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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 20, 2010 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT

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state regulations and human rights issues were discussed and it looks like russia is increasing its involvement in have helping the country in all those fears russia here is represented by the country's foreign minister sergei lavrov we're committed to supporting you in efforts on stabilizing afghanistan we will continue to allow transit of international cargo and personnel to afghanistan through our territory so we're working on additional measures to keep afghan forces together with our partners we're also helping restore the afghan economy this year russia wrote off the remainder of ghana stands didn't eight hundred ninety one million u.s. dollars we will continue to provide humanitarian assistance but also recently russia has said it's willing to sell over twenty am i seventeen helicopters to nature meant for the afghan army no those helicopters were designed especially to fly over the mountain so as the country's chief of staff has said himself they would be perfect for the afghan army russia has also said that it's willing to give
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some of them for free in order to help the country and each of them costs from between thirteen and fifteen million u.s. dollars and that of course will also be very much needed here in afghanistan once troops start leaving the country out of one hundred thousand people that die because of drugs coming from afghanistan annually and more than a third of them dies in russia and together with the e.u. the e.u. russia consumes about fifty percent of drugs coming from afghanistan so for russia of course it is a big issue during this conference and. of course russia is also willing to cooperate with. partners from the west in order to tackle this problem. of reporting from the afghan capital well i'm now joined by ivan eland the director of the central peace and liberty at the independent institute in washington d.c. thanks very much indeed for joining us president karzai he says. afghans want to
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provide for their own security but of course bearing in mind the taliban running rampant do you think this really is a realistic ambition to do that within four years. no and i think most experts would agree with me there the afghan forces are still corrupt and not ready for. to fight alone or even in many cases with u.s. help so i think it's going to be a long road to get them up to speed and i don't think the western populations in europe and the united states where the wars become unpopular are going to wait that long actually so i think this two thousand and fourteen deadline will probably not be met and. the you know the publics in the west may tire of the war before then so it's really pie in the sky. just to interrupt you know just interrupt you talk about public opinion do you think really public opinion could actually then achieve
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this ambition for a complete troop withdrawal by twenty fourteen and that governments will listen to what the people say because you say that support is on the way. well i don't think this is vietnam the differences especially in the united states is there's no conscription so you're not drafting people into service so in fact even if the war is popular they can drag it out a little longer but eventually i think particularly in the public's in europe i think will demand a faster withdraw and their governments are more sensitive to it than the u.s. government but eventually the u.s. government i think will have to face the pressure that this is not going well and. they'll have to get out too so i'm not sure the u.s. the u.s. will even be. you know in there in strength in two thousand and fourteen we'll have to see what happens but i think certainly they'll be a pressure to withdraw from the public but on the other hand the bureaucracies especially the military push back and say well you know we can't leave. because the
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security forces. are not ready to take over yet but what about general petraeus he's just taken control the head of the u.s. forces there in afghanistan he's got a military interest here hasn't he he's quite keen surely to extend his military campaign to prove that this can be solved from the military bases as a soldier is that right. yes well his reputation is now on the line and i think he's trying to stretch out the time that he has in iraq he spoke of the washington clock being different than the iraqi clock and i think he's very conscious of the time that the limited time that he has from that experience but i think the problem is the president has committed to start withdrawing troops in. about a year from now in july two thousand and eleven now vice president biden is starting to walk that promise back saying well maybe only be a couple thousand so this is the beginning of the withdrawal so the united states will probably be in afghanistan for a long time with declining but i'm not sure that the country will get any better i
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personally think that the united states ought to get out because i think we're it's just needless casualties and we're not going to win the war but i think the bureaucratic factors will. push in the other direction and. you know they'll be able to flout the popular will for a while but eventually the popular will and our democracy here in america will eventually win out i think just briefly could we see a rift perhaps between the u.s. and nato i mean nato was really planning to begin handing over control by the end of this year and yet we see now a different tack by the u.s. to be a rift between the two do you think. yes i think there are already is to some extent and i think the biggest indication is that britain is the biggest ally and their their public is very unhappy with the war and i think of britain as unhappy than the rest of europe is even more unhappy and so i think that the british public opinion is very in decades. the state of affairs of the. what the allies are
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facing at home and i think they'll be under intense pressure to withdraw troops faster and of course that puts more. pressure on the u.s. to withdraw but at the same time it leaves the u.s. more work to do as the leader of the coalition of troops start foreign troops start pulling out so the u.s. is really caught between a rock and a hard place on several different factors here and so i think the overall. diagnosis is not good and i think the prognosis is not good either or i will leave it there thank you very much director of the central piece and liberty at the independent institute in washington d.c. as always good to hear what you have to say here and thanks for joining us. the u.n. is warning that if the world's richest countries cut their spending on aids research the recent progress in fighting the disease will be put in serious jeopardy it's sounding the alarm at the international hiv aids conference in vienna where activists are demanding universal treatment. in austria for. the main
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topic of the conference today has been on this new treatment gel for women designed to help in the fight to prevent hiv a. bigger she had this prevention as treatment and there's been a lot of research going into that over the last three years to really develop these prevention methods to the conference that they held hits day to present the findings on the speech i was seated around the pools and everyone's been talking about that's a very positive thing to come out of this conference and it's day we all say how to talk about basing the phrasing cons of earlier treatments a starting treatment for haiti earlier now that's being quite heavily debated not everyone does agree on that but again that's been another fake this conversation it's a day now we've seen a lot of these issues come up in a lot of the debates and not a lot of good intentions but is the money that because we've also heard
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a lot of cool save the last couple of days about the funding is now monday of course bill clinton or a chance ok they just takes a d.n.a. is organizations and also to make sure they're providing value for money and we're delivering the services especially in tough economic times the protests and speak is already received be angered by that and what they see as a crossing in funding and commitment that things are really critical time before the official conference started we were posting from the unofficial conference which was a group who held alternative is questioning some of the fundamental assumptions of what we all think about the and aids and they were questioning all said that this new treatment methods they have their own official talks they used were met with widespread criticism skepticism here is the mainstream conference now it's got to be said that these are new arguments since aids and to the public forum and people
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were aware of it since the one nine hundred eighty s. there have been opposition to these. mainstream we can hear now. is one of the people he has for this attorney to be. in order to pick up this more from somebody who has you have. souls and sexual contact with somebody who's possibly not counting dates with negative thoughts they don't come stats efficient it is this is hopeless it's biologically hopeless. is just another total. hump it's off them as i said they were not taken for take seriously by the mainstream science to say but it's a lot of the people that we speak to when even really willing to enter into a debate about that they're saying that they're really very focused on their mission here this week and that's pushing forward this idea of universal access making sure that happens that as we say with this funding question marks remaining
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lots and lots of good intentions people are really going to be looking now to see whether any of this translate into concrete actions once the conference is saved. and as we've just heard from sort of the new jail which is thought to help prevent women from contracting hiv is being widely publicized at the conference but dr christian fiona told me little early he thinks the data obtained during the test is unreliable. if you look over the last twenty years we have seen a number of hot air studies and this is just another one and i bet they do within one year no one will talk anymore about this study and if you look at the basis of the study it is focusing on african sexuality now this has been a white man's preoccupation since centuries and i ask myself as a doctor why are we not as my tree or compared with clean drinking water sufficient food and clean housing of african people as much as we are preoccupied with sexuality of african people and just to give you one small detail about hundred
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almost hundred participants of this new study they had been enrolled in another study with another jail and they had to lie they had deliberately lie it to the organizers of this study and it was discovered and then they were excluded from that study to tell you that about one third of the part of these participants deliberately lie it. organises of the study just to give you an image how reliable the stater are. just remind you our stories are also updated twenty four hours a day at our team dot com that's our website it's a quick look through what else is on at the moment the indian teachers who are hitting children for not doing their homework corporal punishment are legal but parents want to action after twenty people commit suicide. soaring temperatures are sending people flocking to the city beaches to cool down before muscovites to try to beat the heat head to dot com online all the time.
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police in southern russia are looking for employees of a leisure firm which forced a donkey to parasail over the sea footage showing the terrified animal being launched into the sky spread around the world after the first broadcast yesterday officials are considering bringing animal cruelty charges he has more. this case already cost protestant animal rights activists here in southern russia a group of interpret your son the coastal town of two men who decided to advertise their small business by launching an dunking to the air they tied the parachute to a boat and the animal was flying in the air above the sea of the beach for more than half an hour but the effect of such brutal advertising to me was the opposite to what these people probably expected because children who saw all that were crying most of the adults demanded to put the animal down immediately but people who were doing that refused to do so but even that was not all when the boat stopped the animal fell into the water desperately trying to get out was tied to
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the parachute so the brutal show lasted for another ten minutes there are hundreds of thousands of tourists who picked southern russia for summer vacation and it's a very busy time of year here on the black sea coast business owners try different ways to attract customers but it's hard to say why someone big such a terrible form and what could be bill expect from the small business resort that promotes itself the way i witness to say although many objected no one reported the case and only after the video appeared in the media local animal rights activists decided to file a lawsuit against the business owners and that actually may put them away for up to two years since under russian law there is punishment vanishment for brutal acts against animals sadly enough most such cases and up with people being blind are not getting any punishment at all however just received the information from the local
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media saying that police are looking for the organizers of the brutal ad campaign in timbuktu and it's likely that once caught they would be put on trial. in a sports reporting that could be well's from the brook an international quine welfare charity says the reaction to the footage of the parasailing don't could help the fight against animal cruelty. this animal was suffering was captured on videos and photographs and the way it spread through the media is really amazing and i think what the public has done is create a demand. for animals to be treated better and for people to pay attention and we think you know at the brook we do believe that the russian authorities are in the best place to be dealing with this matter when we look at the footage of this video the animal went through quite a horrific event i mean donkeys are meant to be staying on land and what we did see was an animal parasailing into the sky landing and water and being taken up to land which is you know put the animal through a great deal of fear distress and potentially pain definitely seeing the
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international reaction it's very encouraging i mean when people learn the right and wrong ways to do things people will people's actions will change and i think it's about making informed decisions you know seeking out the equine charities who have a knowledge on the use of animals in a variety of situations who can offer guidance should people want to involve animals in certain ways and tourism. in his first official news conference of the white house british prime minister david cameron said he wholly disagreed with the release of the lockerbie bomber but denied the decision was made by the us rules say the british based all company lobbied for him to be free to secure an energy deal most of the two hundred seventy people killed in the tragedy twenty years ago were americans both leaders also dismissed claims of strained relations between the two countries in the wake of b.p.'s major spill in the gulf of mexico. and staying with the slick u.s. officials say the amount of oil seeping from the blown up b.p. operated well is insignificant they also believe seepage discovered near the well
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it could be a natural occurrence as a result b.p. has been told to carry on with its plan for seal a hole in the ocean floor for good the firm feared it would have to remove the cap which was fitted last week because of concerns over the leaks the plug and stem the flow of oil for the first time in three months and it's now being allowed to remain in place. the syrian government has banned women from wearing face covering islamic veils in the country's universities education ministry says the decision aims to protect the nation's secular identity the band doesn't cover the he should have all head scarf which a growing number of women there are wearing similar ones are pending in france and belgium and the recalls in other european countries for the public wearing of full veils to be made illegal. in china now and the most severe flooding to have hit the country in years has now claimed one hundred fifty lives dozens of people are still missing roads and rail lines are blocked due to landslides triggered by the downpours nearly six million people have had to flee their homes and officials say
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the water levels of china's longest river the yangtze have reached dangerous time and are still rising. while the hot summer in the crimea is about to get even hotter the city of sevastopol is gearing up for its annual international bug show featuring the. of the two wheeled world moscow bikers have set off from the long journey to ukraine for the event which kicks off on friday thousands are expected to attend the three day metal and leather extravaganza organizers of gone along to sponsor the show with a miss point competition and on the rate of. well later financial guru gives his take on the current state of affairs in the u.s. economy if you had a real currency based buy something real like gold then you'd have a democracy you'd have a gala tarion is and you'd have a republic you'd have freedom but unfortunately you have none of those things because you have this trashy piece of paper no good nick idiotic peeper paper
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nonsense that people believe is worth something when in fact it is not exactly well that's what jim grant is saying is this is figure out fake currency anyway so people are it's i believe this republican versus a democrat oh deficits matter don't matter where the deficits didn't matter and dick cheney when it was for a war class war there's no economy other than class worn out america. and you can watch the kind of reporting just over ten minutes from now here on t.v. before that it's the business update with daniel. welcome to business several of us from the most important officials missed a board meeting on tuesday over a controversial new resource extraction tax on monday reported that the gas giant was firmly opposed to the government's plans a fifteen percent increase in juji could cost gazprom as much as twelve billion
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dollars a year money which would be lost to its investment program absentees from tuesday's meeting included chief executive alexei miller as well as economy minister. and energy minister sergey schmitz go. president which made bed if is in finland for a two day visit to discuss trade another mutual interest our correspondent is going off is in the finnish city of turkey for business r.t. . russia is among finland leading trade partners the trade turnover between the two nations has already reached five billion u.s. dollars in the first quarter of this year alone which is quite an impressive figure compared to last year when the economic crisis was in full swing and the total treat turnover between russia and finland was around thirteen billion years dollars for the whole year and a lot of other issues are also going to be discussed like the possible cancellation of visas between russia and the e.u.
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in the future of innovation modernization as part of the russia e.u. dialogue the two leaders are going to exchange the other countries' experiences in using innovative technologies in their economies the baltic sea is also going to be discussed definitely since this is where the north stream pipeline project is currently being conducted. shares in moscow ended the day on a down note of a strong start in the morning energy may just fall away after the price of crude went down the seventy six dollars a barrel. from have shed around one percent today. to get to trends to prevail in the markets and the results of the stress tests on european banks may add pressure on stocks we expect that this friday. report on ninety six banks in years on and things that number of large institutions will not
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pass trust us and. president. negative pressure on stock markets tomorrow i wish now forget about spain or finance and. deal with this friday and next friday and over all its thirty two billion euros. that spain just don't have. the. spain will have to ask. european bailout was able to untar market with significant amount of money. now russian book make a bet lee has signed a contract with the country's football premier league to start taking bets that stadium before a match accompli will invest up to five million dollars in the project and expects the first return in three years the difficulty never has more. one two way driessen money while it is sports event but tired of the track now you can risk your sure
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down at the football stanny a masterpiece prepared to kick off their one surefire win now will be the football association and its deal with the back league it will receive half of all the earnings to made by the bookmakers inside the stadium and the money will be put towards the development of football in russia. fifty percent of what is made will be given to the russian football league and then we will decide whether to invest into football clubs or to children's football the amount of money wagered on sport last here in russia and mounted to just one point two billion dollars if a very meager sound for situ or each country with a long sporting tradition the recent ban on kids xenos has not helped the situation from the bookmaker ace point of view. there's been a three fold decline in the market in two thousand and nine the volume of the market was one point two billion dollars and this year i can say is just around four hundred million dollars but i'm sure the market will grow and that's why we
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are ready to invest capital in new projects. have ski also has a cunning plan to boost the image of sports betting he has set his heart on winning the services of town tical fortune teller paul the octopus badly has offered to pay around one thousand euros for the psych exam philip that's who correctly predicted the outcome of games at the world cup. since an offer i think we will find a compromise of this octopus to help make an officer to predict the winners we are ready to provide everything he needs we just need him. paul has been getting many offers but if he does come to russia he will find everything and oracle octopus could need to show off his talents his sponsors could take him to the page on match day so he could pick the winner and encourage the spectators to play system tat is that might have a question of business are today. so for now you can always find more stories on
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our website that's all t dot com slash. wealthy british style sign some time to cut back on. the. market why not
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come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. minds. would be so much brighter if you knew about song from phones to impressions. please for instance on t.v. dot com. tories which are made to police children. kumar and their health. minister. sure illness is. worse than the.
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plague. and lasted for almost a fantasy is july two superpowers. to my. jewel of the spoons congress. if. it's. just.
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a. tiny peek the how of. the shirts inside the hotel hotel while shell his the groom who took the show would hotel. hotel resort. hotels like the victoria. springs resort and spa tied to hotel royal cheap. hotel. paid evergreen plaza hotel. ambassador.
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a good girl would. ever. come from the russian capital twenty four hours a day this is our. president says he's determined his country will take responsibility for its own security by twenty four representatives from seventeen nations and organizations. to discuss how to bring about stability. aids activists demand universal access to treatment at an international conference in vienna meanwhile some scientists are challenging conventional views on the causes and the thinks of the disease. the rush over looking for work terrified
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don't keep parasailing over the sea as a p.r. stunt and likely to face animal cruelty charges. well that's all the news from. now will be back on air at ten am that's after we've had a few. engineering next though max keiser and stacy herbert tackle the issues behind deficit fraud and financial reforms that the report. welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser with stacy herbert. paul the psychic octopus. because i think this paul our octopus is headed for a severely disruptive end to an otherwise illustrious career did you see that is worth.


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