tv [untitled] RT July 24, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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kyung. hello this is our team from moscow it's midnight here now i'm kevin zero in with the hour's top stories and struggling homeowners traveled five miles in queued for over twenty four hours to get free advice being offered by a mortgage advocacy group in washington d.c. they say the government's aid program has failed them despite talk of an end to the financial crisis more than three hundred thousand homes are still repossessed every month in the united states. these are the faces behind the crisis we're waiting and hoping and praying that we but we can decide to get help with everybody really help you know to help and that's what we're looking for you know the desperate voices of those who have reached the end of the line for him to land what time nine thirty nine thirty last night when did you sleep here near gondola nichrome naomi lawrence took several buses from florida eighteen hours then
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arrived at the washington d.c. convention center thursday morning waiting thirty hours to get in oh you've been our boy it's tat and we don't have no place to go and bathroom. but they waited anyway for a chance to restructure the mortgages on their homes all part of the save the dream tour good you need to go put on by the neighborhood assistance corporation of america or natca this is a look at foreclosure activity around the united states during the last year the height of it came in march of this year but never once did it fall below three hundred thousand homes in a month everybody here has tried to work with their lender and it's failed c.e.o. bruce marks calls himself a financial terrorist and with the help of many volunteers works with people to help them they get counseling and meet with lenders to come up with an affordable mortgage or to lower their interest rate or both not everyone qualifies but
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everyone is at least promised an answer the where in adjustable rate mortgage rates and that rates just keep going up in the system and believable natca targets people with nowhere else to turn more dish basically is out of reach some actually. choosing whether to keep or pay more ditch. there are also targets c.e.o.'s of big banks who they say caused this crisis five protesting outside their houses putting furniture. on their lawns they also protest inside the capitol even though congress wants to pretend that there's no crisis out there and repression obama wants to pretend that. the fact of the matter is it's just as bad and it's not getting better deborah phillips told her daughters it was president obama they were here for. the white house that's all they've been talking about. but. i guess that we're not trying to let them understand it's a struggle shared by everyone here in varying degrees and struggles with paying our
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bills we had to take. them from you can't come here. family members pass away and that's why we. went over a thousand miles higher than it started a last hope in an economy still in peril reporting in washington christine for south r.t. . will fill microblog to believe thousands of simply rejected from president obama's mortgage aid program because the banks and go to work who qualifies. i was in atlanta with the naacp. for closure effort there to try to help people and twenty five thousand people showed up there they've been showing up around the country precisely because the government programs are now working something like five hundred thousand people have been thrown off the government program because they don't meet various criteria as a consequence only
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a small relatively small percentage of those facing foreclosure are being helped at all and when we say helped means that their mortgages are modified either the interest level is reduced or the in some way the terms of payment are made more affordable for people but by and large the services so-called mortgage servicers who work with the banks are really controlling the process the government is not imposing rules here they're not really offering debt relief to people as they do to people in other countries so we have a situation where the foreclosure crisis could lead to a million new foreclosures this year. that we're headed for this hour to. find out who president of energy is making out to be iran's latest adversary. the ones to live forever will be willing to place not just their fate but also
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their brains and bodies in the hands of scientists in the hope of resurrect. roaring engines in hard rock music and shaking the ukrainian city of sevastopol as an annual international blood show gets into this year's festival didn't expect to get the action with the details about that here. one thing can be said for certain about the russian prime minister he certainly knows how to make an entrance arriving at the bike show that is taking place in the ukrainian region of the crimea just outside of the ukrainian city of so us the russian prime minister made his entrance like all of the other people here did on a bike admittedly it was the first time that he was seen any public on a motorcycle and he's speaking to the crowds here later said that it was an experience that he very much enjoyed specifically because of course the bike is very much associated with freedom and the free journey that most bikers do experience when they take to the roads and of course everybody here very excited to
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hear that they greeted with cheers they everything reacted responded to everything that he said all of the wishes that he bestowed upon them and thanked them for inviting him to this very event this annual event that takes place in the ukrainian region of the crimea. is the most democratic means of transport there all of course. today but on the whole banks and widely available and it's possible to say you soon balanchine inanimate objects is the most courageous adventurous and the fastest means of transport and what's most important it gives the owner. the sweet feeling of freedom so without any exaggeration we could say that the bike is a symbol of freedom look. every year bikers from around the world gather here driving down to spend a few days in the crimean sun by the lake just have some fun enjoy each other's company and this year was you know it was one of those shared that freedom and that
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joy with them of course in the speech he touched upon many prominent issues of course thanking first of all the ukrainian government for making such a thing as the bike show possible and making it a possibility to happen of course congratulating everybody not only with this event but with the up. of the russian navy which the craniums and the russians according to legend it was and will be celebrating together of course the russian black sea fleet its station just a few kilometers away from here on the black sea in the city of sevastopol and if you wish navy parade is scheduled to take place on sunday morning so a great event most of the people here will actually move over to the city of sevastopol to watch the parade to take part in the festivities all in all a very happy occasion but you know what's in the making his mark left just the way he came on a bike. but no matter how much russia's prime minister enjoyed his day in the saddle the sunglasses and all the blood made way for sober time bit later was for
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him a putin go to business with the french president but he just went for talks on the latest show of the hever improving relations between the two countries afterwards the prime minister also met up with journalists following this trip and the subject interesting interested the media most it was but it was putin's meeting with the spies involved in the recent scandal between russia and the u.s. . what did you talk about with them life people say you sang karaoke with them. we did sing karaoke strictly live music what songs the famous song from a soviet spy movie i'm not joking i'm serious we sang similar songs. was an attachment at the meeting she was there yes. these people do you know in russia. they'll work i'm sure they will get good jobs and have interesting lives.
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minestrone a face the highest gender pay gap in the entire european union according to a new report an average of thirty percent less than their male counterparts and with most politicians turning a blind eye to the problem women are often scared to speak out against inequality. to day the sun is shining on olga it's a break from our hard working life earning money to raise her son but as a single mom she has to swear to town to the factory just to bring in a meager pay packet just with the drugs it's thirty three degrees celsius in their workshop but our employees don't care if you try to stand up for your rights they'll point you to the door if you don't like it here you're free to leave it's very hard to find a job here in a store and you therefore will put up with working in slave like conditions but still only has one of europe's worst pay gaps between men and women studies say women get paid seventeen percent less than men on average but in a stone year it's as much as thirty percent people think that we don't have the
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problem is that there is there where ness of the problem and and the problem that people don't have their gender lenses how to say to see. when there is an inequality going on. it goes much further than wages so-called segregation in the economy means women often remain in lower paid jobs like health care and education while men dominate the more lucrative private sector experts say that's not just infer that it's bad for business if for example a concrete to a woman feels that she cannot to the job or cannot take up the career that she would lie and she she has a talent for that and of course this is some human resource loss to their corner there also appears to be an ethnic dimension but as soon as a large russian minority receive the lower pay the nearest ternium counterparts and ethnic russian women come out bottom of the list it is structural
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a show in the labor market. that. let's say russian speaking we mean the they are perhaps working in the sectors where the pages where the wages are especially low and this. course increase. the pay gap even more whether it's overwritten the city or gender stereotypes that have been identified as one of the root causes of inequality in green latitudes of what to seen as the proper roles men and women should perform passed down through generations the government says it's trying to weed them out but it's going to take time. i would submit. problems there is no point of. hiding the problems that your country faces it is a lengthy process and. and they started to show people to not change overnight. it's simply a case of double standards. at the hospital the national i think if our prime
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minister will speak my salary even if he didn't have to be the utilities i don't think it would last him a week children and parents are enjoying the summer sun behind me but for many estonian women it's a rare luxury and with gender stereotypes dying hard it could be years before stoning women catch up with their male counterparts tom barton r.t. stonier more news it seems relations between russia and iran are rapidly heading hill right now president mahmoud ahmadinejad is accused of a big a spokesman for the enemies of iran and we do as yet insisted the us to continue its friendship with moscow but he claimed that russia's recent statements on iran's nuclear program were quote an advert for america's problem ganda drama russia and iran have long been political economic partners however recently moscow backed u.s. proposed sanctions against iran the west fears the country's working on nuclear weapons that's something to run insists it's not doing that it's only pursuing
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a peaceful. live from moscow state university of international relations believe this latest statement the iranian president simply trying to score points among the medical population of the country. i think that behind. such aggressive rhetoric there is a desire to unite the section of the iranian society he relies on this section is not conservative but rather militaristic and i'm a dinner doesn't reject any tools to reach his goals he blames western countries russia he blames some arabic countries for conspiring against the islamic republic but the next time he could say that everything's fine in relations with his partners. for several years i'm a degenerate has been using the same tactics of aggressive rhetoric and despite all the protests on the streets of tehran he is still in power the methods he uses in foreign policy help him to stay in office. and will do stories for you at least fifty people have been crushed to death in the stampede at the love parade
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music festival in the german city of duisburg when police tried to block a tunnel to prevent overcrowding despite the situation be described by authorities as chaotic the festival is continuing its one of europe's largest techno music events attracting fans from all over the world. north korea's escalated threatened response to join two u.s. south korean military exercises this weekend saying it's prepared to use a nuclear deterrent it is the latest in a series of threats from the isolated nation following an international report blaming the north for sinking a southern warship in march something pyongyang strongly denies china criticised the planned war games warning against any action which might exacerbate regional tensions. and maybe the stuff of horror movies but returning from the dead is also a dream and the clinic in russia is offering clients the chance to put their brains and bodies on ice until science advances enough to let them out smart the grim
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reaper. visited what is the only facility of its type side the u.s. . sylvester stallone put death on ice in the science fiction film demolition man freezing his body to be awakened in the future. and more than a decade later must abide what is laughable is it simply to have his immortality on earth and his mind heaven can wait my parents had a mixed reaction to this my mom thinks it's a stupid waste of money most of my friends support me in this decision because they are also procreate iyonix he's paying thirty thousand dollars to have his body stored after he dies at the cruise clinic near moscow which freezes humans in the hopes of future is. it's the only facility of its kind outside the us and so far it can explain the count stands for and the head of aid refrigerating gas are stored
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in this liquid nitrogen field of that cracker was says it can't make any promises but this one might just be a way to get a take to farm life if science catches up with imagination they'll be transferred to new bodies the cost of a simple brain freeze is ten thousand dollars even if we care. about a mission right now if we can preserve the structure of the information about the person then we can still put pressure revive him in the future while some in a scientific community support investing in cryogenics they believe major advances in the field are a long way off controlling the fine process is a major challenge but nothing compared to bringing someone back to life. the problem at hand is resuscitation it's biological death and irreversible derangement . but if the future can bring this lazarus of the icebox back to life what does he hope to do that my immediate goal is to fly somewhere to
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a star closest to us. for vadis live and. that's mean and what seems impossible today may be worthwhile and many tomorrow and. next on the program the nato military committee chairman says there. is a strong strategic partner not a threat or an enemy watch or interview with. during his visit to moscow in just a few moments.
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joining me today is admiral jump. who is the chairman of the nato military committee and as you may know nato was established as an alliance between countries to defend against outside threats with me today to talk about the possibilities of a future between russia and nato as well and the direction nato is taking so thank you for joining us admiral the pleasure really a pleasure the first question let's get right down to it anders fogh rasmussen has called on russia to join the new anti-ballistic missile defense project now in your opinion what could make a vis an attractive option for russia well i believe first of all that.
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and the alliance have a common. interest to protect them and put new committing to the preparation of a crime of destruction and their means of delivery including ballistic missile is this is one of these threat so there is i believe. in general to an interest. to protect themselves from this. i also believe that the meal let's say u.s. approach so-called feast approach to missile defense is also potentially attractive because it's focused on spiral development so looking at the trip as the image which is always been one i think of the classical strong position by russian side we have to take care of the
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threat as diminished so in this progressive approach as the threat to desist from develop this seems to me attractive to russia but we have to be clear here the regional particular possibility but still it is a lot of work to pull also the allies the alliance himself is not yet decided if he's going to bargain this you don't cooperate on a such a sensitive issue if you don't trust so that's what i think should be attractive to most but we need to develop this we're not there yet we are not there yet we need also in this strategic patience understood now nato secretary general has mentioned that there is an increasing threat of missiles attacking europe can you specific specify any of these threats or is there anyone in particular that is singled out in this moment that we're worried about what is clearly we know that there is
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a generally speaking both looking from russia and also the european aside for the land side because clearly from the south generic and the the reason an emerging threat and there is a certain country in the south and we know what we are talking in particular which can be a matter of a concern so. i think protection of the people. oh the alliance the old. russian people from a potential potential threat. it is important you mentioned unity there is cooperation now in two thousand and ten between nato and russia do you think that this cooperation is stronger than what has been in the past i think the potential to become stronger because we have gone through a period of difficulty and when you manage it if you manage to go through the
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period of difficulty then if you reached that then. you have and you know the munition to do it so i think normally when you go to a difficulty and then you emerge other difficulties then the reason much surely before moving forward now russia's permanent representative at nato has said that there has been a certain lack of unity among the alliance members and that that was sensed that the russian nato council on the subject of partnership with russia do you think that there is anyone actually trying to undermine this partnership between the alliance and moscow or is anyone trying to get in the way of this this newfound friendship. first of all. and that's a real good thing is a dear friend of mine so i can speak very frankly because with a friend used be frank is some time you like to. give a touch of a call or to the state and so some time is calling for no i don't think so it is
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through we are in there to meet the russia council we are twenty nine hundred different. therefore different sensitivities but in all true honesty none of the twenty nine i or none of the twenty nine certainly none of the twenty. putting obstacles is it common geo political sense that we have to try to work together to have a solid relationship this is good for us is good for russia. and i hope we'll be able to see concrete progress in the future now in the past a bone of contention if you will between russia and nato is nato expansion towards the east and recently ukraine has dropped its intentions to try and become a member of nato do you think becoming a member of nato is becoming
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a less attractive or do you think. what you see on this front in the future show me i would like to turn you would you say because i don't think is the right way to put it. the middle is not and if spain sunni so there needs need to is an organisation of free nation willing to share together certain value and first and foremost the value free democracy they want to protect them and it was the to be of the across to to say there were plenty of the atlantic charter which was written in one nine hundred forty nine well before the open door boys clearly said we are in. an organisation alliance which any european member who share these values in the freely choosing to be part of these alliance it can contribute to the value of the land is welcome so there is nothing to do
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with the expansion to the east to the north to south to the west we are an organisation in which any nation willing to abide to these values can we will and when i say any i see any european nation large beak small or medium and even. even very large do you think that do you ever see russia as being a member of nato at some point. i would respond to a question with a question would you i have no i do put. a rise in because they're planning to as thomas friedman said is flat and when he's fled there's no rising cause and as things change who knows what the future will bring thank you very much for taking some time and speaking with us today spoke much of a. wealthy
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this is. oh thanks for being with us these are all top stories repossession rates in the u.s. reached record highs with people seeking help from the community disillusioned by the government a package. it's a man's world of a stone or is a new report shows women they suffer the most in europe in the back of the sexes with lower pay and fewer jobs. riding high russia's prime minister's saddles and based international convention in ukraine before going on to beat the country's leadership.
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