tv [untitled] RT July 21, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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pending media speculation that local ministers sought to play. suppose extra minutes to faces a retrial at the hague over murder and torture charges against the yugoslav will crimes tribunal abundance to reach a rubbish how did he die two years ago due to lack of evidence but has no rules that witnesses will intimidate. on the cost of suffering human rights activists at an aids conference in the end accuse pharmaceutical companies of keeping the poison drugs to counter the disease the skull and hide something to say that getting closer to a breakthrough cure in the bachelor game is the condition which has killed over twenty five million since all. those are the headlines next we ask why and why oil still comes top of green energy what causes marriage breakdown in the u.s. and why capitol hill didn't see unemployment coming its only you want to show coming up to you next year and i'll see washington studio.
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welcome the alona show will get the real headlines and none of the mercy or coming live out of washington d.c. and today we're going to ask if d.c. might be losing touch with reality the nation's capital doesn't seem too worried about growing unemployment rates as lawmakers keep playing politics with the issue i asked reasons anthony rand as oh why he doesn't think the unemployment benefits are going to help solve this problem next we're calling out the white house with shirley sherrod's resignation that makes at least three instances where employees have lost their jobs because they made headlines on fox news am i the only one who finds the fact that fox news fires people at the white house disturbing i'm asked radio host tom hartman for his opinion and then we have to ask is there an evangelical hold over u.s. politics the message of american exceptionalism is extremely influential so we'll
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look into its influence on everything from domestic politics to foreign policy and next we'll find out what the hold up is over using alternative sources of energy we all know the options are out there yet we still rely on oil for everything here in the u.s. so is this just a sign that we're too lazy or too weak to change our lifestyles and will look into what country would love to see us fail and new research shows that the seven year itch is a myth but that doesn't mean that marriages are safe now you just have to last twelve years until it all falls apart so what happens is that point the make lever stray away from each other i mean discuss it with relationship expert diana falzone but now it's move on to our top story. fifteen million americans are out of work and yet extending unemployment benefits turned out to be a very long and drawn out battle on capitol hill makes you think that those in washington are living in a completely different world than the rest of america. correspondent christine for
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has this story. the united states of america it's made up of fifty states and this isn't one of them but it is a place that decides the fate of those other fifty states and a place with a thriving economy where area restaurants are kept busy and people shop at luxury grocery stores. many call d.c. a one industry town with politics dominating the pulse of the economy where the dollars are trickling down to nearby communities like delicate city and columbia maryland recently ranked the number two area to live in the country by money magazine we are close to washington d.c. you know who lives there and we're very close to ford mead including the national security agency enhanced by brac that's coming in here with three major organizations and soon to follow the cyber command which will dwarf and probably surpass the bracket to me it is
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a place where the vacancy rate for commercial real estate has gone down from sixteen percent to twelve percent even residential real estate here is heading in the same direction setting it apart from much of the rest of the country howard county is not a proposer market we're seeing one real estate broker reporting that he's team is selling over one hundred homes a month the unemployment rate here is about five percent contrast this with the country's average unemployment rate of nine point five percent or perhaps the worst in the country the pine ridge indian reservation in south dakota where unemployment is at about eighty percent or is palmdale california a once thriving suburb now filled with scenes like this homes once occupied now empty once cared for lawns overgrown and those who remained have strong opinions about lawmakers in washington i think they're very out of touch talk about spreading the word. if i'd like to see them spread their well first they have
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a job they don't care they're taking care of themselves i doubt they really are in touch with the streets or. between the politics in the middle east and. everything else. you know save some money here let's see them get rid of their fancy cars and their drivers it is no wonder then that a recent gallup poll about president obama's job approval rating found the highest numbers eighty five percent in washington d.c. followed by delaware and maryland among the lowest approval ratings wyoming west virginia and alaska where a well known alaskan often talks about the difference between d.c. and quote real america you don't need to consider is leading an issue to the state you needed to get to me it's small towns to get to visit and in these wonderful little packets of really weird. well whatever this real america
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is one thing is clear it's probably not in the same place where the decisions about america are created resolution these institutions will be enormously expensive voted on the gays are two hundred and twenty the nays are two hundred fifteen am signed into the law of the land the bill is passed. christine freezone r t. maybe just maybe the problem is that congress and washington d.c. as a whole are thinking too big picture and characteristically they're actually thinking too much about numbers and a growing deficit while rampant government spending is a concern at the moment unemployed americans have a lot more on their mind things like how they're going to feed their families and how they're going to keep a roof over their children's heads so how do you tell people like that the curbing
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spending is more important or joining me is anthony rand as a director of economic research for the reason foundation anthony thanks for being here you yourself are not a fan of extending unemployment benefits tell me why there's two main reasons why that is a lot of evidence to show that extending unemployment benefits really in aggregate extends the unemployment problem and the second is at some point. kicking the can down the road we're just going to be creating these problems for future people and the pain that we're suffering now the people who are unemployed now are suffering this pain economic pain as a result of previous economic policies so pushing this further and further down the road is just going to be causing more frustration for more americans in the future now i understand of course there always is the argument that once you create this welfare state certain people are going to be lazy they're going to take advantage of it they're going to live on it and were we not in the great recession right now we're fifteen million americans not unemployed i think that argue no what have you
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. a little more push killer but right now you can say that fifteen million americans are just lazy people that don't deserve to have a job and i i understand that this is really really rough and it's messy and it's personal and you're right this is a terrible situation for the american economy to be and that makes it really hard to sit sort of from one ivory tower talking about macro economics and say just no unemployment benefits for anybody not too much of a hard time well it's you know it's not easy and i have family members who are struggling with this i have most of my family is from the detroit area which is not necessarily a boon for the in terms of their economy going right now but what i do see is i do i do think that we need to step back and we need to say yes there are going to be people who are really hurting so what do we do do we just cast aside everything we know about economic principles and do we just say we're going to kick the can down the road or do we say all right there are people who are hurting what can we do
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well extending out we know extending unemployment benefits is just going to continue to perpetuate the problem so we can encourage these people to say all right you can't find a job in your locality maybe start to look a little bit broader maybe start to make some tough decisions on your own if we as a country are going to come together and say we're going to rise above this we're going to have the willpower to rise above the you know this economic problem i understand interesting there but then what do you suggest for places like detroit for people that live in detroit or people like your family because that's an entire city that essentially is dad what they lived off of the one single industry that made that city thrive is now has now disappeared so does that mean the city should be abandoned the everybody should just get up and move and go find work elsewhere what happened to detroit the whole city shouldn't be abandoned but a lot of people should move. here we live in a most mobile society ever in the history of mankind it is easier today to to move
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beyond where you are than ever has been that doesn't make it any. easier but detroit is too large and there are not enough jobs in the city right now for everybody that wants them so you can continue to stay and you can say i'm unemployed i can't find a job here well that's that's true maybe if you are even honestly looking for a job and you are willing to take anything you can't find it well then just staying there and asking the federal government to pay you to stay there that should be the attitude we should say well ok there are jobs all across the country you can pick almost any major city in detroit and maybe be able to find a job the economy is so volatile right now then why should everybody just pick up and leave and move to some city where they could lose that job in a month i mean you can't just assume that if you move the take another job that everything is going to be ok and that's going to people are still being laid off right now and that has to be taken into consideration because you've got family and friends of network in place where you've lived for your entire life maybe you don't want to abandon that but if you have that and that's a reason you don't want to abandon it maybe we don't need to be using federal money
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as unemployment benefits because the simple fact of the matter is nobody in my extended family is living on the street even if they don't have a job one way or another they're going to be provided for because they have a family and friend network that is supporting them and they're the lucky ones because a lot of americans out there don't have a family and friends of port network people who are employed currently people who are well off who are going to be able to help keep them off the streets and you know the numbers of homeless families especially i'm not even saying individuals but families that now have to depend on shelters has completely arisen in the past year well there's been a rise in that but it's not an epidemic across america you don't walk around washington d.c. you don't walk around any major city and see scores of families creating ghettos like we saw during the great depression we don't and central park has not been getting into and out of disgust. for it either but it is not because because america being a wealthy society means that being unemployed is completely different than being
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unemployed in a country like haiti which we've talked. but before there are resources there are networks in even if you don't have close family and friends where you live there are local. shelters or ministries or community offerings that can help provide a support i get that i get that but tell me this because we're talking about failed economic policies of the past and how americans are just going to have to get over and there you have to move americans aren't the reason that we're in a recession right now wall street is the reason that we're in a recession right now but wall street got bailed out wall street the bailed out and now they're the exactly the first sector to rebound and bounce them so why is the thing americans should pay again they don't deserve unemployment benefits but wall street deserves bailouts well i i think one wall street didn't deserve a bail up i completely agree with you wall street should have been bailed out but just because wall street got buildout doesn't mean that it's logically correct to them bail to make a mistake and bail out somewhere else just because we've made one economic mistake over here doesn't mean we may commit another economic mistake over here but i would
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also push back on the contention that wall street is the reason that we've gotten in this place wall street is part of it the government's been a part of it because i mean it's and americans have been a part of it and here's we have racked up you know ridiculous amounts of personal debt and put ourselves in bad situations now i can i can sit here and say that macro in go down in flint you can find individual people who are hurting that didn't rack up their own personal debt i mean they're always do there's always going to be right it's almost like they have the but you know at the current moment there's never been a recession where the government hasn't extended unemployment benefits i don't know why they would start now when everyone is scared they're going to say here time for a break on the show but coming up it happened again fox news makes up a story and the white house overreacts and another person loses their job so tonight we're not going to talk about the racial implications of the case instead we're asking when will the white house and the obama administration start fighting back radio host tom hartman joins me in a moment to discuss the case. a chain that started off
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report. well by now you've probably heard about the resignation of agriculture department official shirley sherrod her comments about apprehensive lee helping a white farmer have surfaced and ultimately led to the white house calling for her to resign over her racist comments and by now most people also know this video was captured years ago and when it was leaked to fox news they only showed a small little snippet of the entire story which debunks their claim that she was actually making any kind of racist comments so now that we know sharon's real story
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let's turn our attention to the white house how can we not call out the white house for acting too quickly for taking action before they learned all of the facts and you know why now that i think about it this isn't the first time this has happened how about former white house our van jones word spread that he sided with nine eleven truth and fox news hopped on that bandwagon pretty quickly van jones called republicans and not a name in february of this year well then jones has apologized he's sorry he said the word about republicans he's not sorry however of let me show you he's sorry about all of the republicans this but he's not sorry at all about these things that he says avowed communist not sorry about that. anyway i guess the white house got a little spooked glenn back broadcast that van jones is a self-proclaimed communist so clearly clearly rand jones had to go and what about
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the sergeant he was the chief of communications for the national endowment of the arts under obama only to resign after mr back accused him of using taxpayer dollars to hire artists to promote obama's policies. and they would be designed so it would be paid for by tax dollars for the n.e.a. . not necessarily and that's one thing i do want to make clear they did not you know specifically speak to a certain policy and we're going to pay you guys to do this but you're on the phone basically with the largest funder of the arts in the united states right here in our community because funded by these people i mean that conversation shouldn't be had rather simple right with the bad of a little art perhaps the white house needs to remember that glenn beck doughboy over there is a commentator he'll bring guests on his show the obviously say what he wants them
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to say and will agree with whatever he believes so i'm not going to waste my breath on fox news i'll leave it to be with their twisted stories in their overly dramatic commentators the person that i'm really upset with the people that i'm really upset with are the obama administration i just mentioned three different people who resigned under pressure because they became the headline stories on fox news yep the liberal administration firing its members after conservative station fox news said something bad about them now clearly the white house feels threatened by fox but i'm sorry i didn't realize fox was all that scary i thought the white house wrote them off like every other have seen person in this country so white house wanted to grow a pair wanted to stand up to fox and why don't you please do your homework next time before you just drop employees their people to you know not just some hot news story. harge i want to get a little deeper into the story what exactly is it that happened to the white house
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when they stop checking facts and calling out the media for baseless attacks and instead start taking the bait on everything fox might throw their way are we dealing with a spineless administration well joining me is radio host tom hartman tom and i think speaking with you live tell me this is fox news really all that powerful or is the white house just that lazy that they didn't want to do their homework. well yeah. and that's a real tragedy is that if it were news in their name and they're not presenting news saying any further ninety seven that would have been arguably illegal also the white house went out on the sea you know about a year ago you'll probably recall the fuel bomb administration seamlessly didn't invite fox to appear with you about was that were the case that was you know they were not going to give an interview and there's no reason why was pretty explicit
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they're not a news organization and now they you know it walked back from that watch as if it is a news organization it's actually the official or unofficial voice electronic voice of republican well that's what i want to know is what happened to the white house because you're right a year ago they didn't by fox news a year ago the obama administration came out criticizing fox news they had so much confidence and then all of a sudden they're completely backtracking and is it really are they scared of her of the can party are they feeling the fact of so many polls are coming out saying of the american people aren't necessarily fans of theirs anymore who are they so scared of exactly. it you know it's it's the political season you have an election coming up and so everything goes on steroids and it's all about getting the base getting the base activated and the republicans of course are doing this and they're trying to bring the races and they're trying
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to trying to protect their own who are calling you know making making the n.w.t. trying to make the end only c.p. the issue instead of the tea parties and things like that and. i think that the political calculus in the white house was something to the effect of there's no way that this issue is going to activate our base we need to be talking about unemployment now the republicans are obstructionists and want to keep the news cycle on bad so if fox news is going to try and flip the news cycle for twenty four to forty eight hours over to you know a woman who made an inappropriate statement it turns out that wasn't even the case but if it was you know if they believed that it was genuinely they were going to allow flights to have that opportunity they were simply going to fire her the problem is that just like with acorn just like with the example you gave jones the white house and. in this case or made a horrible mistake of believing you know what fox news says is true that you know
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that in their case with acorn should have taught them this if nothing else that these guys will walk they will edit videotape they will concoct stories and pump them as hard as they can until they break through into the larger media based on absolutely nothing or based on intentional false it's yeah it's embarrassing it honestly is embarrassing that this white house full of these liberal elites very well educated people aren't savvy enough to see it through what fox news does to be able to do their own research before that has fired people i mean this is a woman whose career they just ruined they has publicly ruined her career and she's not the first one to have. none the so and we should not make every american question the white house that if they're going to make calls like this if they're going to move so quickly on it they want to investigate that what are they doing with the more serious topics what are they doing about the economy what are they doing about defense do they do everything so sloppily. well i think if it's
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something that fox news a screaming about there's there's always the risk of that and that's a tragedy i do think though that there's a larger issue here alone and that is that fox news has committed a journalistic crime of sorts which may not be a crime but andrew breitbart may well have committed a crime that being libel this woman was a not a public figure she was a private individual and somebody in and whether it was entered by bernard the person and in the information and still you know if he's representing himself as a journalist and as and along somebody edited this speech of hers out of context in a way to literally reverse the meaning she was giving a speech about the importance of not being a racist and the by by selectively cutting little pieces out each charted to look like she was giving a speech about how proud she was to be a racist and that person whoever is responsible for that and the organizations associate with them should be held to account in a court of law in my view i completely agree with you poor journalism but you know
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at the white house to do their homework to go and stand by the people within their own house within their administration stop reading fox keeps very thank you and i thought hopefully the rest of america although thanks so much for joining me thanks lou and ari we're taking a break but just ahead on the show mention clean energy and discussion and it can start a debate but do americans really want cleaner energy and if they want to compete globally well they even have a choice we're going to take these here in just a moment. these which are made to police children. in this is. first.
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every month we give you the future we understand. and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for technology update on our g. currently secretary of energy steven chu is hosting america's inaugural clean energy ministerial event where stakeholders ministers from twenty different countries are present and while this seems like a lovely idea if the u.s. really in the position to be hosting these types of events while the chances of a clean energy passing in the congress are still just a dream and what will it take for lawmakers to realize the were about to lose very big to other countries i hear this because that with me is tara norris director and founder of americans for energy leadership thanks so much for being here me ok stephen she was hosting this this conference right now people here from twenty
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different countries but isn't that just a tad hypocritical that we're the ones hosting us i mean i think if we look at specially at the asian countries that they get it i am absolutely in nature is making massive investments to try to dominate this sector i think it's even she was trying to do is really take a different approach the a national day ago she ations now you saw at copenhagen the goal was always let's just get this big binding international mission so that you know countries will commit to these these reductions but i think see what you want to do is really bring together really the leaders of science and technology policy in these respective countries to figure out what we really need to do is promote technological innovation as rapidly as possible to drive down the price of these technologies globally if we're going to actually make this transition so absolutely united states has got to move forward if we want to compete at the same time we also need to be promoting global investments and that's the great thing about this global competition it's a healthy peaceful international competition in a really critical sector that at the same time can promote growth security and also at the same time fight climate change but how healthy how peaceful is it going to
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be if americans refuse to move forward if lawmakers of congress doesn't want to pass a bill that health far behind are we going to get to the point where we become really completely dependent on all these new alternative energy technologies on china and other asian countries well that's exactly what's happening wow. this year for example china tried to thirty five billion dollars private investment united states only eighteen billion so we really are falling behind i think what we need to make sure is that these bills that we are looking at are actually up to par to match that match the challenge now unfortunately these current bills that are on the table don't invest in nearly enough that you know we need to to actually make sure we're leading so that's why last month a group called the american energy innovation council including bill gates chad holliday john doerr jeffrey immelt came out and said we need to raise the investment in this industry by at least eleven billion dollars a year other experts are calling for you know twenty to thirty billion dollar increase in your aliyev investment in the sector president obama during this campaign originally called for
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a fifteen billion dollar and police and the federal clean energy research and development budget but unfortunately all we've been talking about is putting a cap on carbon i think the opportunity that we have though is to really take a third way strategy we see the comprehensive cap and trade is on for you know it's dead right now in congress but i think what we can do is really get a bipartisan consensus that this is a critical you know this is a critical industry for you how do you how do you do that because you know everything you're saying seems logical to me but if you look at americans and you throw the words cap and trade their way you throw all these numbers their way of how much different businesses are investing and that doesn't relate to that i mean how do you bring out the will in the american people to actually want to change their lifestyles to want to purchase a cheap electric car instead of driving a big fancy s.u.v. especially when the rest of the world is trying to emulate america and trying to get to where we're at right now i think you need an agenda that really speaks to america's strengths which is really our strength and promoting technological innovation you know when we won the soviet union launched sputnik the way we react
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is with a major federal investment in aerospace technology to go on to win the space race you know we're falling behind japan in the semiconductor industry we made a strategic federal investment in this industry that's what we need to do today now that's not in the agenda though the agenda has just been focused primarily on putting a cap on carbon we need to do that we need to get a price on carbon but what's really been. this thing is this federal investment component in clean energy technologies now you look at the polls and you'll find that the most popular form of energy policy out there is the raise the federal investment in clean energy also seventy percent public support there's less of public support for cap and trade so what the opportunity that was missed unfortunately was the really put this apollo type project at the front and center of the agenda frame it that way really you know compared to these past and vestments we made put out of the front center and then maybe you fund now with the carbon price maybe you found another way so we need to be looking at alternative revenue streams for example the problem defense can only spend eighty billion dollars a year on real i've been telling me you're telling me i greatly said.
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