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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 20, 2010 2:01am-2:31am EDT

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and today here representatives from over at seventy countries are making sure that everything is going. by the plan of course other issues such as drug trafficking and proving. standards of living here in afghanistan as well as the state regulations and human rights issues are also to be discussed and it looks like russia is increasing its involvement in help helping the country in all those fears russia here is represented by the country's foreign minister sergei lavrov and the head of this trip the ministry has said the ministry spokesman rather has said that . confirmed russia's willingness to jointly with the western partners. realize just the ration of projects here in afghanistan the restoration of social facilities facilities of industrial facilities also recently russia has said it's willing to sell over twenty am i seventeen helicopters to nature meant for the afghan army no those helicopters were designed especially to fly over the mountains
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so as the country's chief of staff has said himself they would be perfect for the afghan army russia has also said that it's willing to give some of them for free in order to help the country and each of them costs from between thirteen and fifteen million u.s. dollars and that of course will also be very much needed here in afghanistan once the two troops start leaving the country out of one hundred thousand people that die because of drugs coming from afghanistan annually and more than a third of them dies in russia and together with the the e.u. russia consumes about fifty percent of the drugs coming from afghanistan so for russia of course it is a big issue during this conference and. of course russia is also willing to cooperate with the partners from the west in order to tackle this problem. any political games around this huge problem or an acceptable we cannot comment on two drugs. afghanistan today is the world's main drug supply but the problem over
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regional borders botswana a common goal is to prevent globalization of the criminal world. so all the participants of the conference today will be making sure that the poppy fields are being destroyed in the country that of course drug dealers are being arrested and the financial flows are also controlled in order to reduce the country's economy sector. that's i know a good reporting there from the afghan capital kabul anti-war activist michael prized washington is desperate to negotiate with the taliban but it may be too late . it does not look like the taliban is in any position to negotiate the united states right now because the taliban is winning the war very clearly what this can be seen as is a move of desperation on behalf the united states to hillary clinton is going as that representative saying that you know this goal in afghanistan the reason that we're told we must fight and die and we'll see in afghanistan is to drive the
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taliban from any inch of political power because of that was to happen that another terrorist attack would be long from afghanistan on the united states that's the reason that we're giving but i while one hand what we're being told we must fight and die and lessly to make sure the taliban have no political power we're seeing our representatives telling the taliban that they would like to put them on the payroll offer them seats in the government they just promise to allow the u.s. to carry out whatever business and military interest it has in that country what we do know is that the united states is losing this war and the united states will not withdraw in defeat from this war and what we can expect to see is united states doing everything it can to not leave that country with the perception that they've been defeated and trying everything they can to bomb and murder that country into submission so we can expect to see another year is more u.s. casualties more afghan casualties and while the leaders in washington and the generals in the pentagon still finding justification to continue to fight there as anti-war activists michael prysner the. afghan war veteran jag bertus has there is
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no hope for a peaceful ghana stancil nato break bread with the taliban. i think it's all crazy talk i don't think anybody needs to believe any of these guys or hillary clinton obama karzai because nobody has any clue how we're going to bring peace there or stability this whole thing if we don't negotiate with the taliban unless the taliban peace negotiations are brought to the forefront of this whole discussion it's all mindless chatter it's it's nonsense it's like facebook blogging on steroids it's crazy to art and nobody should listen to it as far as i'm concerned though i hate to criticize the us congress so much and so avidly but i think many of them outside the us do are really crazy for having any sort of idea that staying in afghanistan longer is a good as a good thing or can help stabilize about him only way to bring peace and stability is to allow local people to solve local problems through local solutions and it does it again include foreign of forces being the source of that the peacemaking
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has to be done by the afghan parliament it has to be done by pakistan and we need civilians to do it not military force opinion there from afghan war veteran jake delivered out there watching r.t. come to life from moscow still had a sour she's made it to the arrival of age of one hundred thirty and shows no signs of slowing down. but me the jordan challenger could be the world's oldest woman find out her secrets late in the program here on our team. the united nations has plans by the world's wealthiest nations to cut spending on aids could jeopardize recent progress in fighting the disease the warning came out of the international aids conference which is underway in riana as activists are demanding treatment for all i do sarah ferguson is in the austrian capital for us. it's a third day at the a's two thousand and ten conference in vienna and already we've
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seen some controversy in the days leading up to the official conference we heard from a greek who challenging many of the fundamental assumptions that a lot of us told about hiv and aids and about the forms of treatment though they their views were met by many of the mainstream scientists with widespread criticism that has been a lot of debating here at the official conference itself to do with funding and treatment strategy that we heard yesterday from bill gates and bill clinton they were addressing an aids organizations i'm really asking them to ensure that they were providing value for money and of delivery of services in tough economic times now there's been some protests going through the conference about this apparent scaling back the people saying the governments aren't holding good on their promises i remember in two thousand and five the u.n. said it december two thousand and ten deadline promising universal access to hate hiv prevention treatments and most countries have fallen pretty far short of those
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targets a third from a lot of speakers saying that this really needs to be pushed forward funding still needs to be there and help in any country should absolutely not be an option that comes to pendent on a price tag now another of the areas that's been discussed here at the conference is to be with treatments he seems new guidelines on early delivery of treatments that's been slightly controversial in space to be debated later on today but as he said the underlying basis of this conference is this focus on the human rights issue and the fact that this is not only needed to visit success in a global level a bit on an individual level to we can hear now from my colleague again to japan he met some people living with hiv a charming cartin says he chivied saved her life not something you hear very often my life before you try every. story. i have to go for days weeks weeks and weeks to go are you know does not even take a bath is just get high get high get high get high was smoke crack smoke.
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drink drink in this go to that passed out seven years ago when a child the diagnosis prompted her to change your lifestyle and i've been clean thank you. it has been restarted the ball of my new life now she takes a cocktail of three chivied fighting drugs every day and says it's like fighting any other disease but the international community thinks differently aids which the united nations says has killed twenty five million people is classed as a global epidemic there are however some scientists in the minority who counter this view h.-o. view is just another that we know hunted some of them professor duesberg from the university of california berkeley says the world has been brainwashed into thinking aids is an infectious disease most scientists don't share his views beats us comes
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along but is and they wanted to make it an infectious disease but it's a lifestyle he sees over twenty million americans that's almost ten percent take illicitly creational talks every day professor duesberg opinions on aids being a sexually transmitted disease are also far from the mainstream view it's not up to tell us about that in order to pick up this model from somebody who has to have. cells and sexual contacts with somebody who is positive not counting dates with negative thoughts they don't call us that's hope efficient it is this is hopeless it's biologically hopeless no one argues that h.i.v. and aids is a problem it is the cause is in the facts of the immunity fish and sea diseases which are the focus of debate and disagreement in washington d.c. you come across these ads everywhere who's better on a bush or obama and that's the question
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a major aids foundation is asking well obama's new strategy is mostly focused on the domestic five h.i.b. and a and for the first time the u.s. national aids plan specifically targets gay and bisexual men and. rick an american run simmons who's black gay and h.i.v. positive says targeting reese groups is actually a good thing and more efficient he has a support group for gay charity positive black man i was on the cusp of the wave of the sexual revolution so i had done all that stuff you know with a lot of i sort of knew that. so when i found out i was positive on both and surprised by while acknowledging lifestyle has a great deal to do with hiv diagnosis ron says people should avoid social stigma we think that people with long should not have this broken figure with their fall so tough luck don't get into how did you get sick that's not important how you guys
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think the fact is that you are sick but some scientists say that dealing with how it's contracted remains the key to its prevention going to check on our t. washington d.c. and the u.s. senate is set to vote on an extension of unemployment benefits democrats and republicans are deeply divided on the issue which has provoked fierce debate president obama has slammed his opponents for attempting to deny help to millions of americans after years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit the same people who didn't have any problems spending hundreds of billions of dollars on tax breaks for the wealthiest americans are now saying we shouldn't offer relief to middle class americans like jim or leslie or denise who really need help. and the proposed bill extends the deadline for filing for unemployment benefits to the end of the vampyr the move will cost thirty three billion dollars in additional deficit spending republicans are concerned about the
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expanse and say an extension of benefits should be offset by spending cuts blogger danny schechter says the debate is actually a political battle. this is a situation where the government has to be proactive to try to stimulate the economy and to try to generate jobs and they haven't been doing a very great job of it so you can say well they shouldn't do anything but i don't see how that's going to lead to a recovery of our economy and neither do most economists around the world the problem is that there's an illogical group among the republicans and some other economists who feel that you know obama cannot have any victories he cannot be able to claim that he did anything positive so they are just the party of no they will vote against everything he proposes because he's proposing it and this is the problem that the democrats are facing it's masked as an economic debate but it really is and it's a political difference at its core the same republicans who are moaning about the
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deficit and the dead are also favoring tax cuts for the richest americans so they don't have to pay any taxes at all and the government can't generate any income their real philosophy is quote starve the beast try to make it impossible for government to function and serve the public and they're not very interested in lower income americans of people in pain and in poverty they're very they have been are filed with the richest americans and that's why this is become a class battle not just a political battle if you want to cut the budget you want to really deal with the deficit you have to cut military spending and that's something the republicans for the most part are not interested in doing with the exception perhaps of ron paul so everybody is making selective arguments to build their ideological case but the reality is that the money is going into military and counterintelligence kinds of programming that generates jobs for some people but leaves most people out of work
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longer and filmmaker janice acker there from new york. the u.s. government is allowing b.p. to keep the cap on its ruptured oil well in the gulf of mexico by we'll continue to monitor the situation officials were worried the plug fitted last week may have triggered other leaks however authorities say they may be natural and unrelated to the well we hope the device had stand the flow of oil for the first time since the rig explosion three months ago. a drug gang has killed a man during a street shooting in mexico a day after escalating violence in the country eighteen people were shot dad at a party on monday as gunmen stormed the celebrations the region has recently seen a rise in gas linked to competition between cartels almost twenty five thousand people have been killed in drug related violence in the past four years. syria has
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banned university students and teachers in the country from wearing the full islamic veil education ministry says the decision aims to protect syria's secular identity the ban does not affect the headscarf which is more common in the region syria is the latest nation to weigh down on the face covering veil following similar moves in france and belgium. heavy rain continues to devastate central china was the death toll rising to thirty four dozens are feared missing as the worst hit areas remain under a sea of water nearly six million people across the country have been evacuated from their homes as a result of the floods last week rain storms in the south killed nearly one hundred fifty people leaving at least forty missing. and israel received international condemnation for its attack on a gaza bound aid flotilla in may nine people were killed when commandos stormed a humanitarian ship coming out r.t.
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talks israeli member of parliament dr a now wolf she argues military action should have been avoided because the conflict in the middle east is an ideological one. simple thinking should have been different the whole thinking should have been that this is not a new arena where the military gets sent because the military doesn't know how to deal with images with ideas. so in that respect it's not helpful to the kind of shift that i think israel should make in order to truly win in this war of ideas we should insist on the complexity of things so that people would understand that it's also simple to decide who's of the right and i think this would israel should fight for a battle for now that we're right they're wrong i don't think that's the way to go . and if you watch that interview just a few minutes here on our t.v.
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now they say age is nothing but a number of what is said number is one hundred thirty that seems to be the case for a georgian woman who claims to be the oldest living person on earth artie's or in english has stopped by to wish her a happy birthday. as you get older birthdays tend to get less exciting but not frances or who each other is georgian woman says she's turning hundred and thirty years old it's a claim backed up by her passport but she appears to have outlived her birth certificate which would help prove she's the world's oldest living person by sixteen years she spends most of her time in bed but her ten grandchildren eleven great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren keep her entertained year round. now are filled week but i don't want to stay in bed all the time i wrote a large i worked on my garden plot and i did to raise my children after my husband
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died. they say despite her age she still has a sound mind and a sharp eye and enjoys a game of backgammon every now and then this is the. mother worked all her life even during the war she never had a very comfortable life. is empty says a third and last living son she claims she gave birth to him when she was sixty her two older children died in the one nine hundred forty s. it seems there's something in the air in the mountains of georgia living to over ninety is nothing out of the ordinary here but making it to hundred thirty is still something pretty special the secret could be in the simple real life or the d.n.a. of the local population or as some have suggested and mixed up with the documents or maybe it's the combination of all three that keeps people like and going strong for years relatives say and descent used to smoke cigarettes doesn't eat meat but
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doesn't joy having entering every now and then to suspend all of her life in the village she was born in she didn't have much of an official education and doesn't know how to read or write her passport says she was born in one thousand a.d. but independently that to cannot be verified without antti says last birth certificate but several other documents and testimonies from her neighbors say i'm definitely over a century old. so-called form which is a document which is pretty. much created with. passport this issue of his or her child it is creating the seventeen year old. a piece of which i was born we need. much more like every. word documents in order to establish the fact that this person is the oldest person in the world what with people work or not and to succumb to news to lead by example proving that age is
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a case of mind over matter as long as you know. how to make the most of every single moment of life in a coast guard ga. and it's time now for a business update with natasha so russia has economies wowing it had it seems it is indeed bring you the latest g.d.p. growth figures and just a couple of minutes first the farm bureau international air show has opened in the south of england one of the premier events for the industry with companies coming from all around the walls as our correspondent reports. airplanes of all shapes and sizes are taking to the skies over the south of england this week as formed by international asho brings technology to you russia's biggest aviation industry play as a representative on broad not just air of gotten sukhoi superjet but also titanium make up the s.n.p. . the russian defense super corp defense important export company but on
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export and russian helicopters it was a successful beginning to the show for russian helicopters which sold for machines to an indian company a new direction this was a commercial market for all sorts of perks that come in your market with care of several commercial critical. but that's not a big want to for such big confusion canonically developed on the rails in there so we are putting additional songs this market. among the russian related deal signed his to far and our affiliates placed an order for eleven ad bus planes for around a billion dollars and sukhoi will supply thirty of it super jets to an indonesian airline in a deal worth just under a billion dollars but the name on everyone's lips this year is boeing. based on doubted me this dog this is the boeing seventy seven dreamliner on british soil for the first time hailed as the first david new generation line is its sassy and. it's
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all made of russian titanium the seven eight seven made of composition material and capable of traveling huge distances with this model still equipped for test flights boeing's confident it can make the first deliveries by the end of the year following a tour of the brand new plane. explained to russia's involvement. in the last few years we have signed a lot of contract most of which were for titanium production and newly built titanium the plane that you and i just saw consists of about twenty tons worth of titanium product all of which were made in russia. boeing claims planes for the next eighty years will be modeled on the dreamliner and they're hoping to drum up new custom for the plane during the course of this week last year's paris was disastrous in terms of orders as the aerospace industry took a beating in the financial crisis this year could be different according to boeing
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i think there is some signs you know that the market just government bad and definitely no airlines you know way more interest for more than your airplanes you know definitely finance and so the problem like eighteen months ago bumper is traditionally a litmus test for the state of the global aviation industry and the world's biggest defense and aircraft manufacturers will host the evidence of it taking off your and that business r.t. . and ask the airshow state corporation russian technologies a signed an agreement with boeing to create a future joint ventures for servicing boy and craft and distributing it boeing previously had signed an agreement with russian silicon valley's skolkovo to design new planes. and russia's gross domestic product rose four point two percent in the first half of the year as the country emerged from the worst downturn in a decade the growth was underpinned by
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a strong rebound in industrial production was more than ten percent higher than the same period last year also benefited from rise of commodity prices the backbone of the country's economy. tom let's check out the equity markets first to asia in japan profit takers some of the nikkei down mainly on a stronger again at sort of exports including toyota sony and some disappointing corporate results from the united states also adding to the bus in the meanwhile in hong kong the hang seng is gaining value on the news about china's increasing domestic consumption it mainly benefits the banking sector and the auto makers. and the russian markets are opening up this hour at the r.d.s. has already started trading it's up more than half a percent in the first minutes of trade all the opening the my sex will start a few minutes we're saying the figures from monday one and the day in the block and are just talks rose the price of oil hovers around seventy six dollars a barrel it's very close the top blue chip gainer of one of the house for sound
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after saying last week the growth of bad loans was stabilize. russia's biggest gold producer paulus plans to pay a dividend of house rubles per share in the first half of the year that's about twenty seven cents the figures slightly lower than expected and that's about half of what the company paid last year at the board of directors is proves the recommendation the company will spend little more than fifty million dollars on dividend payments this year. russia's top mobile operator m.t.s. and the foley retailer euro sets have signed a deal that will revive their cooperation in certain russian regions the relationship soured after g.s. rival vocal call bought the chain two years ago. both sides suing each other said president saddam allah says he's pleased the companies have agreed to start working together again but he stresses it's only in some remote regions of the
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country for the time being. while you are up to date on all the latest then business the update us about fifty minutes. say lose coolidge in the sea canary due to its high pitched twist to. this moment
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none of this is going to communicate. what's he trying to say and don't commute to come to mind which. secrets of. the chain that started off two months and lasted for almost a floozy years juli two superpowers and the brains. uploaded to. the skins congress on t.v. . for. the.
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that's. home of the bag you're watching our t.v. live from moscow here's a look at the top stories shifting power political heavyweights from around the world gather in kabul to find ways of handing more control over to afghan forces to stabilize the conflict stricken country authorities have stepped up security for
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the event which will bring together over seventy nations. calls mount for bigger funding in the battle against aids but while scientists remain split over how to deal with the so-called epidemic others claim it's nothing more than a lifestyle disease this comes as delegates meet at international aids conference in vienna aimed at providing universal care for patients. and and doing well for discrimination president obama is determined to stand unemployment benefits slamming republicans for according to rich with tax cuts of the senate prepares to vote the bill would help millions struggling to survive after the financial crisis but will cost the government billions of dollars. that's the outlines of next thirty talks to israeli member of parliament dr a now wells to discuss israel's position after its attack on a flotilla may and prospects for the middle east.


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