim of the army meth research center was doing was not research for the army at all so in other words this is an act of protest that turned an act of murder absolutely absolutely on a pronounced counterproductive here in madison and probably throughout the united states you know the significance of this is you can take a group of amateurs. with almost no money would like one hundred dollars stolen car fertilizer. so it was in a sense it was a turning point absolutely basically a hundred dollars you can shake a country exactly. that
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are killing innocent. allies. of course and that's never and. most often the skull spoke with me i think of it every day. trying to memorise. the same us. a long time i'm just here trying to. i was. i was ashamed that i. i was ashamed that i had been a hero why i got my legs. when i went to vietnam pow wows of. what i was going on once or i think.
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because every month we give you the future we hope you understand how it will get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for its acknowledging update on our g they feasted this is not a production looking warm and. very fortunate and we should just everybody is sure to support the tree because they have no idea about the hardships to face. they wanted to says it all took two minutes and for any army the life of the use of them is the most precious thing in the world. uses of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live
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a. real life stories from world war two because. to treat nineteen forty five dollars on t.v. dot com. the. top stories from all seasons three ethnic chechens have been arrested affronts charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist attacks in russia that suspected of links to chechen minutes needed to morrow believed to be behind several terrorist attacks including move to metro bombings in the. eight sixty five years since the u.s. carried out a from successful test of an atomic bomb the bills to new mexico intended us to stop beneath the office race which other countries that are trying to join today. and double trouble pakistan tons of people that would comedy starring in a solid.
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