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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 18, 2010 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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causing widespread crop failure forcing desperate farmers to seek state support. up next artie's special report explores one of the most intriguing miss of the so-called golden train the legend surrounding the story of train carrying the gold reserve of the russian empire but never reached its destination a life till today. russia celebrated deep sea submersibles covered quite a few secrets hidden under water. on one occasion a scientific expedition found traces of the so-called gold train which crashed into lake baikal in the early twentieth century. according to the scientists part of the russian empire as gold reserves is still to be still on the lake bed which is left of the old railway cause. some claim it lies a siberian ministry. others say it is even the way in case of the country's far
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east even now the czech republic. what happened to the both of the russian empires gold reserves which went missing in t. is one of the most ensuring myths of russian history. by cal is not the only place linked to the mystery of the russian empire as gold was foreclosed on the bed of the world's deepest lake may be the tip of the iceberg in the past century trainloads of gold went missing across the country the precious payloads travelled from west to east leaving a multitude of secrets and room is in their way. because it is a city eight hundred kilometers east of moscow. most of the russian empire as gold was set out on a long journey from this old city nearly
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a hundred years ago. the bolsheviks had seized power in russia often by nine hundred seventeen revolution the civil war was still raging and at that time there was fighting on the streets between the morning just wants movement and the bolshevik read all the power in the city changed hands many times this photo was taken in early nine hundred eighteen. the red army corps cavalry is marching victoriously along the streets of. the bolsheviks seized this building as a matter of priority at the time it was the cause of the national bank. nearly ninety years have passed since then but today too there is a bank behind the stores according to the bank's accounts there was some one thousand two hundred eighty tons of valuables here in the one nine hundred eighteen including gold platinum and silver today the gold alone would be worth more than
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twenty six billion dollars. through mountain time that russian gold reserve was one of the world's largest if not the largest he'll say had not yet accumulated. gold reserves it has no. transport. such a bulky and heavy call go was quite a problem the bolsheviks wasted no time laying tram tracks leading to the bank building the idea was to use trams to take the gold to the river pier this old picture shows. their street cars keep on the footpath because the rest of the pavement is occupied by tracks the could of least directly to the banks main entrance to the gold was to have been removed from the bike in just a few months to eighteen. what prevented people palatial dion's to the question is contained in the archive of all to live in professor of history at university he is
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drawn of witness reports to reconstruct that day's events almost in full could they be attributed to. one of the eyewitnesses who writes that trying to miss broad team self-worth meant to be smith's of the cousin bank only in the evening of august the fifth they were about to start removing valuables from the bank when the city was shelled by the enemy. when four trucks shipped them and fifty armed red army men back to the bank they started moving gold out despite the shelling but they could take out only a hundred crates with gold worth six million roubles and ninety five million rubles worth of my bank notes for. the war it's only in units of the so-called czechoslovak legion into. the seven from one nine hundred eighteen the. capital sent a telegram to only headquarters of the he visited the bank it said the trophies
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beyond all calculation we have seized russia's gold was of the whites were to repeat the bolsheviks mistake they made swift arrangements for the valuables to be taken out of to a safe distance from the front line. here in this yard they brought a card to the back yard that. and everybody capable of lifting heavy weights help shift those enormous loads. the goal was taken to the pool by trams and translated by the bolsheviks but they never have the opportunity to use them because it was guarded by the russian soldiers well the legion is from the czechoslovak cool with the first seize the bank. puzzle could have is a military historian as well as the president of the czechoslovak legion as memorial society but this is the standard uniform of the russian army worn cheering world
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war won but this one is the uniform of the service men of the chant brigade as can be seen from the accrington shorter strips the czech brigade was formed in the summer of nine hundred fourteen and we came to bases for the. russian school. during world war one russian emperor nicholas the second back to the idea of forming a military brigade consisting of czechs and slovaks living in russia the legion is what to fight on the side of the russian army against austria hungary and germany immediately after the nine hundred seventeen revolution the czech slovak legion gave support to the point movement in russia against the bolsheviks but equally janeiro's wanted was to get back to their home country these pictures from the colors of the military institute in prague they tell the story of the czechoslovak legions journey by rail from samoa to volleyball stuck in the country's east the
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gold train floor is the same route. just a lot actually koslow x. fought in a special sector of the front porch when admiral cole chuck seized power they took a neutral position and now they wanted to achieve their initial goal the aim was to get to let us talk with the intention of returning to europe this means that nobody but admiral cole charke had access to the gold reserve. the n.t. based should be government formed in siberia in live aid but no it's made team named alexander culture russia's head of state and supreme commander in chief of the home force of the whites movement culture took control of also the gold the whites had seized because. the bullshit culture offensive in the summer of ninety nine team forced culture expo me to retreat eastwards. with the train load of gold
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so telcel the journey through siberia called check this in his own personal carriage mix of the steam locomotive units of the trade slowed by dejan make sure the train had free passage throughout the route and that's why they were in control of the entire lake to translate period railway. professor of history prologues military institute has traced the route of the gold train based on military reports and accounts by officers of the czech slovak legion blocks in one thousand twenty officials from the ministry of finance a former sars to russia were constantly with the russian gold reserve travelling from cause to here could. this means they were in control of the gold in one way or another. of course there's much speculation about whether or not some of it was stolen from. the golden train called the long distance by nine hundred twenty
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the gold was taken from to some lower this. was placed on the train and sent from homes to go train to do good in the east of the country so we needed to train station it was discovered that a huge amount of the gold was missing by that time and culture exporters to go on to the gold trade was handed over to the czechoslovakia generis. ted it is a small station the train loaded with gold came here nearly ninety years ago so the team crates of bullion were found to be missing on january the twelve months hundred twenty eight days of the legionnaires began guarding the train. death was reported by nature koslow x. because the russian guards had disappeared so there was no one else who could report their theft some of the treasures had also disappeared it was discovered
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early in the morning by the chief khosla max standing guard. when they approached the carriage to find out what had happened they saw that the doors had been broken and that something was missing inside. this document refutes what historian pavel cutrone claims the report states a russian by the name of hsu called in a beijing official by the name of cousin discovered the absence of two seals in one of the carriages they also discovered that thirteen crates of gold were missing the report stresses that the carriages were in good order both inside and outside the documents wrists in the old clothes approx institute of military history. prague ligia bank was in this building years ago it was founded by the men of the czech slovak cool off to their return from russia in the one nine hundred twenty it
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was the first bank of the newly independent czech state. and its menu i'm sure thirteen creates wouldn't have made much difference today to cost the american economy what's really helped it was the fact that issued its own currency . the train with what was left of the russian emperors gold continued on its way to east to be or could come to that station in short crates which disappeared without a trace the next stop on the gold trains route would prove fatal for cultural.
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wealthy british style. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports. in conspicuous railway hope has a permanent place in the history of the gold of the russian empire today the station is called two but in general no one hundred twenty it bore the name. it was
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here that the offices of the czechoslovak legion a wrist of their russian admiral called check on this unremarkable platform he and his colleagues were locked up in the small house and would then handed over to the revolutionaries in this way they were given safe passage to a port of blood of both so they could sail home. to their channel slovaks surrendered culture to centrist revolutionaries in their coats they wanted to have them put on trial. with the arrival of the bolsheviks they deposed the centrists arrested culture and executed him. having played their role to be. secu sion about to check the chicks live at the gym is resumed the journey in the direction of the folder flooded. now the question is where did the gold and they looking for it in the lake baikal.
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this story and alexander. who lived in the body call area hole lloyd's they are sure the quite a sizeable part kolchak's gold ended up in the lake off to one of the trains crashed that train was moving along the railway. train was it the where was it carry that go to according to alexander to make this theory the also slowly in a contract made between the czechs live like an engine is and the bolsheviks cutin agreement. regarding to the kilted agreement half of russia's gold reserves that villagers seized from culture shock was to be handed over to the bolsheviks while legionnaires kept the other half as
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a result russia acquired thirteen carriages and the czechoslovak stock seventeen. the chick historian disagrees with the theory of his russian counterpart to the truce agreement was signed it station as a result of the truce the russian gold reserve was handed over to the government led by lenin. the treasurer was in the state that it had been while in call chocks custody with the exception of the thirteen crates that had disappeared and station . to the link and even called the distance several times before one hundred twenty kilometers it's a. this locomotive they are looking for evidence that the golden train controlled by the czechs did indeed crash was that after the agreement had been signed the
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chicas love x. headed on eastwards with the gold quite a common indeed it however turned out lennon had signed a telegram ahead to local followers in your cool school at the last moment and you know his message was obliged to blow up the tunnels and bridges and care of the cracks not a single gram of the gold was to be allowed to go any further east. to prove my cold will wait the world's most dangerous routes and one saw it there was sheer cliffs. there are frequent slides here this enormous piece of rock sticking out of the lake being what caused the crash. the driver of the steam locomotive tools event. was still young. according to the driver the rope fragment crashed into the train just when the locomotive that into the tunnel. just some of the train cars to remain on the tracks
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like others fell in the direction of pike home. one of the carriages was on the bank after being ripped apart crates were taken out of it. in the summer of two thousand and two the linker and other scientists still said that the sent to the bed of late i called on board amid deep sea submersible from here as it did one thousand four hundred metres they found a great carriages and post objects resembling crates this picture shows them in great detail childes as all of those crates were filled with gold. he has done this with under the firm reports indicate that several trains carry the goal of the location of the carriages elemental crates that were so heavy that they couldn't be moved coincides with a crash site because the. people in submersibles for only been able to examine the
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lake bed dragging up heavy objects are an altogether different vessel yes a bus stop it if the search for gold is caught on a strictly scientific basis success may be achieved. in the east bound train carrying the gold reserve by pulse the siberian city however isn't this building that a trace of the so-called siberian share of culture x. gold was found in one nine hundred ninety one. the building used to house the local branch of the soviet k.g.b. today belongs to russia's federal security service. alexander patrician of the k.g.b. he was looking through secret stating from the civil war when he came across a document pertaining to the nine hundred twenty s. it contained a description of the medal stand before culture came to power the new medals the
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inscription liberation of siberia. knew the medals had already been stamped more than mapped out so they were made of precious metals he ordered them to be added to his gold reserves although most of that is to say the russians called reserve. he said it should be kept in church basements in temple other additions included church on a month and possibly valuables belonging to the family a former russian empire. there are two cases between moscow and to balls to go this is a historical russian city it was founded in the sixteenth century and it used to be the capital of siberia with the with siberian ocean of culture x. gold kept of where did it end. there are many streets and churches around to poles according to alexander patricians theory the siberian
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portion of culture gold was hidden in one of them's the street is several kilometers from tobolsk during the civil war. of tobolsk one of his residency is here. with some of the church valuables and valuables and belonging to the siberian white movement were kept here in the monastery it is now being restored look what it feels like. you know you find a lot of metal yes we have lots of. i find this quite intriguing and there is a lot of metal here because insurgents are taking part in the one nine hundred twenty one peasant revolt where executed here by this wall this one finds gold. and human bones here all in one place which was. cool alexander protrusion of the federal security service now retired because spent a good deal of time in search of culture x.
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gold his job gave him access to secret transcripts of interrogations relating to archbishop of tobolsk according to his testimony when the rebel army was perching to nine hundred nineteen culture and ordered the siberian gold be evacuated immediately. in october one thousand nine hundred ninety and. were loaded from the spare on to a steam ship called the kind of yak. early winter and there was alton cold weather compelled the convoy to hold on near the village of turner no close to sir good. course a lot of the valuable credits and deep in the woods it is not known where the cargo was left those treasures including the price of the liberation of siberia metals have not yet been found.
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for the golden train which is still the trans iberian railway trimmed includes the russians railways converge at the ready full stop in the country's east and situated no one thousand clueless away from. the trancelike area well wait a minute see the city one theory has it that russia's gold is a response city to call checks execution. this picture shows czechoslovak legionnaires waiting for that turn to him and ships in the pool to fly to full stop future to transport ships took some seventy thousand officers and men of the czech slew back to egypt to europe. members of the koslow ak army corps were cheering no more arms industry more time ships personal belongings. but even they were not allowed to exceed a certain weight limit with them and this seems to suggest that there was very little room in those ships therefore i cannot honestly believe that the concept of
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secure itself on a railway course would have been accommodated dear. this picture from the old cause of the military institution prologue shows legion is sitting on crates as they prepare for embarkation. and another photo shows large packages on the ships by what's in them the old like to be found. it's easiest to treasure hunters and got a full stop of all along the route of the gold train believe the part of culture x. was a is hit in some way here. see a game at the inn co-founder of the motor club began looking for the gold in two thousand and five after he met vic to show a local resident. of promise to take sergei to a cave where he said he had found gold bullion with a coat of arms of the russian empire impulse to only. see again his friends for c.
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difficile people's interest in them to do it's the finishing work of the sort of the following surrogate then made arrangements for the expedition to go. put up with that there was a hillside waste at the site and we used this knowledge to vader to dig up a stone after stone. and they excavated reached a flat surface made of cuts. it was easy to see that had been made by hand. well. it seems we can get in there we could find gold. only she. told me that he had seen stacks of gold bullion go to uni and paintings in teams and even some flags. seemed those were paintings because the tubes were quite wrong . to her but he touched nothing for fear of triggering a blast. team found nothing after two months of work
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later other treasure hunters literally collapse the cave to the ground vic to shoot more of the man who found the cave in the first place died under mysterious circumstances this raises the suggestion that he may indeed have found something valuable but whether that was part of the russian empire as gold reserve is still unknown. well must appear through looking for gold charts gold is something of a hobby for motor club members some evidence suggest that it is here in the primordial territory although screech in our nature. we are going to know more excavation work in the near future. in one thousand twenty the bolsheviks but some of the gold whites have taken from the state banks broach. in that system with the with when all is said and done it is a significant fact that the gold returned to this building after it siberian
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journey so it took several days to bring it here by trams and motivate them in october and nine hundred twenty the gold reserve was sent to moscow to prong must. in the early twentieth century trains carrying crosses the goal of the russian empire which was the country. every male in the fascination with cultural treasures. only to fire up again with renewed vigor many living along the route to gold trim and many other parts of russia claimed they know where the gold bullion is to. sit back withstanding these treasure hunts is a term to go on with. the mystery of the girl's disappearance has remained unsold the media hundred years.
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hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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well the latest headlines in the week's top stories international threat members of two terrorist cells have been arrested on suspicion of planning attacks on russian cities both groups are believed to have links with global terrorism. starting statistics three decades twenty five million deaths and over sixty million infections much to talk about at the international aids conference which starts today. and kidnap confusion in the us the media claims that an iranian scientist to says he was abducted by american secret services will spying for washington. drying up record high temperatures in russia causing widespread property were forcing desperate farmers to seek state support.


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