tv [untitled] RT July 22, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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hunting for the attackers behind a series of explosions at a power plant in the north caucuses. wall street is slapped with the biggest financial reforms in decades but some economists say the bill is a watered down version that's way off the mark. and they are a man convicted of rape by deception for having consensual sex with a jewish girl in israel says the ruling highlights racism. it is eight am in the russian capital you're watching r.t.m. arena joshing welcome to the program a manhunt is under way for the group of attackers who stormed the books on hydro plant in north caucasus law enforcement officers say they have identified those responsible who remain on the run
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a criminal case has been launched in five areas including seven taj security has been tightened at all energy facilities across russia night as easily explains how events unfolded at the scene of the attack. this is the hydroelectric plant the militants stormed wednesday morning police say that the gunmen killed two security guards and easily entered the control room legibly they tied up. and tortured them with knives trying to. control switches to work is injured after that police say the criminals do the generators room and laid warms them the blasts . destroyed two or three generators and one bomb was defused by police who arrived at the site later this is the first ever attack on russia's energy infrastructure the country's most wanted terrorist threatened to
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carry out such attacks in the past he claimed responsibility for the most news in march two lives of forty people although you know bowl cut is less violence than other nearby north caucasus regions such as. it was the sign of these fighting in two of the two thousand and five back then dozens of militants stormed the capital city. attacking police and government officers more than one hundred forty people died including ninety two militants in the north caucasus region is seen as one of the most volatile places not only in russia but in the world forces across the region are on permanent standby to prevent attacks and it's not as easy reporting from russia seven republicans covered caria thirteen alleged neo nazis are going on trial in moscow our correspondents will bring us the latest on this and we will get in touch with her
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later in the program. in the meantime u.s. president barack obama has signed into law the biggest financial overhaul since the great depression the main goal is to prevent another economic crisis that bill restricts banks making risky bets and provides more transparency a new consumer protection agency is to be set up and the government will have the right to seize control of struggling banks republicans have opposed the changes and asked for modifications some experts are now doubting the effectiveness of the overhaul saying it's a watered down version and pleasing the republicans. this is a weak bill makes major exemptions it doesn't even replace what was on done in the years after the great depression and it leaves all of the real bite of what might happen in the hands of regulators who are given an enormous amount of discretion even though everybody knows that those regulators will come under the
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pressure of the very banks they're supposed to control and so i would not agree that this is a very sweeping legislation i think this is a victory for the banking sector they are very happy that much less was done than even some of their more open minded people thought would be like what we've really seen here is the power of the financial community to to cause a crisis to be bailed out at public expense and then with a horrible irony to use some of the money they got as a bailout to make sure that there wouldn't be the kind of reform and regulation that would really prevent this again so my guess is that after a little bit of fear about how there's all this regulation and reform this will fade out of everyone's memory and we will unfortunately very much go back to business as usual with the democrats claiming they made a reform the republicans brushing it off and ignoring it and that will be the end of the story and that is
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a tragedy because we will have not learned the lesson of something that almost collapsed our entire economy and the world economy with it. i know our man chief economist from the broker dealer john thomas financial sounds the bill will help stabilize the american economy and that critics are simply trying to scare the public this argument that it's going to limit credit i mean i think that's more or less a scare tactic a political ploy that's being put out there to get the public fearful but here's the thing if it leads to a more stable investing environment if it leads to a damping down of excessive speculation and volatility in the markets that should also lead to better economic conditions more investment and more job growth and look if people have jobs because that's really the bottom line issue right now in this economy if this leads to a more stable financial climate people will earn higher incomes and the
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reliance upon credit may not be as high you know you might lose a little bit off or one side you might not get your free checking but look if it results in a more stable environment i think everybody comes out of this more you know happier . times mike norman giving his you know on the wall street reforms. now thirteen alleged new nazis are going on trial in moscow and. the poorhouse word is taking place and brings us the details. says a good morning so what can you tell us about the defendants and what are they being charged with. the thirteen ledge nazis are all young they're in their twenty's and they're accused of four major things first of committing twenty seven murders due to ethnic hatred prepping for terrorist attacks participated participating in an outlaw extremist community and inciting ethnic hatred now the
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men continuously appeared to have their case heard by a jury but they failed instead they're going to be facing a judge the case is closed to the public and to the media and the judge is going to be ruling a district military court because one of those men is an alleged military deserver . stacey you tell us a bit more about those thirteen and specifically what were they trying to achieve. well they're trying to achieve it dominance power they want to have a pure russia where people who are not of slavic heritage are no longer here and they were doing it by several ways now these thirteen guys are essentially believed to be soldiers doing the heavy lifting out in public attacking people potentially starting off bombs but there is also a political way that they and they were running campaigns in regional elections trying to get that dominance and these men are believed to be a part of
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a group that was abolished. by the russian supreme court called the national soul socialist society so. free of anybody who doesn't look ethnically russian that's what they were looking for. talk about extremism in broader context and what is being done in the country to stem it. well there are several traditional and not so traditional means of doing that i mentioned the russian supreme court outlawing this a national socialist society that's one way police are also cracking down on this more because you had. a look these people are getting beat up in the streets and you're not doing enough to do it so least taking a greater role and. they're going through the court systems and there's also as i said the not so traditional way you have anti nazi groups that are meeting up with these nazi groups in different places and just having fun so this is there's many
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layers to trying to get rid of this problem but the people behind these this movement the nazi movement are not losing resolve i talked to one woman whose hoss husband was a bomber who killed several people as she has no regrets and supports his actions i spoke to her a little bit ago here to say. this self professed. asked a deeply religious woman is full of hate hate for those who are different hate for immigrants she accuses of occupying disrespecting and contaminating her nation russians she insists are fighting a race war motivated by love books for love for one homeland and i would nation love for our good people families where people don't just date and then break up but rather they get married in church they don't practice abortions they don't support interest nic marriages does abort or ethnically mixed communities and what
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are your thoughts about me i'm not russian i'm african american i'm here are you upset that your government gave me a visa what are your thoughts on that. overdoing it i believe everyone should live in their own homeland where they belong. armed with this belief and inspired by racist blocking her husband. and two fellow students. market in two thousand and six they targeted because of the number of traders that come from central asia and china a blast killed fourteen attacks against nonce lot of looking people are often brutal and in cases like yours kosky market they are deadly the deeds of angry mob family outnumber victims all recorded by racist and then posted on nationalist websites. activists call the situation out of control when a local nonprofit crime watchdog group had knowledge of it is slowly getting better let you know what needs to started seizing the most odious groups that had been
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involved in systematic violence and terrorism during the last two years the largest formations in moscow were dispelled and the key activists and murderers detained. she says one thousand people have been killed due to hate crimes in two thousand and ten that's down from fifty for the same time period last year but that map does little to satisfy magnons who feel suffer alliance is better than police protection is supposed. to learn. you know people take safety. comes into action after a crime is committed and. as for veronica her husband is serving a life sentence for actions neither of them regret and they both support. r.t. . they are watching idea will be later joined by stacey bevens throughout the day to get more on the trial going on in moscow now palestinian matters to appeal his
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conviction of rape by deception in israel after having consensual sex with a woman who sought he was a fellow jew so barkha sure who denies pretending to be jewish was sentenced to eighteen months in jail but as artie's policy reports even couples who knowingly choose to anger an interracial relationship are ostracized. this jewish jerusalem suburb is surrounded by arab neighborhoods and far from cultivating a culture of tolerance vigilante style jewish patrol groups calling themselves fire for judaism stand watch outside the local shopping mall their mission to prevent arab men mixing with local jewish girls the municipality a serf raid of interracial dating it's created a twenty four hour hotline where parents and friends can phone to rat on jewish girls breaking this to boot a specially trained team of counselors and psychologists is on standby to rescue them as a leash more. it's important to save our traditions culture history and identity
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because without this who are we from my experience we can see that the chances for a healthy relationship between is really jewish woman and an arab man very very low it's because of the great differences between these two cultures share up at any of the most recent case involves an arab man who posed as a jewish bachelor a jewish woman agreed to have sex with him but after she found out he was an arab and not a jew she filed a police complaint the courts took the case so seriously that he's now being convicted of rape by deception and same tools to eighteen months and present the judge staveley had an obligation to protect the public funds of the state of criminals who could know an innocent victims but reactions to the verdict differ i think if the women want to do it it's door applauded not different it's arabic or more of a because something like this usually do is girls don't know where they're guys. unless it's a choice you know. there should be a choice you didn't leave
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a choice but in prison is too much and this is the way that this conflict is ruining our present arrives that we cannot have relationships that we cannot be just human being arabs make up a foot of israel's population but relationships between arabs and jews are rare former palestinian minister ziad abu is a yard says fights break. almost weekly in nightclubs and other public places over the issue it's not religion he says it's racism there are jewish gangsters which are against. the relations between george. bush men. who can go out. anywhere with guys and threaten them and force them to break. guys in the two years rami who are here and kiddie been tata have been together they've never been physically threatened he's muslim she's jewish but they're not thinking about leaving israel because they say it's simply
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too difficult on other levels and when my family found out they were very adamant about cutting me off on every level. for acting as a traitor to everybody and for being in israel and shit and making that choice right now israeli parliamentarians are considering a law that will require perspective israeli citizens to kid loyalty to israel as a jewish democratic state i would be israelis are furious most refuse to swear allegiance to a state they believe explicitly excludes and marginalizes them. r.t. jaffa. breakthroughs in treating aids have been attracting much attention an international conference on the disease and the but there's also been division over access to treatment but activists have also been trying to highlight the need for universal access to treatment social sow's and campaigners marched through vienna city center we demanding more rights for those with in charge of aids
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a complaint has been lodged against the us at the united nations on behalf of nineteen organizations and they claim president obama's policies favor multinational pharmaceutical companies and make treatment more expensive if you rejected by the white house and that's a common answer is one of those pressing the case. fortunately the obama administration is continuing some bush era policy that said in fact that they were going to threaten countries with trade sanctions for simply trying to make medicines more affordable to their people including in medicines what happens is that the obama administration and the bush administration before them continue to threaten countries and what it does is it drives up the price of the drugs because unlike you know like generic drugs brand name drugs cost thousands and thousands of dollars per patient per year if we restrict countries ability to make those generic drugs and make them available to their people especially if we have the ability to actually make those drugs which is ninety two percent of the drugs come from india
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if we're trying to push against them making generic versions of these drugs in order for drug companies to profit that's a violation of human rights we can in fact prevent and treat and actually end aids if we work at it but we have to reach universal access to aids treatment and that means the prices of drugs have to come down so on the one hand we've got this administration huge supporters of pepfar and doing a lot on aids but on the other hand trying to restrict countries abilities to actually make those drugs affordable we have to reconcile those two policies aids activist message. u.s. senate has passed a bill to help america's jobless they voted to restore state handouts to two point five million americans who have been out of work for more than six months have elapsed at the end of may with democrats and republicans deeply divided on the issue the move will cost thirty four billion dollars. officials in chad have said sudanese president omar al bashir will not be arrested during his visit to the
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african country the international criminal court is calling for bashir is attention on charges of genocide war crimes committed during the conflict in darfur it's his first visit to a country which recognizes the i.c.c. since his indictment last year bashir denies the charges. the international monetary fund says it will cancel the debt haiti accumulated in the wake of january's devastating earthquake plans to scrap the two hundred sixty eight million dollars it came as part of a plan to help rebuild the island the i.m.f. also pledged to land a further sixty million dollars for aid reconstruction the disaster claimed over two hundred thirty thousand lives and destroy the country's infrastructure. newspaper mobile karma black has been released on bail from prison in florida after forking out two million dollars he served two of his six and a half year sentence for fraud in two thousand and seven black was found guilty of
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cheating shareholders out of over six million dollars along with three accomplices and he plans to appeal the conviction the bail conditions prevent a tycoon from leaving the u.s. . because it was former prime minister ramos hardin is to be retried at the united nations tribunal for war crimes against the serbs the court concluded that with this is were intimidated during the original trial he now faces charges of abuses against civilians during cause of his war for independence in the ninety's during his previous trial the former leader was acquitted due to lack of evidence however in the hague tribunal now says witnesses were intimidated from the trial warder comes as the international court of justice is about to issue a widely anticipated verdict on cause it was decorated of independence from serbia in two thousand and eight political aspirant on the balkans. things that the case is important to show that legal justice still exists but of the very little that
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can do against the powers that are currently in a bit of money this question from from the president of public of yugoslavia are possible but if the international court of justice requests with the legal and we have all these countries thrilled with. recognition of the situation i'm talking about most of the european union countries and above all the united states. is right. very serious situation that we are not in a position to resolve international issues legally. that was. rich and you're watching live from moscow we're on line for you twenty four hours a day with many more stories and videos let's take a quick look at what's right now. is making one british woman miserable and ill. and as russia experiences its hottest summer in years we
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record what's top of the wish list of those left sweltering and where to find it. and that will take a look at what's happening in the world of business very shortly don't go away. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world.
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join our technology update on our jeep. welcome to business the russian government's plans to raise the mineral tax may not be as punitive some companies first feared the state plans to increase the gas extraction levy by six percent in twenty twelve and five point four percent in twenty thirteen this will help raise an additional one point nine billion dollars during the first year and a further two point two billion the following year the all sector will also face changes to its tax regime resource companies have been objecting to the new plans saying they would lead to reduced investment in the sector the finance ministry says it will offer concessions goals and. a new mechanism should be created to help the worker new fields and provide tax breaks for them the fields of can will be
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included on the list of those receiving tax breaks. it will also feel some changes starting from twenty twelve under the plan or extraction tax will be raised to six point five percent to twenty twelve and five point four percent in twenty thirteen . sales of new calls in russia to grow fifteen percent this year according to a cult p w c the company says the cash for clunkers program drove the sector's roys but it's unclear what will happen when the scheme ends pool reports. russians are once again getting annoying to buy new cars to wait to get behind the wheel of a miss sadie's is up to three months and if it's a new russian built do you want well that could take as long as one for a year in some regions so far overall sales are up three percent in the first half of this year however the market remains segregated with the most expensive in the cheapest shifting quickest the true colors are doing quite well muscled it's been topping here at a. drug i noticed form and so it means that people have got my
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store had to spend with a good quality comes. it's the segment in the middle that i was talking about middle class calls to convert us by vote for. general motors that segment for that the middle classes is still struggling and some more sales are russian lot as a result twenty percent this year price waterhouse coopers says the main driver has been the cash for clunkers program which has been more successful than expected it's clearly been very effective the question is how long the program will last and whether there will be any modifications to the program at the moment it's aimed really at the cheapest cars in the market it's possible that the program could be modified to target say the new modern cars that have been produced by russian producers in alliance with foreign promise the cash for clunkers program together with higher import duties on foreign calls boosted the share of domestic
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manufacturers in the russian market to sixty four percent this year p.w. c. believes the russian auto market still has tremendous potential for growth at the moment for every one thousand people there are two hundred thirty five because in more developed markets the figure is two or three times greater pool business. let's take a quick look at the stock markets in russia now both main both is had a strong day gaining some two percent methyl mind i met shell with almost five and a half percent off the revealing a big rise in metals output for the first half of the year. also ended up off the analyst said it. was less serious than feared. the stress test results from european banks are putting pressure on stock markets worldwide managing director in the moon or international vic to schmitz explains what we have seen in the last two months is a significant derating of price earnings ratios across all markets to reflect
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expectation of slower economic growth rates as well as continued problems in the banking sector however the key was a stress test is ability the rigor of those tests and we have to see on friday how rigorous those tests were now russian playmaker suhoor has sealed a nine hundred million dollar deal to sell thirty aircraft to a bermuda based leasing firm it marks its third significant firm order secured at the former airshow in as many days the superjet one hundred will be the first passenger plane built by russia since the fall of the soviet union earlier on thursday the company announced an agreement to sell ten planes together from the three hundred twenty three million dollars and it kicked off the show by signing a contract to supply the two planes to an indonesian carrier the asia has also featured airbus and boeing sales worth around twenty three billion dollars. that's it for me you can always find more stories on our web site at r.t.
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