tv [untitled] RT July 16, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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which other countries are still trying to join today. in double trouble pakistan finds a new comedy starring an osama bin laden like the country's census claiming that indian films portrayal of the world's most wanted terrorist could trigger violence . and now it's time for the second part of the i'm going to show from our washington studio. we've got a dual tool time winner for you this evening pamela anderson she's very very upset that's right the baywatch hottie flew to montreal this week to unveil her sexy new ad that was until canadian officials decided to step in they denied her new ad because they say that it's sexist but come on i mean this isn't the first time that pete is very sexy as have been rejected take a look at some of the past gems. i
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. i. i. i already as you can imagine pamela anderson it was not too happy about the canadians raining on her vegetarian parade she released a statement condemning the city and its puritanical officials and she said quote in a city that is known for its exotic dancing and for being progressive and edgy how sad that a woman would be banned from using her own body in a political protest over the suffering of cows and chickens pam i think i agree with you up until that point i thought the canadians were all liberal and free thinking too and you know they were known for their exotic dancing but you know
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then it's later on in the quote where she really loses me however she continues on and says in some parts of the world women are forced to cover their whole bodies with burqas is that next right because the canadian government is going to let you pose half naked on a billboard in montreal they're obviously going to start making everybody wear a burka give me a break and i love you but that's a little too far so tool time no. or one tonight goes to pam for being an idiot which i know isn't all that shocking but to a time they were to go to the canadian officials that banned this at we hate pam wants to pose half naked on a billboard to save the chickens i say have at it i'm pretty sure the people wouldn't complain either. all right back to serious stories since today is the sixty fifth anniversary of the first nuclear test we couldn't help but bring up the new start treaty which is currently being debated in the congress now if you're sane you're probably thinking what debate doesn't everybody want to reduce the
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number of nuclear weapons in the world well the short answer to that is. in fact some conservatives are so hell bent on opposing this new treaty that there's even a new group lobby it's affiliated with the heritage foundation and loving against this so why are politicians trying to keep these bombs around knowledge or any need to discuss it is josh rogin from foreign policy magazine ok josh so you know you covered this extensively obviously you go to a lot of these hearings tell me this are some of these politicians still stuck on on the on the missile defense systems are they still talking about georgia or are there really people out there that want more nuclear weapons in the world there really are people out there who want more nuclear weapons the world and what's so interesting is that you've got two sets of conservatives you've got the ones who are concerned about the treaty want to make sure that everything's ok and want to hold off voting for it until they think that they're happy with it and then you've
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got this new breed who are just convinced that russia is evil that we can't afford to take our eye off the ball for even one second and that why wouldn't we want to have more nuclear weapons doesn't that make america stronger why would we ever cut them that's mitt romney sarah palin jim de mint this is a very small but very active far right wing of the republican party and they're making a lot of news and raising a lot of money off of their new opposition to start and russia oh. so bizarre to me that this new breed of politicians is using such an old school way of thinking since the cold war is long over but do you really think that you know they fear that the danger that russia you know might might have towards towards america or is this just all political gambling because they want to make it to the next election it's getting a little too easy to always point the fingers at iran perhaps other countries in the middle east and so they now just want to be seen as tough on russia because obama was i think it's a mix of political opportunism and ignorance pushed together so jim de mint in
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a recent speech referred to russia as the soviet union half a dozen times he wasn't aware that the cold war had ended right sarah palin probably is aware of it but just doesn't care this is part of their opposition to anything that obama does on farms and he's in favor of that it's over she sees it from her house you would think so but you know her expertise notwithstanding she wants to make this a big issue she needs to make this a big issue she wants to attack obama on anything and everything and in foreign policy this is the thing that's going on now so this is the thing they've decided to start crowing about ok but sarah palin of course she makes her career out of attacking obama because she doesn't have anything of substance to really say she doesn't have really experience mitt romney here is interesting too i guess you could say he's more of a businessman than a politician but this guy many say is the front runner for twenty top to be the republican candidate so you know how much does his work matter so this is exactly the right issue because for the senators they don't have to worry about an election
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in two thousand and twelve they have to worry about this election for sarah palin and mitt romney they don't care about anything except for twenty two they're anticipating a republican primary where they're both going to have to run to the right and appeal to those most isolationist conservative tea party voters and those are the people that they're struggling for those are the people that they're fighting for and they're just that it's climbing over each other to be more reactionary and more alarmist in order to reach this very. extreme sector of the american voting public so who are these people right now that are putting money into lobbying against start so we have the heritage foundation which is a very famous conservative think tank they've been doing lobbying for a long time but they're not supposed to be doing lobbying think tanks are not really allowed to do lobbying so what they did is they created a whole new branch of their organization just for lobbying under the new rules so they can just blatantly and egregiously ask people to fund their anti russia anti start efforts whether or not people in america really care about start or are
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really willing to spend their hard earned cash to fight against the idea of making us russian relations better remains to be seen but so what is a very amusing how are they stirring up this fear in people because. personally i just find this a little crazy i think anybody like us someone our age probably would say that it's completely normal it's completely logical to reduce the amount of nuclear weapons in the world i can't imagine a young person thinking that that's a bad idea so how are they getting these people so this is the expansion of the debate from the elites in washington in the east coast to the people in countries that in parts of countries don't really follow foreign policy and the message is so simple obama is making our country weaker now does the reduction of nuclear weapons make our country weaker of course not but actually this is they're not going to be analytical just of they're not talking about the last time we scientists territory ten years ago ronald reagan declared that we should eliminate nuclear weapons and he is the conservative that both sarah palin and mitt romney cite most often when
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they're describing their ideological personality none of that really matters to me argument is very simple obama is going to make our country weaker we have to fight him and this is a great way to fight him so give us money and they don't really try to make it any more complicated than that ok so if they're going to fight to death over political cvs is there any chance the new start treaty not being ratified i don't think that well you know nothing's done until it's done and there is a chance that ratification could fail but not because of what mitt romney is doing the action in the senate centers around john kyl john mccain these are the more reasonable center senators who have real concerns about the treaty and haven't said which way they will vote they're negotiating with the ministration right now those negotiations are very sensitive and very delicate we hope that these negotiations will be successful but there's always a chance that the administration will give them what they want or they could get what they want to just say no anyway it's not over until it's over well let's definitely hope that john mccain the bitter one doesn't get the last laugh here
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josh thanks so much for being here i don't go anywhere we have more to come on tonight's show we're giving the flat ski twins a mash up of everything making headlines this week how do they feel about the new melodramatic. facebook movie or bristol pale and getting engaged her baby thirty and fox news has a story that they just can't let go up and i have a thing or two to say about it they tend to find out. say let's call it the c canary due to its high pitched twitter. this morning and none of this highly communicative. what's he trying to say and how can we do come to mind which. just. secrets of. the. subject every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get
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as day eighty eight of the b.p. oil spill or should i say day one of the capping of the oil spill yesterday afternoon b.p. made a statement that has kept the runaway well and updated video from the underwater camera of the leak shows no crude coming out and president obama made a statement of the public about their progress on it as well. working to determine is whether we can safely shut in the well using the new cap without creating new problems including possibly countless new or a leak in the sea floor. so as you can tell obama and other officials are cautiously optimistic but admit that there really is progress being made here so what happened to make b.p. finally get their act together well perhaps they realize how angry americans are the crude oil is destroying their lives i think this organization called the gulf
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summed up their anger pretty well. it's killing. me. we'll. tell you. all right so now that there is an end in sight well all the news networks talk about c.n.n. and fox news have basically turned their stations into oil watch twenty ten with constant updates on the spill and even dedicating a small little portion of their screen to the underwater camera and today the newspapers are switching gears to the titles are no longer when will it end but rather is this really the end or the cap is good news but the spill isn't over yet . but i think it looks like the news sources are desperately trying to inject something menacing and dangerous into the headline here i think that they're going to miss the oil spill and i for one would like to put
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a positive spin on this story the u.s. spent eighty seven days racking their brains trying to figure out how to fix the problem and yesterday was a glimmer of hope as we finally got to see that blue water for the first time from the underwater camera so yes we all know there's a lot to be done but in the meantime i'm going to take solace in seeing nothing coming out of that well in eighty eight and i can see bluewater sorry anderson i know you're upset but i'm sure there'll be another crisis coming up soon. all right well it's friday and this week the solecki is are back for our mash up of the most bizarre and most amusing stories of the week we've got everything from porn to steve jobs admission that he's actually a huge shock anyway i had to catch up with them earlier to get their responses so i first asked them in regards to yesterday's absolutely had a waiting debate whether they thought watching porn makes a woman a slut i think you guys are going to enjoy this so please take
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a. look at this one of the slots i can weigh and. that was going to be that clip history that was one of the greatest i've ever seen in my life but i don't think that's true i think that the women's libber woman has gone far enough that they can you know can do whatever you want on it isn't easy for you guys to say that but guys totally judge you think it's ok for you to watch porn you don't think it's ok for girls as young as you're going to become you started long as you clear cookies at the end of the day. we all put our shoes on one of the ok if you knew a girl had a porn addiction and it would hurt her yeah something called really really and then would you propose to her i want to make sure you're your beloved wife of your life no comment on that one but listen we know you judge i'm an open minded person and i think i think we're moving away women deserve to enjoy the benefits of the online experience and you know you go to e bay you go to facebook and you look at your i don't i don't always not work that
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hard to invent the internet for no reason i'm ok that's a good to him for well if we don't do well speaking of inventing things on the internet facebook or facebook sure it's changed everyone's lives it's now the biggest social networking site but they're making a movie out of it if you've seen the trailer and we have the clip of the trailer you guys. want to roll that. store website there she told the police but i do want it since you did we. are going to get much done with many of us never give you the money. but when it came we just let you write as if you got it but. i'm sorry what is that not a little bit overdramatic just a little bit overdramatic on the television who have bought it i couldn't see that i heard from my my agent today and as as user one million five hundred on facebook
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i'm actually going to be played by danny de vito which i really really do i mean are you guys going to see this movie starring excited by his facebook has changed your life facebook history and my life it's a lot of people's lives but i do think this movie if it's as sort of negative as the initial press has been. at all the people involved it could be another sort of tipping point for facebook because we saw recently with their new policies they're open to sharing that they got hit really hard on privacy issues but now the people if they learn the truth and will see how much truth is actually involved in the video in the movie so they're going to make everybody feel bad for themselves their heads have gotten so big they're so self-important and the movie and so i have their lives and i don't want this movie you know i don't think they don't want this everyone wants justin timberlake to play them in a movie but i don't think this is actually good timing for the facebook and if you if you look at facebook in actuality they're about to reach five hundred million users which is just incredible to think. facebook is part of our culture and part
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of our world now so i think that this movie should shed some light whether it's true or not want to say i agree it's part of our culture it's all there but i think it's a little bit early can we just wait to see what effect it has later on down the road you know any direction to see that the my space movie which is probably going to be a writer that was straight to d.v.d. unfortunately. ok more people that are self-important and think they're god steve jobs today held the press conference because everyone's been complaining about their new i phone four. so you have an expensive paperweight you are the sucker there are he bought the little band thing to cover up the intent of the now they're giving out for free so i was in a meeting with when the press conference happening my first question of course was how do i get the refund for the the case that i that i purchased with the phone and it turns out they are refunding that as well so look i think this story goes away for apple and people want to see what they would do and they clearly came out and they did the right thing without recalling the product which was never going to happen to start but i don't know how to get it why can't they just admit that
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they're wrong and recall the product actually on that note sorry steve jobs today admitted in this press conference that he's human and that he's not perfect can you believe the lie can you believe it i mean he isn't as close as i already have been running and he is as close to perfect as they come i mean this was a huge launch that this was the biggest one like the launch of a. product in the history of the world this i phone especially for apple now peter the question is how did he get his and its product they've ever released clearly not fast and any problems that people are calling for recall and instead of recalling it because you have too much pride you just make up another little bit of you know you're being you're being too difficult you don't have to work i mean it looks so cool my brother thinks he's so cool how do you understand he waited in line for seven hours look just like all the. players you told us you did and i serves you right but listen it's a great product it's this was a this is a flub and they got why did he wait in line for seven hours because i have
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a life. and actually i'm just not on board it's a it's a great product but i waiting for it to actually always wait for the second generation because that's when they tend to iron why don't you tell me this to redo i i thought i did that or that but apparently not bristol and lead. sarah pailin she didn't know i how is it that they went around to secretly planning all this without telling the all powerful mates for. here i'm going to guess that the people that t.l.c. or another channel came to them and said hey if you guys get married we'll give you a reality show and that's probably what's behind us that's that i don't do something we're going to do i thought they hated each other because they want to talk about this cross all the family and it's young love ok there it's not it's not they're not the most mature people out there and that they love each other and they love and they have a baby which is scary i only saw i feel i do feel generally bad for for them in a sense of mean they've been thrust in the spotlight made some mistakes they're
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making mistakes as we speak but there are kids and they're sort of living their lives out in real time the fact is people do break up they go out together they break up it now they don't always pose in playgirl magazine i may also don't always go to people magazine they should bring it to their fellow they don't always have a mom who walks around preaching family values when clearly very kids are running around getting married behind her back ok the last thing i want to say actually there was an earthquake in washington d.c. and the middle of the night now i'm not sure if i felt you know i was in a state of sleep but we have some very graphic pictures of the devastation devastation can we look at those can tell you. fell over trash cans are all shipped over all i'm all i'm sure that if you were last in chairs that deck chairs have toppled over as well i mean this was an alarm went off in washington in the car it's this is a scary day in washington d.c. and the reason being that bristol and levi and now earthquakes i mean this city is
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changed. i'm getting but now we can finally talk about political earthquakes and it makes sense. you guys that said florence and i thank you very much for being here. for the next show of course. all right this week we're not going to have a fireside friday i'm just feeling a little bit too overwhelmed with emotions for that are you know this is our new version of fireside friday i'm a. little too annoyed today with the little media outlets that like the calls fell fair and balanced i think you know who i'm talking about anyway it looks like fox is running a little short on material lately they just can't stop talking about this new black panther party voter intimidation about the d.o.j. you see the department of justice drop this case because well even though the video king samir shabazz who i admit was spewing racist and horrible things although it
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looks like he was intimidating voters not one single voter actually filed a complaint saying that they were intimidated and atop that off it all happened in a predominately black neighborhood so i really don't think there were too many whiteys around that they wanted to scare off so anyway fox like i said is just ranting and raving about this story day and night and we're going to go on this week to hear now they claim that this department of justice under black president obama and black attorney general eric holder is racist and they refuse to hear it any other way than to be at the polling station that day testified that this was the worst case of voter intimidation and i think it was a voter intimidation let me put it in words in my mouth let me put it has in my mouth i didn't get it but you're not a combination don't make me cut your mike so i don't get my worst case of voter who see the tough kelly that meg and kelly now anyway go to sleep with i do
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a few doesn't think the justice is being served here because megan kelly really believes in the law. in fidelity to the law and i feel like your viewers know that about me it doesn't matter whether it's left or right conservative or liberal i try to follow the law i try to give you an honest interpretation of what the law requires. that's whole funny vague and i know you're a lawyer and all but are you really sure you care about upholding the law no matter if it's light or if it's less are you sure they you are so concerned with the law when let's say george bush was the president when he was detaining people legally when he was torturing them i don't think so so now the people are actually attacking fox for using this story just to get there just to get their ratings up and just to cause a stir fox news is absolutely shocked. for us is the black spencer
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story is trumped up that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo it's amazing was happening newsweek magazine once proud franchise it has devolved into a trouble far left publication that will soon be sold loose example of politics trumping news is the website article in newsweek written by david graham a twenty four year old who says he's a reporter of twenty years graham's article for newsweek says the black panther story whereby the justice department applied to prosecute allegations jager intimidation is a trumped up attempt by conservatives to embarrass the obama administration the shades on anyway bill why would you guys want to embarrass the obama administration that would be like you would all i mean if you really wanted to embarrass the obama administration you could easily talk about attorney general eric holder's faults things like the way he handles terrorism but how could i forget you like their handling of terrorism and you'd much rather use a case that was dismissed because illegally there was no grounds for its and then
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try to paint that as racism all within the obama administration i'm pretty sure that neither obama nor eric holder nor any other sane person out there what agree with the race is slurs that this new black panther party a fringe group of a total following of probably poor people likes to spew but you still want to pretend like obama is one of them thanks to this case he care or anybody care about this do you love the country i do but you should care because you have a president that is using black theology of black liberation theology and really it doesn't matter what color it is. in his speeches and he's talking about what color his salvation is tied to a collective selvi she explains. collective salvation you mean helping each other things like health care reform and cap and trade extending unemployment benefits that's totally really bad and really really racist that sounds like loving your
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country to me so come on fox is that really all you got when i'm sure your viewers love your crazy antics and all the anger and fear that you stir up but even they should be smart enough to retire this story by now move on and with that line that's it for tonight's show have a great weekend and we'll see you on monday. ninety nine chief. away the russian empire. looked. through five hundred tons of gold. dozens of characters. in. the train. station. a century long the way.
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they feasted this is not a provocation but warned. the forces that we should step in what is sure to suppress the trees because they have no idea about the hardships to face. one it is this is it of them to this and for any army the life level you see is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand
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fully that you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. nineteen forty five dot com. an opposing view dissenters who do not believe that a child causes aids peter head of an international conference into the disease. willing to work for syphilis group in the u.s. claims that american citizens are unemployed because of illegal immigrants but not many of them not to do their jobs. firing growth solution to national disasters and whether russian helicopters are enjoying a rapidly growing demand on international markets to combat this.
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