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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 17, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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this is r.c. with me you'll love it thanks for joining us experts and scientists from around the world amazing get it this weekend to debate ways of fighting and preventing aids which kills over two million people yet there's a here is debate within the medical community with some dissenting doctors questioning the mainstream view that the age hiv virus is the only cause of the disease also a south reports now from vienna. eighteenth international aids conference will begin and head in vienna bringing together around twenty five thousand policymakers scientists community work is activists and people living with hiv to discuss the latest developments in the stills but right now there's a t day conference going on looking also tentative definitions and treatments of hiv and aids when the aids epidemic first hit the headlines in the one nine hundred eighty s. it caused widespread panic for the singer he was one of the first diagnoses when it was a terrifying experience for information was just. chatroom
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. so rich or even the first thought was to. be. considered the first. degree murder charge since the discovery of aids three decades ago it's estimated a twenty five million people have died from the disease they've a sixty million people infected in that time according to the united nations u.s. scientists identified hiv as a cause and developed a successful test to detect its presence but this has itself been a subject to scientific disagreement some believe there are different causes of aids not just take hiv and cause doubt in the standard aids test which is based on detecting the presence of the hiv virus whilst you might think there are only a small number of scientists who doubt they hate hiv aids they're a pair the conference is
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a list of around two thousand five hundred names although scientists challenge the classic definition some to have different visas to treatment author and his doctor will turn it if they're paid to conventional aids fighting drugs so strong is his belief in these other treatment methods that he's written a twenty three years positive based on his experiences. primary somber deserve an explanation for certain things work reforms or could live for. troops. still want to transfer from so far as this dissenting from the conventional view that hiv causes a city can face a thousand hostility from the scientific peer is not agreeing with the mainstream hiv theory of aids has even been compared to holocaust denial include a crime against humanity a science that there's a life has to have the permission to question a certain model of thinking. theory of thinking you know you don't bring in here
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a dying patient so that we have to act immediately and give him something we are discussing here we're scientists and medical doctors why should we not be able to discuss i'm very astonished at the reaction is sometimes so aggressive so that the official aids two thousand and ten conference will be one of the most widely watched aids events in the world every day some of the topics the likely to be discussed will be access to treatment as well as need technologies and hate hiv and injection drug now organizers have titled the conference right here right now which they say emphasizes the central importance of protecting and promoting human rights as a prerequisite to successful response to the problem. and my colleague kevin owen spoke to christiane fiala a medical doctor who disagrees that there's a global aids epidemic. there is no epidemic in europe there is no epidemic in the
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united states and in africa aids is mainly renaming poverty related diseases and as a clinician i find it just not helpful and what it all comes down to ask you so you are you disagreeing with the u.n. aid you disagreeing with the world health organization both a very respectable organizations that do have the finger on the polls that say no it is an epidemic. what respectable they are about obviously they are and obviously they are driven by interests and we saw that just last year with this mass vaccination for flu and now in reach respect it is it's become obvious that they were driven by pharmaceutical interests and the same i'm afraid to say is true for hiv it's a huge movement mainly driven by pharmaceutical interests your really basically saying people if they do hiv in shouldn't worry maybe should we go for a test or they believe they put themselves at risk on all what you saying is what
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you say almost criminal in some ways well i'm sorry to contradict you i'm not believing i'm going back to the facts and the facts tell the people who test positive for various reasons even the producer of the tests are not aware of a standard to verify presence or absence of hiv antibodies in human blood and quote that's what you find in the product information even people who test positive not necessarily come down with aids even after twenty or twenty five years reading effect and acting according to facts but independent no more pharmaceutical interests and that's what i think what all doctors should do regardless of the majority are not. a hate wave in moscow has smashed a record for the hottest day ever in the city with the sizzling temperatures. calls still so if a father similar to his own such a day hates such
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a five degrees centigrade that's ninety five degrees fahrenheit in the warmest week in seventy years and there's been tragedy however some have sought to cool down in the sweltering hate with two hundred drownings reported across washington the record temperatures are expected to last for at least another week in most cases but have already destructive power supply as a whole the cost of the metro wants something is it properly almost a one thousand wildfires across the country surprisingly few or however that a year ago and it's been good news for some one russian region has introduced a siesta while siberia is cold a sport there hyannis coach shivered in minus fifty degrees out of this year is almost over eighty five degrees warmer basking in a record thirty one centigrade but it's also his tests that are similar for some and will screw the weather is an excuse for fun and the sun. was. right just lying around and that was behind me. rather
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than my work. i do know. how. people are. like that was. how it was. was. there. were exactly how much was it was it. was. while most provides for owning and fountains in the boiling heat european firefighters are battling the fun summer blazes and later in the program we'll see the help they got from specialist russian helicopters. but it. still seems to me today it is moving in opposite directions and taking makes the
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mission more stable period and more. tough new immigration law is due to become a reality within a fortnight in arizona are facing a late legal challenge from the american government the department of justice has filed a lawsuit to stop the act from coming into force on july the twenty ninth while five other states plan similar laws however the measures would allow police to stop and question people they reasonably suspect of being illegal immigrants critics say it will mean targeting of ethnic minorities but supporters believe american jobs must be protected from illegal workers from all reports from. southern california these immigrant workers are picking the teats consume millions of americans and people around the world. it's a backbreaking job not everyone is fit to do most of these workers right in the united
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states illegally so from as far as central america and many are oblivious to the political firestorm centered around it you know what's happened here for labor and you're going to leave any time i mean this is about lawful citizens versus illegal invaders if you want to build a fifty foot fence up in favor of the fifty foot fence you know there's a living million illegal immigrants in the united states. those could be american jobs those could be tax paying jobs but some industries especially california agriculture businesses don't want americans working for them. which translates into workers needed a spanish language sign definitely aimed towards immigrant workers a foreign based workforce that's making sure that. make it to your table there's no need for interviews or long applications undocumented immigrants simply show up at a field and they're hired many people including former president george w. bush i mean immigrant workers do the jobs americans to do at a farm in oxnard
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a city just north of los angeles neighbors. the average american could step in their shoes even for a day. to hire a. white person to. i haven't seen any american here working here in the fields said he'll get it all came into this country illegally through the southern california desert he makes a dollar ninety for every box of strawberries he feels in an effort to employ out of work americans and obviously to prove a point the united farm workers union is embodying american citizens to take the jobs of these farm workers wouldn't be surprised if after a day or two they find themselves appreciating those who are taking the jobs we stop by the unemployment office to find out if people who are out of work would be willing to take the job of an immigrant farm worker if
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a farmer came up. as a farm worker. and now. that. if i had a job that got me out there got me some exercise but no heavy lifting at least eleven dollars and up i would take it but i doubt that it's usually a lot of heavy lifting it doesn't pay too much they're farmers and they're willing to pay slave labor of course they have. conservative radio host tony katz is among the growing number of supporters to crack down he thinks that threat to the u.s. isn't just financial and over this is about people who may be coming with diseases we've already eradicated bring them back into the united states america has paid a significant price because of illegal immigration and their expense is the founder of the support arizona dot com he thinks americans will take the job the storm work because an american will do what it takes to feed their family according to the united farm workers so for only three people have taken up there are to take in the
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green jobs in los angeles. archie. i need to join the debate on our foremost i t don't call and we're asking whether you believe immigrants are unfairly taking jobs from americans or not and here are some of you who share your thoughts with us so it will says there's nothing wrong with people going to the u.s. to work i'd like to see people who want to get rid of immigrants try to do what they have to do. most calls for all of the great interview and it's as a country should protect its heritage by not allowing foreigners to settle but to help taurus things there should be no borders a tour takes just hours to fly anywhere in the world why should it take days or weeks to get permission to travel and ponder says thousands have lost their jobs and homes during the recession so why should not be given to those who don't pay taxes so to add your voice to this is a four page ad after you got home. it's exactly ninety years since the bolsheviks
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executed the last a russian tsar nicholas the second and his family and later in the program we talked to his story and helen rappaport who's written a book about their last days after extensive new research. some people think they were just lined up in a row bang bang bang it was not like that it was a drug for ill conceived. q. to murder you can't say it was an execution it was brutal because you know you're also didn't plan it he didn't check out whether they were these guys were good shots they didn't check the guns they had a mixture of some efficient guns browning's and colts and also old army issue not guns which probably didn't work they didn't count the fact they were killing eleven people in a small dark basement room which rapidly became full of acrid smoke noise panic hysteria people screaming and running around it was an absolute catastrophe because
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they then had to brutally finish them off the only one of them the family really who had a quick death was actually nicholas because the minute the order came to fire they all wanted to take pot pot shot at the star of course so they could say well i shot nicholas. and now it's time for other stories making news around the world a big piece out of the public's ruptured well in the gulf of mexico appears to be holding tight stemming a disastrous deep sea oil leak for the first time since april or oil has a gushed into the sea after an explosion in which eleven died at a b.p. operate it read three months ago pressure tests have been successful so far but engineers are still checking for further leaks america's worst ever environmental disaster has seen oil washed up on hundreds of miles of coastline also causing serious economic damage. at least sixteen people have been killed in northwest pakistan after militants ambushed
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a convoy of passenger buses the vehicles were traveling to the city of the shiela with a security force escort when gunmen opened fire five people are reported to have failed to have been killed on the spot and it's believed the rest died in hospital that tackles in the area where there has been intense military operations by pakistani forces against islamic insurgents. the european union's foreign policy chief says. it wasn't located less and to let the region's economy prosper catherine ashton also called in the meantime for a further easing away zero three year old blockade to improve the life of ordinary gardeners israel recently relax its blockade to allowing more consumer goods about badly needed construction materials are still behind ashton also direct talks between israeli and palestinian leaders. much of europe is sweltering in a record breaking heat away welting crops and causing severe forest fire as greek emergency services are battling several dangerous blazes the first of the yad while
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the two large forest fires have raged near the capital asked for funds by strong winds forcing some people to flee their homes and there's also he's a lawyer for national reports russian helicopters are among the most effective weapons and called biting someone five. every year hundreds of thousands of have to reserve spanish forest disappear the reason. the combination of the hot dry climate and human negligence often creates an unstoppable force resolve to an international catastrophe. but now we may have met its match. serving on the front line for many years russian firefighting helicopters are among the best and spain has welcomed their arrival we know that this is the best for five folk here and. you know in spain for the fighting is very very important market and the come of it it's the start of the fighting system that we have this particular fire fighting
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helicopter the russian cave thirty two is capable of carrying up to five tons of water it takes just ten seconds for the crew to feel its huge container here it is and just fifteen seconds to drop it onto a fire so it's rather quick which is extremely important but this isn't the only feature that makes this russian models turned out. to be certain to just move enough as it directions and no tail rotor makes the machine more stable here in every drop that they stability and accuracy also guarantees safety for firemen both on the ground and in the air at least has that even at the if you sent over fire with flames reaching the helicopters q she always feels safe. it's made in russia but it works perfect here in and it's easy to control easy to maneuver it's not afraid of strong winds when others can't even takeoff it continues to work it's an ideal helicopter to work in emergency situations as they
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say it's gone through fire and vice versa i didn't like it but now it's my favorite pilot say take a fast cities always the last helicopter to leave a mission area ten russian kafeel cities are already a feature in the skies over spain was to move to join the ranks of the country's army and as the spanish sar mine testifies their presence could be of critical importance. alekhine to severe pain. it's exactly ninety two years on sunday as the bolsheviks executed the last russian emperor and he goes the second and his family deaths and three centuries of rule by the roman of dignity in a moment our exclusive interview with historian helen rappaport whose expert research has been turned into a book the last days of the. i
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mean the over. today i'm in oxford with helen rappaport she's an expert on the russian imperial family particularly the last days of that arm on us who were assassinated in a pattern both during the bolshevik revolution helen rappaport thanks very much for talking to r.t. now you focus on the last thirteen days of that i'm honest lives in your classroom but why did you choose that period well when i looked at the stories of. the end of the dentistry i suddenly realised that although we knew the broad span of
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nicholas's rain and the overall story no one had looked at any great detail in those final few days particularly new courtroom berg and the main reason for that was because until the collapse of communism there was no access to some of the important eyewitness testimonies by the guards and your crew for your oscar who was in charge of the parts of the city was in a terrible state of panic the bolsheviks were basically taking everything they could out of your culture a book that was worth anything because it was the center of the mining industry so it was gold semi precious minerals and they wanted to get that all out before the city file so in terms of taking the imperial family there what do you think the saw for example must've felt when he knew they were going to. because your book had a large factory and industrial population a very heavily politicized workers who were very loyal bolsheviks and the sars
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heart sank when he was told that he was going to be taken there he said i would go anywhere but if you catch him but because the people there are so against me once the family arrived in a pattern back they lived in increasingly horrible circumstances they were actually told the minute they arrived you are now entering a prison regime and there was a big difference between how things were in some polls square they had a relative degree of freedom to move about to go to church to go outside to see people in the outside world the awful thing that happened when they arrived at you catherine but they're immediately greeted by a place surrounded by an enormous stockade a wooden stockade was built right around the house the windows were painted white so the family once they're inside that house could not see the outside world they were denied newspaper several tonight letters and parcels no visitors so they were
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effectively cut off and what kind of family were they at that stage well they were incredibly close knit family very devoted to each other and i think the thing that one of the fundamental things that held them so closely together was they had this very deep very profound orthodox faith and also the girls in many ways were very immature for their age very on worldly they lived such a cuckoo life that the alexander palace in outside some petersburg and so it's made it more about yakov little ski he is often portrayed sort of maniac all murderer but in fact you sort of bring out a slightly more complex side to his personality while he was an absolutely ruthless cope blooded pragmatic dedicated bolshevik he was also a local checker man with the. precursor of what became the k.g.b. the the russian political secret service so he was there for a purpose he was sent in to enforce clamp down on the press and i say sion to
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really make the route regime there a very strict prison regime and effectively to prepare for what was now an increasing venture as he was that they might have to kill the family amongst the guards was there anything that they weren't going to go through with it yes absolutely just before they came to kill the family your oscar was issuing orders about who was supposed to kill whom they were all given an individual target and some of the guards immediately said we will not kill the girls and the number of killers in the end was reduced because of that and in fact the ultimate solution was putting all in a room and and killing them all together but that turned into a bloodbath didn't it and you've spoken to a forensic expert tell me what you what his opinion of what happened was well what concerned me was the terrible inefficiency with which they murdered them i mean some some people think they were just lined up in
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a row bang bang bang you're dead it was not like that it was a dreadful ill conceived ill executed murder you can't say it was an execution it was brutal because you know you're also didn't plan it he didn't check out whether they were these guys were good shots they didn't check the guns they had a mixture of some efficient guns browning's and colts and also old army issue not guns which probably didn't work they didn't account the fact they were killing eleven people in a small dark basement room which rapidly became full of acrid smoke noise panic hysteria people screaming and running around it was an absolute catastrophe because they then had to brutally finish them off the only one of them the family really who had a quick death was actually nicholas because the minute they. the order came to fire they all want to take pot pot shot at this hour of course so they could say well i shot nicholas so he died immediately but the others suffered horribly particularly
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the children now the deep that the murder of a family is often attributed to a sort of maverick branch of the kasserine bolsheviks but you believe that the order can be traced directly to lenin well lenin was very careful to always cover his tracks and he he never ever took responsibility for anything as controversial as the merger of the wrongness but he said categorically we must not have a living banner we must not have anyone surviving from the family around whom the counter-revolution could could gather and gain a you know gain gain power so the decision was made in moscow during meetings with dollars short in a man from the pattern book soviet he went back and forth quite a few times to moscow now got a shock and was very good friends with the arc of spirit law who was lenin's right hand man said lawful had worked as a bolshevik tate's for a new country but he knew the city he knew the bolsheviks there and i think
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fundamentally a tacit agreement was given by lenin that when the time came and the judgment of when that time came was left to the culture and bobos when they knew that the game was up and the city was going to fall to go in and kill more telegraph report thanks very much thank you. allies. of course and that's never a. song from the skull still with me i think of it every day. the flashbacks from the memory. of so much a long time. trying to tell. i was. i was ashamed that
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i. i was ashamed that i had been a hero why i got. what i was going on once or i think. that i was a good soldier. but most soldier on the other side and i think i'm just an. wealthy british. let's. find out what's really happening to the global economy. financial headlines to
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the headlines from the on scientists convene in vienna question the conventional medical view that the age hiv virus triggers a head of a major international conference to take place and this is he. as he says in the hague waves as hot as hot as downright court facing thirty five degrees centigrade or ninety five night. on without his own as tough new immigration law will do to come into cities within a fortnight questions are raised in the u.s. about the real contribution and legal migrants make doing what americans don't want to do the law which critics say will mean these targeting ethnic minorities places along station to go a legal challenge from the u.s. government. next our special report looks at what may.


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