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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 21, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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alton ross is republican but only two people on. the forces are saying they know who is behind these attacks but officially no name has yet been given full join me in just a few seconds. drawing attention to a forgotten war an iraqi american almost all victims of the seven year campaign using his own skin is this for the number of seats. we fight wars over free speech let me start the battle in parliament square against people who are expressing free speech and activist last chance against the u.k. government saying it's crushing free speech to campaign is our victim from the peace camp a column in school. your banks the stress tests of the financial health of told us what he thinks will have.
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a warm welcome to you this is. two security guards have been killed in a terror attack on a hydroelectric power plant in russia so the republic of korea two generations of put out of that action when several bombs were set off inside the station. house more. none of the caucasus target as ations claimed responsibility for a serious of bloss their bucks on hydro power plant in russia is covered in about korea and the north caucasus meanwhile national and to church committee is reporting now that all the people being involved in this attack those who have carried out as well as the organizers have all been identified although officially no name has yet been given the russian media has already suggested that made abdul
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mawgoud be behind this attack this man is known as the leader of al-qaeda militants he became number one in the republic just a while ago and since then the number of deadly incidents in the republican south and in the region as a how has increased dramatically and analysts say that in such a mad man is now just trying to get some respect from the militants in the region and maybe at this particular this recent type on the blood could also be part of his planned huge plan to gain popularity and to strengthen his position as the leader of the militants so for the republican investigation is now continuing bad the only version of what happened earlier today at that plant remains a terror attack let's not listen to what the investigators saying. we regularly carry out terror training in russian regions this is necessary to issue the two cs
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work together the from the time companies whose time we have questions for the money issues of the cloned about security and the reliability of his gaunt the investigation will show whether this facility was well going to earlier today a group of people who were getting money about four people they say up to four gunmen burst into the pool and short to god and said at least four explosions three all the. police off the station have also been hurt two of them seriously injured and then hospitalized and we also have information that all of them have been as the militants have been looking for the switches to cut off power of god in the they've tried to force these people to tell them where exactly it is situated as far as we know that they existed supplies haven't been a factor to buy based attack we have to admit that most likely they didn't didn't
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find this failed to find these switches at the same time security see has been tightened everywhere in the region especially at all hydra paula facilities in question is solved well independent political analyst calls and believes the attack on the power plant reflects a shift in terrorists trying to she. definitely changing their tactics starting from schools hospitals feel that there is. all blowing the residential quarters the small embarked upon hydropower with stations their music i have of them to direct to the doomed to fail freight. on the one hand and on the other to intimidate the rank and file people caught short of electricity it's like us applause especially in the summit or russia especially.
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in close cooperation the world with the world at large can definitely cope with such a menace only just a small groups of gangsters are still at large but we will manage to do so. well the u.s. is still billions each month from its operations in iraq but these days it receives little attention at home now a growing number of americans are accusing the media of burying the war not giving its victims the recognition they deserve when important i met the man who is literally getting under his skin. the sad thing is. a roll call of names anymore here i think the score for each one hundred thousand dots represent the iraqis casualty of war and it had to drawing attention to them. in
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a very difficult situation i live with the two can trees or belong to their war aggression. from one country to the motherland can treat and of course there's a huge amount of anger anger that will follow all channeled into art in march the rocky american turned his back into canvas for an ongoing project hold and counting. observers watch as below is scored with a borderless map of iraq surrounding the cities dots representing the deaths of iraqi civilians and american soldiers dots only seen under a black light and the reason i have it. in invisible ink is to call attention to how there is gone and
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marked a death count which includes his younger brother haji how old was your. think that was before he about twenty maybe before he died. it was two thousand and four in belongs hometown city of kufa haji and fellow iraqi civilians were demonstrating against u.s. occupation when a u.s. predator drone dropped a missile i felt compelled to engage people in some. art to be to use raise awareness about what is going on since the media is not paying any attention. but last month the u.s. media did temporarily turn their attention to the other war and the scandalous mudslinging politics surrounding it let's let's there was failing of course well for a moment he has apologized for the comments that he made general mcchrystal has been ordered home to the white house to answer questions about his comments in this
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article a rolling stone article in which america's top commander in afghanistan publicly ridiculed the obama administration before star general tendered his resignation according to the pew research center mcchrystal drama filled twenty five percent of the u.s. mainstream news cycle how can the president let him get away with this the second most talked about story in june third was the rocky u.s. economy. while ironically the war costing america more than seven billion dollars each month yielded minimum coverage. leaving those like bill all responsible for drawing a spotlight on scars of heartache that run deep seven years and counting. r.t. new york. this hour. find out what life. is clamping down on protesters demonstrating is it.
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an international aids conference in vienna may have been hearing about breakthroughs in treatment but it's also heard plenty of unlike humans scientists unveiled a new. gel which health officials are calling hope for women but human rights activists say the key to curbing the disease is accessed universal care. that difference is the politics of the u.s. against the united states they claim president obama's policies favor multinational pharmaceutical companies raising the cost of treatment and then from the washington college a group. the move will have an impact on patients well one it's. the apollo ministration promise change in this regard he promised to quote break the stranglehold that large drug companies have over pharmaceutical policies in the us and the internationalization of those intellectual property policy property
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policies abroad but in fact what we've seen over the last two years is very little change from the obama administration on that regard the latest special three one report for example which expressing the view i think for policy. continues to saying developing countries are not escalating intellectual property policies beyond that that is required by the world trade organization agreements and the impact of those escalations the impact of that policies will be less affordable medical medications in developing countries and countries middle income countries as well like russia which was included on that list for not implementing a data exclusivity rule that would extend monopolies to drugs even without protection. well the debate continues with pete lavelle and his cross talk test he discussed the effectiveness of modern aids treatments. companies tied to
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it doesn't do anything with drugs ever deadly toxic. there is he was forty years ago all for one purpose to kill human cells for cancer chemotherapy and the result is they have never ever cured one aids patient they even say that ok did. you disagree with that. of course i mean we have two million people die of hiv infection every year and these are not people who die of old age i can tell you that the average age of people who die in russia is thirty two years this is pretty ostracise. viruses are keeping people alive and people are still alive thanks to administration of these products and we have now five million people. and it's thanks to that that mortality has decreased so much that people live a normal life. or do what's cost of can just twenty minutes time. now they want to put on earth you
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strap a donkey to a parachute and a parasailing publicity stunt kid face up to two years in prison the footage of a terrified animal the sky spread across the world wanting anger from animal rights officials have lost an animal cruelty investigation. this case already caused proudest among animal rights activists here in southern russia a group of entrepreneur seen the coastal town of two men who decided to advertise their small business by launch a good dunking to the air they tied the parachute to a boat and the animal was flying in the air above the sea above the beach for more than half an hour but the effect of the brutal advertising technique was the opposite to what these people probably expected because. children who saw all that were crying most of the adults demanded to put the animal down immediately but people who were doing that refused to do so but even that was not all when the boat
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stopped the animal fell into the water desperately trying to get out it was tied to the parachute so the brutal show lasted for another ten minutes i witnessed the say although many objected no one reported the case and only after the video appeared in the media local animal rights activists decided to file a lawsuit against the business owners and that actually may put them away for up to two years since on the russian war there is one is meant for brutal acts against animals right now we've established a group of persons who are implicated in this incident preaching to officer is taking measures to establish their whereabouts and carry out questioning about the incident the committed act qualifies under article two four five part two of the criminal code is the cruel treatment of an animal which is punishable by an eighty thousand rubles fine up to two years in prison there are hundreds of thousands of tourists who pick southern russia for summer vacation and it's a very busy time of year here on the black sea coast business owners try different
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ways to attract customers but it's hard to say why someone picked such a terrible form of advertisement and what could be bill expect from the small business resort town that promotes itself the way that it's reporting there now protesters forcibly removed from the long haul is it the handles of the parliament in london complaining their right to freedom of speech is being trampled on on tuesday bailey as the campaign west of the campaign is calling for an end to the war in afghanistan say that it tends to return lower emmet reports. democracy but only on our terms that seems to be the message coming from the powers that be in the u.k. capital as a peace camp is finally removed from the government's doorstep as dozens of bailiffs and police sweeps to clear out the campaign as london's mayor said the demonstrators were making a mess and stopping the public from enjoying parliament square but the protesters
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insisted their crucial message is being muted i would like to see the body go. on primarily i would like to see the aggressive foreign policy this government has been pursuing over the book for such a long till going back through many governments and i would look to see. sobering studies. for any reason they've been resident in this focal spot in westminster since just before may's general election mainly calling for an end to the war in afghanistan but adopting other peace causes along the way it also became a magnet for all sorts of people including anna a teacher who gave up her job and her apartment to join the demonstration but i'm here mostly because i met some of the press coverage out here about the rules of war which covers all wars and it showed me how evil wars are within the law and
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expose to me how unlawful the government is and and then that trickles into almost every other aspect of life and into how we educate our children how much we have conditioned former m.p. and london merril candidates lembit opaque believes that while parliament sitting people should be allowed to make their protest heard within a short of their m.p.'s cricketers all about free speech all the time we fight wars over free speech and then we start a battle in parliament square against people who are expressing free speech that to me is a total contradiction it's anti-democratic but as democracy village is replaced by one. the hoff me to metal fences the demonstrators are adamant it's no barriers to getting hurt every time so this is of a country step outside the. authorized parameters approaches and they take radical nonviolent action. in this power she affects
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people in all positions of society that you can achieve just about anything you want or you need a bit of courage. to see it but it won't for now come is restored to parliament square and the protesters dispersed but they're determined people and vow to gather again elsewhere it took sixty bêlit some four hours to clear out the ten thousand people and erect that spread and along with the protesters when the right to free speech according to some they say the government sending a message to democracy keep off the grass is not see. down the course we're online twenty four hours a day so do you check out any of our stories that r.t. dot com any time you like here's some of what streaming there right now for us russian a traffic police say moscow could save a billion dollars a year just by sampling the daily gridlock with the number of cars just keeps on
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coming. and money to spare usually makes people happy but not one british woman find out why she can't even hold notes on coins and r.t. dot com. the u.s. secretary of state says that north korea will face new sanctions in the nature to steady its atomic ambitions hillary clinton was speaking in south rare after holding tools of military and defense officials she said the new measures including the freezing of assets trying to stop north korea purchasing all selling arms it comes just days. for joint military exercises and tearing down for many potential attacks then all that denied accusations that it was behind the sinking of a warship belonging to the south in march published a call from the center for korean studies at mosque a state university says the new sanctions that any likely to irritate kanya. back
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should i don't know what could be more i cannot make downturns against the north korea because it is already too much isolated so. the other trade always last down the four billion us dollars and eighty percent concentrated on china i think that's just a statement made of the un security council statement on north korea reached come down the. cells kind of washing sink in boston stools which didn't play most core after these in norway conditions north korea could attack now south korea and go to all of them in. predominance so there are a pall from your past selves for an alliance i think that the only way to deal with north koreans now is to negotiate especially you know when dad get back to nuclear and they want to be treated as a nuclear power and deep down when they're treated as they're some kind of. evil axis. so they're just irritated then that's very difficult to deal with them
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in such a way. other international news this hour and scientists in romania have a dog all set to be the bodies of four remaining dictated nicolo to test and his wife and children want to confirm they were actually buried at the spot in bucharest officials took some balls in the corpses before reburying the coffins which s.k. ruled romania for twenty five years before being executed anticommunist revolt. the worst flooding in more than a decade has left at least seven hundred people in china dead say fall this year millions have been evacuated from homes there more than three hundred are still missing due to continue rainfall roads and rail lines remain closed due to landslides officials say the rainy season will continue until the end of august at least. sentences in the u.s.
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the calling for an inquiry into the release of the lockerbie bomber last year but british prime minister david cameron rejected the idea and denied b.p. had been involved in the release during his first official visit to the one said it is believed abdullah best said his release may have followed lobbying by the oil giant around two hundred seventy people were killed when a plane was blown up over the scottish village of lockerbie in one nine hundred eighty eight. in france as traffic controllers are on strike protesting it plans to merge european aviation services they're concerned that major job losses could follow were flights have been counseled at the country's two main international airports charles ago and ole at the height of holiday season industrial action is expected to last until tuesday thursday while the morning. ok ten minutes from now treatments page hiv come under the scrutiny of people of alan's cross-talk guest but before that let's check out there is business news for daniel
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. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand get there and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our g. welcome to business the russian government's plans to raise the mineral tax may not be as punitive some companies first feared the state plans to increase the gas extraction levy by six percent in twenty twelve and five point four percent in
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twenty thirteen this will help raise an additional one point nine billion dollars during the first year and a further two point two billion the following year the all sector will also face changes to its tax regime resource companies have been objecting to the new plans saying they would lead to reduced investment in the sector the finance ministry says it will offer concessions dulls amount of road no new mechanism should be created to help the work a new fields and provide tax breaks for them the fields of vancouver in taloqan will be included on the list of those receiving tax breaks that will also feel some changes starting from twenty twelve under the plan or extraction tax will be raised to six point five percent in twenty twelve and five point four percent in twenty thirteen. sales of new cars in russia tipped to grow fifteen percent this year according to a cult p w c the company says the cash for clunkers program drove the sector's roys
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but it's unclear what will happen when the scheme ends meet paul reports. russians are once again getting in line to buy new cars the way to get behind the wheel of a missing eighty s is up to three months and if it's a new russian built do you want well that could take as long as one for a year in some regions so far overall sales are up three percent in the first half of this year however the market remains segregated with the most expensive and the cheapest models shifting quickest but true cars are doing quite well on this and it's been a problem here. so it means that people have got my ear still competitive and good quality. is the second to them. i was talking about middle class clowns that can produce by vote for. general motors that segment of the middle class is still struggling and some more sales are russian orders a reason twenty percent this year price waterhouse coopers says the main driver has
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been the cash for clunkers program which has been more successful than expected it's clearly been very effective the question is how long the program will last and whether there will be any modifications to the program at the moment it's aimed really at the cheapest cars in the market it's possible that the program could be modified to target say the new modern cars that have been produced by russian producers in alliance with farm promise to cash for clunkers program together with import duties on foreign cars boosted the share of domestic manufacturers in the russian market to sixty four percent this year p.w. c believes the russian auto market still has tremendous potential for growth at the moment for every one thousand people there are two hundred thirty five because in more developed markets the figure is two or three times greater. business. let's take a quick look at the stock markets in russia now both main both is had a strong day gaining some two percent methyl mine a met show with almost five and
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a half percent higher off the revealing a big rise in metals output for the first half of the year. also ended up of the analyst said its power plant loss was less serious than feared the stress test results from european banks are putting pressure on stock markets worldwide managing director international vic to schmitz explains. what we have seen in the last two months is a significant derating of price earnings ratios across all markets to reflect the expectation of slower economic growth rates as well as continued problems in the banking sector however the key with a stress test is ability the rigor of those tests and we have to see on friday how rigorous those tests were now russian playmaker through has sealed a nine hundred million dollar deal to sell thirty aircraft to a bermuda based leasing firm it marks its third significant firm order secured at
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the farm show in as many days the superjet one hundred will be the first passenger plane built by russia since the fall of the soviet union earlier on thursday the company announced an agreement to sell ten planes to gazprom for three hundred twenty three million dollars and it kicked off the show by signing a contract to supply the two planes to an indonesian carry off the air show has also featured airbus and boeing sales worth around twenty three billion dollars. that's it for me you can always find more stories on our website at r.t. dot com slash business.
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culture is that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean i says the real mystery has been a it's been fighting a deadly virus with the endless funding of big pharma how much consensus is. not let. me. love my son. in law.
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for the full. face to face with the new.


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