tv [untitled] RT July 23, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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it is six pm here in russia's capitol hill with auti well russia's unprecedented heat wave rages on with friday seeing another record breaking temperatures here in moscow the hot weather has caused the worst drought in years and hundreds of people have drowned in lake sun ponds as they desperately try to cool off well with no immediate end in sight to the high in mercury readings. and explains the impact of the heat wave and how people are coping with russia's tropical weather. corkey park here in the center of moscow people are enjoying the heat but that is an exception across the country in the suburbs of moscow today people can smell and see smoke from raging forest fires very close to moscow itself twenty thousand fires have
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been recorded this season across russia and they have burned four hundred thousand hectares supposed to be one hundred seventy fires still burning right now new ones here are starting all the time and emergency services are struggling to try and bring those under control on four separate days this month the temperature has been the highest it's ever been on that day here in recorded history as this winter the past winter was very very cold and it's proving russia's continental climate we are seeing just how powerful that continental climate can be so far three hundred people just this week have drowned trying to cool off that's one of the effects of some of the other effects twenty three russian regions have actually declared a state of emergency as the drought is so bad they have the promise of literally watching their property die in the fields and drop all their grain on the floor because they just don't have enough water to ripen the great doctors give some general advice to people don't go out between midday and four pm that's when the
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sun is hottest i am out here in the midday sun as it were dogs and englishmen but if you don't have to go out to dr say don't stay in and try and find a cool place drink plenty of water again you know it's easy to forget but you can dehydrate very fast in the heat especially when you're doing exercise people going out playing football matches is not such a good idea at the moment so doctors you can dehydrate very fast and you know you should try and drink two liters of water a day to try and keep you hydrated my colleague peter all of a prepared a report on what some of the people around russia are doing to try and escape the heat. when temperatures soar everyone has to find their own way to. in the sweltering city summer two brothers in moscow have come up with a plan to beat the heat as well as make a bit of cash on the side and the dolly and boris rent out their apartment in the summer months and set up camp on a small island in a state one kilometer outside of the city center i camped here in one nine hundred
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sixty s. when i was in my second year at school we came here in a car and we saw the place was vacant we bought a boat right away and brought it here to paradise there's good fishing under you it might seem like a strange choice but it's all perfectly legal anyone can pitch their tent and start their own camp as long as they are based certain rules. our chief concern is to avoid harming nature these people are clean and tidy and don't harm nature but if other people can pitch a tent and start throwing rubbish around they'll have to face punishment. as far as ways to beat the heat goes on italian boris have certainly adopted a fairly novel approach but the spite their robinson crusoe esque existence they still can't live without some of the creature comforts they go hand in hand with city living and there's good use of we have to t.v. sets two radios and a notebook but no internet at my house in moscow a six minute ride from here the retired pair have just about all they could need on
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their thirty meter wide island getaway and if there's anything they want it's only a short trip to the nearest shop once a take in the boat right to the shore of course heading for some alfresco sleep isn't a new thing for muscovites in the past before the invention of air conditioning many people would sleep in the courtyards of apartment buildings to try and get some respite from the times oppressive heat not many will be willing to go to the same length as boston on the tolly but with temperatures still around the thirty's more people will be looking for ways to stay cool this summer peacher all of the party. but the ruling by the international court of justice that a cause of a unilateral declaration of independence from serbia was legal has now sparked international controversy however the court did not rule on the legality of course of our succession the u.s. and many european countries have praised the decision although it is non-binding but moscow says the president's dangerous president rather and still wants dialogue between serbia and kosovo to resolve their differences the un's highest court in
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the hague said on thursday the declaration of sovereignty had not violated any international law but belgrade argues the court only focused on the declaration and said nothing about the legality of course of our as an independent state so if your claims that cause of a session in february of two thousand and eight violated his territorial integrity journalist and historian now bush of knowledge has listed a number of reasons why because of our cannot be called an independent state. it's pretty much a dead. sentence for international law this is a textbook case of a clear violation of both the un resolution twelve forty four and all the accepted norms of international law. on asli was expecting a more nuanced decision along the lines of it was illegal but it doesn't matter i quite honestly didn't expect the world court to take such a directly pro-american position to be perfectly honest kosovo is
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a much independent does manchukuo vichy france was in world war two it's a puppet state it suffers from endemic corruption abuses of power is its government structure can be best described as a organized crime it is not a state in any way shape or form just because the u.s. state department says it is a doesn't mean it is a case of course it was just a naked land grab and if it's allowed to stand in serbia itself may actually soon fall apart disappear. as a country cannot afford to simply let this slide for the past twenty years there have been wars and conflicts in the balkans stemming from the collapse of yugoslavia and each time there was any sort of dispute the serbs turned out to be on the losing end and the principles that the so-called international community adopted along the way varied according to the needs of the moment there's no principle here really that can consistently apply over the past twenty years except the serbs always lose and that's clearly not a principle you can build
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a policy on. or the hague opinion on because of the reaction from two other states also seeking recognition. say the move confirms their right to independence they hope the decision pushed other countries to follow the example of russia and a number of other states which recognize them after the georgian war two thousand and eight. as a foreign minister says these republics have more of a right to independence because of. the work but there's the president. of people's right to determine their own identity at the same time giving their arguments more weight on the other hand it's all politicized and we can be sure that if we went to the hague we would get a similar ruling we probably wouldn't in spite of the fact that we have more historical legal and moral grounds to demand independence than cost of a double standards do exist it's not a secret to anyone in any case people who object to our independence will now find it difficult to openly claim that we don't have the right to determine our own
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standing. we are approaching the ten minute mark of the hour here in moscow you are with r.t. thank you for joining us now with tourist season at its height many beachgoers flocked to the black sea coast for some summer fun but alongside the hotels and restaurants one ukrainian resort has a murkier side odessa has become a thriving hub for the sex slave industry as a strategic port its location makes it a hotspot for human trafficking to run from the region r.t. is alexy get a shot to get reports. it is fun in the sun in the crane in port city offer desa hundreds of thousands come here during the height to receive. but for this woman from central africa it became a living nightmare with her identity concealed she told us how she was turned into a sex life. i met a man who told me he'd marry me and take care of me he brought me here then he locked me in
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a hotel room the men came every day and raped me sometimes there were three of them at once later the man said he'd sell me to turkey but i managed to find help. she managed to escape from the man who had been slaves her now she lives in the dust under the protection program but many young girls here are not as lucky every day ships bring thousands of tourists in and out of her death but for many this harbor becomes a point of no return as many sex slaves are being shipped from here to other countries. turkey italy united arab emirates these are some of the most popular destinations for the sex slave trade and it does so with its strategic port serves as the market place police talk of fifty cases solved over the last two years but in reality the number of victims from all across the c.i.s. which are being brought here could be a thousand times higher and fighting organized sex trade gangs is very difficult
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because it's thought some are highly connected with the authorities for in sex traders use local men to find girls from deprived regions who are struggling to make a living so they're easy to create these men over there when you live they promised them jobs abroad in hotels and restaurants but eventually ended up as six slaves and stripped of their passports. this organization called faith hope love helps sex trade victims to rehabilitate from their terrifying past in five years they have offered assistance to more than a thousand women it's typically had says it is impossible to keep track of how many sex slaves are out there as most of them are simply afraid to call for help both social workers and authorities admit in the last several years the sex trade has slightly diminished but they say while ukraine's economy is in tatters the sex industry will remain as one of the most burning problems for this resort city
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regardless of the season let's see reporting from address ukraine. well women's rights are also one of the spotlight elsewhere some countries look to have banned the full face covering islamic veil in the latest edition of cross talk people of l. and as guests discuss whether the book degrades or empowers women that's coming up next hour in our program and here's a small tease for you. we need to give them a lesson and be an example of what tolerance really means it means sticking to our principles even if it means accepting something that we ourselves find strange go down and listen to the women i heard women explain why they were in a car they were in a car because they are taught by an ideology that tells them that they are a precious stone a diamond a piece of candy that must be hidden to prove their worth i am not going to say no to an ideology that compares me to a piece of candy they also taught that they will burn in hell fire forever if any part of their body is shown where is the empowerment in this then the carbon of
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utterly degrading and dehumanizing we have to get off our intellectual discussion and get down on the ground and see what is happening to these women. well malone as the center of all fashion fitting searching for talks on cultural ties between russia and italy key issues on the agenda forward to retrieve silvio berlusconi was two thousand and eleven mutual year of culture to be held in both countries that are going to get a job or has been following the talks and i'll joins us live from with your target is thirty so you're going to be in the it's hot here in moscow with i'm very milan has the atmosphere of the talks being just as warm. oh it's really hard here in milan in the atmosphere of the meeting was warm as well syria but a new school and started opening opened the press conference with the words let's together greet our dear friend dimitri medvedev who is back well indeed relations
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between need to learn russia could be described as a privileged relationship and it seems that very if has taken the lead from his predecessor vladimir putin to treat berlusconi not just as a partner but as a true friend and it's the third time the two have matched in the last eight months the last time their match was during the g eight and g twenty summits today they discussed the outcome of those gatherings seem particular such international issues as the iranian nuclear program situation in afghanistan and the reform of the u.n. which they both said was needed. now you can see that we were saying earlier he's been visiting italy for twenty two years but today he says first time in what what silvio berlusconi got in store for the russian leader in his hometown . well symbolist gone indeed tried hard to create a proper refined zone of yours for these high ranking meeting he walked around he
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invited me for a walk around the sixteenth century cathedral they do your tea palace where the meeting took place later they will visit legend read warmer the milano the symbol of this city and it took five centuries to complete this cathedral one of the biggest. if it could be drills in the world well to build russia's cozy relationship special relationship would be to me also to time and it's the time we know that berlusconi frequently has personally. russia's behalf in the european union and it will be interesting to see whether he's authority now will be enough to push through such important deals as the new european security orator in a let's let's get out of business here i know the culture was a key issue in the talks but what about business what's been announced in this. all girls school and i mean that if we're talking about how the economic situation has been improving after the crisis the trade turnover group forty one percent in four
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months this year and reached a twelve billion dollars but medvedev turned to berlusconi for a helping hand he said he wanted italian businesses to help more denies russia's economy current biggest headache of the russian president berlusconi said he telling businesses would eagerly do that but the biggest obstacle so far has been taper roll crissy. alright also you know because they did a great job reporting live from milan following the russian a president visits to the city thank you. well people in india's hard to reach areas struggle to get proper medical care but the country's government and international aid organizations have come up with a water based solution artie's charan singh has joined this health mission. well come to water world this is the mighty brahmaputra river originating in tippett it
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enters india and flows on into bangladesh it's the peak of the rainy season and here in the state of assam in northeast india health care arrives by boat for those living in remote villages it can take three or four days to reach some of the islands. many villages we can go on when the rainy season it's more difficult to get to them during the dry season we have to try to seven kilometers this could take two hours we can't carry all our medical equipment such a long distance one hundred thousand people live in the district of nobody but there is only one functioning medical center no wonder then that the arrival of the book clinic is a big event here the entire village turns out to meet the staff sixteen year old is pregnant and feels this free check up is a far better option than travelling to the nearest town the book clinic is run by an ngo the center for northeast studies and is funded by the indian government and
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unicef its main focus is the immunization of children while locals were initially hesitant to get their babies vaccinated mothers know actively supported but there are limits to what the doctors can do dr hark examines who has been complaining of a pain in his abdomen to diagnose the cause doctor needs an x. ray but for that to loudoun will have to go to the city. to do it says it all have to show this to the medical center in. how do i do that i'm a poor man and we can't afford the money it costs to go there and look at it we can deliver babies and do blood tests but we don't have an x. ray machine for that the patient has to go to the medical center in the city if there's an emergency we have a stun bible that we can use to transport to patients. getting access to health care is never easy and more so during the monsoon when the river promise was much of the land by delivering health care to the doorstep of villagers the book could
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well mean the difference between life and death got and seeing our d. on the river brahmaputra or it is nearly twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital let's check out some other stories now making headlines all around the world and at least fourteen people being killed many injured when a truck plunged off a steep precipice on a mountainous region of bolivia if you recall it was taking people from a rural village near the capital parts when it fell down a ravine and exploded emergency workers say rescue efforts have been hampered by the steeple location. north korea has warned of a strong response to upcoming u.s. south korean military exercises yang has said the planned military exercises on sunday were an affront to its sovereignty and security of comments came as asian foreign ministers met for a regional security forum dominated by the isolated state's alleged sinking of a south korean warship in march the u.s. has announced new sanctions against pyongyang. venezuela has broken diplomatic
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relations with colombia after bogota accused chavez of harboring leftist guerrillas the venezuelan president has given colombian ambassadors three days to leave the country he's ordered the military to be on high alert and says the neighboring leader could provoke war between the two nations furious reaction to respond to the colombian ambassador revealed what he said was evidence so far for the rebels inside venezuela chavez says the evidence is bogus. and relief teams working on the oil spill in the gulf of mexico have been ordered to evacuate the area for up to two weeks due to a storm threat tropical storm bonnie that hit the bahamas could reach the site of the slick by saturday b.p. officials say a temporary cap now on the well looks safe enough to leave unmonitored but the evacuation is feared to be a major setback in efforts to plug the well for good. while the glamorous
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redhead at the center of the spy swap deal between moscow and washington is getting more and more popular in the united states one american company has capitalized on this by making that anna chapman dole now customers can choose from versions called predator spy i could love each is available for purchase online for about thirty dollars but chapman herself will not benefit from the sales due to the conditions of her release from arrest the twenty eight year old had refused to roll offer to her in an adult movie. all right now all the latest from the world of business that with daniel bushell. when the business president medvedev appears to have revised of russia's economic growth forecast for the year at a news conference with italian prime minister silvio berlusconi this afternoon the president suggested that g.d.p. would rise by nearly five percent in twenty ten last month the government was still
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predicting a growth rate of four percent. but. this year the russian economy will grow by almost five percent which seems to be very good after the crisis however it is still not the growth we need them in less than two hours' time europe's banks will learn if they pass or fail the stress tests ninety one lenders will be told if they're strong enough to withstand another economic downturn but there's concern regulators have not set the bar high enough to test weak banks to turn a pollock over reports. if too many banks passed the test it means the test failed that's a widespread suspicion about their settlement of europe's biggest lenders the banks have been asked to estimate how much additional capital they would need under two scenarios namely if the economic situation were to deteriorate from two years and scenario with an additional sovereign shark but analysts question just how
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realistic the task can be it's very difficult to say partly because we don't know what the so-called adverse scenario is that will be considered of just yet we know that there will be considering a mild recession as as perhaps a worst case scenario which which incidentally which i don't think is the worst case scenario. but we don't know how and how greater probability they're going to assign to the risk with sovereign default. so what they do on that front will determine the result. too long we did result will be released late friday after the european bourses closed for the weekend which. it's meant to avoid a panic on already nervous markets but some analysts believe the caution is excessive there's been a number of officials coming out over recent days suggesting that. the banks in respective countries seem to be good shape in that they're going to pass. these stress tests there's been a couple of banks saying that they could possibly fail but perhaps the market
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already had a good feeling for this those type of failure candidates i think really perhaps is going to line up to be somewhat of a nonevent expectations are the major banks will pass and the biggest problems will be found and the smallest players which in many cases are not listed and once it's revealed which banks are in need of more capital it's still not clear what happens next that's sad civil conscious have been funds that might be able to be drawn upon its business our team. a quick look at the stock markets now european shares are mixed in a choppy trading session on friday gains in mind as being counted by weakness in financials and of those stress test results start the chart that is one of the top losers down almost two percent on the footsie but good news for the british economy which grew one point one percent in the second quarter before this pace in four years. here in moscow it's a big day for miners north nickel is up almost two and
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a half percent reports the government may take a stake is up one and a quarter of the court to profit jumped two hundred twenty percent year on year and petra pawlowski is looking at an initial public offering on its business. wall street has edged into the red in the first hour of trade off the second quarter profit at online retailer amazon grew forty five percent short of expectations its shares at the more than eight percent on the nasdaq already force food chain with its top loser on the dow down one point six percent despite a twelve percent jump in quarter two things. microsoft has posted record revenue of sixteen billion dollars for the second quarter that's a twenty two percent jump year on year and three hundred million dollars more than apple posted just a few days ago microsoft credited continued success of operating system windows seven as well as the recent launch of office twenty ten per the russian government
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chose free rival learners as its main operating system this week. there are further signs russia's beleaguered car industry has turned the corner g.m. has plans to hire three hundred new employees at the plant by september at the height of the economic crisis the joint venture laid off four hundred people become please no introducing a second production shift thanks to a rebound in demand state programs including cash for clunkers have helped to stabilize the plant. and the world's top producer roussel has restarted operations at its aluminum plant in jamaica the facility was put on hold in two thousand and nine due to the economic crisis and falling demand the plant is reopening six months earlier than expected in a further sign of recovery in the global metals market result revenue rose by about thirty percent in the first quarter to reach more than two point three billion dollars food prices in russia will be controlled by the government as the drugs
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create scriptural to across the country ahead of top retail x five welcomed the move warning some businessmen would try speculative price rises first the prime minister viktor zubkov says he set up a commission to stop that. there are no reasons for food prices to skyrocket right now we have created a subgroup with the tosk of monitoring prices on a daily basis and to check who behaves in what way on the market and whether there is a need to raise prices. join us in fifteen minutes of the. wealthy
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understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. nineteen forty five. it is the hour here in the russian capital you without say thank you for joining us you headlines now sweltering in the city registers record breaking temperatures on friday the heatwave for schools russia's worst drought in years and the emergencies ministry says that three hundred people have drowned this week alone most of them just trying to cool off.
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