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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 26, 2010 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT

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hundreds of civilians increased taliban attacks as well as nato fears that pakistan and iran a backing the insurgency correspondents are working on both sides of the atlantic laura emmott's in london christine for us in washington. it is some suggestion that this is nothing new we knew this before we knew that there was corruption running right through the war in afghanistan and we knew that this was going on but certainly to see it in black and white particularly represented by as you say more than ninety thousand documents is something quite extraordinary what happened was that julian assange the founder of wiki leaks released this information ahead of time to three newspapers one here in london the guardian one in germany and also to the new york times they then looked at that information and assess what they wanted to write about and whether the information was genuine and he then held a media conference. and talked about it and one of the things that he said was he was pressed by journalists on war crimes whether he thought there was evidence
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of war crimes here and eventually he said that he felt that it was for a cool it's of course to decide what constitutes a war crime and whether this did but he's looking at the documents that he has seen felt that there was evidence of war crimes having been committed during this war some of these documents are about civilian deaths going on reported. to pick out one that he. was difficult to do that he said it's the. war that we don't necessarily know about when you read about some of these papers that say shocking going deaths of children the deaths of civilians the deaths of servicemen which he said to the every day squaller war another thing that he says is shown by the documents is that pakistan which is being given a billion dollars a year by the u.s. government to help them in their fight against afghan insurgency is in fact not helping hindering the members of the spy service or meeting with taliban leaders
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and organizing the militant groups that are in fact quite senior u.s. soldiers practice on a pull out investment need to. one of the most interesting things about this is that this not is. at the end of this story there are already as we've said ninety thousand documents but. there are fifteen thousand more that he has yet to assess but he is going to put out there when he judges the time is right we will release nearly all of them. thought some of them may need production some of them may need to. be there for release eventually the full material will be released as the security situation you know going to stain the record to understand that this material has been held back. to assist one side of the conflict or the other but to make sure that the civilian population you know going to stand this sort of
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. publish today will to christine result kristie the white house is saying this leak compromises u.s. national security how did they come down on these revelations today. well given they're coming down very hard on many levels as you said the national security level they say that this makes the fight against extremist much harder to have this information out here they're also coming down quite hard on wiki leaks press briefing wrapped up with president obama's press secretary robert gibbs he says wiki leaks is not an unbiased media source something interesting to note here. no point even though a lot of the questions i would even say the majority of the questions to mr gibbs were about this week you leaks not once did he necessarily dispute the content of it he did sort of try to say again that wiki leaks was not totally credible and he really disputed how this came about that this is a breach of law so certainly the white house coming down but in addition to this criticism they are also really really downplaying what has been released on wiki
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leaks they're saying that you know this is from a period of time the majority of which president obama wasn't even in office it was a time that he wasn't overseeing the war and that since december two thousand and nine which is sort of when this picture that's painted in the document that the relationship between the united states and pakistan has gotten much better he says also sort of trying to turn this wiki leaks story around he says you know some of these atrocities that you see in these leaks well these are the reasons that president obama saw to throw more money he said it shows that the war was underfunded that the strategy was sort of on the wrong path and these are reasons if nothing else that the president got in there and threw more money have the troop surge happened so we're really trying to shift the message here from the white house in terms of what's happening. with washington. is the director of the american to war coalition you says he feels the u.s. government's quickly trying to twist the truth. well the obama administration's
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pronouncement is like an alice in wonderland turning reality upside down they are the ones who are putting american soldiers and afghans lives at risk and in fact taking those lives every day in a war that they know can't be won and yet when wiki leaks and people who are whistleblowers tell the truth then this sort of explanation from the white house is that these people who are telling the truth exposing the lies are the ones putting the people's lives in danger i mean that is so ludicrous such nonsense but because of the tepid character of the the propaganda nature of the us corporate media that line will be promulgated time and time again today and tomorrow and in the coming days but i don't think the american people will believe that they want to know the truth. jim brown from the stop the war coalition in london spoke to us about who he thinks was responsible for the documents being leaked. i think we have to assume in the first place we have to assure you this is some individual who doesn't agree
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with united states afghan policy probably wants to expose what has gone on because we know how many wedding parties for example have been blown up over the years it's also possible that this is something that the some official within the united states armed forces has leaked there is the question of claiming that pakistani intelligence is behind behind the attacks and it could be part of the admiral mullen saying yesterday that the pakistan government must do more to locate some of in london for example and it could be part of that campaign it's also a campaign waged by hillary clinton who says that somebody in the pakistan government knows where osama bin laden is so they could be that argument but i think in the first place we should trust that this is some on missed individual who wants the world to know what's actually being going on another angle of this whole story today robert fisk the middle east correspondent for the british daily the
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independent said in stories like this the internet is stepping over the toes of newspaper and t.v. journalism these days we've got all these expensive newspapers with huge investigative staffs watching those new york times in london in france and yet we didn't get this story it was the internet that got it this is the most important proof so far that in many ways newspaper journalism is retreating and going along with authority please can i be embedded i mean i'm not a baby but please can i be embedded can i go with the tenth mountain division can i be with the british army and these reporters are not getting the story and these people this week leaks organization which i have some serious concerns they have managed to do it on a mass bulk scale we've never seen recently in modern newspaper journalism or television journalism this i think it's one of the lessons for us journalists. coming up on the program in just a few minutes time. this is a baby box if a mother wanted to meet her child all should have to do would be to pull on the
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handle put the child inside it is designed to save infants lives but critics say it's encouraging women to give up their children. and moscow says all forecasters say the hottest day since records began one hundred thirty years ago our correspondent braved the sweltering streets of the capital more but just a few moments to. first iran has denounced the use decision to impose new sanctions targeting the country's nuclear program the measures are said to come into force in the next few weeks the downswing came after the foreign ministers of turkey brazil and iran met in ankara the u.n. and the u.s. imposed tougher sanctions on iran last month after the country failed to accept a u.n. fuel swap deal instead it opted for a plan backed by turkey and brazil which doesn't halt the rams in richmond process israel claims around poses a real region nuclear threat to the region but veteran british journalist alan hart says to rand would never strike first. let's just supposing
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iran had one two three dozen nuclear bombs do you think he brand would be stupid enough to launch a first nuclear strike on israel of course he wouldn't because the whole of the rand would be devastated the real reason why israel is playing up the iranian threat is to deflect political and other attention away from what it is doing in the occupied territories but the only real problem. is if you ron did possess nuclear weapons it would greatly limit israel's ability to go on imposing its will on the entire region. moscow is struggling with its hottest day since records began one hundred thirty years ago and it seems there's no end in sight either to the scorching weather there's been plaguing russians as the president of heat wave the country's sizzles on foul smelling small from burning pate bogs and spreading over
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the city is emergency team struggle to bring the flames of a control or as pogo artie's jacob grieves who braved the sweltering streets. people all over the world let's face it love to moan about the weather is too hot or too cold just how bad is it maybe that. well i might be the first a minor me i much rather be in your the air conditioned studio than out here braving the he how she said but is cooled down slightly at the moment but yet today was you said it was a record breaking day the hottest day in moscow ever really a record breaking month in july it was temps just soaring into the high seas they just had problems as well as kicked off the swimming season but already across russia in july there's been a thousand people were drowned as a kid were swimming season starts has also been a lot of people just suffering in the intense heat and earlier on we got speeches on those people who have been suffering when i woke up in the morning and failed
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the smell of smoke and it was very difficult to breathe it seems to me that most goes moved to africa it's the third week since we have no it a brief the only relief can be found at the lake and it's very uncomfortable to live in this small breach different smells it's like living the garbage i'm gasping for breath. i live in the contre side and try to go to the city only for three last three day came and now i feel bad i have to take special medicine to be able to breathe in the city it's not just the heat is also being thick barrels small go around moscow today now that came from pete some bloke fires that were burning on the outskirts of the city the mercy ministry said there's be sixty such fires today in the last twenty four hours and that's covered a area of over seventy hectares or thirty football pitches dictions that temperatures could reach into the forty degree celsius towards the end of the week so there may not be any rest by store and that's also been just to add to the woes
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of of people living in moscow they could potentially be tornadoes on the outskirts and moscow region so tropical conditions really over you know and even. doc has been warning that because of the lack of oxygen in the air there is an essay for caution that if you're at home to the coat get the white towels and put them up over windows to increase the oxygen levels in the house. by some or many of them that one place you can be sure to escape the heat is space and the international space station crew say it's a great retreat in the summer they are currently celebrating ten years since the i assessed became habitable and sent their greetings to us earthlings to mark the occasion. square here in our space office is the best window view there's no traffic jams on the way to work though there are not many people around in space aliens haven't visited us yet we're never bored and luckily we are far away from. the international space station became inhabited when new russian and
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american life support systems are installed and also about more research could be carried out r.t. shaun thomas went to witness some of the wonders of space engineering up. its circles the globe about three hundred fifty kilometers from the earth's surface it is the largest construction in space it is a marvel of modern engineering which is approaching a crucial milestone moment of response to the i assume this is a major contemporary space project it has a huge mass of around three hundred eighty tons it involves a big number of program participants including the united states canada european countries belonging to the european space agency and japan and the station is being used as a big scientific laboratory. though it is a prime example of international cooperation now the roots of the station stem from the apollo soyuz program thirty five years ago when two rival space programs of the u.s. and soviet union integrated technology for the first time twenty years later russia
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and the u.s. expanded on that shared experience with the goal of creating a permanent space presence. we did a lot with in the mir shuttle program which was the ancestor of the international space station we work hard to provide similar nice operation of both the mir orbital station and preparation for the i s s launch i remember those years the most interesting period of strenuous work which finally did to this great result during the link up there were no hiccups and everything went smoothly. this is the mark up of the capsule which is where astronauts and cosmonauts come to train at star city who are traveling to the international space station and it is in here that you get a sense of the significance of this capsule in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight the zarya and the unity capsules worldwatch but it wasn't until ten years ago when there's various the capsule was attached that the space station became livable . i'd say was
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a validation of sorts for the rest of the station if the module had failed then other systems were would be pointless since the module consisted largely of life support systems the module made it possible for their crew to stay in both the station it would be impossible to build the station at the pace it was constructed at without the special part. the infrastructure was now in place it was up to the station's first crew to get everything in motion. two weeks were critical since a lot of the systems were being activated for the first time some russian system segments were merged with us systems those machines had never seen each other in earth and that was the first time they would work together bonce ability was huge and that was why they're pretty had been composed of experienced cosmonauts ten years on the i s s is approaching the record for a structure being continuously inhabited in space and on a currently held by russia's mir project and while it was originally only supposed to be in service until two thousand and fifteen it looks like
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a bright future for the international space station which i think a part of. my assessment has decided to prolong the station's use until twenty twenty and possibly even longer if the technical state of the station is good for. ensuring a continued international presence in space for many more years to come john thomas r.t. moscow. abandoned babies are often found in strange and sad places sometimes in discarded like rubbish in the czech republic though it's five years now since a special facility was set up for women who give away their newborn children the so-called baby boxes sparked protests though from clergymen and even doctors who claim it encourages mothers to abandon their babies. they're all around the czech republic at first sight they're just nondescript metal doors on the sides of hospitals and government buildings but they've already helped to save dozens of lives this is
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a baby box ever mother wanted to meet her child all she'd have to do would be to pull on the handle and put the child inside now it doesn't just the metal container an infant would be able to survive here for several hours but usually they're rescued within several minutes by those on the other side the first one was placed in this private hospital it's still the most popular with nearly fifteen children left here in five years. maybe books as soon as the babies placed inside the door locks on the outside and in the llama settles i remember running to the box for the first time to see the baby inside and showing it to the doctor to be examined like i felt special i think it is an amazing invention. the baby books and learned is not a doctor but a writer and horse breeder but his idea was not immediately well received with protests from some clergyman and even doctors. though the baby books is high tech with three hundred twenty parts special places to leave unwanted children exist
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even in ancient times. but the government was wary of the baby books and didn't provide funding is if i was encouraging people to get rid of their children i know the perception has changed. but it is love and christina have dated for two years and run a hostel in prague although they can have children of their own don't also like to adopt a baby box child. come from a big family with four brothers and three forty cousins who refuse to live with me so i'm going to do they do not know where or when but sure enough it is a matter of time before someone doesn't want the child will become a welcome addition to their family. r.t. prague. she's actually twenty minutes past eleven at night now here in moscow let me bring you up to date on some world news in brief a suicide bomber driving a mini bus by an arabic television station in baghdad is killed at least nineteen
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there and wounded sixteen others officials say they have evidence that al qaeda had been planning to attack arabic channels in the country it's thought iraqi militants see the al out of be a news station is to pro western because it regularly interviews u.s. state figures. in the netherlands a service trains crashed into a public square after a failed to stop at the end of a line traveling hundreds of meters on from the tracks it ran through selling equipment store went on to hit recycling facilities place say no one else was seriously injured there investigating the incident. german chancellor's demanded an investigation into the deadly stampede at the love parade music festival in germany nineteen. killed three hundred forty two injured as vast numbers of party goers packed into a tunnel which was the only way in or out of the event the organizers of the parade already announced it will never again. so the head we ask of pakistan is facing the prospect of becoming
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a failed state the us claims its an important ally in the war on terror but our washington islamabad really seeing eye to eye will talk about that right after the business news next with daniel. welcome to business b.p. is expected to announce the replacement of c tony hayward before its quarterly results on tuesday and did a new twist haywood could be given a directorship at the company's russian joint venture that means he would effectively swap roles with the american robert dudley who was head of b.p. until two years ago hayward is expected to leave his post as chief executive in october he's been widely criticised over the gulf of mexico spill which has cost the company forty percent of its market capitalization but his replacement is no stranger to conflict robert dudley left russia two years ago after a dispute with local shareholders of b.p. there have been reports b.p.
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could so lucrative russian venture teeing k.b.p.s. the state owned gazprom all rosneft but oil and gas unless alexander nazar for metropol says the deal would make sense. no i don't think so and the primary reason is there probably is not there is no bias there at the market but the reason is the e.p. doesn't need to sell take a v.p. right now because he now an excellent assets for b.p. because b.p. needs now a lot of cash in order to sell down all consequences of the spiel in the mexican gulf he's an excellent cash cow and it generates several billions of dollars every year as a difference for b.p. that actually that what b.p. needs now exactly. in last several months was rumored not as an acquisition target but seeking an acquisition target primarily in downstream and retail now the furnace ministry is planning russia's biggest sales since the early
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ninety's the government aims to raise up to thirty billion dollars over three years to cut the budget deficit minority stakes in ten companies are up for grabs including russia's largest oil producer rosneft power generates a roof hydro and top lyndon b. and as burbank the government could keep fifty percent plus one share of these partially listed firms it may lead to sell stakes in the listed organizations like russia's rail monopoly. the stress test of europe's largest banks has given a boost to the euro despite claims to toughen off the bones which filled the already being bailed out by the respective governments while joe burns was criticized for withholding information or exposure to soviet markets shrugged off those doubts. russian markets have demonstrated quite a humble reaction on the european banking stress but that comes as no surprise that analysts say they haven't been expecting any serious implications for the russian
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markets i have to remind you that last friday ninety one european banks under one stress tests designed to show how europe's financial institutions would behave in case of another financial downturn the banks have been asked to estimate how much additional capital they would need in adverse in areas such as continuing recession and additional sovereign shock now seven out of ninety one banks failed the exam but that's less than expected the banks that failed include german mortgage bank real estate bank of greece and five spanish savings banks now critics say the test wasn't tough enough as it didn't look at what would happen if one of the members of the euro zone defaulted they also point out that the members of the european union didn't even consider the possibility of a sovereign debt crisis at the same time the task is believed to to help restore confidence in the european banking system but the market players say that the test
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such tests can only work if the market believes it's credible. finished more than three percent of. the reporting profit thirty seven percent in the first half of the year. as the process of light sweet holds near seventy nine. dollars a barrel. and the european bank of reconstruction and development is in talks to buy a ten percent stake in the russian stock market is buying the state from kit finance a bank which was an early victim of the financial crisis. the plans to make the purchase with an undisclosed russian state lend the states estimated to be worth eighty million dollars. to improve standards on russia's stock market. rising oil prices have boosted russia's budget revenues the state budget to one
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hundred twenty two billion dollars from the first half of the year that's up thirty percent from the same period of two thousand and nine the low in share represents tax payments on oil and gas production. and daughter make again as has shot its factory in nizhni novgorod for a fortnight blaming the record heat produced to sending thousands of workers on paid leave after a month of temperatures topping thirty degrees centigrade the company's own by tycoon pascal there's that for me you can find more stories on our web site that's at the dot com slash business.
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culture is that so much of an oldish musician doesn't find new riders in the market does pakistan face the prospect of becoming a failed state it was claims it is an indispensable ally in its so-called war on terror. the. russians would be so much brighter if you knew all about songs from first impressions. please for instance on t.v.
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dot com. wealthy british style. is not on the title of my. current. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to a report. from
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moscow just joins us to zero top stories tonight embarrassing exposure the biggest leak in u.s. military history reveals so over the war in afghanistan including unreported civilian deaths and pakistani support for the taliban. a space to call home it's ten years now since the international space station first became habitable when a russian module with life support systems docked with the orbiter. and abandoned. i'm sent to baby boxes where mothers can anonymously leave their newborns with hope better future. in a moment and sarkozy's lively debate show crosstalk in this latest edition people of eleanor's guest debate whether pakistan is becoming a failed state and if it could be the target of the next american led invasion in the region it's coming right up.


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