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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 25, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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running down the top stories of today and of this week you're watching r.t. live from moscow while the unprecedented russian heat wave rages on where this july already the hottest month on record three hundred people have drowned across the country this week alone most believed to be try to cool off from the overwhelming conditions and while emergency teams deal with rising cases of heat stroke forecasters say the hot weather is set to stay artie's natalia of a has more on the impact of this heat. the sound we've got it's had on in central russia but it can be wearing much else because it's absolutely baking with no greeting record highs in the in office just goes east all around the city of ten million looks like a huge beach fountains have turned to bathtubs with people taking every opportunity to plunge into something cooler than the ceiling area around but it's probably
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safer alternative to a we were swimming with a green statistics of three hundred drownings this week alone and it doesn't look like russians who haven't read from this furnace anytime soon. this is a serious abnormality the russian weather service has never measured such temperatures in moscow in july according to our calculations it hasn't even reached its peak it but not everyone's feeling the heat rushes some drinks and ice cream pretty soon and making a fortune but i was in the country having a busy time to the everything over harry kite is a hit this summer when wine shops like this one selling air conditioners and fans have waiting lists that run into english by being a concern with. mobile conditioners sold out within three weeks just as the heat set in many moscow based companies fail to perceive this heat and they didn't want to fuel their warehouses because of the crisis last summer we had rains this year no one was ready for the heat. in situation when norm ounce of money can buy you
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a global fresh air emergency centers are receiving thousands of calls from people suffering from heat stroke and sunburn. people with lung diseases will find it hard of course it'd be better to take them somewhere where there's no smoke another option would be to buy them respect to treat mask they sell them in pharmacies it's far from a dog's life or a furry friends either this canine takes several shows a day to keep cool its owner here you feel for his bet that it's fact with his goat all year round. there's a look at the poor dog is suffering so much it always comes to sit on my lap said ice hoping i can somehow ease the hit all i can do is poor cold water on it if mother nature is not meeting people suffer enough she's quite prepared to fro few under fire literally with the tinder dry conditions leading to forest fires some of which have been burning for weeks. the temperatures are going to be up every day
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it's very tough for us stuff recently i heard a story about someone frying eggs on the pavement. now that sounds like a challenge when life gives you lemons make lemonade well in this case muscovite have been given one big oven and i say make omelets. then i got. lost. well we are always interested in your opinions on the stories we're covering and you can have your say on our website that is r t v dot com and the russian heat wave story is no exception as today we're asking you how you keep cool in scorching temperatures so far the majority of voters forty nine percent appear to be well walking around in just their underwear twenty nine percent are less provocative they prefer to turn on the air conditioner if they've got one of course while fifteen percent stock up on ice cubes and a minority of viewers claim to stick their heads in the fridge hopefully not for too long they have your say what's your opinion log on to our t. talk and cast your heatwave vote. well the hague's international court of
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justice ruled this week because of us declaration of independence was legal now it's not a binding decision but that's not stopping some countries from raising their voices the u.s. and many european countries praised the move but moscow says it's going to affect its stance and still wants dialogue between i'm concerned belgrade argues the court only focused on the declaration and said nothing about the legality of kosovo as an independent state so be it claims that the secession in february of two thousand and eight wiley its territorial integrity and its pledge to step up its diplomatic efforts to stop more countries recognizing cause of a journalist and historian now boys says the court decision is unjust. i quite honestly didn't expect the world court to take such a directly pro-american position to be perfectly honest when kosovo is a as much independent does manchukuo or vichy france was in world war two it's
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a puppet state it suffers from endemic corruption abuses of power in government structure can be best described as a as organized crime it is not a state in any way shape or form just because the u.s. state department says it is a doesn't mean it is. well the higgs opinion on because of a spot reaction from two other states seeking recognition. south of say the court's decision confirms the double standards of western countries over their right to independence. comments are sort of a shambles says the two republics have more of a right to their own sovereignty than that of course. the worth of work but the president confirms the people's right to determine their own identity at the same time giving their arguments more weight on the other hand it's all politicized and we can't be sure that if we went to the hague we would get a similar ruling we probably wouldn't in spite of the fact that we have more
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historical legal and moral grounds to demand. independence the cost of a double standards do exist it's not a secret to anyone in any case people who object to our independence will now find it difficult to openly claim that we don't have the right to determine our own standing. while our moscow court house voted on a group accused of murder and near nazi race hate crimes until psychiatric tests have been carried out on four of the accused thirteen men are standing trial suspected of dozens of ethnically motivated killings on terror plots and if convicted could face life in jail with dozens of people killed as a result of hate crimes in russia each year the issue of nationalist violence is not critical. reports. this self professed and deeply religious woman is full of hate hate for those who are different hate for immigrants she accuses of occupying disrespecting and contaminating her nation russians she insists are fighting
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a race war motivated by loan book frozen love for our home went and our nation of love for our good people families where people don't just date and then break up but rather they get married in church they don't practice abortions they don't support interesting marriages. or ethnically mixed communities and what are your thoughts about me i'm not russian i'm african american i'm here are you upset that your government gave me a what are your thoughts on that. i believe everyone should live in their own homeland where they belong. armed with this believe and inspired by racist blocking her husband. and two fellow students. market in two thousand and six they targeted because of the number of traders that come from central asia and china a blast killed fourteen attacks against looking people are often brutal and in cases like yours cascade market they are deadly they deeded angry my family out.
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number of victims are recorded by racist and then posted on nationalist websites. activists called the situation out of control when a local nonprofit crime watchdog group acknowledges it is slowly getting better like you know what meets a certain seizing the most odious groups that had been involved in systematic violence and terrorism during the last two years the largest formations in moscow were dispelled and the key activists and murderers detained. she says one thousand people have been killed due to hate crimes in two thousand and ten that's down from fifty for the same time period last year but that map does little to satisfy maggots who kill suffer lions is better than police protection is supposed. to learn their work in crowds of people take care of their own safety. comes into action after a crime is committed and. asked for veronica her husband is serving
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a life sentence for actions neither of them regrets and for a cause they both support. r.t. . well we are coming to you live from moscow this is r.t. still ahead for you in the program why britain's parliament dealt a heavy hand to a nonviolent protest on its front lawn also. ukrainian city of sevastopol is decked out in the colors of the russian navy with thousands gathering by the waterfront for a spectacular display all the details coming out. well as the international aids conference in vienna unfolded there was heated debate over the role of large pharmaceutical companies under stop list forms of treatment for hiv and aids a small minority of skeptics challenging conventional thinking on the aids debate gathered ahead of the event but they believe their views are being ignored by the wider scientific community r.t. surfer thousand more on this. right here right now
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a human rights based approach to hiv prevention and treatment and a coup to the world to continue its fight in the first against. the two thousand and ten conference in vienna unveils cutting edge new treatments and so speakers from frontline workers to x. world leaders joining forces with both cools physio new infections siri diets and zero discrimination. friends has heard. that they were very good by voice. but not everyone felt they got the chance to speak. their opinions at a separate conference heard a few days before the official event was a group raising questions some of which challenge the fundamental assumptions many people hold about hiv and aids carry stake hiv positive was amongst after eleven years an eighty to the drug combination therapy she stopped taking the medication after coming across some of the alternative view. it's not that hiv
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slash aids is a myth aids obviously is not a myth that's a acronym for immune suppression where people become immune suppressed all over the world every day for all types of different reasons lots of things cause lowered immunity and illness. whether h.i.v. has been proven to be a viable infectious virus that sexually transmitted i think is really the bigger question for me this use of polar opposites to some of the calls at the official conference for earlier treatment a prevention we also pay out more drugs will then we have ever had before to treat a trade the chemistry odds are more prone to something they're more tolerable and they're very effective the crash of opinions has led to harsh recriminations on both sides with those opposed to classical explanations labeling the conference an aids marketing fair and the description of an aids pandemic a p.r.
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success whilst in turn not agreeing with the mainstream hiv theory of aids has been compared to holocaust denial and called a crime against humanity a science that is alive has to have the permission to question a certain model of thinking theory of thinking no you don't bring in here a dying patient so that we have to act immediately and give him something we are discussing here we're scientists and medical doctors why should we not be able to discuss i'm very astonished at their reaction is. so a crescent. despite the date it seems the one area both sides do agree on is the importance of human rights in addressing the issue the right to freedom of speech. the right to choose what to believe and ultimately the right to have treatment provided to you if that's what you feel could save your life or write that which ever seki for it still to donate to charity many. see the end.
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investigators say poor security at our power plant in russia or south made it vulnerable to attack gunmen stormed the hydroelectric station in company on wednesday leaving two guards dead and destroying two generators it's being reported the militant leader comes back to shore for was behind the storming of the north caucasus power plant the going detonated four bombs equivalent to more than ten kilos of t.n.t. this summer seen a number of attacks in a couple you know very well with ten assaults rather on more force officers in june alone. where the sight of america's worst terrorism attack could become an islamic center next hour we ask people in the city where muslim fundamentalists kill thousands in one day what they make of the idea. i think that idea. actually i would put the idea of florida. why
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because. i'm all for it so why do you think some people get so emotional and say it's the wrong thing to do because i think that is frustrated with their ignorance so they need somebody to blame or something to blame so that's one way to go about it. it is quarter past the hour now here in the russian capital this is r.t. with the top stories of the week and of today afghanistan wants to take full control of its future by two thousand and fourteen president karzai is deadline came on tuesday has more than sixty nations and organizations gathered in the capital kabul for the country's the biggest international event in decades however britain and pakistan have already said some international forces may remain beyond the day to train afghan police the meeting also focused on reconstructing and
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developing the war torn country as well as corruption and the drug trade. that moscow will continue to help. with we're committed to supporting you in efforts on stabilizing afghanistan we will continue to allow transit of international cargo and personnel to again it's down through our territory we're working on additional measures to cook afghan forces together with our partners we're also helping restore the afghan economy this year russia rolled off the remainder of ghana stanstead eight hundred ninety one million dollars we will continue to provide humanitarian assistance. the british government has been accused of violating freedom of speech after the police removed piece come from outside the parliament building in london protesters have been living in tents at the sign for over two months rallying against what they call the u.k.'s aggressive foreign policy artie's or emirate reports. democracy but only on our terms that seems to be the message
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coming from the powers that be in the u.k. capital as a peace camp is finally removed from the government's doorstep as dozens of bailiffs and police sweeps to clear out the campaign as london's mayor said the demonstrators were making a mess and stopping the public from enjoying parliament square but the protesters insist their crucial message is being muted primarily i would like to see the aggressive foreign policy that this government has been pursuing for such a long till going back through many governments and i would look to see. sobering stories. for any reason they've been resident in this focal spot in westminster since just before may's general election mainly calling for an end to the war in afghanistan but adopting other peace causes along the way i'm here mostly because i met some of the press coverage out here about the rules of war which covers all wars and it showed me how evil wars are within the law and expose
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to me how unlawful the government is and and then that trickles into almost every other aspect of life and into how we educate our children how much we are conditioned. opaque believes that while parliament sitting people should be allowed to make their protest heard within a short of their m.p.'s cricketer's all about sri speech all the time we fight wars over free speech and then we start a battle in parliament square against people who are expressing free speech that to me is a total contradiction it's anti-democratic so now calm is restored to parliament square and the protesters dispersed but they're determined people and vow to gather again elsewhere it took sixteen days left some four hours to clear out the tent and the people and erect this and along with the process just when the right to free speech. according to some they say the government sending
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a message to democracy keep off the grass you know and it's london. for you this hour why the appropriate coburg weapon could be back foreign minister here extensive use of drone attacks by the u.s. military and how they could also be fueling the insurgency. punishment is illegal but the beatings go on our people and suicide is about the parents of the bonding action. ports across russia marking maybe day a major celebration which is hold on the last sunday or every year the display of medical clout is also a big in ukraine where russia has huge black sea fleet is based as thousands gather to watch the parade to use catherine as our reports from so most of all this is a very big day for sailors all across russia today is russian navy day and everywhere and most of the ports where the russian navy is pleaded whereas if the
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ships are in port au be huge military parades celebrations and the state that is marking this occasion of course one of the most watched parades is the one of the russian black sea fleet which is not actually stationed in russia it's in the ukrainian port of the sea last supper here in the crimea ukrainian and russian sailors will be participating in the festivities together with all of the city and many of the tourists who are holidaying here in the crimea coming to watch this a very festive celebration and occasion of course the parade is shortened there won't be any artillery fire or any kind of a loud displays it will be just a pole raid but still a very important occasion especially for the city at the last open which is a sea city and the russian black sea fleet has been stationed there for centuries the locals you would as practically a part of their history so for them and for the russian sailors on. the black sea fleet it's a hugely important day but not only because of navy day is today
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a significant day in nineteen years ago in one thousand nine hundred twenty three a number of ships left here carrying members of the russian army and members of the russian elite the so-called into the against. aristocrats who were being forced and pushed out by the red army made the decision to leave and head for the shores of turkey this is where their ship left from sea must open of course made quite a long journey and on the ninetieth anniversary of this significant historic event a similar journey will be made the ship of course will be leaving the city of suez still be various other commemorative events will take place throughout the city and throughout the day marking this occasion not only of course this occasion but also various celebrator events that do. concern navy day so it's a huge day for the city of sevastopol here in the crimea of course one that we will be closely watching and showing you the best most interesting pictures. are let's
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check out some other stories now making headlines all around the world a stampede at a music festival germany has now claimed at least nineteen lives more than three hundred forty others were injured as problems tried to hack into the already crowded entrance tunnel to the love parade in the city or do as broad an event continued as police and organizers feared a second wave of panic if the festival was abruptly stopped. devoted to trucks music fans from all over the world drawing a crowd of more than a million this year as. well cuban state television house released footage of the former leader fidel castro visiting a town outside the capital have ana eighty three year old castro was attending a serb monye to commemorate those who were killed in a failed revolution of time to fifty seven years ago this is the latest in a series of recent public appearances on his first confirmed trip outs. side have anna castro fell in hold in two thousand and six and disappeared from public view
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handing over power to his younger brother raul. police discovered fifty one bodies in a field in northern mexico following two days of digging the graves are believed to be connected to drug gang violence investigators are struggling to identify the victims or the numerous tattoos identified on the remains could give an indication officials believe some of the bodies have been dumped in the mass grave within the past two weeks. well animal lovers around the world were stunned this week by footage of a power selling donkey in southern russia an entrepreneur struck the animal to a parachute and launched it into the sky as a publicity stunt but despite accusations of animal cruelty the man looks likely to escape punishment as to my fate cross-talk investigates humanity or maybe even the fact that between never the donkey. and probably never would if it wasn't for a seaside p.r.
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stunt. sitting on the beach boys your parachute go out you couldn't quite figure it out myself four legs now of my own donkey it was intended to attract only local customers to water sports firms and a russian black sea resort but it's quickly ripple down across the world levy many worried about the donkey's feet this animal was suffering was captured on videos and photographs and the way it spread through the media is really amazing and i think what the public has done is create a demand you know for animals to be treated better and for people to pay attention after a tragedy such an audience the donkey's owner decided he tries handed a different sport running taking the evidence the animal itself with them but there is also question the watersports company involved the police then concentrated all their effort on finding the owner and his donkey like this one there in moscow as you can see is
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a pretty big fella difficult to hide. in his haste to leave the donkeys owner abandoned other animals a camel and a horse rumor has it they too may have been skyward bound if it wasn't for their sheer size several days later he turned himself in along with the vet's report confirming the donkeys good health police dog owner will now even be fined for the donkey will no doubt be relieved just to have his hooves firmly back on the sand timothy cross who archie. howard well more news in just a few moments do stay with us.
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for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news make us. laugh. laugh laugh laugh. laugh
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the latest news on the week's top stories here from. new records in russia. says at least three hundred drowned while trying to cool off during the past week. the un's highest court says cause of declaration of independence is legal but several countries claim the ruling is a political display of double standards. and international aids conference talks to a medical breakthrough critics label it a pharmaceutical marketing with drug. treatment. reportedly killed.


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