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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 20, 2010 1:31am-2:01am EDT

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about to iran's much debated nuclear program that's coming up shortly here in our team. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us acknowledging update on our. minds. brighten if you. zoom from phones to these. screens totty dot com.
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hello again and welcome to spotlight the show on our tape i'm al going all vent today my guest is alexandre. is not acting in the best way president band would have said at a recent meeting with russian diplomats after joining the un sanctions against this lamb into public moscow keeps calling on terror and to show openness and cooperate with the international atomic energy agency what's making russia increasingly suspicious about iran's nuclear intentions ah the relations between moscow and terror in freefall will be talking about it with the russian ambassador to. iran has been trying to reassure a.d.m. despite most of the world's skepticism and fears says it needs the radioactive fuel
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for its nuclear power stations but the world fears the. during more than peaceful nuclear energy but an atom bomb as if to confirm these fears iran is not allowing the international monitors into the country this has forced the un security council to impose sanctions against iran russia has long been trying to build bridges between iran and the west but ave cliffie is enough to undermine those bridges we're asking alexander the russian ambassador to iraq. is not with this person question hello mr saddam any given thank you for coming to our program. we're going to talk about iran's nuclear program today probably the main problem here is that it's not clear whether or not there are nuclear weapons in iran. as the invested to this country would you say that iran's nuclear program is
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a real threat for anyone. and this has been an issue for several years already. and we don't have a definite answer to this question at this point. of course we can say for sure that iran has a bomb or he's ready to make it here but as you see and we can only base our judgment on the information and data gathered by the international atomic energy agency here my theory ali because the resolutions did the i.a.e.a. board of governors a dog was after carefully examining the situation. by the way i'd like to say that a border is the only competent international agency on this issue. anyway
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making resolutions that it dogs and become the basis of good for our judgments and new u.n. security council's resolutions from the regarding iran's nuclear program of the players. and we cannot use any other sources any other opiates or any other decisions you bring him to draw a definite conclusion about what's dear and what's not true that it is important for us to know why they and we sure are a team she wants the purpose of this enrichment. what is the quantity openreach to raney i'm aware there iran needs doing a reach because such a high degree if we don't need to peaceful purposes you're a big deal it's that some suspect that duran is pursuing nuclear research in order to produce and those who are to be able to produce nuclear weapons. of
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course there's what ten chillis growing you're on there with you know but it's not clear if the holiday will use up not assured of course arrangements just not that they have any intention of creating an atomic bomb. they say. their nuclear program totally peaceful. however it's just not about them it's their lack of desire for a more constructive dialogue. there on the willingness to discuss the issue at an appropriate level that is true in the six nations which only strengthens our concerns chances. and usual anya of course we want to see dialogue and in fabric of the united nations security council resolutions see problem should be resolved through diplomatic. negotiations producing doubts the use of force but the way you could push by the way is not allowed by the
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un charter. let's take a look at the history of iran's nuclear program and a report by. the hearing in nuclear program started in the end in six days ironically with the help of the united states it was meant for peaceful purposes and the west continued supporting the program until one thousand nine hundred seventy nine revolution group hard line islamic regime to power the program was done suspended only to be revived in the one nine hundred ninety s. they still i'm iran had the support of russia which has helped iran build a power plant in who share the u.s. and other western countries have gone suspicious believe in iran could use its nuclear program to make weapons its reluctant cooperation with the international atomic energy agency and it to western mistrust they should good as a christian when president ahmadinejad's came to power in iran in two thousand and
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six the un security council imposed sanctions on iran for a long time and russia was against the measures and so you have diplomatic solution it was not supposed to now russia and china much agree. creation needs to be put on iran the international consensus on toughest sanctions was however not supported by turkey and brazil which negotiated their own cool exchange deal with the iran dusty iran's nuclear program remains an extremely disturbing and liberates in the shoe even though most school has taken a tougher stance on iran it is constantly cool in footy iran openness and cooperation with international institutions. you've mentioned that iran denies any intention to produce nuclear weapons so why aren't they being more open about this so that they can shift the peaceful nature
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of their nuclear program or shock of step with the cause that's you know in the rains are not against inspections but they claim they are ye inspectors already have access to all nuclear facilities. the thing is because nobody has ever proved this to be wrong. that's why i mean you for the experts to be able to discuss the. discuss older concerns and get all the necessary data of who i am achieve better transparency of who it is really important that we deem teacher ran and talks you know why do you mean for months and that's why the russian president when he was addressing the russian ambassador assures the russian people mattes at their russian foreign ministry a few days ago emphasized that we need just start these talks up and as
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soon as possible in order to remove those concerns at least we hope they will remove them totally stated and here and now is how president medvedev formulated russia's position on it. controversial nuclear program. we should step back from simplified approaches to dealing with this problem is that iran is closer to developing the potential to make a nuclear weapon acquiring such potential is not prohibited by the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and this goes to is one of the problems but this is a systematic problem which has to do with imperfections in the current one proliferation regime therefore approaches to individual countries and to dealing with this particular issue should not be selective but should be common ones who repeatedly told our american and european partners that sanctions as a rule do not produce desirable effects but they send a signal from the international community which should encourage negotiations what
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we need now is patience and a speedy resumption of talks with iran this is the main meaning of the new u.n. resolution and if diplomats miss this chance it will be our common failure we shouldn't forget however that iran's own behavior is far from perfect recall in tehran to practice openness and a necessary level of cooperation with the i. resigned a russian diplomats of always believe that sanctions never work sanctions never help make progress in fact u.s. diplomats think so as well yet the u.s. government introduced sanctions and eventually agreed with the sanctions so why did moscow reckon sedates position was a diplomatic necessity to call decision. we have consistently participated in the sanctions policy that has been pursued with respect to iran for a number of years now. that indeed this policy failed to produce
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a solution that would remove this problem entirely. focused. but you see. the sanctions are more political. massachusetts iran. the issue of nuclear nonproliferation and the unacceptability of any activities that may result hypothetically in iran having nuclear weapons but he course all these issues are crucial to us. and that's the message that we want just sand. is some work that you can choose because there are at least ten countries around the world but that are on the threshold off having nuclear weapons they can use that on the meter so he's bottled if this process starts in one
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country that this may create serious problems for a global security wishing seriously probably was an influence and i wouldn't see the arena of cancer gone recolor refused to talk about it so basically it's the question of how these talks should be conducted and what the terms are. medium of film and that's why by the way we don't think it would be wise to make demands on iran before the talks start up within that show it better go or it is crucial to get the negotiations started to be able when it is important to engage iran in a frank and jamie in the discussion that's what is crucial at the ocean waters says elizabeth said dubnyk of russian ambassador to iraq spoke like the movie back shortly right alco break so stay with us we'll continue in less than a minute. periods
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which are made to police children. there is help. make. sure the cream illness is. a nurse and. a good to secure itself against. this cold it's the same canary due to its high pitched. this may not be communicative. want to trying to say. can be decoded. every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and what
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to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world . join us for technology update on r g. welcome back to spotlight i'm al gore now in just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is alexander sadovnik of the russian ambassador to terror. because many countries in this region have nuclear weapons thank you stone that india and israel they all have nuclear weapons and everybody knows about that and these countries don't try to deny it and still nobody gets hysterical about it on the other hand iran doesn't seem to have any nuclear weapons and everyone agrees that it doesn't iran may go nuclear it's everybody gets just the first word that comes to mind is double standards he's going to explain this.
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that should do it makes them the question about the double standard should rather beatrice to diplomat so father countries not russia but you write so why. deal of look on your screen well you know it has to do with the fact that certain issues date back to the beginning of the same charities will be when some unauthorized undeclared activities with them run by iran and the syria were discovered in the quote and they triggered quite an appropriate response there on the both from the i.a.e.a. this and those countries so we should bear responsibility for global security at the including russia. so russia got involved in the talks which originally were started by three european countries get there then russia china and the united states joined in and that's how the five plus one for met them are inched.
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you see iran is a large country but surely what i get has a rapidly developing economy. it has a large economic and military code ten show and then. there but you also the rand is to reach in a natural resources and it has a considerable number of well trained skilled engineers. so if we're to give birth to pursue nuclear program you had every chance to develop nuclear weapons question. and in this case with them are you considering the tension in this part of the world and iran's active position on the global political arena. but as you know this could become a source of some serious additional tensioners. would you know of course i wouldn't
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single out to iran isn't unpredictable nation or a nation so they're posing a grave threat to mankind. these are all exaggerations made by some countries. garzon for instance we have always been against this sanctions proposed by some on top of the united nations sanctions scheme so. you mean the u.s. sanctions yes even the latest tough for version of sanctions adopted by the u.s. and already in force they go beyond dollars who are do need a decision. and they go beyond the u.n. sanctions. that's a unilateral step you of course that's unilateral step and now europe is doing this season. we find new sanctions adopted by europe absolutely unacceptable
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and in no way supporting the positive trend in resolving the problem over iran's nuclear program and. such measures can prove to be counterproductive because they may trigger in negative reactions. actually the the sanctions that the united states has imposed against the islamic republic are the toughest average of three here is a quote from president barack obama. are ratcheting up the pressure on the iranian government for its failure to meet its obligations and today we're taking another step a step that demonstrates the broad bipartisan support for holding iran accountable . i'm pleased to sign into law the toughest sanctions against iran ever passed by the united states cars there should be no doubt the united states and the international community are determined to prevent iran from acquiring nuclear
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weapons. what does russia think about the recent mediating efforts by brazil and especially to turkey's getting very active i recently had a meeting with some techs and they told me that they country was getting very actively involved in the mediating mission. what is russia's position here do we support is efforts. to put across as i'm sure you know very well here and brazil and turkey in talk to these so-called declaration in may. and we said that we viewed it as a positive development. means that a new u.n. security council to direct solution and all foreign ministers issue to a joint statement with the commanding brazil and turkey for their contribution and saying that they are on declaration was
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a positive development. one of the reasons these efforts were helpful was because their objective was to resolve an important side issue related to rense nuclear program namely the issue of providing nuclear fuel for that to iran research riyad sure. the reactor is used for purely peaceful purposes it produces isotopes for medical and technical purposes. from the very beginning when this issue first came up lest for it we did our best to help resolve this issue. and find a way to supply the tirana reactor with fuel she would you. because we viewed this as an opportunity to create an atmosphere of trust that would then help us resolve the main problem iran's nuclear program. or.
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that cuban leader fidel castro coming to done the situation a few days ago so it was that that's quite a rare occasion as he hasn't spoken to the public for quite a long time anyway he said washington's policy with respect to iran may escalate tensions in the region and eventually result in an armed conflict and he said he wouldn't rule out such a possibility quaestors political weight and the fact that he used one of his rare appearances in public to speak on this subject even though iran is quite far from cuba all these calls many people to think seriously this situation will do you make of this i'm sure you're full of the situation because you have to report to moscow so how serious is the danger do you think castro is right or easy exaggerating the cancer wasn't talking about the threat that iran poses to other nations and he was talking about other nations. so since we are in iran. exactly we are
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also portentious objects of this threat so you must be on the look out and so we are and being located in tehran we cannot comment over and give assessments as to whether if such a scenario is possible. i mean of a threat that might come from israel or from the united states government what truly matters though is that we're firmly opposed to the mere possibility of such a scenario in and we'll do everything possible to keep anyone from such steps. whether we can rule it out on knowledge or you can true out anything in this world but the consequences of such a move would be not just tragic it would be. and he's asked or the thing is everyone understands that iran will defend itself and quite seriously. in this regard we can agree with what fidel said about the possible outcome. but
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it is hard to tell though whether this danger is real or e.t. is used as an instrument of political pressure but the very fact of those threats and discussions about possible strikes are not just counterproductive. you know we are they encouraged to take a tougher stance they may quranic more determined to resist and even to build up its military. and actually any country working no matter what with think of it whether it's cute or a bad whether it's iran or any other country including russia or any country would respond to threats the same way. but what's more important is that there's such a to do such comments make the situation with iran more unstable or i would rather see more unpredictable. so in my opinion
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this has a negative effect on the situation with iran's you've got to work with here on issues got to mr ambassador there is one more question i have to. this issue has been widely discussed in the media lately after russia supported the un sanctions a group of iranian m.p.'s killed in its government to cool teles with russia what do you think is this issue worth talking about is this an important statement or is a truly something in significance. was nineteen actually i commented on that in an interview i gave in tehran. you know it's a normal situation in that one and there are always differ. and sometimes opposite viewpoints in any parliament in this case there are several in fees and in fact their number has probably grown recently due to rand's emotional response to the un
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resolution and our decision to support it actually the media and governmental officials in iran did a lot to provoke such a strong reaction among the iranian people. as you mean known iran made some of our statements and we responded to them. but in the end common sense prevailed in the iranian parliament. despite all the criticism despite all those demands to use. practical people so i think pragmatism and common sense saw strong iranians so we saw eventually they decided that this situation should not have a long term negative effect on their relations and create problems for the future which probably thank you thank you very much for your excellent see and just to remind you that my guest in the studio today was alexander saddam think of russian ambassador to tehran and that's it for them from all of us here if you want to add
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your sales pod like just drop us a line we'll be back with more first and comment on what's going on in and out that russia until then stay on and take it.
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shifting power international political happy waves gather in kabul to find ways of handing more control over to afghan forces to stabilize the conflict stricken country. calls mount for a bigger funding in the battle against aids but while scientists remain split over how to deal with the so-called epidemic others claim it's nothing more than a wife style disease. and and doing well for discrimination
2:00 am
president obama is determined to expand unemployment benefits slamming republicans for courting the rich with tax cuts as the senate prepares to vote. this is already coming to live from moscow in marina joshua welcome to the program handing afghan security back to afghans and that's what's being discussed as the country's capital kabul host its biggest international conference in decades events expected to produce an agreement on shifting more control to afghan forces that tell you no it's always there for us all work is being shifted over to the afghan forces the one that will set for that during the last conference on afghanistan which to place in london earlier this year is now being implemented.


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