tv [untitled] RT July 19, 2010 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT
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treatment for all aussies sarah ferguson the austrian capital. but you see already the funding spin a big topic of the last couple of days and this thursday being concerned that some countries such as the u.s. is seen as perhaps weakening their commitment to funding and now we've heard arguments such as hiv and aids funding these are being called false arguments that there's really much much more that needs to be done there still many people not receiving people here is taking a life saving treatment so it's really focusing on this on an individual level so you see a lot of people are trying to get their voices heard and talking about the reality of living with the condition and what still needs to be done and of course in the days prior to the fisher conference we heard from the other side which is a great book perhaps challenging the official definition fate of d.n.a. and also the standard treatments the standard drugs treatments those according to question those saying that there are alternatives out there the people who have
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tried these alternative methods and that's maybe something that should be discussed or we've seen a bit of a conflict between the mainstream views on the way to approach the situation and the alternative. opinion or not to every fact that we hear over the coming week these all represent an individual that is living with hiv and it's their reality so this issue of universal access still very much on everyone's minds everyone's head . we can hear now from my colleague. he went to meet someone he's living with hiv. positive he's just one of about a million people infected with the virus in russia alone a country the u.n. says with one of the fastest growing rates of a child in the world we're going to. have to leave with hiv and that involves a lot of difficult things not just physical and psychological sometimes some refuse treatment and don't have to fight against doubt while alexy and others. i can
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continue to fight their battles all their lukin for is a cure it's already been a long wait for those with a virus and respite doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight just yet. the main issue at this point we don't even know which part of the virus causes immune deficiency that's why research is argue about the type of vaccine needed scientists and doctors have been trying to find a remedy since hiv was identified in the early one nine hundred eighty s. but they've only managed to come up with preventive treatments and medication that slows down the degenerative process of the virus. poor more than twenty five types of drugs with clinical proof that they are effective if a person takes in daily they suppress the virus preventing it from spreading the person doesn't. matter at this point there is no drug that could destroy the virus completely for one of those clinically approved drugs is finally dying or a.z.t.
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a type of antiretroviral drugs used for the treatment of hiv and aids joan shandon of immunity resource foundation is strongly against such treatment conventional treatment has actually caused the death of a whole generation of young gay men in america when they were on the high doses of aids that that is well documented so it's extremely important to be challenging this hypothesis there are almost thirty two million people in the world with hiv or aids and more than one million deaths this year alone international organizations are calling it a pandemic but there are those who stand against this belief and are challenging the very facts we've come to accept as truth there is a well of a majority believe you should just follow i'm sorry to say science is not the majority about science it's a free competition of the best arguments and verifiable arguments it is very fibro that there is no epidemic and it is very fiber of that aids treatment today is just less toxic than in the early ninety's and i would call for
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a. open. to test the best argument organizers of the eighteenth international aids conference being held this week in vienna see it's a gathering of individuals committed to ending the classified as a pandemic for alexei he'd rather not get his hopes up all he wants are the facts. i don't expect to see any breakthrough at this conference i just hope that it will be made clear as to where we are to regarding the vaccine because we needed it yesterday. r.t. moscow some however are predicting that there could be a massive scientific breakthrough against the disease suggesting that a child of a could even be eradicated i can tell you that just last year there is a professor from japan professor ian mamata published the paper published in the prestigious journal of medical where all agree they're most treating the h.e.b.
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infection can be eradicated the south toward their views and this has been published by stimulating the new system so this means you're right the creation of a chain of infection or of science of hiv infection and so if these will be confirmed on the larger clinical scale clinical trials because that was just as a model a scale a clinical trial then yes i can tell you that hiv infection can be eradicated by stimulating by properly stimulating the immune system is not so easy but yes we can say that there could be a turn out of cures that have already been published there and we are just confirming with our data those results that his marker which area from flores university. the recent suicide of a thirteen year old boy allegedly after being caned at school has revealed that the outlawed proxies of corporal punishment still persists the case has sparked
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a public outcry with demands for criminal penalties for teachers who have beach pupils conferencing hassle. this is one of india's worst kept secrets the prevalence of corporal punishment in schools but the recent suicide of thirteen year old grungy rivals has brought the practice out into the open a student at the prestigious motley awful boys' school in kolkata who run g. hanged himself at home earlier this year after being gained at school after spending months juicing the school for answers his father has filed a police complaint against the three teachers he says were involved i think that they were after him for a long while and i think he was so long as he was getting an individual. battering if i may use the word he was able to take it but when they all descended on him at the same time that day i don't think. i don't think his young mind could handle that much animosity. and humiliation and elimination from his friends the school's
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principal has admitted gaining room run but says this was not responsible for his recite the case has set off a public outcry largely because it occurred in one of india's and most elite schools but most cases of corporal punishment take place in government run schools and go largely unrecorded ten year old monte is often beaten when he doesn't complete his homework on time. now to the teacher and tries to teach us that when we don't learn she hates us and sometimes cry when i get it in the child with the state clearly doesn't solve any of this one either the child would become too used to this kind of punishment and the effect would go off or else the child who's very sensitive and anxious by predisposition would feel very very vulnerable a supreme court judgement in two thousand prohibited punishment in early its forms
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in india but would have it die hard many teachers and even some parents still believe in the need for this. we don't want to hit them but we get angry sometimes because we're taking so much effort to teach them so sometimes we are forced to hit them little rough fifty children in their class teachers often resort to beating them to control their large numbers you hear words like or phrases like it's a theatre of war out there teachers are sometimes frightened to go into class because there is such a lack of respect and. it's very hard to with an inverted commas control the class or discipline but for one loving father there can be no arguments about corporal punishment there's a law against it there's no debate if you let people do your kids there will be a monster who will take out his frustrations on your child and you will not be able
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to save your child it's not open to discussion nobody has that i could budgetary nobody you god give them to us to love not for some guy to beat them up. one father's crusade for justice is bringing a spotlight on corporal punishment which is illegal but still common in indian schools one wonders how many more children will have to suffer before more humane methods of disciplining them are enforced got a thing. coming up here we're not seeing a little back at the beginning of the new space. in thirty five years since the historical apollo so his mission in outer space coming up on our t.v. will show you how they're celebrating that event here on the ground. representatives from sixty countries iran and afghanistan for the ninth conference on the country's future with the leaked documents suggesting nato is planning to pull out and hondo the two local forces by twenty fourteen they were to long term
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peace with the searches to be examined as antiwar activists michael price a size ton of them leaders may be resistant to also is of money or government positions because he believes that winning. well it does not look like the taliban is in any position to negotiate the united states right now because the taliban is winning the war very clearly what this can be seen as is a move of desperation on behalf the united states to hillary clinton is going as a representative saying that you know this goal in afghanistan the reason that we're told we must fight and die and we'll see in afghanistan is to drive the taliban from any inch of political power because of that was to happen another terrorist attack would be a lot from afghanistan on the united states that's the reason that we're giving but i don't while want to hand while we're being told we must fight and die and leslie to make sure the taliban have no political power we're seeing our representatives telling the taliban that they would like to put them on the payroll offer them seats in the government if they just promise to allow the u.s. to carry out whatever business and military interest it has in that country what we
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do know is that the united states is losing this war and the united states will not withdraw in defeat from this war and what we can expect to see is united states doing everything it can to not leave that country with the perception that they've been defeated and try everything they can to bomb and murder that country into submission so we can expect to see another year is more u.s. casualties more afghan casualties and while the leaders in washington and the generals in the pentagon still finding justification to continue to fight their. a russian billionaire is taking the world's same christie's auction house to court for allegedly selling him a fake a work of all it takes to objects so that paid nearly three million dollars for this painting in two thousand and five it's called to order lisc and was thought to be by the russian also. lessons that several russian all taxpayers have concluded that it's a forgery accel that now wants his money back as well as damages from christie's on the words of mr presentation negligence and and reports that senior editor with
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a mostly news website says this could seriously affect christie's credibility with russia is. an internal investigation but this hasn't generated any results or at least not results which of satisfied. over the weekend he's launched this legal brit presumably to force their hands to get into a courtroom and thrash it out so far all they've said is that this is about the taking very seriously and they will investigate it accordingly clearly it won't help if they are found to think. they're helping a number of scandals in the world over the past several hundred years almost as long as people have been painting and. christie's and so these are both come through price fixing scandals in the past so it won't put them out of business but obviously it will have a knock on effect on how credible they are particular in this market. a grammy award winning russian pianist and conductor has appeared in court in thailand in child sex charges. denies raping
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a fourteen year old boy was arrested this month but freedom bail to allow him continue a well told with his. he must however return to court hearings in thailand every twelve days if found guilty he could face up to twenty years in jail because of this claims his arrest was triggered by the tension over time musician who knows who is suspected of involvement in a child prostitution ring. the washington post newspaper says america's intelligence establishment is out of control because it's grown so much since nine eleven the paper says the cia and secret agent says have expanded so much for degree that effectiveness is now impossible to determine cia analyst rating mcgovern believes their problems can be tracked traced back to president george w. bush's time in office. well there basically two cia's ok one is the cia the president truman set up one nine hundred forty seven i think
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give him analysis give him judgments on what's going on in the world without fear or favor without bias telling him like it is ok then there's another cia that's the operational arm which is really been sort of loosened from from many restrictions starting with president george w. bush and he's taking advantage of the one clause in that national security act one nine hundred forty seven that said the director of central intelligence now is the director of national intelligence shall perform such other functions and duties as the president show from time to time direct that gives the president and i do not exaggerate here and use that word advisedly it gives the president the ability to have his own personal gestapo. do not play and before the word the only restraint is on the so-called oversight committees of the congress used to do oversight now
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they are really the overlooked committees they haven't done any oversight. and now to some other stories making headlines right now around the world sixty people have died and over one hundred have been injured when a passenger train slammed into a stationary one in eastern india because it's not yet known about paul mason as has been a factor in previous rail disasters in the country only two months ago nearly one hundred fifty to died when a deal rail passenger train was hit by a freight service as rebels denied claims they sabotaged the truck. u.s. officials are allowing b.p. to keep the cop on its ruptured oil well in the gulf of mexico on a day by day basis worried the giant plug may be causing the other leaks to spring up elsewhere which b.p. has been ordered to monitor on the ocean floor which has been found near the bust well indicating possible problems with the count that had last week believe the device hot stems the flow of oil for the first time since disaster struck three
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months ago a raid explosion which killed eleven workers triggered america's worst ever environmental catastrophe. hamas has found when smoking water pipes in public in gaza with special plainclothes agents roaming the city and beaches don't see it so. the pipes have grown in popularity after hamas out no alcohol and taking control in two thousand and seven pressure from powerful radical islamic groups to be behind the. illegal in the islamic north of women to smoke as many to openly as some see it as a cultural taboo with the varying interpretations across the muslim world the first soviet times when else and american astronauts to fly on a joint international space mission all celebrating the flight such affairs that the vestry they so use apollo project a new era of cooperation between the two superpower rivals trying thomas has been
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following the celebrations at moscow's space museum. it is a been a day of ceremony and celebration in old friends getting together and reminiscing about their time that they shared in space thirty five years ago the four remaining survivors of the actual event itself the apollo soyuz mission came here to the space museum where they were greeted by a band they got a tour of the state of the art facility and then they also had a chance to answer questions and talk and reminisce in fact the american astronauts spoke in their best russian and were quite understandable and you could tell that these these people had shared history and had shared this this amazing event together and they are still good friends today as you watch them go through the museum and look at different artifacts some of them in their own artifacts in fact and then they were able to celebrate with a little bit of a meal afterwards we had the opportunity to speak to vance brand who was on that mission he's one of the american astronauts this is what he had to say about the event thirty five years ago never that it would. develop into
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a large corporation like we're. back. where we're thinking about the things that were just to make the mission those years so it's a great pleasure to read your and we appreciate the honor of the store on this mission was the symbolic end of the space race that started when russia launched sputnik in beer the first artificial satellite and then both countries were had tense relations to see who could conquer this new frontier and of course this was the first time these two superpowers worked together in fact they actually had to engineer specific devices so these two spacecraft could fit together they were designed separately not to work together so that was one feat of engineering that had to be accomplished but also it was the first time that these two cold war rivals had to train together and work together for more than six months so that they could accomplish their mission in space when the two crafts actually dock it was on the seventeenth of july they there was
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a three hour period. where they waited to make sure everything was ok then they open the hatches and shook hands and then spent forty four hours together conducting experiments as well as getting together and even joking the russian cosmonauts wrote vodka on the side of their food to trick the american astronauts into thinking that vodka was a part of their everyday space rations of course it wasn't it was a joke but just an atmosphere of jovial ness in outer space. while the early stages of the space race so russian dogs being sent into all that the notion of sending a dog into flight was never considered that was until this weekend when i left on the police investigation decided to launch a donkey be tried with a quite a difference stand beachgoers watched as the animal. parcell was sent to add born over the sea to home for an hour witnesses reported hearing the terrified don't keep praying before it eventually landed in the water at the alamo
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to survive the ordeal which police said feared the best times to promote parasailing officers say that while people were upset by the creatures distress they'd not been alerted i don't call take charge is good followed which could bring the organizers back down to where the two did jail sentence. with tough new immigration laws due to come into force in the arizona and the mall planned elsewhere in the was the last american population in the country is calling for reforms he's pokes a journalist and human rights activist jorge ramos who insists immigrants benefit america that's coming up in a moment. it
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is a controversial issue and an emotional one what to do about the immigration system in the united states all sides of this debate and there are many sides agree on one thing the system is broken but how to fix it and one to fix it has become the subject of a great debate i'm joined now by jorge ramos mr ramos has been the face of univision for twenty years serving as their anchor for their nightly news broadcasts has also authored some books including this one a country for all an immigrant manifesto mr ramos i want to thank you so much for
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joining me today you and countless others came out to rally support for and vote for now president obama he promised. several times that he would make sure that comprehensive immigration reform would pass within the first year of his presidency and it hasn't it's been more than a year but you can see that president obama has gotten a lot of other things done but he also promised why is it that so many hispanics are so angry that this was not the first thing that the president got too many latinos voted for president barack obama because he promised immigration reform nobody forced person barack obama so you anything but he did he promise that drink you were through in office he was going to have an immigration bill but if you keep throwing your support and it's been a few months and we have seen absolutely nothing and we need action here put up stop the protests. stop the petition itself or in the parlance of your experiences could have called for
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a bipartisan summit of the white house he could have even press. proposal if you saw an immigration bill and john mccain during the during the campaign he also promised me that he was going to support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and that he even he described undocumented immigrants god's children so what's going on right now when when john mccain when he's fighting a very tough primary are they not god's children anymore i mean why you think he's supporting immigration reform right now so we have the blame is being shared by both republicans and democrats well since we're talking about the state of arizona let's talk about s.b. seven ten seventy this is a bill back in april that was signed by arizona governor jan brewer and it gives authorities not only the credence or the ability to but requires them to detain anyone that they suspect of being here here illegally but there are several people who support this bill and many would argue many times the many americans would many would even say the majority of americans support this bill they want to see more
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bills like this around the rest of the country what do you have to say to those americans the realities that immigrants pay taxes they create jobs and they don't take jobs away from americans they are simply taking the goals that americans don't want to do i haven't seen millions of americans going to your farm fields in california texas or florida picking up tomatoes or ruffles so engrossed create jobs they bring crime down the justice just recently for mission creep stated that crime has been going down in the last decade despite the fact that the immigrant population has doubled so violent crimes have been going down thirty five percent twenty five percent. so there's a lot of misinformation but if we realize that it's a great business to have immigrants in this country hopefully people just my church change their minds but they're almost one of your main arguments in your book is that immigrants are needed because there's going to be such a large population of people that are retiring these are the baby boomers and that immigrants will be needed when there's
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a labor shortage you say this in your book but the term labor shortage is very hard to swallow for most americans right now many of whom are out of work it just doesn't seem feasible that there's going to be a labor shortage anytime soon it's very simple if you bring them out of the shadows they'll be able to pay more taxes they'll be more productive they'll create new businesses and they'll be able to fool employing more people so again there's a lot of misinformation on the contributions of immigrants to this country and unfortunately when there's an economic crisis like the one we're facing right now immigrants are being blamed for for everything that's wrong with the sponsor from crime to unemployment and it's simply not for but if you take the civil rights movement there was martin luther king jr when you take the labor movement farm workers there was a cesar chavez there is not one leader in this movement and how do you mobilize and how do you get something to happen change to happen if there's not one person for people to rally behind what's so interesting is that we don't need one cesar chavez we need
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a fall from césar chávez. and it is true latinos are on the represented politically . we are fifteen percent of the population and we only have one senator that has to change this is it is incredible that the most powerful country in the world is persecuting and discriminating against eleven million people i just came back from south africa and he was amazing to see how in sixteen years they progress so much in getting rid of fighting discrimination it's fantastic what they're doing in south africa but when i come back to america and realize that you never saw him and they're going to exactly the opposite way it's really shocking i'm not saying that people in the my jury of people who are so i don't want to create an up with a system but what i'm seeing in the resort are right now in many other parts of the country you shamefully close to. those terrible days you are emmy award winning journalist that includes twenty years as an anchor for you know vision you have interviewed people from fidel castro to bill clinton to current president barack
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obama i'm curious how you reconcile the fact that you are a journalist and yet you are so outspoken about one of the greatest issues about our time it's a great question an interesting one when i'm doing my newscast every night when i'm doing my political show with sunday mornings i am not supposed to i have never given my opinion i mean they didn't hire me to give my opinion on the other hand i mean i am an immigrant i am an immigrant with the privilege of being on the air all the time i am an immigrant with a voice in. in some time so i do feel the need to speak for those who don't have a voice for those who are invisible in this country jorge ramos journalist and author thank you so much for speaking with us thank you i.
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treatment for old. the suicide of a teenage boy caned in school has brought calls for criminal sanctions against teachers would break the law which binds copra punishment in india. on the state's five years says the don't thing of this so use the space cross and american a paula began a more cooperative era between the rival soprano it's. headlines that up next i'm going to talks to xander saddam and of russian ambassador to iran about the country's nuclear program and more in spotlight next. every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and i want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world.
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