tv [untitled] RT July 23, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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the world of a popular ukrainian a holiday resort. plus health care by water clinics can mean the difference between life and death for people in remote indian villages. and in twenty minutes business europe's banks find out if they. stress this in five times we've talked to concerned bankers. worldwide news around the clock this is our life from moscow. the president of heat wave rages on with another record breaking temperatures in moscow on friday almost three hundred people have drowned in the country this week alone most of them just trying to cool off rush or is also suffering its worst drought in years let's get
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more on the impact of the heat from artie's tom barton who has a life for us here in the russian capital so tom we've heard about people drowning as they're trying to cool off in this terrible heat here we've also heard the agricultural industry taking a hit can you also can you just give us some details on those two aspects. of yes story well a the gorky park here in the center of moscow people are enjoying the heat but that is an exception across the country in the suburbs of moscow today people can smell and see smoke from raging forest fires very close to moscow itself here in moscow region that's just one of the effects of this heat truly record breaking heat this year in july with the records being broken. on four separate days this month the temperature has been the highest it's ever been on that day in recorded history so that is the scale of the temperature we're dealing with some of the effects as you said. unfortunately three people drowned this week alone we've also got twenty
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three russian regions declaring a state of emergency because of the drought there is so there seems to be so little water many farmers are literally watching them be their crops die in the fields of wheat grain is dropping from their heads at the wheat on to the floor making it on harvestable we've also got a big big problems with fire across russia this season this for fire risk season twenty thousand fires have been recorded and they have birth their way through four hundred thousand hectares of forest floors are so dry that the slightest spark sets off forest fires and a hundred and seventy of those are still thought to be burning now the emergency services are trying to talk with all of this will continue as long as the heat continues at this intensity. doctors are giving advice to people in this kind of heat they're saying you must remain well hydrated must drink lots of fluid but what other advice is being given for those coping with these extreme temperatures. well
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the advice that doctors are giving is also for people not to go out in the hottest hours of the day about twelve to four so many muscovites of russians and in towns are trying to stay in cool places it seems simple but once you find yourself out in the heat you can quickly get dehydrated and also don't exercise too much they say because many russians. who are exercising too much get dehydrated even faster simple advice other ways that people have been trying to get out of the heat or just to try and get some relief from it i've been examined by my colleague peter all over in his report. when temperatures soar everyone has to find their own way to keep cool in the sweltering city summer two brothers in moscow have come up with a plan to beat the heat as well as make a bit of cash on the side a majority and boris rent out their apartment in the summer months and set up camp on a small island in the state. outside of the city center i can't hear
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a nine hundred sixty when i was in my second year at school we came here in a car and we saw the place was vacant we bought a boat right away and brought it here to paradise there's good fishing under you it might seem like a strange choice but it's all perfectly legal anyone can pitch their tent and start their own camp as long as they have a certain rules and use it our chief concern is to avoid harming nature these people are clean and tidy and don't harm nature but if other people come pitch a tent and start firing rubbish around they'll have to face punishment as far as ways to beat the heat goes on the telly and boris have certainly adopted a fairly novel approach but the spike robinson crusoe esque existence they still can't live without some of the creature comforts they go hand in hand with city living there's good use of we have to t.v. sets two radios and a notebook but no internet at my house in moscow a six minute ride from here the retired pair have just about all they could need on
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their thirty meter wide island getaway and if there's anything they want it's only a short trip to the nearest shop once to take in the boat right of the shore of course heading for some alfresco sleep isn't a new thing for muscovites in the past before the invention of air conditioning many people would sleep in the courtyards of apartment buildings to try and get some rest by from the times oppressive heat not many would be willing to go to the same length as boston on a totally but with temperatures still around the thirty's more people will be looking for ways to stay cool this summer peter all of the arctic. well the international court of justice has ruled that because of a unilateral declaration of independence from serbia was legal belgrade says it rejects the non-binding decision so be it claimed that the cause of a session in february of two thousand and eight violated his territorial integrity the un's highest court in the hague said there is no article which prevents declarations of sovereignty but belgrade argues the court only focused on the
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declaration and said nothing about the legality of course of our as an independent state however the us and many e.u. countries have praised the ruling the law moscow says the decision sets a dangerous precedent and still wants bilateral talks between serbia and kosovo to resolve their differences now joining me live in the studio to discuss this further is independent political analyst of light emitted good to see you sir so the u.n. court has ruled legal only the declaration of independence but there was no mention of whether it is actually actual status is within the international law what do you think that is it's a simple tricky game of the u.s. court of justice. buoying with the words. from dependence or independence say as an act as a gesture is see nothing in both cases it's gross well ation of the international law what kind of documents if you do not mind i will catalogue very briefly the
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your charger especially. goal especially. chips chapter two the declaration on international law also adopted by the united nations and nine hundred seventy number of key always see documents among the charter for a new europe. then there is allusion. of the un security council which is seal world it that's too well ford. four plus five more is always some cause the issue adopted previously all later on and guiding principles it's about ration of a guiding principles of course a war. course of war a political settlement also stand by the u.n. security council own lot of big stalk so i don't know why people
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neglected search key international documents so you've highlighted some of the potentially controversial issues at stake here let's talk about the long term endgame but what are the consequences are going to be from this i can anticipate of interests of points of view for example if you just take into consideration how many countries have already recognized so to say self independence of kosovo roughly one third of the entire world community so but there is another qualified majority two thirds of them they have not recognized corso war and i think they will never recognize it because it creates creates a very dangerous precedent in the world affairs that russia has said the decision of the international court of justice doesn't affect its stance on cause of independence can can you see that changing no it will not change so moscow just has
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already. expressed its position on. many occasions including highlighted three main points bullet points first of all no no recognition of self independence second continuation of talks between parties concerned and third. is also back in corinth bill great position to continue debating on this very thorny issue at their upcoming un general assembly session later this year. as this bumpy debate continues so we will come to monthly further analysis pumping the word perhaps year round appended a political analyst of letter because in my language thank you melissa. well a court hearing has taken place in the u.s. state of arizona over a tough new immigration law that set to come into force there next week the u.s. government is trying to block the bill saying it would lead to racial profiling the
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new measures would allow the police to stop anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant no ruling has been made so far human rights activist a referenda grayle and high dollar and a radio host tony katz clashed on the issue in washington d.c. studio. every conversation about the law not being humane is a red herring it should not be discussed it's an embarrassment as b ten seventy is federal law and all the state of arizona is doing is making sure that that federal law is enforced and the answer to start with is to seal the border to quite literally build the fence fifty feet high if need be and the full length of the border from san diego through texas those of us from the civil rights community we see a whole lot of racial issues that are really come to play in terms of the arizona law that this law is basically going to allow for racial profiling and therefore discriminatory it is true you don't live on the same hours of driving you don't
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live on a slide you do not live on the same china tracks that i live on maybe you live in a privileged situation but the reality is that my god it's a stock all the time because they are in the wrong neighborhood people are stopped all the time because they look at different way the rotty way in terms of the eyes of law enforcement is that reasonable cause to stop somebody on it and unfortunately it sucks up a situation for racial profiling and when we look at someplace like does not arizona have created a law that is basically screwed discriminatory in its nature and a happens i didn't create a law and making a two tier citizenship system mr cafferty jump in you're absolutely not first of all let's be clear reverend they are not citizens they are legal invaders they do not have like an apology given i have to show the united states alaska because they look a certain way they may be citizens but they look a certain way that's the nature of racial profiling the reality is the law is racist the law sets up a dynamic to attack a certain segment of the population and to attack them with absolutely not. but the
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main stories we're covering are also available on our website that is see to come let's have a quick look at what's waiting for you that right now twitter revolutions out there scorching heat in russia made the wood rain really a big hit on the internet. the celebrity psychic. paid good money for his. well with people heading to the beaches for some some of fun seedier side of one black sea resort in ukraine is now being exposed odessa has become a thriving hub for the sex slave industry as a strategic port its location makes it
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a hotspot for human trafficking between the region and other countries are. reports . it is fun in the sun in the ukraine in port city offer desa hundreds of thousands come here during the hike to receive. but for this woman from central africa it became a living nightmare with her identity concealed she told us how she was turned into a sex slave. i met a man who told me he'd marry me and take care of me he brought me here then he locked me in a hotel room the men came every day and raped me sometimes there were three of them one later the man said he only to turkey but i managed to find help. she managed to escape from the man who had been slaves now she lives in the just under protection program but many young girls here are not as lucky or every day ships bring thousands of tourists in and out of her death but for many of this
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harbor becomes a point of no return as many sex slaves are being shipped from here to other countries. turkey italy united arab emirates these are some of the most popular destinations for the sex slave trade and it does so with its strategic port serves as the market place police talk of fifty cases solved over the last two years but in reality the number of victims from all across the c.i.s. which are being brought here could be a thousand times higher and fighting organized sex trade gangs is very difficult because it's thought some are highly connected with the authorities both forensics trade workers use local men to find girls from deprived regions who are struggling to make a living so they're easy prey but if these men offer them a new life they promise them jobs abroad in hotels and restaurants but eventually they end up as sex slaves and are stripped of their passports but. this
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organization called faith hope love helps sex trade victims to rehabilitate from their terrifying past in five years they have offered assistance to more than a thousand women it's still pretty had it is impossible to keep track of how many sex slaves are out there as most of them are simply afraid to call for help both social workers and authorities admit in the last several years a desa sex trade has slightly diminished but they say while ukraine's economy is in tatters the sex industry will remain as one of the most burning problems for this resort city regardless of the season. see reporting from adesa ukraine. well women's rights are also one of the spotlight elsewhere some countries are looking to buy a full face covering islamic veil in the latest edition of cross talk and his guests discuss whether the burka issue simply highlights intolerance that's coming up in about fifteen minutes time but for the meantime here's
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a brief example. we need to give them a lesson and be an example of what tolerance really means it means sticking to our principles even if it means accepting something that we ourselves find strange go down and listen to the women i've heard women explain why they wear niqab they when they can't because they are taught by an ideology that tells them that they are a precious stone a diamond a piece of candy that must be hidden to prove their worth i'm not going to stand up to an ideology that compares me to a piece of candy they also taught that they will burn in hell fire forever if any part of their body is shown where is the empowerment in this then the carbon are to be degrading and dehumanizing we have to get off our intellectual discussion and get down on the ground and see what is happening to these women. coming up at about the halfway mark of the hour so stand by for that now in remote areas of india health care can be hard to come by but thanks to the country's
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rivers medical help kind of arrive by boat providing a lifeline for locals artie's counting reports on this. welcome to water word this is the mighty brahmaputra river originating in debit dangers india and flows on into bangladesh it's the peak of the rainy season here in the state of the north east india. by boat for those living in remote villages it can take three or four days to reach some of the islands. there are many villages we can go on leave in the rainy season it's more difficult to get to them during the dry season we have to have to seven kilometers this could take two hours. we can't carry all our medical equipment such a long distance one hundred thousand people live in the district of nobody but there is only one functioning medical center no wonder then that the arrival of the book clinic is a big event here the entire village turns out to meet the staff sixteen year old
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is pregnant and feels this free check up is a far better option than travelling to the nearest town the book clinic is run by an ngo the center for northeast studies and is funded by the indian government and unicef its main focus is the immunization of children why locals were initially hesitant to get their babies vaccinated mothers know actively supported but there are limits to what doctors can do dr hark examines. complaining of a pain in his abdomen to diagnose the cause doctor needs an x. ray but for that we'll have to go to the city. the doc says it all have to show this to the medical center in. how do i do that the poor man and i can't afford the money it costs to go that i'm looking at but we can deliver babies and do blood tests but we don't have an x.-ray machine so that the patient has to go to
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the medical center in the city if there's an emergency we have a stun bible that we can use to transport the patients. getting access to health care is never easy and more so during the monsoon when the river promise covers much of the land by delivering health care to the doorstep of villagers the book could well mean the difference between life and death god and seeing our d. on the river. it's about twenty minutes past the hour now here in the russian capital let's check out some other stories from around the world this hour and venezuela has a broken hip a lot of relations with colombia after booker. chavez of harboring leftist guerrillas the venezuelan president has given colombian ambassadors three days to leave the country he's ordered the military to be on high alert and says the neighboring leader could provoke a war between the two nations a colombian alleging proof fark a rebel presented to the organization of american states in washington to spot the furious reaction to the shoppers the evidence is but. the work to repair the
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leaking oil well in the gulf of mexico has been stopped two weeks due to a storm threat officials ordered the ships to leave the area because tropical storm bonnie is moving towards the site of the slick and could reach it by saturday they say the temporary cap on the well looks safe enough to be left unmonitored but the evacuation could be a major setback in efforts to plug the well for. north korea has threatened a physical response to this weekend's planned military exercises between the u.s. and south korea after asian security summit in vietnam pyongyang said the war games off the korean peninsula would threaten the sovereignty of the north u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton in charge. of quote provocative behavior at the meeting is addressing the tension on the korean peninsula which worsened after the north allegedly sank a south korean warship back in march. ok well the business news is
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next with daniel stay with us. welcome to business there are five hours to go to your response learn if they pass or fail the stress tests ninety one lenders will be told if this strong enough to withstand another economic downturn but there's concern that regulators have not set the bar high enough to test weak banks to turn a polock over reports. if too many banks passed the test it means the test failed that's a widespread suspicion about this segment of europe's biggest lenders the banks have been asked to estimate how much additional capital they would need on the two scenarios namely if the economic situation were to deteriorate for two years and is scenario with an additional sovereign shock but analysts question just how realistic the task can be it's very difficult to say partly because we don't know
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what the. scenario is that will be considered just yet we know that there will be considering a mild recession as s. patso worst case scenario which which incidentally we don't think is the worst case scenario. but we don't know how how greater probability they're going to assign to the risk of sovereign default. so what they do on that front will determine the results the long waited results will be released late friday after the european bourses close for the weekend which is meant to avoid a panic on the ridge in the nervous markets but some analysts believe the caution is excessive there's been a number of officials coming out over recent days suggesting that. the banks and the respective countries seem to be in good shape in that they're going to pass. the stress test there's been a couple of banks saying that they could possibly fail but perhaps the market already had a good feeling for this those type of failure candidates i think really perhaps is
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going to line up to be somewhat of a nonevent expectations are the major banks will pass and the biggest problems will be found and the smallest players which in many cases are not listed and once it's revealed which banks are in the need of more capital it's still not clear what happens next that said several countries have been funds that might be able to be drawn upon the general. business r.t. . let's check out the stock markets are gearing up european shares all mixed in a choppy trading session on friday gains in minors being counted by weakness in financials ahead of those stress test results started to just one of the top losers down almost two percent on the footsie. here in moscow the markets are higher this hour lenders like burbank continue to weigh on the my six but no rules nickel is up almost two and a half percent reports the state may take a state in the lineup. and russian metals producers have come in for fierce
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criticism from the government for their pricing policy consumers such as komi because of struggling to agree trikes will be considered to be acceptable rates for mr putin is in the city of to mediate. reports. the crisis has pulled the ground from on the list. but most of the construction side says in an oil and gas companies the spilling their new pipeline project their government has broken bottle to the sector with metals prices growing demand consumer of metals among which make up to us losses where we are. which manufactures dreams and thanks for the military as well as. watching the prices spike. this year give us a good basis criminal charges for price fixing the problem that's drilled attention at the highest level of government that was given all the service that ducting
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a wide ranging investigation into the possibility that a number of major you worked out the price setting sail but at this point out that the cost of steel in russia all those friends. percent of the warnings that explored that are from the missing trends are highly correlated with the global trend seems to price if you look institute rolling the country's third largest producer. and you large diameter pipe production line with a narrow capacity of six hundred thousand tonnes the company is even introduce you to a white majority to signify its innovative approach in the sector we should go on with the modernization over the next five years we expect an innovative breakthrough in the pipe industry we are not only renovating the capacities but creating new ones from scratch but with our clients to work in tough conditions primarily in the oil and gas sectors the prime minister together would represent. digits of the sector
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will discuss the still price for us that is suitable for all and will allow long time content to be established it seems a political intervention is needed due to the fact that consumer answer for use of outrank you read on the price for up to several months already and talking to that i know is they're saying that most of the producers are and likely to agree to the long term contracts it is the fact that this still fries is experiencing a serious volatility of the market right now that's the latest business to join us in fifty minutes time for.
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culture is the same i understand my comment is probably the most on the form of you can do it by using the marketing banner not discussions continue whether muslim women should be barred from appearing in public with their faces bale is just. wealthy british science is not. the time to experiment with. the british. market so why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports.
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