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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 18, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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hello and welcome to all seasons weekly review of our timeline story dissenting views in the medical community over what causes aids have come into sharp focus in vienna in advance of a conference on the disease tibet tended by twenty five thousand delegates in the city over two thousand doctors have been attending a separate gathering of challenging the established also look see that the virus is the only cause of aids some of them say that years are ignored by the mainstream bought by big pharmaceutical companies. has more from that will trim capital. they're questioning the validity of the common assumptions that are often associated with hiv and aids and they also question the traditional means of treatment with the with the aid with the drugs treatment not some of the more
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specific questions that they've raised in the last couple of days prior to the official conference and they've been holding their own talks things like the accuracy of the hate hiv test now a person's defined as having a if they develop one of the twenty nine a finding diseases those are things such as pneumonia and laces and as well as that test positive for hiv hiv so a positive or negative hiv test can mean the difference between someone being diagnosed with pneumonia or being diagnosed with aids if they're calling into question the reliability of this very important another thing they've been talking about is about the safety and effectiveness of the aids drug treatment now for more on this we can hear from journalist jane shanta from the community resource foundation of the state us about conventional treatment has actually caused the death of a whole generation of young gay men in america when they were on the high doses of aids and tea that is well documented not one single young man or woman and there
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were a few women who took the high doses of aids their d. has survived many many others have survived who haven't taken the antiviral and many have survived who have taken antivirals at times to damp down what essentially is an immune suppression for many many different reasons so it's extremely important to be challenging this hypothesis which of course is tied up with hundreds and billions of thousands of dollars of international money which have led to absolutely no result the people that are here at this conference today and over the next week they're extremely reluctant to even enter into a discussion about these alternative views. we've been trying to talk to some of the people that are here but they're really focused on the agenda of this conference and they're saying that this conference is about drawing together the best of the medical minds in the global community and really focusing on ways in
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which provide universal access to hiv prevention which is what they're all here for as we said they're not even really willing to enter into a discussion. of my colleague on his head but spoke to expose currently again alan burstein from the global vaccine and rise and julian assange doctor who questions the official hiv aids. and nobody could give me the paper. he is isolated in the way scientists. are asking for it since the seventy years since the seventy's the other thing is that there exist doesn't exist any paper that shows if a chevy is existing how it is doing a special situation to use their data is a fully different thing as in the western countries so-called western countries and the so-called developing cost in countries in africa. south america and so on
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so it is it doesn't fit in a normal virus disease because viruses only can make a very few things they are not so intelligent to do so many things it doesn't fit in a viral cause ok let's see mr best in that what's your reaction to the. well a couple of points the first point to win races has never been isolated well that's simply not true the virus has been isolated it's been molecularly cloned using d.n.a. cloning technologies it's been sequenced literally thousands of times from different individuals infected with the virus and so it's simply isn't true to say it's never an isolated secondly. nor knows the virus causes of you know the fish and sea it's also not true we know very well how each of you works now let's just hear from dr spock if we think we can i would say that it's true that hiv is cloned
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thousands of times but cloning means to take something from a clone if it is a clone you have to have the original and original is never never shown in any paper. you're watching on c.n.n. still to come on the program the government apology apologize for the deadly ball paul ghastly watson demond the glass found blame for the disaster over twenty five years ago is brought to justice. and also a religious controversy a clash between the church and also has of an exhibition these talkies ations overturned to solve its style censorship. eleven people have been killed and nine are in hospital after a bus lunched off a cliff in the mountainous region of south ossetia the boss was on its way to the southern russian city of logic of cars when it left the road and fell over six to
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me says police are investigating if a lorry which might have been in the wrong lane could have forced the boss off the road the tragedy happened on the trans caucasian highway connecting russia's republic of north sh here with south georgia the driver is in a critical condition. teen age would be so sad boma goals were among eight people arrested and a counter terror operation in the southern russian republic of dagestan guns grenades and lost whales were among items found by russian security services with girls as young as fifteen saying they were trained by their terrorist husbands aussie's catarina reports. so young but deemed old enough one of the alleged terrorist change in the russian republic of the gives them is just fifteen years old that according to officials did not stop her from taking part in planning terrorist attacks she and the other woman were allegedly trained by their husbands . my late husband left the guns here i've held
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a gun i know how to fire one but i've never done it i know how to use a grenade to. yes i'm fifteen years old and new there were guns in the house i even helped them played around with them and then put them back they all say their handling of the weapons was just curiosity but the wills suicide belts and elements of disguise found in their homes seem to tell a different story the childish handwriting and hearts make it hard to believe these women were capable of the deadly deeds their cues dove many psychologists worldwide however believe it is easier to set women on such a destructive course because they are more vulnerable. to terrorists disgraced these women raped them deprive them of a better future in the muslim society of the caucasus their psychologically shattered in our lives would nor their choice but to become cannon fodder one of the men detained in the same raid is accused of something even more tangible than
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planning future attacks bring to moscow the two female suicide bombers who in march two thousand and ten set off explosions in the metro the two blasts within twenty minutes of each other took place during morning rush hour forty people died and nearly two hundred more. were injured russia's anti terrorist committee is still searching for others involved in the deadly attacks with these latest arrests officials say they are once took closer to finding not only the executers but the mastermind behind the entire operation all the people detained in the russian republic of the sun continue to maintain their innocence but the anti-terrorist committee believes it has more than enough evidence to make its case catherine is our art boss. just a few days later french police have announced they detained three ethnic chechens on charges of conspiring with terrorists moscow says they belong to the group led by an infamous militant leader dog of their arrests were made on july the fifth to paul from russian security services the suspects reportedly had carried firearms
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explosives and were preparing new strikes in moscow metro the group is believed to be linked to dhaka mara one of the most wanted militant leaders with suspected connections with al qaida marv who claimed responsibility for organizing the deadly mostly letter of loss in march is also blamed for many other toxic cross russia in june the u.s. also put him on a wanted list of international terrorists. they fractured relationship between the u.s. and iran another spike this week as the country's traded allegations of a nuclear scientist a mary the iranian expert he returned home last thursday says he was kidnapped by the cia held for fourteen months and tortured to reveal information about the country's nuclear program and he also claims he was asked to confess to being an intelligence agent so the u.s. could swap him with her american is being held in iran on a spanish charges washington denies that's american media and while it's reported
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that a miriam's action at a u.s. spy for years working undercover as a terror on a university his christian first into the case. the looming question in this case how did the iranian scientists sure rama miri get to the united states one person has. already answered that question sure amiri himself but his answers completely contradict one another in this video a man who says he sure rama miry says he's in tucson arizona and was kidnapped by agents from the cia and saudi arabian intelligence agency he claims he was tortured a few hours later though this video is released a man who looks the same and also says he is sure amiri claims he is here to further his education the u.s. state department seems to agree with that statement he is here of his own volition that he has chosen to return to iran of his own volition that is how we do things here in the united states we didn't we didn't seize him and bring him here
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that we're not preventing him from returning to iran this building is the pakistani embassies office representing iranian interests the old iranian embassy in washington sits empty because there's no longer a diplomatic relationship between the united states and iran according to reports coming out of iran for amiri arrived here monday night he told those inside he was quote brought here by his captors and demanded an immediate return to iran. i was told that if i would confess they could swap me for three american spies who had been detained at the iran iraq border they said that this was a common process between countries intelligence agencies and that i wouldn't have any problems. as media outlets waited outside for a glimpse of something those at the state department press briefing bickered about what this all means. other than knowledge that put videos up only on you tube from time to time i actually have no knowledge about what he's been doing since he's
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been proved fear of chaos in a case of the man shrouded in mystery with potentially far reaching implications for relations between the united states and iran and an outcome that is still unknown in washington christine freeze out r t much more ahead for you in our bulletin including a roaring engines at red square russia's capital revs up as some of the world's top formula one drivers rips through the heart of moscow. friendly nature of russia germany relations wasn't when chancellor angela merkel a visit of president medvedev this week the leaders in a light hearted mood came to push forward the latest trend in international relations but only diplomacy. let me draw your attention to the fact that germany is number one on the list of russia's partners we have long time relations which have not been spoiled even by difficult chapters in our history. when it comes to
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russia and germany has relations with other countries it's not like in school where you have just one friend we can have many friends germany and russia have their own issues they're completely different in nature to transatlantic problems it's useful for us to be able to discuss them together the room for dialogue doesn't exist in the same degree with president obama as a does between us but the u.s. relationship is still very important and i think president medvedev also would like to read to read that this conference is no way should signalize about relationship with president obama. well we have two options either the three of us go and he somehow megas or we'd rather treat our friend barack obama to some kind of european cuisine. i think the burger will taste best for me. and there were also jokes about paul the psychic octopus predicting germany's defeat into that of suggesting the mystic mother's brother have been served up for
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dinner the night before but amid the smiles the two leaders did get some business done germany has agreed to provide russia with a range of technology including trainers and why and wind turbines with siemens playing and major role. while trying temperatures in a record breaking heat wave has forced a state of emergency in almost twenty regions across russia as crops are shriveling the abnormally dry spell is turning history rich farmland interval more than a day as it forcing farmers to see government support our correspondent sean thomas reports now from the republic of just one of the many regions ravaged by the heat. a natural disaster is taking place in central russia painstakingly slow in the making but impossible to stop unseasonably high temperatures and extended periods without rain are leaving farmers without the possibility of a harvest which were very much you see because of the unprecedented drought the
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crops are not laden they are empty the plants are underdeveloped they are good neither for grain nor for livestock feed we have harvested almost everything by now and it only covers about half of what we need. is one of sixteen regions along the volga and urals that have declared a state of emergency in area more than twice the size of switzerland which faces losing a billion dollars this year this field of summer we should be about chest high on me in a rich lush green color but in fact right now it's dead whether it in yellow in the ground itself is dusty and pretty much worthless at this point now it's true that the drought has affected crops but it's also affecting the people who live here negatively. we have a problem no water yes a problem dripping at the base. no no no. it's drawing the wells and many of the villages have run dry forcing those who live here to make long tracks to a nearly dry river bed for water such conditions have locals concerned about their
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survival this is the size of the potato we have nothing. no food for people means even less food for animals causing farmers to take drastic measures just to make ends meet mr to move. we are already thinking about reducing our cattle stock we are selling this year's calves to individuals which we are also thinking about sending under-performing cows those are you less than five to ten liters of milk to the slaughterhouse the situation however is further complicated by the fact that meat prices have dropped already leaving many to hope for government intervention and financial support so they can get by. thomas. suffering from the heart of the july week for almost fifty guests all saturday but sizzling temperatures reached a record high plus thirty five degrees centigrade which is ninety five degrees fahrenheit with no letup predicted by forecasters within
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a week and while people are seeking relief from the boiling hate in lakes and rivers two hundred drownings have been reported across russia and the heat wave has also caused almost a thousand wildfires nationwide. and wherever you are in the world tell us what you think is the best way to cope with soaring temperatures simply log on to r.t. dot com and vote. and so far the majority of yours forty six percent say they're walking around in their underwear to beat the heat a small amount of voters are turning their condition or optical or sixteen percent thought to stock up on ice cubes or drinks to simulate desperate minority are sticking their heads in the fridge so what's your take to be beneath that a snowy drop in altitude in the top story.
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in nine hundred eighty four gas leaking from a pesticide five tree in the indian city of but paul caused a chemical disaster that killed thousands and different today the toxic consequences are being felt the indian government has now admitted it was wrong to secretly dump toxic waste but also his car and sing found out activists want to hear it from their merican company that owns the plant. b.b. john lives opposite the old union go by law and a granddaughter mozzie like many other children in the neighborhood was born with birth defects she may look for us all but she's actually seven. she was born this way she can talk all. and she's seven years old we've tried to treat her and have taken her to all the hospitals we can but she isn't getting better. american based company dark chemicals that now owns union carbide refuses to clean up the factory premises but downs of toxic waste are still slowly
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contaminating the city's soil and water a study last year found the poison has seeped into nearby homes we found very very high levels of toxins we found high levels of mercury we found high levels of pesticides which the company had manufactured nine still in the sludge more we foundered three kilometers downstream and we checked the groundwater we found it in now clearly this is unacceptable and there is no way that dow chemicals to date can argue that it is not responsible for this the indian government has agreed to compensation to victims of the gas tragedy but the protests show no sign of letting up activists want the government to bring former union carbide boss was an anderson justice attempts by indian governments to extradite him from the us have so far failed run b.r.d. job is ninety years old like many of the half
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a million people affected by the gas leak she suffers from cancer and finds it difficult to breathe she wants to see anderson brought to justice. no one listens to days he said today in. this government is incompetent we demand that those responsible have brought to justice and we receive adequate compensation. indians have reacted with president barack obama's tough stance against b.p. they accuse the u.s. of hypocrisy saying that the lessons firms like be polluting its environment but ignores mistakes by its companies abroad in india where we really are where thousands have died and have continued to suffer because of poor. but the american government can be as callous as to say we are very happy with this decision and we have glad that the market is now over the after effects of the world's worst industrial disaster are still taking their toll parts community have d.n.a.
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reminders of the tragedy that happened here twenty five years ago but with no one willing to take responsibility it's a fight for accountability and justice the survivors won't give up on god and seeing r.t. or bought. to organize a controversial also exhibition in moscow have been found guilty of inciting really just hatred and find around twelve thousand dollars but critics say that because punishment marks a return to saw that type censorship i said to those reports. a gross humiliation or an artistic license when these images went on display in two thousand and seven they outweighed russia's religious community and they put the curator and the museum director and the middle of a nasty tug of war over freedom of expression and ultranationalist thousand complaint and so began a fourteen month trial are charges of inciting religious hatred through controversial works of cricket it was not the church that initiated this
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prosecution but the people who are offended the investigation proved that the yard at this exhibit was offensive towards believers and incited religious hatred throughout the trial artist rights activist journalist and opposition members fiercely fought to have the charges dropped warning that such attempts at censorship could lead to the return of soviet era constraints dictated by conservative and politically powerful church. most likely is an attempt to apply censorship to art it's a field where things are allowed it doesn't harm the public if anyone disagrees they're free not to watch it despite russia's cultural minister insisting the artist did not cross the red line of law the judge disagreed finding the pair guilty and fining them around twelve thousand dollars today the court discovered a new type of ideological crime one that criticizes the church although a state is a secular one any exhibit of artworks where religious symbols are used in
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a non-religious context expressing other ideas is banned the judge in the case called the artwork a growth and of sense of humiliation to the viewer a sense of human dignity that she came short of handing down a prison cell. as for the pair still they impose fines have some wondering if artistic freedom will be were placed church in post and stacey a bit arty. claimed russian conduct began its to me hail played in thailand pain court over sex child sex abuse charges and this month's time police accused him of raping a fourteen year old boy which he denies his arrest followed the detention of a tight citizen suspected of involvement in an prostitution ring the germany i would winning russian was freed on bail to allow him continue to with his orchestra and he must return to thailand however every twelve days if found guilty he could spend twenty years in jail. to some other stories from around the world at
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least forty eight people have been killed and over fifty injured into a suicide bomb attack southwest of baghdad members of a sunni militia working with government forces against al qaeda were targeted as they connectors that parity with others at a separate base there was a time and a day again security forces in iraq in the last three months u.s. forces have a right to began a phased withdrawal hunting of it to iraq in real tree but there has been sustained violence since inconclusive parliamentary elections in march. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has appealed to pakistani leaders for further cooperation on the afghan who need all the tape to islamabad a trip to islamabad she witnessed the signing of a new trade deal between the two neighbors and she also pledged one hundred billion dollars in new development aid for pakistan calls in america for an end to u.s. involvement in the war have been growing however healed by the record monthly deaths top one hundred three coalition troops injury. one of germany's business to
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motorways have been put to rather unusual you as the site for an enormous picnic a sixty kilometers stretch of road in the west of the country has been transformed into the longest stable in the world three million people while going nowhere on a motorway for hours isn't usually a fun guests instead feasted drunk and danced into the evening this integration called still life was held as part of the route region's selection as a european capital of culture. and while germans were enjoying a quiet day on the road the decibels have been rising in moscow with their role of formula one engines echoing through the cobbled streets of the crime then pulis said here with us thirty year running the city's center has been transformed into much a race track russia's first formula one driver vitaly petrov and while champion. some are also among the travelers over there were no at stake nascar has been
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waiting to host a formula one race for some years now with plans to these everyday streets for a monaco style race that is behind plans want to grade the world's fastest city track with speeds over two hundred twenty kilometers per hour for a grand prix in twenty twelve and you can find out more on the wheels in the heat wave and in the heat wave in our schools but it's me next time. for a very short break we'll bring you our special report revealing how soldiers grapple with that juicing and humanity going through their brutalities a war so stay with us for that.
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there are killing innocents here all eyes are the base of course and that's never absent. myself in this call still may i think of it every day. i still have the flashbacks trouble to memories are sad. so much so that tom the surprise. i was assured. i was ashamed. i was assured i had been if you are
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a lawyer i go all the way. because in the modern. world i want to be out. or. not i believe what i would go in the woods or i think. that i was a good soldier. or knowledgeable shoulder on the other side and i think i'm just not good. at it every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow will bring the best unsigned sendek dollar to you from across russia and around the world. join us knology update on r g.
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how again this is with the headlines. the mainstream medical view about the causes of aids comes under fire from skeptics as twenty thousand scientists politicians and activists gathering the n.f.r. conference to discuss ways of tackling the disease. the week's top headlines security services arrest a group of suspected would be suicide bombers in the southern russian republic of dagestan among the work fifteen year old girls who said that dead terrorist husbands train them. heroes and who ran a nuclear scientists returns home off to khamenei who was kidnapped by the cia but america has denied to the accusation as reports emerged that he might have been spying on a washington site. and paid by the heat a record breaking heat wave across russia is scorching crops meaning tough times
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