tv [untitled] RT July 20, 2010 11:01am-11:31am EDT
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during the last conference on afghanistan which to place in london earlier this year is now being implemented and today here representatives from over at seventy countries are making sure that everything is going. by the plan of course other issues such as drug trafficking proving. standards of living here in afghanistan as well as the state regulations and human rights issues were discussed and it looks like russia is increasing its involvement in help helping the country in all those fears russia here is represented by the country's foreign minister sergei lavrov we're committed to supporting you in efforts on stabilizing afghanistan and we'll continue to allow transit of international cargo and personnel to afghanistan through our territory so we're working on additional measures to keep afghan forces together with our partners we're also helping restore the afghan economy disappear russia wrote off the remainder of ghana stands didn't eight hundred ninety one million u.s. dollars we will continue to provide humanitarian assistance also recently russia
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has said it's willing to sell over twenty am i seventeen helicopters to nature meant for the afghan army no those helicopters were designed especially to fly over the mountain so as the country's chief of staff has said himself they would be perfect for the afghan army russia has also said that it's willing to give some of them for free in order to help the country in each of them costs from between thirteen and fifteen million u.s. dollars and that of course will also be very much needed here in afghanistan once troops start leaving the country out of one hundred thousand people that die because of drugs coming from afghanistan and more than a third of them dies in russia and together with the e.u. russia consumes about fifty percent of the drugs coming from afghanistan so for russia of course it is a big issue during this conference. of course he's also willing to cooperate with.
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partners from the west in order to tackle this problem. because the reporting from the afghan capital well one afghan parliament told me that the first thing the west needs to scale back is the help it's giving to heroin production i think it's true that afghanistan produces a lot of opium but when you talk about the heroin the international community for gets the fact that the you know to turn opium to heroin you require chemical precursors that come from huge pharmaceutical companies from europe and the far east in other countries so big that never talk about that bad there's a enough money made in bringing precursors to this country to turn our poppies into heroin and if you don't attack that angle of this problem but just producing opium for a farmer who wants to buy a plastic pair of shoes for his son once a year is not going to solve the problem in this country for example one thousand
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tons of opium last year in afghanistan required thirteen thousand pounds of chemical tons of chemical precursors that came from a major force of pharmaceutical producers in the world afghans are producing it to survive and i'm not condoning it we should stop producing it but also the consumption should stop and also. important for precursors should also be stemmed in my opinion money laundering and banks and all those issues should be dealt with seriously. enough down politics believes coalition forces made a mistake in afghanistan applying a military solution to a no military problem. americans have failed in nation building in afghanistan and i see that the major problem you know general mcchrystal has now gone to the new commander all for american troops and international troops in afghanistan they try
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to apply neutral solutions yes because the nutriment but you know you can apply a solution to a military problem the problem of guest on the problem of pakistan are not military and those are social economic and political problems smallest of all corruption drug abuse and actually the basic problem the field nation building let's see the basic problem of those countries and of course we can make no plans for to interfere to in. afghanistan i have but. now the un that warning that if the world's richest countries caught their spending on aids research the recent progress in fighting the disease will be put in serious jeopardy it sounded the alarm at the international aids conference in vienna where activists are demanding universal treatment sarah firth is in austria for. the main topic of the conference today has been on this new treatment gel for women designed to help in the fight to prevent hiv a. bigger she had this prevention as
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treatment and there's been a lot of research going into that over the last three years to really develop these prevention methods to the conference that they held today to present the findings on this need to oversee to round the flows and everyone's been talking about that's a very positive thing to come out of this conference and earlier today we all say how to talk about basing the phrasing cons of early treatments a starting treatment for haiti earlier now that's being quite heavily debated not everyone does agree on that but again that's been another fake this conversation it's a day now we see a lot of these issues come up in a lot of the debates of not. good intentions but is the money that because we've also heard a lot of cool save the last couple of days about the funding issue and now monday of course bill clinton shantel case they just takes a d.n.a. it's organized ations and also to make sure they're providing the money and we're
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delivering the services especially in tough economic times the protests the speakers are ready reserve be angered by that and what they see as a cutting back in funding and commitment the things that really critical time before the official conference started we were posting from the unofficial conference which was a group who held alternative is questioning some of the fundamental assumptions of what we all think about the and aids and they were questioning all said that this new treatment methods they have their own official talks they used were met with widespread criticism skepticism here is the mainstream conference now it's got to be said that these are new arguments since aids and to the public forum and people were aware of it since the one nine hundred eighty s. there have been opposition to the. mainstream we can head out to spec is one of the people he has for this attorney to be. in order to pick up this morning from
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somebody who has you have. souls and sexual contact with somebody who's possibly not counting bits with negative thoughts they don't call a stethoscope deficient it is just as hopeless it's biologically hopeless. is just another towards me no one could solve them as i said they were not taken for take at least seriously by the mainstream scientists say but a lot of the people that we speak to when even really willing to enter into a debate about that they're saying that they're really very focused on the mission here this week and that's pushing forward this idea of universal access making sure that happens that as we say with this funding question marks remaining lots and lots of good intentions people are really going to be looking now to see whether any of this translate into concrete actions once the conference is a. well to me that my vet is spending a couple of days in finland where alongside
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a bit of official business there's also some time for some scandinavians fine seeing to start with finish it president. gave medvedev a tour of her official summer residence there it is the gold and buying it back in time that he does have been joined a stroll in the sun the team of russian is the. prism event is next to just soak up some baltic history but then it's down to business on the fate believe is the set to talk about energy deals and environmental issues the details are all business at twenty past the hour. london's christie's auction house is insisting the painting it sold to a russian billionaire is authentic it's been reportedly sued by business spending victim. who claims the work he bought is a fake or allegedly splashdown nearly three million dollars when this painting caught his eye in two thousand and five it's cool though to lease a supposedly by the russian artist but it's because the of but all the experts in
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russia have taken a close and they're now convinced it's been forged is now said to want his cash back plus damages christie's took another look at the painting and say it is genuine research to be done. stories are also updated twenty four hours a day it all to dot com well as through through what else is online few out the moment the indian teachers who are hitting children for not doing homework corporal punishment illegal parents want action after two men to people committed to the songs. on the russian organizers of a promotional stunt you could spend two years in jail if convicted of animal cruelty to make you terrified like find out more. president obama as the u.s.
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senate to extend welfare benefits for unemployed americans and is proving to be an opportunity to weigh into republicans for developing vital help for millions of people. after years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit the same people who didn't have any problems spending hundreds of billions of dollars on tax breaks for the wealthiest americans are now saying we shouldn't offer relief to middle class americans like jim or leslie or denise who really need help. at the moment jobless americans get six months of benefits the new bill would extend up to nine costing times the full billion dollars republicans they were keeping their eye on the country's bad debt and say any welfare extension should be paid for by spending cuts elsewhere but some commentators says the battle of political stop with us first is economic stimulation. this is a situation where the government has to be proactive to try to stimulate the economy and to try to generate jobs and they haven't been doing
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a very great job of it so you can say well they shouldn't do anything but i don't see how that's going to lead to a recovery of our economy and neither do most economists around the world the problem is that there's an easy a logical group among the republicans and some other economists who feel that you know obama cannot have any victories he cannot be able to claim that he did anything positive so they are just the party of no they will vote against everything he proposes because he's proposing it and this is the problem that the democrats are facing it's masked as an economic debate but it really is and it's a political difference at its core the same republicans who are moaning about the deficit and the dead are also favoring tax cuts for the richest americans so they don't have to pay any taxes at all and the government can't generate any income their real philosophy is quote starve the beast try to make it impossible for
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government to function and serve the public and they're not very interested in lower income americans of people in pain and in poverty there they had dinner fly with the richest americans and that's why this is become a class battle not just a political battle if you want to cut the budget you want to really deal with the deficit you have to cut military spending and that's something the republicans for the most part are not interested in doing with the exception perhaps of ron paul so everybody is making selective arguments to build their ideological case but the reality is that the money is going into military and counter-intelligence kinds of programming that generates jobs for some people but leaves most people out of work . political blogger and filmmaker danny schechter they're from new york now british prime minister david cameron dallas will be the main topic of discussion with the president obama on tuesday during his first official visit to the white house come
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one would also have to alter the claims of the british based company successfully the u.k. government for the release of the bomber to secure an energy deal almost one hundred ninety americans were killed in the tragedy over twenty years ago relations between london and washington are also on the strain because of b.p.'s oil spill in the gulf of mexico. and sticking with the u.s. officials say the amount of oil seeping from the blown out to b.p. operated well is insignificant they also believe the page discovered near the page near the well at the weekend could be a natural occurrence well as a result b.p. has been told to carry all with its plan to seal the hole in the ocean floor with the feared it would have to remove the cap which was fitted only last week because of concerns over the leaks the bloggers stem the flow of oil for the first time in three months that it's now being allowed to remain in place. the
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syrian government has banned women from wearing face covering islamic veils in the country's universities education ministry says the decision aims to protect the nation's secular identity the bound doesn't cover the his job of which a growing number of women they're all wearing similar there was a pending in france and belgium and there were coups in all the european countries for the public wearing a full made illegal. the most severe flooding to have hit china in years is now claimed some one hundred fifty lives dozens of people are still missing roads and rail lines of blogs due to landslides triggered by the rules nearly six million people have had to flee their homes officials say water levels of china's longest over the young sea have reached dangerous highs and are still rising. obviously age only matters if you're a fine wine but not for one daughter woman who claims to be the world's oldest
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person alive and this. says she's now a hundred and thirty and shows no signs of slowing down it either going to show the house her story. as you get older birthdays tend to get less exciting but not for each other this georgian woman says she's turning hundred and thirty years old it's a claim backed up by her passport but she appears to have outlived her birth certificate which would help prove she is the world's oldest living person by sixteen years she spends most of her time in bed but her ten grandchildren eleven great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren keep her and retained year round. oh sure is very powerful week but i don't want to stay in bed all the time i walked along i worked on my garden plot i needed to raise my children up to my husband died. they say despite her age she still has
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a sound mind and a sharp eye and enjoys a game of backgammon every now and then. mother worked or even during the war. is n.t. says a third and last living son she claims she gave birth to him when she was sixty her two older children died in the one nine hundred forty s. it seems there is something in the air in the mountains of georgia living to over ninety is nothing out of the ordinary here but making it to hundred thirty is still something pretty special the secret could be in the simple rural life or the d.n.a. of the local population or as some have suggested a mix of the documents or maybe it's the combination of all three that keeps people like and going strong for years relatives say and diesel used to smoke cigarettes doesn't eat meat but doesn't joy having a drink every now and then to suspend all of her life in the village she was born
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in she didn't have much of an official education and doesn't know how to read or write her passport says she was born in one thousand a.d. but independently that the communication cannot be. very fide without an t. says last birth certificate but several other documents and testimonies from her neighbors say i'm displeased definitely over a century old. which is pretty. much pretty. much for this issue it is a future it is created very seventeen the. countries of which are always poor we need. everything. with documents in order to establish the fact that this person is the oldest person in the world what with people who work or not and to succumb to news to lead by example proving that age is a case of mind over matter as long as you know how to make the most of every single
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moment of life in a ghost kartini georgia. of a hot summer in the crimea is about to get even hotter the city is gearing up for its annual international featuring the crime delacroix of the two wheeled world mosque a bike is the setting of a long journey to crane the a bed which kicks off on friday so things are expected to attend the three day battle and leather extravaganza organizers of gone all out to spice up the show with a misplayed competition a whole array of stars especially that. of financial kind that is his take on the current state of affairs in the u.s. . had a real currency based buy something real like gold then you'd have democracy you'd have egalitarianism you'd have a republic you'd have freedom but unfortunately you have none of those things because you have this trashy piece of paper no good make idiotic peeper paper
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nonsense that people believe is worth something when in fact it is not exactly well that's what jim grant is saying it's fake currency anyway so people are it's i believe this republican versus democrat oh deficits matter don't matter deficits didn't matter under dick cheney when it was for war it's class war there's no economy other than class war now in america. and you can watch the kinds of reports in around ten minutes time hail next they will they down you know. welcome to business the former international show has opened with a flurry of orders but two biggest manufacturers boeing have taken the lion's share but there's also been plenty of business for russian companies of course reports.
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airplanes of all shapes and sizes are taking to the skies over the south of england this week as farm bray international ash brings technology to life russia's biggest aviation industry players are represented at farnborough not just era floors and sukhoi superjet but also titanium maker vs m.p.o. . the russian defense super corp defense important export company but on export and russian helicopters it was a successful beginning to the show for russian helicopters which sold four machines to an indian company a new direction just as a commercial market for us it's a perk that the new market with care of several commercial free. but that's not a big quantity for such big confusion canonically developed ontario's india so we are putting additional process on this market to among the russian related deal scientists so far aeroflot placed an order for eleven airbus planes for around
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a billion dollars and so who will supply thirty of it super jets to an indonesian airline in a deal worth just under a billion dollars but the name on everyone's lips this year is boeing. based these are undoubtedly the star of this year's show the boeing seventy seven dreamliner on british soil for the first time hailed as the first new generation of airline is its just c. an't wings are made of russian titanium the seven eight seven's made of composite material and capable of traveling huge distances with this model still equipped for test flights boeing's. confident it could make the first deliveries by the end of the year following a tour of the brand new plane. explained to russia's involvement. in the last few years we have signed a lot of contract most of which were for titanium products a newly built titanium alloy the plane that you and i just saw consists of about
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twenty tons worth of titanium product all of which were made in russia. boeing claims planes for the next eighty years will be modeled on the dreamliner and they're hoping to drum up new custom for the plane during the course of this week last year's paris was disastrous in terms of orders as the aerospace industry took a beating jaring the financial crisis this year could be different according to boeing i think there is some signs you know that the market just government bad definitely no airlines. way more interest for more than your airplanes you know definitely finance and he is not so the problem like eighteen months ago bumper is traditionally a litmus test for the state of the global aviation industry and the world's biggest defense and aircraft manufacturers will host the evidence of it taking off your and that business r.t. . now president very fizzing finland for a two day visit to discuss trade and all the mutual interests to find out the
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details on joined by correspondent you're go north from the finnish city of turku follow your goal was the president hoping to get out of this visit. well daniel as you've said this is a two day visit so quite a lot is planned to me that if as soon as he arrived in finland went straight to president holland's residents near the city of to go where i'm standing now they're planning to go on a boat ride into the baltic sea and all a lot of issues are on the table since russia is finland's leading trade partners to the trade turnover between the two nations has already reached forty five billion u.s. dollars in the first quarter of this year alone which is quite an impressive figure compared to last year when the economic crisis was in full swing and the total trade turnover between russia and finland was around thirteen billion euros dollars during for the whole year and a lot of other issues are also going to be discussed like the possible cancellation
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of visas between russia and the e.u. in the future innovation and modernization as part of the russia e.u. dialogue the two leaders are going to exchange the other countries' experiences in using innovative technologies in their economies the baltic sea is also going to be discussed definitely since this is where the north stream pipeline project is currently being conducted then generally the atmosphere here is really friendly president hollande just started by saying how russian finland are really close and friendly part friendly neighbors and partners whose leaders should be meeting quite often in fact during the past two years the two presidents have been meeting quite a lot of times and the president need to me that if also answered by saying that he had to pass on a hello from who he cold war president how those friends whose names are and
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willing to know of course meaning was even approaching and winning in the movie and who is the governor of st petersburg. reporting from the finnish city thank you. time to check out the markets now wall street is still down in the morning there off the health care giant. profit for cross the twenty ten before the start of trade the company shares more than two percent lower other drugmakers. europe shares remain low off the troubled euro zone member hungary. bucking the trend for a second day as metals prices rise and rio tinto are up three percent on the footsie. has had a bad day after a strong start in the morning energy majors fell after the price of crude with seventy six dollars a barrel. gazprom have shed around one percent today. trends to prevail on the markets. in europe may add pressure on stocks. as the business you can always find
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i thought. this is representatives from seventy countries and organizations have been down to ring in kabul to discuss how to bring about stability and security of the good local forces and afghan president hamid karzai said he's determined the country will be ready for the transfer of power in four years its. aids
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activism on universal treatment as an international conference of uganda the un warned spending cuts could undermine recent progress some scientists in the same will strain capital of challenging conventional views on the political the disease as well as the link between aid today trying to. undercut georgian woman claims she's a hundred c. which would make her the oldest person that she's trying to prove it. does say she was born in eighty eighteen but she's the last top bus to figures he's used to help confirm her white holding. next most counties and states you have that look behind the financial headlines discussing deficit force and financial reforms the kinds report is next.
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