tv [untitled] RT July 26, 2010 1:01am-1:31am EDT
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record while emergency teams deal with rising cases of heat stroke forecasters say the hot weather set to stay. reports now on the impact of the heat. the sun may get its head on in central russia but it can be wearing much else because it's absolutely baking with the mercury hitting record highs and lows in office just goes east all around the city of ten million looks like a huge beach fountains have turned to bathtubs with people taking every opportunity to plunge into something cooler than the ceiling area around but it's probably safer alternative to a we were swimming with a green statistics of three hundred drownings this week alone and it doesn't look like russians who haven't read from this furnace anytime soon. this is a serious abnormality the russian weather service has never measured such temperatures in moscow in july according to our calculations it hasn't even reached its peak it but not everyone feeling the heat rushes soft drink and ice cream
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pretty soon and making a fortune barbers in the country having a busy time to the everything over haircut is a hits this summer when wine shops like this one selling air conditioners and fans have a waiting list that run into english my being a container with. mobile conditioners sold out within three weeks just as they had set in many moscow based companies fail to perceive this heat and they didn't want to fill their warehouses because of the crisis last summer we had rains this year no one was ready for the heat in a situation where no mounds of money can buy you a global fresh air emergency centers are receiving thousands of calls from people suffering from heat stroke and sundering. people with lung diseases will find it hard of course it'd be better to take them somewhere where there's no smoke another option would be to buy them respect to treatment ask they sell them in pharmacies. it's far from a dog's life for three friends either this canine takes several shows a day to keep cool its owner here you few theories that that it's fact with his
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goat all year round. there's a look at the poor dog is suffering so much it always comes to sit on my lap said ice hoping i can somehow ease the hit all i can do is pull cold water on it if mother nature is not making people suffer enough she's quite prepared to fru few under fire literally with the tinder dry conditions leading to forest fires some of which have been burning for weeks. the temperatures are going to be up every day it's very tough for our staff recently i heard a story about someone frying eggs on the pavement. now that sounds like a challenge when life gives you lemons make lemonade well in this case muscovites have been given one big oven and i say make omelets. well we're always interested in your opinions on the stories we're covering log onto r.t. dot com and have your say now today we're asking how you keep cool in scorching
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temperatures just over half of voters fifty one percent appear to be walking around in just their underwear twenty nine percent of less provocative preferring to turn on the air conditioner well thirteen percent are stocking up on ice cubes of course and the rest claim to stick their heads in the fridge what's your opinion you can cast your heat wave vote at r.t. dot com in our top story section. despite threats of a nuclear response from north korea a joint navy drill between the u.s. and south korea is underway off the region's peninsula the exercise involving about eight thousand troops with last until wednesday tensions have been running high after an international commission blamed the north the sinking of the south korean ship back in march long and denies any involvement america currently has twenty eight thousand troops based in south korea and fifty thousand more in japan and then it petroff lecture on korean studies at sydney university believes
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washington's actions on provoking pyongyang north korea never threatens first north korea the small distant you for impoverished struggling pariah state so believe that for north korea simply reacts or sometimes over reacts to the threats which comes from outside if united states decides to go ahead and execute an invasion or regime change i would be surprised if you're at some stage decided to use nuclear capability nuclear deterrence against whatever enemy is closest to solve grizz going to be the first victim of the. another standoff with a nuclear pretext is that between israel and the valley you know next hour that's when british journalist alan hot explains why tehran never strike first. let's just supposing iran had one to three dozen nuclear bombs do you think
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you would be stupid enough to launch a first nuclear strike on israel of course it would because the whole of the round would be devastated the real reason why israel is playing up the iranian threat is to deflect political and other attention away from what it is doing in the occupied territories but the only real problem prison is if you ron did possess nuclear weapons it would greatly limit israel's ability to go on imposing its will on the entire region. police say they've killed two militants allegedly involved in last week's attack on a hydro power station in russia's republic of covered in about korea artie's north caucuses correspondent has the details. but you never can you know and the russians are going up about you know about that and have been identified and are from google
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and you know they were placed on the police wanted list for number of crimes in cleveland park on the back burner i grew up around. here and on there is you know it's come on and they want to be led by one of the main there in the region the family although this information has not been confirmed by police were constantly learning what would be the machine gun one pisco grenade and other nations and they were killed but they resisted arrest hi there from a plant in the russian republic of about you know about well that back on july think there's a group on our quantified government force their way through that none. of the men had been the main gate there and then he tried to stop and threaten their look nice try and find out what a control which is for people who can tell you as a result of that are they criminals if you waited for bomb in the engine room it's going to go to generate could it be the bones were equivalent you know of in the
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least they didn't manage to be one ball or the other i think for coming up shortly a controversial option for mothers who abandon this. is a baby box if a mother wanted to meet the child would have to be would be the full understanding of the child inside. that is to save infants not lives but some say it's just going to give up their children. ten years ago so a major turning point for the international space station russian life support systems were installed which meant crew members could spend more time in a bit walking a sea change in experiments which could be carried out. toss or false. it circles the globe about three hundred fifty kilometers of from the earth's surface it is the largest construction in space it is
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a marvel of modern engineering which is approaching a crucial milestone. of the i.s.a.'s is a major contemporary space project it has a huge mass of around three hundred eighty tons it involves a big number of program participants including the united states canada european countries belonging to the european space agency and japan and the station is being used as a big scientific laboratory. though it is a prime example of international cooperation now the roots of the station stem from the apollo soyuz program thirty five years ago when two rival space programs of the u.s. and soviet union integrated technology for the first time twenty years later russia and the u.s. expanded on that shared experience with the goal of creating a permanent space presence. we've done a lot with in the mir shuttle program which was the ancestor of the international space station we work hard to ride similarly as operation of both the mir orbital station and preparation for the launch i remember those years the most interesting
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period of strenuous work which finally did to this great result during the link up there were no hiccups everything went smoothly. this is the mark up of the capsule which is where astronauts and cosmonauts come to train at star city who are traveling to the international space station and it is in here that you get a sense of the significance of this capsule in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight the zarya and the unity capsules worldwatch but it wasn't until ten years ago when the capsule was attached that the space station became livable. i'd say was a foundation of sorts for the rest of the station if the module had failed then other systems work would be pointless since the module consisted largely of life support systems the module made it possible for the crew to stay in both the station it would be impossible to build the station at the pace it was constructed at without this special part of the infrastructure was now in place it was up to
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the station's first crew to get everything in motion. first two weeks were critical since a lot of the systems were being activated for the first time some russian systems segments were merged with us systems those machines had never seen each other in earth and that was the first time they would work together there's sponsibility was huge and that was why the crew had been composed of experienced cosmonauts. ten years on the i.r. sensors approaching the record for a structure being continuously inhabited in space in honor currently held by russia's mir project and while it was originally only supposed to be in service until two thousand and fifteen it looks like a bright future for the international space station which i think a part of our international uses members decided to prolong the station's use until twenty twenty and possibly even longer if the technical state of the station is good. ensuring a continued international presence in space for many more years to come john thomas
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r.t. moscow. it's hard to imagine what goes through the mind of a mother who feels she has to abandon her baby in eastern europe once a nation is a secure container for unwanted infants to be left alone listening for doctors to then find out is never a pause from prague where the baby boxes dividing medics and child care experts. they're all around the czech republic at first sight they're just descript metal doors on the sides of hospitals and government buildings but they've already helped to save dozens of lives this is a baby box ever mother wanted to leave her child or should have to do would be to pull on the handle and put the child inside now it doesn't just a metal container an infant would be able to survive here for several hours but usually they're rescued within several minutes by those on the other side the first one was placed in this private hospital it's still the most popular with nearly
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fifteen children left in five years. as soon as the babies placed inside the door locks on the outside and in the llama settle i remember running to the box for the first time to see the baby inside and showing it to the doctor to be examined like that special i think it is an amazing invention. the baby box inventor is not a doctor but a writer and horse breeder but his idea was not immediately well received with protests from some clergyman and even doctors now cloud though the baby box is high tech with three hundred twenty parts special places to leave unwanted children existed even in ancient times. but the government was wary of the baby books and didn't provide funding as if i was encouraging people to get rid of their children now the perception has changed. but it is life and christina have dated for two
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years and run a hostel in prague although they can have children of their own don't also like to adopt a baby box child. come from a big family i have four brothers and three forty cousins. nephews and everything so i like to do they do not know where or when but sure enough it is a matter of time before someone that want the child will become a welcome addition to their family either of artsy prog. well all the stories we're covering are always available on our website talk to dogs there you can also find expert opinions blogs and videos from this one easy rider. russia's prime minister jordan's bike is essential for skills on wheels in crimea. under the flying don't keep things to ourselves suicide p.r. stunt russian fungus under got this one point.
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five. as the former commander of u.s. forces in afghanistan general mcchrystal begins his retirement debate over the decision to sack him continues some say it's the u.s. special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan richard holbrooke who should have got the push in his latest video blog military analyst who shelf shares his views on the issue. last weekend general mcchrystal had to fire a farewell party at he's at his mansion at fort mcnair in washington d.c. to commemorate the honorable discharge from the active duty in the u.s. forces the most striking feature of that and his command in afghanistan was
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the quiet house decision makers has completely lost a unique opportunity i believe that given the choices the u.s. military intelligence and especially law enforcement community would prefer for general mcchrystal to keep his command and instead to see the u.s. special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan richard holbrooke to be fired from his current position which is an officially called ever again drug lords special representative to be united states it was really remarkable that only top civil servant of god a positive coverage in the rolling stone article by the general mcchrystal to my america was richard holbrooke boss u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton richard holbrooke to go the most negative and the poisonous coverage that was the reason why he was called it wounded animal fun by the mcchrystal team america my guess is that the main reasons for such
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a negative comment was it was mostly a multivariate it's by richard holbrooke's micromanages and double crossing i'm sorry the general mcchrystal efforts i believe it was one of the main impediment for the general mcchrystal to get the job done during his mission impossible efforts as a u.s. commander in afghanistan. well now the white house has fresh controversy concerning the afghan conflict to do with one of the biggest leagues in u.s. military history has revealed a cover up of hundreds of afghan civilian deaths as well as nato fears that pakistan and iran are fueling the insurgency the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks handed over ninety thousand classified documents to british and american newspapers and i believe to come from an american analyst the white house says the leaked pentagon files and field reports were no surprise to threaten national
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security. with german chancellor has demanded an investigation into the deadly stampede at the love parade dance music fest from germany one thousand were killed and three hundred forty two injured as far as numbers of procedures packed into a tunnel which was the only way in or out of the festival organizers of the parade really announced that new ground that inhibited. a former commander rouge prison chief has been found guilty of crimes against humanity and come both the verdict was reached by you and that war crimes tribunal the defendants better known as khomeini boy who was sentenced to thirty five years in prison he admitted to seeing the deaths of up to fifteen thousand prisoners as many as two million people died on the regime of the communist party which ruled in the seventy's. we're coming up in the next edition of crosstalk in two hours time people have these
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guests discuss whether the war on terror could lead to a u.s. invasion of pakistan. the u.s. needs to look at this very carefully before it goes darndest very dangerous part of trying to save yourselves by provoking some kind of a military conflict with pakistan actually most of the american soldiers i know do recognize the appalling dangers of a direct attack on pakistan i think there are two circumstances in which this would happen the first if that was if they really had actionable intelligence concerning bin laden and zawahiri then i think they would launch a raid to get them the second is if of course there's a serious terrorist attack on the united states.
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with one russian american spy story just reaching its conclusion it's a tiny moment for a big screen version hollywood star and in the journey he's in moscow for the premiere of her latest movie salt. i think the film the film is very very different i suppose in some way but but you know i'm very i'm very i'm somebody who's a little political so i love positive relationships between america and russia and all the good thing so so i didn't focus too much on the scandal except i thought it was handled really well by our presidents and kind of very quickly. in the movie julie plays a cia agent who is accused of working with the russian secret services the actress has been to moscow before this is the first time children here with her head of the premier crowds round outside the city despite the temperatures to record highs. charlotte's here but the business news now and we're likely to see the effects now
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on two of the european bank stress test results yes seven out of ninety one the european banks failed their health checks designed to assess banks' ability to survive future economic shocks and the effect of the result will be felt here in russia we'll tell you why a bit later in the program but first b.p.'s chief executive tony hayward is due to step down later on monday he's lived to be replaced by robert dudley who is the company's man in charge of tackling the gulf of mexico oil disaster b.p.'s board is scheduled to meet on monday ahead of announcing its second quarter results among other things as expected to discuss the timing of exit from chief executive has been widely criticized over the govt of mexico spill which is lost the company forty percent of its market capitalization as the man tipped to take over robert dudley has more than thirty years experience in the oil industry including five years and c.e.o. of b.p. russian joint venture tin k b p he left in two thousand and eight after
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a shareholders conflict. now the much anticipated results of the european bank stress tests are out seven of europe's ninety one largest banks failed the exam which was intended to reveal which institutions would not be able to survive a sustained economic downturn or sovereign debt default the banks which were found wanting included germany's hypo real estate which is now government own following a bailout eighty bank of greece and five regional spanish lenders a number of other banks only just passed the tests and they're likely to face market pressure through their capitalization the governments in countries will suspect the situations say they're ready to help them raise the money european markets have not yet had the opportunity to cast their verdicts as a result came out after the close of session if your bank sector struggles when markets do open on monday this is likely to feed through into russia but according
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to peter westin achieve just at eight on they may represent a buying opportunity for investors. the exposure of the russian banks to the force of european countries across our land is two point seven billion dollars thousand times almost less than what the exposure is for european banks they will be punished the russian bank itself will be punished but it probably will be punished and justifiably so do if you do see that negative reaction in the financials and you do see russian banks fall in with them in factories and other buying opportunity of russian financials. tom not have a look at the number of an asian stock market a slightly high on monday later to buy a new three games on relief over the european bank stress tests in japan stocks the rising optimism the domestic. oil exporters of both as close as we feel then talent is up two point two percent honda rose one point four cents hong kong was all sector stocks that also paid for the advanced. stocks here in moscow how to make
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day on friday financials look how and why those stress results of european banks be in private hands exam more than one party with a big day of mine is a real stand off one from great extent although of course the government may take the stage and mitchell game one point six percent for a second quarter profit two hundred twenty percent year on new. low or import tariffs to steel products higher taxes for fairest metal producers under more transparent pricing policy russia's big steel consumers want the government to take action against the well the steel industry does business and is a grand gathering of producers and consumers in the city of chile are doing so over the weekend it seems prime minister putin was happy to oblige tonight i'm in favor of reports. let me put you regrets that his comments about metals pricing policy two years ago led to twenty percent drop in its share price but he clearly wasn't sorry about any other thank you may have had this time prime minister held up metal
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as an example for others to follow he said the company treats russian consumers well and was not under suspicion for price fixing the same could not be said about six other metals competitors which are under investigation for selling their product at a higher price to russian consumers than for export its alleged irregularities in transfer pricing where the producers sell product to a friendly offshore company at a much reduced tariff to avoid tax in the ocean a company that sells the steel to foreign consumers at normal world market rates. most of the call and metal producers present here by selling their product to russian customers fifteen to twenty percent higher than world prices we're talking about export price we see the evidence of companies using transfer pricing export contracts are two to three times lower than the world's price for the offshore companies it's discriminatory pricing towards russian customers. the meeting went
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for two and a half hours and was broadcast in full life one russian t.v. still producers as well as there and consumers in the old two in oil and gas industries all explained their views on the stumbling points in the chain from coal to still sheet closing the meeting said the government would take strong measures if the companies continue to misbehave but it's to the government wants to provide support to the sector but if we see that the measures formulated in the north are not enough to ensure the sector acts within the law then we will have to tighten those measures and why why i should say that we will do it if we do not see the right feedback and feed big there was in chalabi before the meeting the demand put in media tour of the city and noted that with all of them wondering is ation of the numerous plants in the city little attention or speed to the people even the local beach lack basic facilities next morning some be there is where police to find changing rooms toilets and sun loungers it's clear that putting expect
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hype that. market. why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines join in to cause a report on our. motion to be soo much brighter than if you knew me poundstone from phones to impression. from stocks on t.v. dot com.
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this is our t.v. the headlines that there's no end in sight for russia's exceptional heat wave which has seen the hottest month on record the stitching hate continues to claim the lights of the christening threaten the country's farming industry. the international space station marks ten years since it first became profitable call the knowledge a structure of space became possible to russian module life support systems docked with the orbital. concept of baby books is gaining popularity is to mothers who want to anonymously give up their born children can do so in some small containers installed on the sides of hospitals and government buildings. the next report on the.
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