tv [untitled] RT July 23, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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last resort altie uncovers how ukraine's popular summer destination this is a hub for the illegal sex trade. a very good morning from moscow if you just joined us just a little after midnight now this early saturday morning it's kevin without top stories and first it's been alleged that american and british forces used depleted uranium ammunition injuring the u.s. led invasion of iraq in two thousand and three let's get the latest on this developing story this morning with british labor party wimpy for a new paul west paul flynn who's opposed to the war in iraq mr flynn thanks for being with us this morning these allegations still sketchy we must point out what do you know about. i think it's probably true the story is there appear to
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completely verify it but we know that in the first iraq war depleted uranium was used in shells and it certainly is very very likely to be used again and it's used as a ballast because of its density and shells but unfortunately it's not as radioactive is it might be. two three eight with the gamma radiation is being reduced under a weapon of mass destruction but sadly you to a weapon of eternal destruction because it would dust on the battlefield and get into the water supply into the. can because give children. a birth defect and the iraqis have been saying for a long time that where the battles to plays there's evidence of big increases in childhood cancers and even birth defects and they're threatening to sue. the united kingdom the united states government is awful contamination you know it's almost
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certainly taken place mr flynn i just want to press you on this a little more these allegations and counter allegations denials have been going on for a long time now saying this morning is true as you believe it is what is the significance for people like you antiwar and pain. well it's very significant because we went into iraq allegedly defied weapons of mass destruction and it's appears that we took a very nasty weapon in our souls we didn't find any weapons of mass destruction but the case against the war is collapsing rapidly there's an inquiry going on in the priory which is establishing the basis for war which convinced a majority of m.p.'s to vote for it was a false species to be based on untruths and those of us who voted against that war feel vindicated by stand just two days ago in the house of commons the deputy prime
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minister referred to the iraq war as an illegal war which is the extraordinary thing to say that means the people who took part in it the soldiers of the apology could possibly be prosecuted as a war criminal that's going both the whole the whole justification for their war is gone but now this is an anted. piece of. unnecessary barbarism that we use a substance that can kill people not just for a year not instantly going killing people for virtually ever of course i must first this is all assuming that these latest claims are true i want to thank you a little more on that as well what more do you know about this why are you more was short today and you may have been a year ago that this happened. well i raised the issue with during the first iraq war in parliament of why we were using depleted uranium because i could see no reason for it and it was. it has
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a slight advantage because of its special density to be used as a ballast but the risk on the other side is so great that it's not worthwhile and it does open to criticism i mean there's no. but when the battlefield is empty when the soldiers have gone home that battlefield can still continue killing the dust gets into the atmosphere it gets into the water courses and the evidence is very strong from both the first iraq war and from the second iraq war the clusters appear around where the battlefield took place where the shells. and the iraqis are being convinced of this for a very long time and now we have a report there might well be confirmation richmond we want to see them verified but over absolutely no doubt the. depleted uranium was used the story of the moment is it was about a couple. but there are claims that up to two thousand tons in all the vast amount
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. was fired during the second. there are some reports neither rags ministry think human rights is expected to file a lawsuit against britain and the united states over the use of weapons like that of chemical weapons is it likely that would ever come to trial do you think. i think what they would probably be you'd be a deal done because it's a great embarrassment to both the united kingdom and the u.s. that they were using a weapon that had such potential harmful effects and i think that it's more likely that the deal would be done outside of court but if this admission is true as we have reported tonight and comes to be true i believe that there's a moral obligation on the united kingdom and the usa as to compensate.
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for the damage done sadly they can compensate for a deadly disease that it will you clicked on children or a birth defect that resulted from it this is a terrible in-situ was form of warfare we should've taken the risk there are other substances that could be used in shells to give them ballast and to make them work that way but using depleted uranium as b. to a risk wasn't worth taking ok paul flayed british labor m.p. thanks for joining us on the line tonight here at r.t. thank you. rushes and president of the wave rages on with friday saying of the record breaking temperature in moscow and with no immediate end in sight to the high mercury readings artie's tomball explains the impact of the heat wave and how people are coping with russia's tropical weather. here it's the gorky park in the center of moscow people are enjoying the sun they're strolling around the temperature here is still about thirty six degrees censored ourselves serious so
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high temperature here is about the same as inside my body now it's about a quarter not totally comfortable the people here might be enjoying it but others not so much the temperatures have been truly so far been through the record breaking this is the fourth time in july that the temperature of a bad day was the highest ever recorded the asphalt on the roads is melting and trucks are having to go with water tanks on the back trying to stop the roads from actually melting on to other people's tires the air quality has been steadily declining over the course of this heat wave in the outskirts of the city people have actually seen and smelled smoke and that's that's been coming from large forest fires that have been raging not very far really outside moscow and there's those fires all over russia sort of white in the picture out and into russia as a whole experience twenty thousand fires slow so far this season the forest floors are as dry as a tinder than any spark so they are ignite a forest fire this is supposed to be about one hundred seventy raging are still as
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we speak on firefighters still trying to control them farmers have experienced president drought part of the worst for a century they think and it's thought that huge millions of tons of grain will be lost in this year's the yields those farmers just having to watch their crops die in the fields and the last term rather more serious some other more tragic consequences the huge numbers of people to be trying to get away from the heat by going to lakes and rivers to cool off in the last week alone three hundred people have unfortunately drowned it's seen as a great irony really the whole through the cold winter rushes long fur to feel summer they always wish they always talk about wanting there to be the summer sun and now it's here they're realizing maybe they wished a bit too hard. because this this heat is absolutely crippling the city really so people are trying to enjoy it and people are making light of the situation as much as they can many muscovites saying. that is six thirty seven degrees the
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temperature here is already greater than the exchange rates of her between the ruble and the dollar and it's approaching the exchange rate between the ruble and the euro people also saying why on earth do i need to go on holiday to the mediterranean we've got everything we need here in terms of terms of heat so a lot of muscovites and russians making light of the situation despite some very difficult circumstances artie's tom. well with the tourist season at its height many goes i've been flocking to the black sea coast for some summer fun the long side the hotels and restaurants there one ukrainian resort as a murky aside death has become a thriving a hub for the sex slave industry as a strategic porter's location makes it a hot spot for human trafficking to and from the region as artist. reports. it is fun in the sun in the cranium port city offer desa hundreds of thousands come here during the hike to reseize and. but for this woman from central africa it
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became a living nightmare with her identity concealed she told us how she was turned into a sex life. i met a man who told me he'd marry me and take care of me he brought me here then he locked me in a hotel room some men came every day and raped me sometimes there were three of them one later the man said it's only to turkey but i managed to find help. you managed to escape from a man who hadn't slept now she lives in the just under protection program but many young girls here are not as lucky every day ships bring thousands of tourists in and out of but for many of this harbor becomes a point of no return as many sex slaves are being shipped from here to other countries turkey italy united arab emirates these are some of the most popular
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destinations for the sex slave trade and it does so with its strategic port serves as the market place police talk of fifty cases solved over the last two years but in reality the number of victims from all across the c.i.s. which are being brought here could be a thousand times higher and fighting organized sex trade gangs is very difficult because it's got some are highly connected with the authorities for in sex traders use local men to find girls from deprived regions who are struggling to make a living so there is a great these men over there when you live with the promise them jobs abroad hotels and restaurants but eventually end up as sick slaves and are stripped of their passports. this organization called faith hope love helps sex trade victims to rehabilitate from their terrifying past in five years they have offered assistance to more than a thousand women it's still pretty had it is impossible to keep track of how many
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sex slaves are out there as most of them are simply afraid to call for help both so should workers and authorities admit the last several years a desa sex trade has slightly diminished but they say while ukraine's economy is in tatters the sex industry will remain as one of the most burning problems for this resort city regardless of the season alexy rachet ski artsy reports the from address ukraine. so we'll be using brief in switzerland a popular tourist train has derailed in the swiss alps killing one and injuring forty two police said six of the injured were in a critical condition but didn't identify who died the probe is looking into why two courage is at the rear of the train came off the track and a third flipped over near the town of feature. the dutch court has found the multi-national company traffic good are guilty of illegally exporting toxic waste from amsterdam to africa and concealing the nature of the cargo the waste shipped in two thousand and six is believed to have injured thousands of people in the
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ivory coast the company's denied any wrongdoing and is considering an appeal it's already paid millions of dollars in compensation to be ivory coast government. people in india's hard to reach areas struggled to get proper medical care but now the country's government and international aid organizations have come up with a water based solution artie's charan singh reports. well come to water world this is the mighty brahmaputra river originating in a bit it enters india and flows on into bangladesh it's the peak of the rainy season and here in the state of a savvy north east india health care arrives by boat for those living in remote villages it can take three or four days to reach some of the islands. many villages we can go only in the rainy season it's more difficult to get to them during the dry season we have to work five to seven kilometers this could take two hours we can't carry all our medical equipment social distance one hundred thousand
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people live in the district of nobody but there is only one functioning medical center no wonder then that the arrival of the boat clinic is a big event here the entire village turns out to meet the staff. sixteen year old is pregnant and feels this free check up is a far better option than travelling to the nearest town the book clinic is run by the center for northeast studies and is funded by the indian government and unicef its main focus is the immunization of children while locals were initially hesitant to get their babies vaccinated mothers now actively support but there are limits to what the doctors can do dr hark examines. complaining of a pain in the abdomen to diagnose the cause doctor needs an x. ray but for that to love they will have to go to the city. the doctor said i will have to show this to the medical center in. how do i do that the poor man
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can't afford the money it costs to go i'm looking at but we can't deliver babies and do blood tests if you don't have an x.-ray machine so sure that the patient has to go to the medical center in the city if there's an emergency we have a standby boat that we can use to transport the patient. getting access to health care and rule of sam is never easy and more so during the monsoon when the river palm up with recovered much of the land by delivering health care to the doorstep of villages the book printing could well mean the difference between life and death got and seeing our t. on the river brahmaputra. all stories online. discussion but. tonight in the late edition of weekend entertainment show modern andrews our entertainment guru explores the ring of ancient cities and towns just outside the russian capital program just ahead tonight.
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along the road. is the small town south of the main goal to ring the nations. of the next few weeks we'll be visiting several of these historic wonderful cities and towns day out. some of. them out of moscow you can see the journey. to save over the centuries many of the journey is a long way to. say today it's about a two hour drive when you arrive you greeted by smooth house is surrounded by falls to the forest and this mosque is starfleet is booming in a new capital of concrete and steel. time traveling the treat of relaxation history and tradition. in the thirty's and forty's for centuries that sound and it's more a straight have been the greatest and largest religious and cultural center in the russian state it's a get away from the hustle and bustle of busy moscow and i think
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a great example of true russian life if you have. come here. in the soviet times the time you speak. to commemorate revolutionary. it was returned to its original name in one thousand nine hundred one. which means the main. street it's a magnificent century complex founded by since surrogate. in the area surrounding sounds in the state and historical museum here this is one of the actions of russian everyday life as it was centuries ago unlike historical palaces that focus on the sparkling lives of famous russian families. here in this reconstructed you can see a true reflection of basic life. and then two buildings full of many
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things that all items that are displayed here in the museum belong to the past in fact they were mostly used at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century is it in the north of the country. there are many homes which look like own museum people living there is to use this things in everyday life. is what often embellished by special architectural features for example which wouldn't carvings which decorated the windows and such decorative elements in the use of the russian still found in many muslim country houses in the. little bit nineteenth century b.c. attic windows rex really popular they reflected the traditional view of life the top represented heaven with the birds the middle the present day underneath a very interesting depiction of help take notice of a whole range of weird and wonderful creatures such as this mermaid. back
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outside the cell is blazing down on the town and it's picturesque more straight. if i'm looking for a picture it's so beautiful there when the tourists visit so i get sad from all over the world it's also packed with history and interesting facts and figures the great to refuse she inside these walls is buried here and also the town claims to be the home place of the famous russian nesting dolls in every corner you catch a new more impressive tower but it's not just exterior beauty here in the inside the various cathedrals it's also a wonderful yet calming visual treat. in the splendid surroundings an eternity holidays. the grave of the founder. of. the place. that was a.
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spur. of. the saints in turn to give the true lover its unique status here for example you can see a piece of stone supposedly from the tomb of christ the site was so charged with history that even stallin couldn't bring himself to raise it even so the monks were sent to labor camps after the bolshevik revolution. saying cool inside of iraq at a roomful of russian antiquities held secrets from centuries gone by. from faded religious clothing to. coming inside here. this is a collection of paintings. gems. from centuries. of .
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the symbol of the town is the. traditional. expressive. if you plan to visit other destinations you may want to stay the night in the south opal in two thousand and one this hotel has become popular with visitors location comfort and as guests a provincial sean and hospitality hotel accommodate up to eighty people each of its
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rooms having a different theme but all aiming to represent a traditional style of life in a small town mixed with facilities it's not too expensive either prices for a standard room starts at one thousand five hundred roubles that's around fifty dollars. back to the grounds of the trinity it's created this location is special and spectacular in every way when the style of the ministry to reopen after world war two as a spiritual center of the muscular state monitors orthodox church during the soviet era and now we enter the factory building with intricate and brightly colored decoration. at some three hundred feet it's an immense structure and at the time of its construction the largest school in russia. in one as the russians called it was where important religious figures held their
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face and receptions and this beautiful colorful building was built in the sixteenth eighties and you can see it goes all the way through to this spectacular golden altar which is only used and open today a special occasions one of the best things about visiting the various nations. and striking history. and images. lifted out of a book. even if you're not in a fictional idea of russian church architecture or a medieval history but it's worth a visit the rest of this is used typical for a russian town grand architecture and sadly crumbling buildings. but it gives you an idea of what real life was like the millions around the country. finally we leave the center of it it's blue during the summer she could leave and head to the nearby countryside. it's a peaceful picture perfect world of blue skies green fields bush forests and yes
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millions of mosquitoes. and just because we're outside the center that doesn't mean the legends stop that. mission says that since i came here during the battle against the tonto's he put his stuff into the ground asked me for god for support it was at that moment beautiful little school was created. so surrogate was south of first in many locations we visit over the coming weeks to complete control to the cities of moscow will st petersburg popular with everyone over the centuries from the bushes if you have the chance to make only one day trip out of the capital and this is certainly where you should go. fortunately that's all the time we have for this week's program on the beautiful area of so sad i'll see you again at the same time next week well we'll be exploring i love a fascinating golden ring destination until then for me and the rest of the three
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every month we give you the future we help you understand. and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our g. is our team from moscow our top story. chemicals used it has been reported that american and british forces used to the to do radio during the u.s. led invasion of iraq in two thousand and three. in the city of moscow registers even more all record breaking temperatures the heat wave calls russia's worst drought in two years the emergency.
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