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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 23, 2010 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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as many sex slaves are being shipped from here to other countries. r.t. investigates the dark on the world of a popular ukrainian holiday resort. health care water boat clinics could mean the difference between life and death for people in both indian villages. costing life in the heart of the russian capital you're watching ulti welcome to the program the international court of justice has ruled that kosovars unilateral declaration of independence from serbia was legal belgrade says it rejects the non-binding decision serbia claimed that secession in two thousand and eight violated its territorial integrity un's highest court in the hague said there is no want of which prevents declarations of seventy eight argues the court only focused
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on the declaration and said nothing about the legality of course as an independent state. countries have praised the ruling meanwhile moscow says decision sets a dangerous precedent and still wants bilateral talks between course of to resolve their differences journalist and historian the voice says the court's decision is unjust. it's pretty much a death sentence for international law this is a textbook case of. clear violation of both the un resolution twelve forty four and all the accepted norms of international law. honestly was expecting a more nuanced decision along the lines of it was illegal but it doesn't matter i quite honestly didn't expect the world court to take such a directly pro-american position to be perfectly honest kosovo is a much independent does manchukuo vichy francois. as in world war two it's
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a puppet state it suffers from and democrat abuses of power is its government structure can be best described as a organized crime it is not a state in any way shape or form just because the u.s. state department says it is a doesn't mean it is a case of course it was just a naked land grab and if it's allowed to stand in serbia itself may actually soon fall apart disappear. as a country cannot afford to simply let this slide for the past twenty years there have been wars and conflicts in the balkans stemming from the collapse of yugoslavia and each time there was any sort of dispute the serbs turned out to be on the losing end and the principles that the so-called international community adopted along the way varied according to the needs of the moment there's no principle here really that can consistently apply over the past twenty years except the serbs always lose and that's clearly not a principle you can build a policy on. foreign affairs that it's been state television land book which says
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the next step is for belgrade to bring the issue of course of the ira at the un general assembly. it will be the decision of the general assembly that will change more things than this ruling which isn't unimportant but it says less than we thought it would the fact of course of all albanians are now deciding about their own lives and it is their free will i'm not the spokes person of the government government but what i've heard from from our government seems to me as if serbia does not want to rule over. and decide about their lives all he wants a minimum of sovereignty over the territory recognize the sovereignty does not imply serbian right to actually run the daily lives of course of all being aeons and serbia head in the past several different proposals on how to resolve this all of which were very quickly rejected by the big powers except for four for russia
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and china and there wasn't much room for for serbia to corporate or negotiate. it with we've got plenty more coming up later in the program including putting life on ice. and the head refrigerator get stored in this liquid nitrogen feels that. it can't make any promises but this might just be a way to get to i. guess we visit the only facility in europe that claims to offer the possibility of life after death by freezing clients bring bodies. the u.s. federal government has brought an eleventh hour north suit against a new immigration bill in arizona that says the all that said to come into force next week would violate the rights of immigrants and profiling the new measures would give the police the power to stop anyone they suspect of having entered the
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u.s. illegally human rights activist reverend green and radio host tony katz clashed on the issue you know tease washington studio. every conversation about the law not being humane is a red herring it should not be discussed it's an embarrassment as b ten seventy is federal law and all the state of arizona is doing is making sure that the federal law is enforced and the answer to start with is to seal the border to quite literally build the fence fifty feet high if need be and the whole length of the border from san diego through texas those of us from the civil rights community we see a whole lot of racial issues that are really come to play in terms of the arizona law that this law is basically going to allow for racial profiling and therefore discriminatory it is true you don't live on the same hours of driving you don't live on a slide you do not live on the same child or the tracks that i live on maybe you live in a privileged situation but the reality is that my god you hate it simply. because
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they're in the wrong neighborhood people are stopped all the time because they look at different way the wrong way in terms of the eyes of law enforcement is that reasonable cause to stop somebody on it and unfortunately it sets up a situation for racial profiling and when we look at someplace like does not arizona have created a law that is basically screwed discriminatory in its nature and a happens i didn't create a law and making a two tier citizenship system it's a cap let me jump in you're absolutely not first of all let's be clear reverend they are not citizens they are legal invaders they do not have like an apology given i have to show the united states of america because they look a certain way they may be citizens but they look a certain way that's the nature of racial profiling the reality is the law is racist the law sets up a dynamic to attack a certain segment of the population and to attack them with absolutely not it's a heated debate there indeed just to remind you we've got plenty more in a web site that's on t.
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dot com let's have a look at some of the stories you can see online right now. revolution scorching heat to make the world. make rain i should say it's really big hits on the web. why the celebrity psychic octopus paul may move to russia as the cool bookmakers are needed to pay good money for his tentacle talent. this year's international aids conference in vienna and is its final day with scientists and activists calling on rich countries to provide more funding to help fight the disease there demanding universal access to treatment for thousands of protesters rallied in the austrian town little use in america of allowing big pharmaceutical companies to charge high prices for aids medicine the complaint has
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been involved against the recipe down to nations on behalf of nineteen organizations around the world spoke to middle patients and medical journalist from britain sunday times newspaper he thinks more progress will be made in treating aids you scientists were more open to other data views on the disease. i think that their calls are being listened to but that actually the direction in which the science is going is misplaced and that's why people are angry. for many years i've reported on this subject i started writing about it twenty five years ago and held the conventional view that if aids was caused by a new virus when that was first. put forward in the 1980's but over the years i've come to the conclusion that scientists keep in challenging that idea and who say that. it has never been proven. as a specific entity and therefore the tests that claim to diagnose
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a infection are faulty i think they've got a very strong point and that's why. after all these years with still seeing such dissatisfaction with the efforts of the scientific community it's not good not trying but they're misdirected their efforts. people heading to beaches for some summer sun the seedier side of one black sea resort in ukraine's being exposed adesa has become a thriving hub for the sex slave industry as a strategic importance that haitian makes it a hotspot for human trafficking between the region and other countries. it is fun in the sun in the ukrainian port city offered us hundreds of thousands come here during the hike to season. but for this woman from central africa it became a living nightmare with her identity concealed she told us how she was turned into a sex life. i met
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a man who told me he'd marry me and take care of me he brought me here then he locked me in a hotel room the men came every day and raped me sometimes there were three of them one later the man said he'd sell me to turkey but i managed to find help. she managed to escape from the man who had been slaves now she lives in the dust under the protection program but many young girls here are not as lucky every day ships bring thousands of tourists in and out of but for many this harbor becomes a point of no return as many sex slaves are being shipped from here to other countries. turkey italy united arab emirates these are some of the most popular destinations for the sex slave trade and it does so with its strategic port serves as the market place police talk of fifty cases solved over the last two years but
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in reality the number of victims from all across the c.i.s. which are being brought here could be a thousand times higher and fighting organized. trade gangs is very difficult because it's thought some are highly connected with the authorities or the foreign sex trade workers use local men to find girls from deprived regions who are struggling to make a living so they're easy prey if these men offer them a new life they promise them jobs abroad and hotels and restaurants but eventually they end up as sex slaves and are stripped of their passports but. this organization called faith hope love helps sex trade victims to rehabilitate from their terrifying past in five years they have offered assistance to more than a thousand women it's still pretty hats it is impossible to keep track of how many sex slaves are out there as most of them are simply afraid to call for help both social workers and authorities admit in the last several years the sex trade has slightly diminished but they say while ukraine's economy is in tatters the sex
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industry will remain as one of the most burning problems for this resort city regardless of the season let's see reporting from address ukraine the women's rights are also under the spotlight elsewhere as some countries are looking to ban the full face coverings that veil in the latest edition of crosstalk people of l. and activists discuss whether the burka hue simply highlights intolerance as coming up in around fifteen minutes time. we need to give them a lesson and be an example of what tolerance really means it means taking to our principles even if it means accepting something that we ourselves find strange go down and listen to the women i've heard women explain why they wear niqab they when they can't because they are taught by an ideology that tells them that they are a precious stone a diamond a piece of candy that must be hidden to prove their worth i'm not going to stand up to an ideology that compares me to
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a piece of candy they also taught that they will burn in hell fire forever if any part of their body is shown where is the empowerment in this then the carbon the utterly degrading and dehumanizing we have to get all of our intellectual discussion and get down on the ground and see what is happening to these women. with science and technology advancing in quantum leaps some believe in turn life is not just a distant dream and they're ready to wait as long as it takes even after their death by having their brains and bodies frozen until revival lottie's stacey bivins visited the only facility outside the us which offers such services and talk to one of his clients. sylvester stallone put death on ice in the science fiction film demolition man freezing his body to be awakened in the future. and more than
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a decade later must abide by his love which is attempted to have his m.r. tallaght on earth and his mind heaven can wait my parents had a mixed reaction to this my mom thinks it's a stupid waste of money most of my friends support me in this decision because they are also procrit iyonix he's paying thirty thousand dollars to have his body stored after he dies at the crime clinic near moscow which freezes humans in the hopes of future thirty taishan it's the only facility of its kind outside the us and so far they can explain accounts for and the head of aid refrigerated gas are stored in this liquid nitrogen fills that cracker with says it can't make any promises but this might just be a way to get a take to find life if science catches up with imagination will be transferred to new bodies the cost of a simple brain freeze is ten thousand dollars even if we can. spend it animation
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right now if we can preserve the structure of the information about the course and then we can still professor revive him in the future while some in a scientific community support investing in cryogenics they believe major advances in the field are a long way off controlling the thawing process is a major challenge but nothing compared to bring someone back to life. the problem at hand is resuscitation it's biological death and irreversible derangement. but if the future can bring this lazarus of the icebox back to life what does he hope to do that my immediate goal is to fly somewhere to a star closest to us. for bad islam and. investment in what seems impossible today may be worthwhile and many tomorrow. r.t. . some other stories from around the world the south for you as well as broken diplomatic relations with colombia after. charges of harboring leftist guerrillas
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in prison it has given colombian ambassador three days to leave the country. to be on high alert since the. war between the two nations the colombian benching proof fox presented to the organization of american states and washington sparked the furious reaction to travis brutus. relief teams working on the oil spill in the gulf of mexico been ordered to evacuate the area for up to two weeks due to a threat of course storm warning. the site of the snake beach by saturday officials say the temporary cap on the well the safe enough to be monitored. to pump the well for good. now in remote areas of india health care can be hard to come by but thanks to the country's rivers some medical help kind of arrived by
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boat providing a lifeline for locals lottie's charan singh has more. well come to water world this is the mighty brahmaputra river originating in debate it enters india and flows on into bangladesh it's the peak of the rainy season and here in the state of assam we ne india health care arrives by boat for those living in remote villages it can take three or four days to reach some of the islands. many villages we can go on when the rainy season it's more difficult to get to them during the dry season we have to try to seven kilometers this could take two hours we can't carry all our medical equipment such a long distance one hundred thousand people live in the district of nobody but there is only one functioning medical center no wonder then that the arrival of the book clinic is a big event here the entire village turns out to me the stuff. sixteen year old is pregnant and feels this free check up is
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a far better option than traveling to the nearest town the book clinic is run by an ngo the center for northeast studies and is funded by the indian government and unicef its main focus is the immunization of children while locals were initially hesitant to get their babies vaccinated mothers know actively supported but there are limits to what the doctors can do dr hark examines who has been complaining of a pain in his abdomen to diagnose the course doctor needs an x. ray but for that will have to go to the city. the doctor said i will have to show this to the medical center in. how do i do that the poor man and i can't afford the money it costs to go there and look at it we can deliver babies and do blood tests but we don't have an x.-ray machine so for that the patient has to go to the medical center in the city if there's an emergency we have
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a standby board that we can use to transport the patients. getting access to health . is never easy and more saw during the monsoon when the river probable drug covers much of the learned by delivering health care to the doorstep of villagers the clinic could well mean the difference between life and it got and seeing our d. on that of obama. simply joins us now with the latest from the world of business so how the equity markets looking stuff well carried japan's nikkei has just snapped a five day losing streak to finish over two percent higher but here in moscow stocks are down so far on friday i'll have more market news for you in just a minute but first exams for european banks are nearly over there was lots of stress tests on ninety one financial institutions will be released on friday they should tell the world whether the banks are ready to withstand a renewed economic downturn and a potential debt default by a country but the real question is whether the regulators have set the bar high enough to actually test weak banks that's reports. if too many
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banks pass the tast it means the test that's a widespread suspicion about the assessment of europe's biggest lenders the banks have been asked to estimate how much additional capital they would need under two scenarios namely if the economic situation were to deteriorate from two years and there was an additional sovereign shark but analysts question just how realistic the task can be it's very difficult to say partly because we don't know what the so-called adverse scenarios will be considered of just yet we know that they'll be considering a mild recession as a worst case scenario which which incidentally we don't think is the worst case scenario. but we don't know how the how greater probability they're going to assign to the risk of sovereign default and so what they do on that front would determine
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the results look we did. salt's will be released late friday after the european bourses close for the weekend which is meant to avoid a panic on already a nervous markets but some analysts believe the caution is excessive there's been a number of officials coming out over recent days suggesting that. the banks in the respective countries seem to be good shape in that they're going to pass. the stress test there's been a couple of banks saying that they could possibly fail but perhaps the market already had a good feeling for this those type of failure candidates i think really perhaps is going to line up to be somewhat of a nonevent expectations are the major banks will pass and the biggest problems will be found and the smallest players which in many cases are not listed and once it's revealed which banks are in the need of more capital it's still not clear what happens next that civil conscious have been funds that might be able to be drawn
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upon the business our team. now it's time to have a quick look at those active markets and how they're performing in asia stocks are high on friday lifted by financials resources and exporters tokyo's nikkei ended up five day losing streak to gain over two percent its biggest one day percentage rise in more than a week short covering support asset optimism ahead of the results from europe here the bank stress tests and in hong kong the hang seng is heading for a fourth straight session of gains. here in moscow the markets are down in early trade following first a strong session of banks so weighing on them my sex is the worst performing breach up there shutting point seven percent. bucking the downward trend though both edging into the black. rushes are and i'm still producers have come in for face criticism from the government for that pricing policies michael consumers such as comic have been struggling to establish a long term contracts with suppliers of what they consider to be acceptable rates
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prime minister vladimir putin is going to the city of school to help mediate the dispute and to open a brand new pipeline production facility our correspondent in fact reports. the prices just pull the ground on the field producer but most of the construction side there isn't an oil and gas company the spinning their new pipeline project their government has brought the bottle to the sector with metals prices growing demand consumer of metals among which carmakers up to the losses where we and. which manufactures green thanks for the military as well as the companies which in the prices spike that they've seen this year give us a good day basis criminal charges for price fixing it's a problem that's drilled attention at the highest level of government that even all the services that ducting a wide ranging investigation into the possibility that a number of major you have worked out
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a price setting deal but analysts point out that the cost of doing russia all these global trends where russia is an expert with respect to the supermarket percent of the warnings to explore that are from the missing trends are hardly clearly cooked with a global trend seems to price if you look institute rolling the country's third largest producer probably this will open a new large diameter pipe production line with a nano capacity of six hundred thousand tonnes the company has even introduced you to a white majority to signify its innovative approach in the sector we should go on with the modernization over the next five years we expect an innovative breakthrough in the pipe industry we are not only renovating the capacities but creasing new ones from scratch but with our clients to work. in tough conditions primarily in the oil ime gas sectors the prime minister together with representatives of the sector will discuss the steel price for us that is suitable for all and will allow long term
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contracts to be established it seems a political intervention is needed due to the fact that consumer and producers are trying to reach all the price for up to several months of radio and talking to them i know is there are saying that most of the producers are unlikely to agree to the long term contract does the fact that this still fries is experiencing a serious volatility of the market right now the profitability of russian business has increased by eighty six percent in the first five months of two thousand and ten compared to the previous year the statistics service says the combined pretax profits in large and mid-sized companies climbed to eighty billion dollars funds working in the extraction utilities and processing industries were among the top gayness and meanwhile the met a number of companies reporting a loss drugs by just two point six percent compared to the first months of two thousand and nine when the country was in the depths of recession. and not so from
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the business team for now but of course you can always find those stories on a website. called slash business. culture is the same i understand not only underscoring the limits on the balcony of new buyers in the market banner not discussions continue whether muslim women
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should be barred from appearing public with their faces veil is this a. wealthy british style. market. scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our team. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our keep .
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in touch i know he's available in the till bankole can see.
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