tv [untitled] RT July 23, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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nine pm friday night here in moscow this is our kevin owen with the top stories for you this hour and russia's unprecedented heat wave rages all with fridays seeing another record breaking temperature in moscow and forecasters say there's no immediate end in sight to the high in mercury reading to get more on the impact of the party's top bugs me braving it all day for us closer said tom it is nine pm now you're a moscow but it still feels personally like the middle of the afternoon is there any hope at all that it's going to cool down in the next few days despite what i just mentioned there what the forecast said. we're not sure there are many predictions about when this might turn nobody really knows how the moment as you said to be feeling the temperature outside is about the same as the temperature in science my own body and that can get a bit uncomfortable behind me park in the center of moscow people are enjoying the
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summer evening walking around in the park but they are probably in the minority overall in russia really in moscow the temperatures we're talking about and this heat wave is truly record breaking four times this month that was a lie the daily temperature of about day has been the highest ever recorded so it's really is a record breaking summer heat wave also the effects of starts coming in moscow. the roads are melting the asphalt on the roads is melting and sticking to the car will so trucks are having to go along with water tanks in the back to try and keep the roads cool and. that's one of the effects in the offices as well. people are being allowed to work casual clothes and if the officers get to what they're simply being closed down people are being told to go home the air quality in the city has steadily declined over the course of the heat wave particulates to leave. and from
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the car exhaust and things normally dissolved and rain and taken away i've just been steadily building up a nice course problems for people with aswell another tree complaints made it more more difficult for them and also in the suburbs of the city people have not only seen but they've also smelt smoke and that's been coming from huge forest fires raging only in the moscow region not too far from here from moscow itself which links into the bigger picture around russia unfortunately in the last week or a lot less amusing the some of the other things we've been going on three hundred people just in this last week who have unfortunately drowned trying to cool themselves off the water rushing to lakes and streams trying to kill themselves off and some people have unfortunately drowned doing that there's an enormous droughts in twenty three regions and rushing up to carry the state of emergency which are just so bad and farmers are literally having to watch their crops die in the fields and the grain form to the fore making it on the harvest of the other big impacts is
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the fires themselves and people are smiling them in the suburbs here. there's been twenty thousand fires this season recorded around russia the forest for so dry any spark will set off a forest fire and that's what has burned so far four hundred thousand hectares across the country so as long as this heat goes on all these problems will to come tom not all gloom though is it how are people coping with this heat is going to like inside to into isn't it. yes people are dealing with it in various ways doctors have given advice to people to keep drinking water to not exercise too much and. not to hydrate themselves but muscovites themselves they seem to be dealing with it with humor as much as they can lot of them been saying well forget training and forget egypt or turkey where they would normally go on holiday let's stay in moscow that stay in russia with all the heat we need just chalk talk or hear topical fruits or partly how to. season this year and just mandarin groves have
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been growing fantastically some people are also saying making jokes about the heat has now exceeded thirty six or thirty seven degrees the exchange rate between the ruble and the dollar and it's on its way to approaching the exchange rate with the euro so people here are making light of it as much as they can just by often some very uncomfortable and difficult circumstances and my or my colleague peter oliver has told his report some other ways that people have been trying to escape or to deal with but. when temperatures saw everyone has to find their own way to keep cool in the sweltering city summer two brothers in moscow have come up with a plan to beat the heat as well as make a bit of cash on the site and the tolly and boris rent out their apartment in the summer months and set up camp on a small island in the state one kilometer outside of the city center a camp here in one hundred sixty when i was in my second year at school we came
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here in a car and we saw the place was vacant we bought a boat right away and brought it here it's a paradise there's good fishing under you it might seem like a strange choice but it's all perfectly legal anyone can pitch their tent and start their own camp as long as the base certain rules smother it and use it our chief concern is to avoid harming nature these people are clean and tidy and don't harm nature but if other people come pitch a tent and start throwing rubbish around they'll have to face punishment as far as ways to beat the heat goes on the telly and boris have certainly adopted a fairly novel approach with the spike robinson crusoe esque existence they still can't live without some of the creature comforts they go hand in hand with city living and that's good use of we have to t.v. set two radios and a notebook but no internet at my house in moscow a six minute ride from here the retired pair have just about all they could need on their thirty meter wide island getaway and if there's anything they want. only
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a short trip to the nearest shop once to take in the boat right to the shore of course heading for some alfresco sleep isn't a new thing for muscovites in the past before the invention of air conditioning many people would sleep in the courtyards of apartment buildings to try and get some respirator from the times oppressive heat not many would be willing to go to the same length as boston on the tolly but with temperatures still around the thirty's more people will be looking for ways to stay cool this summer peter all of a hearty. well we've got some ideas for escaping the sweltering city in summer this week's edition of moscow gives you the lowdown on the golden ring that's where are now tourist destinations situated just outside the capital here's a taste of mr martin. this free speech is various precious icons and religious books from the fourteenth century onwards so if you think. we have a problem reading war and peace because of the size. of this amazing how made book
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imagine this about five reading. get a program is coming your way next hour for instance to see more of it to the news now the ruling by the international court of justice that kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence from serbia was legal sparked international controversy over the court didn't rule over the galaxy of kosovo's breakaway the u.s. and many european countries have praised the decision although it isn't binding but moscow says it sets a dangerous precedent and still wants dialogue between serbia and kosovo to resolve the differences of the un's highest court in the hague said thursday that the declaration of sovereignty had not violated any international law however belgrade argues the court only focused on the declaration and said nothing about the legality of kosovo as an independent state claims that kosovo succession in
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february two thousand and eight violated its territorial integrity journalist and historian says there are several reasons why kosovo could not be called an independent state. it's pretty much a death sentence for international law this is a textbook case of. clear violation of both the un resolution twelve forty four and all the accepted norms of international law. honestly was expecting a more nuanced decision along the lines of it was illegal but it doesn't matter i quite honestly didn't expect the world court to take such a directly pro-american position to be perfectly honest course i'm always a smart. independent does manchukuo order vichy france was in world war two it's a puppet state it suffers from and democrat abuses of power in its government structure can be best described as organized crime is not
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a state in any way shape or form just because the u.s. state department says it is it doesn't mean it is the case of course it was just a naked land grab and if it's allowed to stand in serbia itself may actually soon fall apart and disappear. as a country cannot afford to simply let this slide for the past twenty years there have been wars and conflicts in the balkans stemming from the collapse of yugoslavia and each time there was any sort of dispute the serbs turned out to be on the losing end and the principles that the so-called international community adopted along the way varied according to the needs of the moment there's no principle here really that can consistently apply over the past twenty years except the serbs always lose and that's clearly not a principle you can build a policy on. well heggs opinion on kosovo her spot reaction from two other states seeking recognition as well cause here in south the setting is the move confirms their right to independence they hope the decision will push other countries to follow the example of russia and the number of other states which recognize them
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after the georgian war in two thousand and eight cars prime minister sergei shamba says these republics have more of a right to independence than possible. but the president confirms a people's right to determine their own identity at the same time giving their arguments more weight on the other hand it's all politicized and we can be sure that if we went to the hague we would get a similar ruling we probably wouldn't in spite of the fact that we have more historical legal and moral grounds to demand independence than constable double standards do exist it's not a secret to anyone in any case people who object to our independence will now find it difficult to openly claim that we don't have the right to determine our own standing. we talk about the temperatures earlier roland with the tourist season at its height many beachgoers are flocking to the black sea coast for some summer fun right now but alongside the hotels and restaurants one ukrainian resort has a work here side. has become a thriving hub for the sex slave industry as
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a strategic ported so cation makes it a hot spot for human trafficking to and from the region as artie's alexi your jeff ski found out. it is in the sun in the grain in port city offered to sell hundreds of thousands come here during the height to season. but for this woman from central africa it became a living nightmare with her identity concealed she told us how she was turned into a sex slave. i met a man who told me he'd marry me and take care of me he brought me here then he locked me in a hotel room some men came every day and raped me sometimes they. three of them. later the man said he'd sell me to turkey but i managed to find help. she managed to escape from the man who hadn't slept now she lives in the under
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protection program but many young girls here are not as lucky every day ships bring thousands of tourists in and out of her death but for many of this harbor becomes a point of no return as many sex slaves are being shipped from here to other countries. turkey italy united arab emirates these are some of the most popular destinations for the sex slave trade and it just so with its strategic port serves as the market place police talk of fifty cases solved over the last two years but in reality the number of victims from all across the c.i.s. which are being brought here could be a thousand times higher and fighting organized sex trade gangs is very difficult because it's thought some are highly connected with the authorities for in sex traders use local men to find girls from to break dreijer ins who are struggling to make a living so there is a great these men over there and when you live they promised them jobs abroad in hotels and restaurants but eventually they end up as sick slaves and
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a stripped of their passports but. this organization called faith hope love helps sex trade victims to rehabilitate from their terrifying past in five years they have offered assistance to more than a thousand women it's still pretty had it is impossible to keep track of how many sex slaves are out there as most of them are simply afraid to call for help both social workers and authorities admit in the last several years a desa sex trade has slightly diminished but they say while ukraine's economy is in tatters the sex industry will remain as one of the most burning problems for this resort city regardless of the season. see reporting from a jess ukraine. melanne the center of opera and fashion is a fitting scene for talks about cultural ties between russia and italy to me to me to read of him silvio berlusconi of named twenty eleven as
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a mutual year of culture to be held in both countries. over reports from one of the cultural hearts of italy. fresco. well it's really hard here in milan the atmosphere of the meeting was warm as well through a bit of the school and started opening opened the press conference with the words let's together greet our dear friend dmitri medvedev who is back well indeed relations between the two and russia could be described as a privileged relationship and it seems that very of has taken the lead from his predecessor vladimir putin to treat berlusconi not just as a partner but as a true friend and it's the third time the two have matched in the last eight months the last time they match was during the g. eight and g. twenty summits today they discussed the outcome of those gatherings seem particularly such international issues as the iranian nuclear program situation in afghanistan and the reform of the u.n. which they both said was need it all simmer
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a little scorn indeed tried hard to create a proper refined zone viewers for these high ranking meeting he was invited for a walk around the sixteenth century cathedral they do your tea palace where the meeting took place later big business legend read warm with the symbol of this city and it took five centuries to complete this cathedral one of the biggest golf it could be drills in the world well to build russia's cozy relationship special relationship with the to me also took time and it's. time we know that corny frequently has personally lobbied on russia's behalf in the european union and it will be interesting to see whether he's authority now will be enough to push through such important deals as the new european security treaty all girls school and i mean that if we're talking about how the economic situation has been improving after the crisis the trade turnover group forty one percent in four
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months this year and reached the twelve billion dollars but bet it turn to berlusconi for a helping hand he said he wanted italian businesses to help more than as russia. a corner me current biggest headache of the russian president berlusconi sad he telling businesses would eagerly do that but the biggest obstacle so far has been chrissy. reporting from the land there about president but that is visit to the city take you to india next people in the countries are the reach areas struggled to get proper medical care but now the country's government and international aid organizations have come up with water based solution charan singh joined the health mission to find a. well come to water world this is the. originating in a bit it enters india and flows on into bangladesh it's the peak of the rainy season
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here in the state of assam with northeast india health care rights by boat for those living in remote villages it can take three or four days to reach some of the islands both. the many villages we can go only in the rainy season it's more difficult to get to them during the dry season we have to try to seven kilometers this could take two hours we can't carry a medical equipment social distance one hundred thousand people live in the district of nobody but there is only one functioning medical center no wonder then that the arrival of the book clinic is a big event here the entire village turns out to meet the staff. sixteen year old is pregnant and feels this free check up is a far better option than travelling to the nearest town the book clinic is run by the center for northeast studies and is funded by the indian government and unicef its main focus is the immunization of children why locals were initially hesitant
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to get their babies vaccinated mothers know actively supported but there are limits to what the doctors can do dr hark examines has been complaining of a pain in his abdomen to diagnose the cause dr heart needs an x. ray but for that too loud they will have to go to the city that they don't. have to show this to the medical center in. how do i do that the poor man we can't afford the money it costs to go that i'm looking a bit below we can deliver babies and do blood tests but we don't have an x.-ray machine so should have the patient has to go to the medical center in the city if there's an emergency we have a strong bible that we can use to transport the patients. getting access to health care is never easy and more so during the monsoon when the river come up with drought covers much of the land by delivering health care to the doorstep of villagers the brooklyn it could well mean the difference between life and death got
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and seeing our d. on the river brahmaputra call international news stories a briefing this friday night at least fourteen people have been killed as many injured after a truck plunged off a steep precipice in a mountainous region of bolivia the vehicle was taking passengers from a rural village near the capital the pass when it fell down a ravine an exploded version see workers say rescue efforts have been hampered by the steep location. china is battling to contain its worst ever or will spill on the country's northern coast authorities fear of major long term damage to the environment and the economy of the region that accident happened friday after two pipelines exploded triggering an intense blaze the weekend emergency workers are reported to be unprepared using gloves plastic bags and straw said the cleanup effort or the like to know it believe this story or novel got the pictures though one woman in georgia is claiming her cat defied stylist she said it's obvious to any person who a puppy and heard me write it a label that lasted two days and i was not fighting like cats and dogs just yet she
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says the pups tells me is take after she says she says the rest of the body is fully canine and scientists haven't ruled the radiation was the reason i say that an across species encounter was likely because. let's move on the glamorous redhead at the center of the spy swap deal between moscow and washington is getting more and more popular in the united states one the american companies capitalize. on this but making the anna chapman door. customers can choose from versions called predator and the spy are called love each is available if you're interested for purchase online for around thirty dollars for chapman himself will not benefit from the sales because of the conditions of a release from the rest of the twenty eight year old instantly aired earlier refused a role offered to her in an adult movie all go for her right now. come every ten minutes time innocent toys or silent killers artie's got a special report looking at the vendors who illegally sell defective goods and look
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at the danger they pose that's shortly first though daniels in the business news on for a quick break. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our team. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world to join us for technology update on our g. welcome to business the much anticipated results of the european bank stress tests are out seven of europe's ninety one largest banks failed the exam which was intended to reveal which institutions would not be able to survive
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a sustained economic downturn or a sovereign debt default the banks which were found wanted including germany's hyper real estate which is now government owned following a bailout eighty eight bank of greece and full regional spanish lenders a number of other banks only passed the tests now early on the likely to face more pressure to increase their capitalization the governments in countries with suspect institutions say they're ready to help the braes more money the european markets have not yet had the opportunity to cause their verdict as the result came out of the close of the market. if you are spanx struggles when markets open on monday this is likely to feed through into russia but according to peter weston chief strategist at that song it may represent a boring opportunity for investors. the exposure of the russian banks to the force out european countries plus ireland is two point seven billion dollars thousand times almost less than what they suppose is the european banks they will be
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punished the russian stock banking stocks will be punished but it probably will be punished and justifiably so do if you do see that negative reaction in the financials and you do see russian banks fall in with them and in fact creates another buying opportunity of russian financials. the stock markets here in moscow had a mixed day on friday financials look held by those stress result of european banks both with more than one percent but it was a big day for miners no real snicko ended up one point three percent reports the government may take a stake michel in one point six percent of the quarter to profit jumped two hundred twenty percent year over year. is looking at announcing an initial public offering on its final business. president medvedev appears to have revised russia's economic growth forecast for this year was as leader made the announcement at a news conference with italian prime minister silvio berlusconi in milan last month the government was still predicting
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a growth rate of four percent. i see it because i'm against whatever this year the russian economy will grow by almost five percent which seems to be very good after the crisis however it is still not the growth that we need them now the former international air show ended with nearly fifty billion dollars worth of deals last year's paris show was disastrous in terms of orders as the aerospace industry was hit by the financial crisis many believe this year's u.k. vente the recovery of the civil aircraft industry but the question of a has the details. this is the a downturn in the civil avocation industry is the deal signed in found bros speak for themselves at nearly fifty billion dollars worth compared to seven billion at the paris air show last year the star of the show was the boeing seven hundred seven dreamliner made from composite materials the manufacturer claims the planes for the next eighteen years will be more adult and this design this is the best
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airplane number three you know we will certainly by their own plane by the end of the year and we hope that the first customer the launch customer a japanese airline and they will get the first dreamliner this year russian civil aircraft maker has had a particularly good airshow signing of a ten billion dollars worth of deals in good company agreed to supply malaysian creek fifty m. s. twenty one planes for around three billion dollars sequoia sold seventy f. and super passenger planes in various deals worth a total of about two point five billion dollars on the other side of the equation airflow order eleven airbus a three hundred thirty planes reaffirming its commitment to western plane making us the asho also presented an opportunity for russian helicopters to market its way is selling four machines to an indian company just as a commercial market for us it's practically a new market with have several commercial. but that's not a big want to for such big confusion there are going to go to develop country i was
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in there. so we have additional process on this market to right now new orders at the event didn't come close to the record breaking eighty eight billion dollars an ounce of farnborough in two thousand and eight before the global recession hits still many believe this show confirms the recovery trend that has been in evidence since the screen but some analysts believe the moment is being out officially stimulated ramón had added to websites as super jets one hundred are being sold below cost price and that the results from fund grow up being exaggerated gordito of the i think it's too early to talk about a recovery in russian civil aviation we might see in several years but for now it is more important to get all the new planes certified and start manufacturing them still he represents a minority of the international air transport association predicts the global industry will make a profit of two point five billion dollars in two thousand and ten indeed hardly
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tories which are made to please children. harm their health. medicines should illnesses give them a moment nurse in the. face. to secure itself against some. good every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our g.
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but see the twenty four english language news channel broadcasting of the world good to have you with us our top story sweltering in the heat moscow registers record breaking temperatures on friday the heat wave has caused russia's worst drought in years the emergencies ministry says three hundred people just this week most trying to cool off.
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