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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 22, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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is it and has been said. an offender or a victim of racism an arab israeli man finds himself behind bars after having consensual sex with a jewish woman she complained to police afterward saying who tricked her into believing he was also a jew. and a ruling against an alleged neo nazi gag in moscow has been put off while form the suspects go through psychiatric tests they are accused of racially motivated murders and if found guilty face life behind bars. next as the only on the show among the topics. examines today is arizona's controversial proposed immigration law and arguments that it could mean racial profiling plus plenty more stories from our washington studios.
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welcome the alona show where we get the real headlines with none of the mersey we're coming live out of washington d.c. and you know we've been talking about it for weeks but today marks day one of the legal proceedings of the arizona immigration law so what's going to happen with the case behind closed doors we're going to be at the issue to get both sides of the story and then next we'll ask is obama the victim of a big old media bully sources seem to say yes is the president's historic legislation seem to have gone unnoticed compared to the shirley sherrod story so we're going to find out what it will take to give the president a positive media presence there and we're turning the tables on the unemployment issue we'll tell you about the people who lost their we always tell you about the people who lost their jobs but what about the ones that can't get a job in the first place also down with the recent college graduate who can tell us about her struggles firsthand and a new study from the washington post reveals that seventy five percent of oil
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lobbyists used to work for the federal government should be shocked or does that explain exactly why we just can't seem to wean ourselves off of oil and it is captain america unpatriotic a feature film with the classic superhero features him as a less of a flag waver and more of a typical superhero protecting the people present really the right way to portray this historical figure that's later in the show but now it's move on to our top story today the legal battle over arizona's new immigration law begun to a different sets of challengers had hearings with a federal judge in phoenix the first group of more than one hundred individuals and civil rights groups and the second made by the justice department but with the months of debate leading up to this moment will anyone actually look at the legality of these two cases or will the media simply turn it into political fodder i'm betting on the latter. but here to discuss it with me is jordan secular human rights attorney and director of international operations for the american center
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for law and justice and alex normal is a policy analyst at the competitive enterprise institute gentlemen thanks both for being here first of all where do we expect back to these cases to go how do we expect them to pan out part one if we actually represent eighty one members of congress in the case today so we're watching very closely the judge here her first decision is whether or not issued a preliminary injunction that she can do that partially so she could say one section of the law should have a pull in the injunction so it can't go into force next week and other parts can or she could say the whole law we just can't have it go in for so that's that's the first thing we have to watch that could happen tonight it could happen this sometime next couple days now what happens in the meantime what if other states decide to pass a similar law while this while these legal proceedings are going on that one of the justice department they have to go after every single state individually states will probably not do that so what will happen is if she did issue a policeman injunction they would wait i most states would say we're not going to
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go through the legal trouble of doing this because there could be a protest move across the country we could see it there's eleven states looking at it so you know what come after us to department of justice but usually that means everyone backs off for a little bit and the fight continues on in court but is this really about states' rights our is this more about civil liberties and our people missing the main point of debate here as to why this law really is wrong what i mean there's a civil liberties issue which is very important but another issue that's rarely talked about is the business rights issue where nobody talks about it as between seventy arizona law the majority of it is about punishing businesses it's about punishing businesses in the middle of a recession which is something that's very quite frankly unwise and disturbing and for a lot of free market advocates to be on the side of another part of the law which is also disturbing is that this creates a huge subsidy for trial lawyers any resident of arizona will be able any legal resident now to sue the state if they think that it's not going to fall. there with immigration law and i don't see how that is in any way good for the state of
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arizona to deal with especially in a recession but nothing is more expensive than the proliferation of lawsuits it's interesting on this debate though because he has brought it on that people haven't talked about and that's that u.s. citizens get punished under this law if they violate it if they're trying to tempting to hire illegal immigrants parked in the middle of the road day laborers so it's not just about the racial profiling issue that is nowhere in this lawsuit that this challenge is all about actually interesting the first challenge on the player injunction is just about whether or not this interferes with foreign policy because what members of congress that we're representing have said is article article one gives us the power for naturalization not the president article two is the president that's the foreign policy that's where this argument is but i think it actually makes a good point for the law it's not just about targeting illegal immigrants it's about targeting people who encourage them to be here and that's the employers and by the in that case isn't how is that good that because you now only have perhaps illegal immigrants but you also have anybody that might be latino looking who could be racially profiled and you have american citizens that might be hiring these people also getting targeted so everyone's getting there's nothing there's nothing
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that across it i mean there's nothing good about this law it's about punishing people and saying that americans do not have the freedom to associate with other people that they voluntarily want to associate with a lot of the laws of the books are fundamentally you look on the same way about you know where the enemy law situation is here it's it's about pulling people over who are doing day labor work this is a different law that you're talking dollars want to demand soviet style central plan you laid out a lot i don't think that's the point that's the first of all you're talking about there's an arizona law from two thousand and seven that law was defended at the ninth circuit the most liberal so going to court to go to the supreme court but listen that laws as his work has got in the way through the courts it hasn't been held unconstitutional yet that in the u.s. what you're tight here we're talk about people who are blocking traffic hiring the guys on the road who are paying them below minimum wage who are putting them in what i consider involuntary servitude and that encouraging them i think this law says listen. it deters the person from stopping on the road and it deters possible illegal immigrants from coming to arizona and that's what they were actually in
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seventy eight of reaffirm the illegal arizona workers act of two thousand and seven and put on additional punishments for businesses just like we're talking about on state television tell me that's what happens you're saying this law could deter the illegal immigrant from coming across the border and coming into the world citizen whatever you do with all of the people that are already here the people that are already living here already working here are you raising families in this country i'll tell you i think it's bad about this debate is that it's gotten people we've almost had to choose sides you're either for the arizona law and that means you don't support immigration reform or you support immigration reform and you're against the arizona law it's different my head we have to have immigration reform everyone knows that but i don't think that has determined whether or not you support arizona i stand behind arizona but i also know we've got to figure out what to do with the twelve million people here in congress not the president congress has to do that i think the most important issue in this is to realize and the arizona law does not pay any attention to list is that the laws in this country for immigration to restrict enormously the number of people can come here legally we need to expand the number of people to move the debate away from whether we should
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do just in force which doesn't work it's been proven not to work it's not work in twenty five years it's not going to work because arizona passed the law this president president obama has done more to enforce this law than any president since eisenhower and it is not working and it's this bad economy that's sending the department of justice actually said today which is a violation of said last week they were going to go after sanctuary cities cities that will not let their police officers report illegal immigrants the u.s. violating congressional law has been signed into law a law of the united states but you're going on about arizona but we're going writers need more education you know if they go after all these sanctuary cities should they really you know a new round all these people up and take them out of the country and then don't even tell them that no one else don't cross the border so you don't go after arizona because you don't like their immigrant there or what i see is more of a security and forcing federal law and then not go after those who are abjectly of violating federal law that's on the books it's part of the well. if you are looking i think going after arizona because this is a distraction perhaps you know
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a lot of people are really trying to say that this is about politics this is because they want to get the latino vote and this way maybe they won't realize immigration reform didn't happen this year you know if they just want to talk about politics let's talk about governor jan brewer a very unpopular and not conservative republican governor who's doing this to cover up a billion dollar tax increase in her state who has suddenly won over conservatives by pretending to be tough and not going to great enough and protect. you know what i want to show really government when told that i was leaving out that is a political ally for the republicans there it's got sixty seventy two percent of the state supporting this law that's not just republicans and there is an arizona it is it is now many democrats in the legislature and i mean i'm not the front of the democratic party that is wrong on almost every single of arizona you know who is now the department of homeland security said janet apology on a democrat so let's not say that arizona didn't force it all more than any other secretary. or maybe about your the point right there drones on the border for the first time predator drone to the border on the border our laws from the federal
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government is doing more and leaving any other person to try to do the square with the fact that there's five times as many border patrol agents as there was connecting ninety two we have to tell you there's been nothing to two thousand see every time you read it here we are debating small details and no longer talking about the issue which is that immigration reform to happen in some shape or form that certain states can start passing their own individual laws which in my opinion on this personal law you know the specific law it is going to lead to racial profiling and that is not the way to solve the issue but that's the thing is everyone now is arguing about and argue about they're arguing about the legality of this and no one wants to get back to the fact that there is a debate in this country and it's very thinking it over people that hate immigrants should have people that are supposedly simpatico why we need to i think move the debate away from these issues in a forest and talk about expanding legal immigration to make sure that you want to because i was going along with this brought this to the forefront and the department just. to exactly do what you said distract from the issue they know that
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you were supposed to let your mind off of let your law go and our fact that well they can challenge the law all they want but they're wasting resources and they're dividing the country and that's not going to help trying to pass immigration reform if they would have just said all right we'll see if they'll let the law go into effect if it leads to racial profiling we'll file suit but tell me that's how big of a role does the media play in this because i think the media is also very much swaying very much dividing americans you know fox news and making up stories that obama has relinquished pieces of national parks to mexico because of violence and people actually believe that and then you have governor jan brewer making up stories about people being beheaded in the desert which was verified as not being true because of this issue i mean a lot of factors going on here that are his own i mean we have a forty year low it's ok when you're a low united states i think that if you know where there was four years ago kidnapping did you know that that's also lower than it was when i was on the border i got to say you know i quoted apartment as just the state of arizona the water is are you guys are great for those who are buying we asked about why those figures windows that it's more peaceful as i was in the. last three and
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a three years it was president bush who was doing a lot of security because he was trying to get immigration reform done he couldn't do it because the partisanship are there and president obama is he's got a huge problem here he's going to use our he's on the way we have to do this during the lame duck congress or he's going to lose enough democrats for this isn't going to plan is going to be about partisanship again and you know unfortunately america really is divided on this issue and i do believe that it only helps play that up rather than sticking to some of the facts and the fact that these are people that we're talking about i want to thank you both for being here don't go away there's still a lot more to come on the show the media is falling all over themselves comparing the shirley sherrod story to tell. my rant on that's coming up and again the obama white house lost their media message due to that story so we're asking is this president and is his staff could they all be competent a panel discussion on that coming up.
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first. to be soon which we're trying to. move from science to pressure. starts on t.v. dot com. on yesterday's show we first brought you the story of surely sure she was forced out by the white house under false pretenses only to end up getting a grand apology and an even better job offer they want she had before now while
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this show agrees that iraq should not have been asked to resign in the first place i do think that the mainstream media has taken this story a little bit too far like i said yesterday this is not the first time that a white house staff member has been unfairly fired but the media is acting like this has never happened before and making some very grandiose comparisons in the meantime and they're dedicating plenty of airtime to sympathizing with my favorite commentator from fox news as you all know mr glenn back now he's now going against his network even though they're the ones that created this whole story to begin with and he's even claimed that this has just been a distraction from wall street reform apparently a day that should live in infamy there are dates in this country that will lives in infamy like tuesday october twenty ninth one thousand nine hundred ninety three however december seventh one hundred forty one september eleventh two thousand and
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one and now i believe you can add july twenty first two thousand and ten to this list this will be the day that will be remembered is the day that the final nail in the republic was. i will get into that coffee give me a break sorry glenn but i think we both know that those other historical dates you rattled off things like september eleventh have much greater consequence than july twenty first ever have but sadly fox news isn't even the only guilty what a mess n.b.c.'s keith olbermann dedicated the spot on his nightly countdown to sharod but he also threw in a very lofty history lesson take a listen. we need to congratulate ourselves how far we have come we can pull a dreyfus faster than the french could in eighty ninety four. days until the son of the devil's island we did it to shirley sure forty eight hours. i'm sorry but comparing sharod to the wrongly accused french captain alfred dreyfus again just a little bit over the top but this next one here really takes the cake c.n.n.
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commentator david gergen shared his thoughts about the ordeal by saying the following quote i keep thinking about nelson mandela as i heard story because he had to overcome the same sort of hatred on both sides and he became there's a larger than life figure and i think we all loved him and revered him because he was able to grow like that and there is that quality about her story. that is it enough is enough we're comparing surely sharod a woman who lost her job for a couple of days to a french captain and to nelson mandela come on guys it's an important story but can we please put this back into perspective and not overdo it. now one of the things that i definitely agree with in the surely stories of the white house messed up big time and unfortunately for them that's all anybody wants to focus on in reality they love him or hate him eighteen months into his first term this president has been incredibly successful legislatively here's
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a quick look at his resume so far he signed the stimulus bill into law just a few months into office this is the largest spending bill in the history of the country credited with saving or creating around two million jobs but republicans of course say it was a waste of taxpayer money and they beat that message to the voters every single day he also passed health care reform during a recession with republicans kicking and screaming the whole way even clinton can get bad done while the economy was booming and with his own party really congress and just yesterday obama did sign that new financial reform bill into law designed to help prevent a future economic meltdown but the entire bill signing received absolutely no media coverage due to all of the sheer drama so how about george w. bush and his first eighteen months in office he came to washington with low approval ratings thanks to a disputed election but when he signed the two thousand and one bush tax cuts in
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july was seen as a campaign promise that was delivered at the time the economy was slowing but bush argue that those tax cuts would stimulate the economy create jobs and we all know how that worked out the job growth never happened and we're still paying for those tax cuts today and the income gap in america is getting larger by the minute then of course nine eleven happened the country became united bush's approval rating soared and he started not one but two wars in his first term i wouldn't necessarily call those legislative victories over think we all know he never got congressional approval for those wars and we are still fighting them today and finally bush got no child left behind signed into. early two thousand and two but i think we all know the reviews on that one or makes two as to whether or not it's health education system but at the end of the day torture war record all bush knew how to sell his message to the public he knew how to at least make them feel that what he
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was getting done was worthwhile and yet here we now have brock obama that technically has gotten more done legislatively by its who seems utterly defeated by mistakes that the media turns into firestorms. now in light of all that information that i just bestowed upon you we have to wonder why is this administration so damn bad when it comes to selling themselves obama and his team were seen as masters on the campaign trail utilizing the internet arts grassroots efforts to get to the top and now that they are there they just can't seem to get back on track to prove to people that they're getting things done so they just made too many mistakes or are they not equipped to handle the national media scene here to discuss it with me is peter loach principal at milan public affairs and christopher chambers professor at university of georgia university and author of the blog not turner's invention of and thanks for being here what happened to the obama administration how did they lose all of their steam well i'll go first to me. alone and you probably got
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a kick me with your three inch heels because you've heard this before but i take it back to the personality of this president he was born without a constituency he was born without people karl rove was george bush's people can o'donnell who worked for john of kid he was john f. kennedy's people he grew up with these people he you know because of this upbringing he became a technocrat he became somebody who is more oriented with the details and not with bold kind of leadership with consensus he was no drama obama he was born that way as a child and you're seeing that now and with the departure of somebody like david plouffe you all we have these kind of technocrats in charge that don't see the big picture but he is working with these drama queen with rahm emanuel who he took over here from chicago with a mission that guy at least have some mastery and help him out i think it's a little bit there's a lot more to it than that we're bears
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a little brains you know when we all encounter the world we see a new thing and if that thing isn't in context you put it into a context for president obama the context is intellectually he puzzles it out. wrong. manual is is a is a is a battle in the house and the senate he doesn't provide the context these events have happened without a clear context so for example the firing of the agriculture person it didn't have a context and so people then put it well what does this mean well it means this it becomes evidence of whatever they believe to be true for example today's politico had a little column where they you know flashed up what do you think happened here and they asked a series of national people high national profile you know what does this mean and every one of them said is evidence of what i believe right the democratic consultant said it's a fox conspiracy for former head of the civil rights commission said president obama hasn't done enough the african american community somebody who wrote a book about how bad our elected leaders are c.c. he's at battle like a leader without a context we put it into
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a context becomes evidence of what we really believe to be true and this president hasn't done a very good job of putting things into a larger context because he's he might not be equipped ironically to do that he's not franklin roosevelt he's not teddy roosevelt he's not harry s. truman he's brought up no drama obama and that that is his world view because you're seeing it played out as an interesting parallel that i think change i think those two words which essentially got him elected are very very you know largely encompassing i mean that that's what got everybody riled up because you say this is hope we're going to bring change and everybody gets excited and all of a sudden now they're getting back to all the details which is what is wrong how do you he's got to sell his message again to connect to the american people i think very briefly be very point on this the when you're running a political campaign like his it was based on hope and change you know stimulating the cerebrum when you're in office and people are out to get you you have to learn
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how to harness the rip kilian brain republicans have always been good at harnessing the reptilian brain the one that controls road rage i guess that is something that might be. only into him and some of his underlings apparently well i think actually i think it's all more complicated if you're trying to be simple. mind and show me where i have to be that's a right price. hope and change we all want you know what i was doing better what you want well what better you know president obama one of his books pointed out he's kind of a candidate you see in him what you want to see evidence of what you believe to be true he provides you a positive narrative i like that you know the problem is when you govern you're actually going to deliver on the hope you and i agree that we want change you want to try to change and i think we're going to be together in the polling booth right we're going to be part of your waiter there's an interesting parallel to president reagan president president obama's numbers track president reagan's numbers pretty
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closely right a key difference this is not my argument made by somebody else a while ago i can't take credit for it is that one of the differences however is president reagan always spoke from a principle position and you knew it right why can were not there was something going on and he's got that you do believed there was never a scientific hedging in measuring right there was laying over exactly exactly and that's not to not to disparage his intellect right but but his intellect came from a position of strength of individual strength and value that appears to be president obama doesn't articulate that well i'm certain he's a man of value principle but he doesn't articulate that so we don't know again the story we don't know where to locate all these policies that will the value proposition allowed president reagan to come back really strongly obviously to get reelected it's unclear the president obama is able to articulate that value course and i feel like obama has to i mean it that way that he's an agitated it is a smart man right there at least know what kind of people to surround himself with at least to surround himself with people that know how to win over the public that
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know how to deal with the media because here they are looking like they got bullied looking like they well fell into a fog and faded and who was and then they moved over to the bigger question with so-called friends and allies now and then with the enemy believe it or not and i think they've got to sacrifice their own people right and i know maybe it's getting close to the consensus building path of least resistance kind of psyche but it's all i do have to at least. pay some lip service to the enemy when you're dealing with an organized enemy of his of his with with these resources fox the internet breitbart those connections mean you cannot over intellectualize that i mean i know that sounds you know my professors say you can over. but but you can't i mean because you're dealing with somebody and i'm using it as a singularity with those forces that don't have those compunctions and aren't going to overthink this that are dealing with the reptilian brain for one reason or
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another and are going to go after him and his policies and you want to have somebody who's not equipped to understand what that means maybe you need to have you know it goes back to to a to a karl rove or j.f.k. had a kind of adonal you needed to have somebody like that as a point person i don't think rahm emanuel's person david plouffe during the campaign was but he's gone on to say screw you has lost they've lost that war stephen was an implementor david's a terrific implementor and for a long time david axelrod was the storyteller understands the political campaigns are narratives i think the challenge isn't that he doesn't have the people but the problem is they don't know how to govern they're going to be going around saying they're not tell me that they don't figure it out soon enough then want to do are they out there want to done you know maybe not in sort of a clever phrase a great way to get around that they actually passed health care reform and they passed the stimulus bill that they have been so successful when it comes to legislative not as not that's not
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a story right what is passing health care for financial regulatory reform the tax extenders package has passed us today are there elements it's reason he talked of what he's doing is throwing up policies and hoping that all of us assemble them in ways to go well what if you have to sell them into a movie script writers like that or a series of save obama i think that with that we're getting better i think with the image that plays in my head again if the president reagan narrative if he can find the inner story that got all of america. at the can democratic convention in boston you know only in america could my story be true if you can say see this is evidence the next kid of a single mom is getting a morning this is proof that i am but for part of what has to change the facts on the ground the facts matter i think the economy is going to be better but at some point you know what if i feel like i'm going to lose my job. it's peggy noonan had a terrific column a bunch of we always go public and she's very very insightful americans hate the snake president at some level you know the b.p.
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they wasn't his fault but he looks snake bit right in that you literally have to cut the thing would suck out your own poison in front of national t.v. this is ok i'm better you've got a recovery you have to say i'm better and frankly i expected a little better from iraq obama i thought he i think he could handle these things better i think he should at least you know like i said again surround himself with people that know the game give me a break it's a guy who rail you only work with i've worked with a lot of elected officials are going to want to campaigns you've got to work with a guy you've got he's a cerebral guy and he had to say we got to wrap it i've got to thank you both for being here will see while they be one and done if they don't get their act together perhaps all right still to come on the show our tool time winner tonight evolves the senate candidates high heels and cow manure ox but all that just a minutes and a new college grads can't find a job in this economic climate while college loans start to stack up so we'll look at the beleaguered job future and speak to you know young woman who's fresh out of
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college and struggling right now to find work. worries which are made to police children. the results. in the. nurse and. the security against. you watching our t.v. broadcasting live from central moscow summit thirty in the morning here and bees are the headlines.


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