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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 17, 2010 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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this is the r t news channel it's kevin owen here this hour the top stories for you and more than two million people a year die from aids that's why this weekend experts and scientists from around the world a meeting to try to find a way to save more people mainly through prevention but there's also a group calling into question the accepted wisdom of where this deadly disease actually comes from and they're angry no one's listening sara furthur is following this story. eighteenth international aids conference will begin hay in vienna bringing together around twenty five thousand policymakers scientists community work is activists and people living with hiv to discuss the latest developments in the stills but right now there's a today conference going on looking at a ton of definitions and treatments of hiv and aids when the aids epidemic first hit the headlines in the one nine hundred eighty s. it caused widespread panic for a singer he was one of the first diagnosed it was a terrifying experience. trying to turn sixty. the trust
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for information was just because. you. should try. to reach everyone the first order is to. be. considered for. cigars since the discovery of aids three decades ago it's estimated a twenty five million people have died from the disease they've a sixty million people infected in that time according to the united nations u.s. scientists identified hiv as a cause and developed a successful test to detect its presence but this has itself been a subject to scientific disagreement some believe there are different causes of aids not just hiv and cause doubt in the standard aids test which is based on detecting the presence of the hiv virus whilst you might think there are only
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a small number of scientists who doubt the hate hiv aids their way here at the conference is a list of around two thousand five hundred names all the scientists who challenge the classic definition some to have different views as to treatment author and his doctor tentative therapies to conventional aids fighting drugs so strong is his belief in these other treatment methods that he's written of. twenty three years positive based on his experiences. right somber he deserves an explanation for. the work through for clifford. troops. still want to transfer from so far this dissenting from the conventional view that hiv causes aids so they can face even hostility from the scientific is not occurring with the mainstream hiv theory of aids has even been compared to holocaust denial include a crime against humanity a science that is alive has to have the commission to question
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a certain model of thinking serious thinking you know you don't bring in here a dying patient so that we have to act immediately and give him something we are discussing here we are scientists and medical doctors why should we not be able to discuss i'm very astonished their reaction is sometimes so aggressive so the official aids two thousand and ten conference will be one of the most widely watched aids events in the world every day some of the topics the likely to be discussed will be access to treatment as well as new technologies and hate hiv an injection drug now organizers have titled the conference right here right now which they say emphasizes the central importance of protecting and promoting human rights as a prerequisite to successful response to the problem. so furthur correspond to christian doctrine of medicine who indeed challenges the mainstream ideas on h.i.v.'s he says
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his use a different because he's not driven by the interests of pharmaceutical companies. there is no epidemic in europe there is no epidemic in the united states and in africa aids is mainly renaming poverty related diseases and as a clinician i find it just not helpful and what it all comes down to ask you so you are you disagreeing with u.n. aid you disagreeing with the world health organization both very respectable organizations that do have the finger on the polls that say no it is an epidemic. what respectable they are about obviously they are and obviously they are driven by interests and we saw that just last year with is a massive x. in asia for flu and now in reach respect it is it's become obvious that they were driven by pharmaceutical interests and the same i'm afraid to say is true for hiv
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it's a huge movement mainly driven by pharmaceutical interests your really basically saying people if they do i shouldn't worry maybe should we go for a test if they believe they put themselves at risk on all what you saying is what you say almost criminal in some ways well i'm sorry to contradict you i'm not believing i'm going back to the facts and the facts tell the people who test positive for various reasons even the producer of the tests are not aware of a standard to verify presence or absence of hiv antibodies in human blood and quote that's what you find in the product information even people who test positive not necessarily come down with aids even after twenty or twenty five years reading the facts and i'm acting according to facts but independent no more pharmaceutical interests and that's what i think what all doctors should do regardless of the
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majority are not. more news today europe remains in the tight script grip of a heat wave here in moscow the temperatures indeed of already broken several records this summer on saturday some parts of the capital of hit a sizzling thirty eight degrees celsius results these tests are a killer reports for many mosque avoids the burning sun just another reason to have . was here. i was lying around. me he. was. working. out. was. he. was. was. was was was was.
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was was was was was was a test for a killer very much on the front line there was another side of the heat wave on the way in the program look at how european firefighters are relying on russian helicopters to battle some of blazes. still sitting in the opposite directions and never. makes the most evil human being and more. tough immigration law in arizona is being criticized across the united states for allowing racial profiling the law that said to come into force later this month allows the police to stop and search people who are just suspected of being illegal immigrants critics say will lead to the targeting of ethnic groups supports the law will protect jobs. in
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california found out if illegals are gone they'll be no one to replace the. california. immigrant workers are picking the food consumed by millions of americans and people around the world. it's a bank breaking job not everyone is fit to do most of these workers arrived in the united states illegally so far as central america and many are oblivious to the political firestorm centered around them you know what's happened here for leave and you're going to leave any time i mean all of this is about lawful citizens versus illegal invaders if you want to build a fifty foot fence i'm in favor of the fifty five million illegal immigrants in the united states. those could be american jobs those could be tax paying jobs but some industries especially california agriculture businesses don't want americans
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working for them. which translates into workers needed a spanish language sign definitely aimed towards immigrant workers a foreign based workforce that's making sure that. make it to your table there's no need for interviews or long applications undocumented immigrants simply show up at a field and they're hired many people including former president george w. bush i mean immigrant workers do the jobs americans have to do at a farm in oxnard a city just north of los angeles neighbors. the average american could step in their shoes not even for a day. to hire a. white person is too hard. i haven't seen any american here working here in the fields said he'll get it all came into this country illegally through the southern california desert he makes a dollar ninety for every box of strawberries he feels and now in an effort to
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employ out of work americans and obviously to prove a point the united farm workers union is embodied in american citizens to take the jobs of these farm workers wouldn't be surprised if after a day or two they find themselves appreciating those who are taking the jobs we stop by the unemployment office to find out if people who are out of work would be willing to take the job of an immigrant farm worker a farmer came up. as a farm worker. and now. if i had a job that got me out there got me some exercise but no heavy lifting at least eleven dollars and up i would take it but i doubt that it's usually a lot of heavy lifting it doesn't pay too much there farmers and they're willing to pay slave labor of course they have. conservative radio host tony katz is among the growing number of supporters immigration crackdown he thinks the threat to the u.s.
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isn't just financial it over this is about people who may be coming with diseases we've already eradicated bring them back into the united states america has paid a significant price because of illegal immigration eric spence is the founder of we support arizona dot com he thinks americans will take the job of farm worker because an american will do what it takes to feed their family according to the united farm workers so far only three people have taken up their offer to take immigrant jobs in los angeles. r t. john romano's also a conservative he's an author and a human rights activist reverend graham and hagel are two of them crossed swords on the issue in our washington studio saying if the new strict immigration law is justified. the whole argument is around the issue of scarcity when you've got all of these folks on employed all of a sudden you've got to look for a scapegoat for the reason why folks are employed but that's not the reason why
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folks ought employ the reason folks on employed is because of the way the economic system was structured wasn't regulated fell apart now the issue that you need to understand is that there's always been this country because of the capitalist system or a race to try to produce more or less that has always been the case so what happens is that you ended up basically outsourcing it's not that folks took jobs we gave away jobs we gave away jobs right there on the mexican border when we passed nafta and we passed caf to all the free trade agreements it was so that people of corporations based in the united states could escape all the kinds of regulations and all the kinds of labor laws that exist within the united states it's the illegals themselves who cause trouble as well as the businesses i mean business is not innocent here business is cost and the american taxpayer billions of dollars are skirting labor laws openly saying reverend reverend how do you respond about i want an encore again just a semantically question one is i don't call anyone a legal because there is no human being that is illegal they may be undocumented
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get the accent or a better but it's a theological point of view to understand theological points of views and i guess that's why it's so hard because i don't have a reverend if you haven't already what you're talking about in terms of their anti immigrant for is a new word for racism and what you're really talking about are keeping people in the shadows so that people can continue to be manipulated by corporate entities and you never look at the kinds of international policies that the united states has created another place that creates a false immigration to the united states in the first place and the reverend can say that all he wants but the it's the word illegal it does count if you're breaking the law you know there is such a thing as illegal immigration the left is doing everything they can to change the fight from illegal immigrant to immigrant the law that has been passed that has been passed in the soon to be implemented in arizona really opens the door to racial profiling because if you believe almost. i would attract one of the things you know everybody always say well the police can stop anybody without a reasonable cause well there's always reasonable cause when it comes to people of color to get stop you driving to shining
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a car that's reasonable cause you look like you're in the wrong neighborhood but that's always the issue this is just a new new new form of racism i just want to ask the reverend question should there be any border law or should anyone be allowed to come here at any time for any reason and stay as long as they want the united states i just cannot get some clarity on that from here sir well the issue is i mean yes of course you want to have some regulation to the border but it needs to be home it needs to be jass it needs to really deal with where you're going as a country and also need to take into account the kind of policies that you have put in place and other countries that creates a forced economic immigration stories of interest to you plenty of got involved in the debate on our forum with the dot com we're asking you as well what you think do you believe immigrants are taking american jobs here are some thoughts new coming in from simple simple say there's nothing wrong in people coming to the u.s. to work i'd like to see people who want to get rid of immigrants try to do more bay do that's exactly what the point of saying as well killing of more calls for all
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immigration to be banned he says a country should protect its heritage by not allowing foreigners to settle. things should be no borders anyway now it takes just to fly anywhere in the world why should it take days or weeks to get permission to travel to from pandas written in panda says thousands of lost their jobs during the recession so jobs should be given to those who will never pay taxes again that reporters will let us know what you think go to a forum section r.t. don't comb. so we'll do so in brief b.p. says the massive house was on its ruptured well in the gulf of mexico appears to be holding the cap was stopped the flow of oil into the sea for the first time since the disaster was caused by nick. splosion to rig an april pressure testing is now being carried out and engineers are checking to see if there are no further weeks at all schools affected hundreds of miles of coastline and seriously damage the
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region's economy. the sixteen people have been killed in northwest pakistan after militants ambushed a convoy of passenger buses the vehicles were travelling to the city push out with an escort from security forces when militants opened fire five people are reported to have been killed on the spot there it's believed the rest died in hospital this is the heat across europe so really caused severe droughts and created a significant fire hazard to among the most effective tools used for extinguishing of some of fires especially adapted russian helicopters and as the temperatures have been rising so too has been the demand for these choppers his mirror for national picks up the story tonight it's every year hundreds of thousands of hatteras of spanish flies disappear the reason fire and. the combination of the hard drive climate and human negligence often creates an unstoppable force resulting in a national catastrophe. but now it may have man it's match. serving on the front
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line for many years russian firefighting helicopters are among the best and spain has welcomed their arrival we know that this is the best thirty quarter for five folks here and. you're going to be fighting is a very very important market and the come up right it's the start of the fight in houston that we have this particular fire fighting helicopter the russian k. thirty two is capable of carrying up to five tons of water it takes just ten seconds for the crew to feel it's huge container here it is and just fifteen seconds to drop it on to a fire so it's rather quick which is extremely important but this isn't the only feature that makes this russian models turned out. ok since you wrote is not enough as it directions and no tail rotor makes the mission more stable here in. the stability and accuracy also guarantees safety for firemen
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both on the ground and in the air at least tires that even at the if you sent over fire with flames reaching the helicopters kill she always feels safe. it's made in russia but it works perfect here in london it's easy to control easy to maneuver it's not afraid of strong winds when others can't even takeoff it continues to work it's an ideal helicopter to work in emergency situations as they say it's gone through fire and vice versa i didn't like it but now it's my favorite pilots say the case cities are always the last helicopter to leave a mission area ten russian kafeel cities are already a feature in the skies over spain which to me join the ranks of the country's army and as the spanish star mine testifies their presence could be of critical importance. alekhine to severe pain. good to know those machines around it well from the skies above us back down to earth in fact underground surely this week's moscow tops on the city's famous metronet. network
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with those modern andrews even taking some lessons in driving a train to perish the thought. walk up to our platform now this is what i mean the for the but also metro train like a lot. of red square in the kremlin it's one of the main tourist attractions in the capital a must see for any visitor. yes so we can out since time will show within about ten minutes time after all the latest financial news next with korea. hello and welcome to business good to have you with us russia has a long awaited law and sided trading the new rules are intended to define illegal
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trading and what sort of punishment should be handed out to those who cross the line i guess the question all reports. in the film wall street's by oliver stone gordon gekko makes billions by insider trading but the character that told the world greed is good gets his comeuppance the long arm of the will finally gets its hands on the antihero and we presume strips him of his wealth and send him to prison here in russia the gordon gekko's of this world have much less to worry about until now after ten long years of talks it sends a load dedicated to stamping out insider trading is finally ready for presidential approval i leave you going former head of the russian market regulator he says this step is not only significant for the proper function of the stock market but also have implications for the whole economy which is having a little though is not enough it also needs to be plight i look you can believes
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the russian market regulator is currently too small to take on the tosk and the core system is too complicated but the chairman of am damn sees a way out there's a. lot of bad because it's a serious political. special responsible for. issues connected to the stock market like some special. according to the latest research around fifty five percent of people involved in the securities market admitted to the selective disclosure of information lawyer over us says the new law would bring the country a step closer to international norms and will in hans's reputation as a place to do business just another sign off for the contrary. to be a little bit more civilized than previously the government's ambition to turn
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moscow into an international financial center has become something of a mantra much of the infrastructure is in play. the new business district leaders since scrapes to school i just assume point for investors is the theory money is as safe as the next person's and for that they need to protection of the law i do question our moscow better than expected financial results from american companies provided much of the driving force for the markets this week underage again the head of research of forbes club explains the impact they had all russian share prices these news determine to main trends or the markets and most of the week markets today we saw a sort of short correction and we hope that this positive trend to build big continuing during the next three and the season of corporate finance results is going to be hold that the results of the second quarter of the american corporate
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sector will be better than the same results of the second quarter last year russia is suffering from its worst drought in more than a decade in a state of emergency has been declared in sixteen agricultural regions some climate scientists believe the heat wave may be just the beginning of many years of hot dry weather. reports this could lead to a radical change in russian farming practices. central russia here over seventy percent of the green harvest has been destroyed by the drought but because russia normally produces a surplus and weather conditions have been more normal in siberia the country would next period a green shortage these here however this might not always be the case if the summer heat waves become a more permanent fixture as some climatologists expect some use out of water poured a piece of ice for the roasted holes accounting is published a study suggesting that from the late seventy's to two thousand and eight in
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georgia cool period with plenty of rain now russia is entering a warm dry phase as the last two years prove and it will last until two thousand and twenty six two thousand and thirty. the hottest year in the cycle expected to come over the next five years this could be enough to change the face of russian agriculture as farmers are unable to survive on the poor yield from their land over a longer timescale a prolonged period of dry weather is likely to force farmers to change their crops turning russia from green producer indian culture the green bean and crops. of cultivated land from green which currently stands at fifty percent drop down to twenty percent indeed this produces is already happening in some regions. of the last year's drought we gave up most of the dry land on the left banks of the river we continue to cultivate the right bank decreasing from one hundred twenty thousand
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to forty thousand hectares. today's blistering temperatures might become the norm in a few years' time if some climate change scientists to are to be believed they knew weather conditions well in evitable force change in agriculture with some crops becoming non-viable in a previously for areas with its vast plains the south of the country may no longer be the breadbasket of russia instead it might become the he'll of beans or even worse the dust basket. zinaida middle business r.t. that's all we have for this edition of business r.t. but you can always find most stories on our website artie dot com slash best.
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did i kill innocent kid a was it a call of course and that's never answered it. i'm a song from the school spoke with me i think of it every day. of the flies fired from the memories. of so much so a long time i'm just here trying to help. i was. i was ashamed that i didn't. i was ashamed that i hadn't
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a clue. why i got my arm i got my legs. in the my. car like don't be out. there i'll believe what i was going on once or i think. that i was a good soldier. but now most soldier on the other side and i think i'm just as good . ninety nine the. train carries away the russian empires gold reserve. to save it from the soviets. five hundred tons of gold. dozens of colored. six hundred. roubles. the
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crane still awaited the arrival station. a century long way. the mystery of the golden train on. for the full story we've got it for us the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. if.
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someone from phones to. screw starts on t.v. dot com. these are all top stories. to host the international aids conference on sunday a group of scientists challenge the conventional view on whether disease comes from they say they don't believe h.i.v. is the only cause for aids which kills more than two million people every year. if much of your group bus. a heat wave record breaking temperatures have also been felt here in russia too threatening crops and forcing people to find new ways to keep cool. rizzo's tough new immigration laws have been causing fresh debates across the u.s. .


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